A candid narrative of the rise and progress of the Herrnhuters, commonly call'd Moravians or Unitas Fratrum, : with a short account of their doctrines, drawn from their own writings. To which are added, observations on their politics in general, and

발행: 1753년

분량: 198페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


to treat personali With the Count, in What manne the Differences that ad arisen,

2 'Tis express d in Germn by the ordius, whicli contains hirty Acres iwherefore these ten Thous and ardiand mus comprehendis Extent of three Hundred Thousandi res and undoubtedly the other Lordiui comprehend a much.


and as for the other Proposais, e confined himself to Protestations that he enti relyacted so the Interest of the overnnient: thus nothing was conclude in the severat

Meetings et so the adjustinios these

accessary to the promulging of them, bygrantingiuina his Licence When the Count


had Notice of this Refusal, he in alaugii ty


apprised that he Herrnhutera intended, o put Count laetendors in the ossession fili morigage Demesaes, and that thetrue reditor ad atready made, ver his Right to him; ut that the Count delay'dmakinius of the Cestion, On account of some other Regulations helesore Was millinito alteri Order Were gi ven hy the GoVerriment, o oblige. thelerson, hociri themam os p. Be in possest' themorigaged states, and thos that welithere toto Homage, as other Subject in the Count l, ad done and to e oin them, to receive no Order froin the Count, oran of the lites at Herpnbaag. his Was immediatet executed, and thereby a Stomput to the pretended Independency of the ossessor of thes Estates Assurance


eonser,ith the Count, or the Elder of the Herrabuten These ere quite therwise disposed the Count a bold nough toste his Resentinent the lan he had formedior making himself,ith his Society independent, a by these eas ures fru traled. In the Interim, that Beuniu's An-1wer. Whicli, 'tis iobe supposed, he thoughtwould quare illi his levis Was X- pected, e sed Menaces, in an indirect Manner And in Orde to malle the o venament sensibie, haesit ould have odoWithio insignificant People go a Wxitingdelivered in to the Regency in themanae of the Deputies of the whole Society of the Unitas Fratrum, subscribed by one, hocalis himself Assessor of the College of Sem-m, liwIuch is the rivi Counci of the Count m another, Who agris in the ameo the Reforme Trope , a thir subscribes himself there in the ame of the Lut feranli and a fourth designing himself by his Subscription tole Deacon-Generalis the Brotherhood That formidabis Boo inthi Wri ting declared that the were uardi sis r. Beuning and on that ACCOUnt, thought prope to protest against the Steps


th Nam os Guardians have hemisposalos it, and that it is angerous o have Dealings With an Herrnhater, a the whole Body directi meddies incit, and non ofthei Member can et, ut by the Di rection of the Chiesis. He also quotes here sim Instances of the Dissionestyos thes Guardians, parti milli respectriothei pretendedivpiis, and parti to thosethat re not of thei Sect. I shal onlymention ne of this ast Sort; hicli is,

the origagee instead of the 4 percent al-lowed hina, made more than 6 or , by the Use of the Estates, and earing that this intime might e looked into destres of the Person thalaad the Care of them, to keep

and when his an, ho seem to have been more hones than the Chleis, and un-willinito falsis the Bootis, made Scrupleos doiniit, he in another Leuer o him, date 19, 17 6, telis him, that what

The Count findinia Par of his Planthwarted by the to precipitate Answer of


int iis System both as to Spirituals and Temporals For his Purpos the madethe followin Reportes thei Sovereign; That an Cirumstances, whicli ad come to the nowledge of that Board, and whicli ad the Appearance of Ρro l bability, required that a Commissionis hould est siued, o inquire into the Af- fair of this Society; ut that there,ere many Considerations whichiui obstacles almo insuperable in the Way. In the fir9 lace, en lassiciently c able of executita suci, a Commission both among the Clerg and Laity, ere not eas tole ound in this Country, and f

there,ere ome that could undertakecit; thei ordinar occupations Would hinder them frona executiniit in thoe anne it ough tote. Secondiy, The Her huters would represent thes Commissaries as partiat, heres ore, in Case a Commission mould ake Place, ne or more PersonS,



Affairs that the most conversant in in tricate atters ould e con unded; and this mould happendo much the mores to those, ho had thei ordinar occu- pation to atten and could not pend much Time o inquire into fuch alters. Andris the principalioints of thei Plan should et remat undiscover'd, his Would mali the alter orse still, in that the Herensatera ould continuat ly

boa oscit, an fron this Commission


depende thereon. It ad a Right to

understandinitis Interest, in Cas it dot not o far examine into the Foundation


thod for an Inquir appeare the ost

vations concerning thei Doctrines, Li- turgy, interior and exterior Constitution

in Church Acthirs, an to sen in these