A candid narrative of the rise and progress of the Herrnhuters, commonly call'd Moravians or Unitas Fratrum, : with a short account of their doctrines, drawn from their own writings. To which are added, observations on their politics in general, and

발행: 1753년

분량: 198페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


an to Orphans of hos Substanc In ventorie are tot taken , and whatae long to them is aithfult to e re served, and no tot deliver' into the mand of the Societyi thei Directorf, who neve continue long in ne tace. Ali Contradis, Wills and Donations are eithe to e made in the fame annei vas has been sed hitherio, or at least, . after previ ou Inquiry, tote confirmed. Register of at the Inhabitants of Birilis and Burials is every ear to e sent in an nolodycis to e allo ed, of what Condition Oever, o mahe any Regulation at Herrnhaag, tales it be rars approve by the SoVereign. The Person that is to reside at Her Mag on the Par of the overtament, is to order the axe to e levied that areo be paid. Thus a thorough Information ill e go of the Constitutior of the Hemnfuter in Spirituat an Temporal

The overeign agreed to very Potnt of this opinion, offer inito pay a Sallar tolli Person that was to reside at Herrnhaag, and ordered these severat Articles tot reduced into an Ordinance. Buties ore this could e done Count Zinetendors reneWed his Correspondeiace, herein e contested thelook dispo as a Forensis, and not be subjecto the Law of the Country, and asae continuatly changed ais eupte, there ere in Realit se Inhabitanis that couldae calle Subjecto.


s iii I


ha in many Res pedis acted against the

Grant. However, he had allea at Hand, which was to justisy his Conduct at once. Vis a persona Pauli os mine, saysae in a Leiter to the overeignis Buringen, and it proceias, a 'tis nown to the omniscienti

uin is otherisse, hancifarias a Ser Uantos Ioura, in Iour Past, and unde an Obligation os an at to Iou, and neve imaginta that there couldie a disserent Interes betqueenus. Upo considering the Count' disingenuous and selfisi Dealings, at ready detected, and whicli mill stili more appear hereaster, is it possibi to belleve, saysiurAuthor that he could on ritinithis, ef re fro the most severe Reproaches of Conscience Ne Overtures, horti aster his, eremad by the Count, in hicli hesacknowledged that the Constitutionis the Her= hutem Hli ad the Appearance of heinia State isti his a State, and destred that some ta-



to greater Inconveruences in Timest come;

tyetri Wa thought prope to examine the projected Statutes of the Counes and thesebein found such, as ould confirm the. Constitution of the Her huten, hould thes Articles passi into an Adt: The So- aereigri no renewed his Orders, sor re-


at the Bottona of the Atatis of the o se nand that the Statutes prqjected by him, ere


neve have any Rest.' illi man other Expresiiqns thatheirayed a vindictive Spirit, ich the Deputy, Without Interruption, suffered him o veni landipon the Count's

gan to spea in si different a Stile rom at he had done besore, that the Deputygre quit astonishexat his sudden Trans-

mit among the rethren, ad excellent


good Orde observe by them, . insem ring theiace, that heres asino Necessit of appotiatin any Person to reside at Herr Dag on theiar of the GoVertamenti that ducti a Persen ould e data gerous to the Society, and occasion ali iis Member towithdraw, and thus in a stor Time the Placewould become uninhabited to the nosmallios of the Govertament. At tengili Count Zinaendor proposed that in casse it. absolutet was insistediponciliat a Person

ra Times orarib him, hereos he relates the Particulars. When his falled, e had offere him a lucrative Employmen fromthe Society accordinito whichae liouldgive them his Advice hen occasion requi-red, ut at the sanae Time remat in the Service of the overtament; and this be- in again ejected, ad fought to engagehim in the Service of a Relation of his These, say the Author, are Artifices, whicli in ome Resped might be overtooked in a Negotiator, ut are unWorth of Ρer n that seisi forta Resormer, and who ought to convince only by Strengiliis Argumient an no by Corruption.


Consciences the overtament ad eXperi- ence atready to osten, that he Count comprehende political alter unde that Denomination, and that, accordinito him, tristing altera re intentisne Casus stantis cadentis Ecclesiae, that he theresere can


tos 1 and the imprudent eopte illsoon mali of thei Obedience, dethrone Princes an gain that by Force, hicli heno endeavour to et by Crast. his Judgmen is no too severe continues the Author, is e consider, haesthe Count says in lain oriis, in a Leiter omne of the Member of the Regency, dated Februa 1 7, 7 7 by mentioning the Disserenceth Societ ha&with the inios Demari, abolit thei Settiemen in his Dominions, whicli the had also obtained unde false Pretences), Via. In this Disserenoe, me Ral a las, e oblige to an e Argumentis Regum This hews his illingnes and Disposition to ct wheneve he hal have issicientiower Assor the Church Discipline

accommodate iniselyto Circumstances for Instance,