장음표시 사용
reser 'ed for professe Members, initiated in the most secret Mysteries of the Society,
thren I avoid givin a Description ofthem Psiould even e inclined totope, that there is no the east Foundation sorsuch an horribi Charge, and that thewhole is a Caluinny. ut there are Wo Things, hicli prevent a Decision in their Favour. The oneris that this is chargedilpon them by grave People, ho are in the Way of knowing, hat passes in the inneriar of the Society. I have particularly in Vie , r. Alexander Volch, Secretary of State, an Counsellor of the
ceed against him by due Course of Lamis the can convidi him o Falshood. r. Lutem aue, Minister atra lerdam, homCount Zinetendors praises much in his Natura Resentions page 36, and would have made a Bisaop, though he had wrote against him, is also one of thos that confirm these Accusations The other olive, hichiinder his frona acquitiing the Chies of Herenhutis is that these sup- posse infamous Mysteries happen, ni r- tunatet for them, o fati in illi ha liave reporte of thei Doctrine, and with
I could relate a great an other Things concerning Herrnhutism, ut hali reserve them for another opportunity. Besides, what has been said is sussicient, in the mean while, to enable the Worid tessor a Judg-ment of this Sech. question, hether Examples are tole ound of a Fanatici more Xtrmagant, an a bissem moregros an scandalous Lam neverthelessapio belleve, that many of Count Zin-zendor stollowers, are Men o farietter Principies, than he would instili into their Minds, and that the direct thei Pietyand Conduet accordinito the Rules of Christianity, hicli the were formerlytaught an have stili preserved, atherthan by the ne Instructionsae ives them. A this hori Sketch of the Doctrines of Herenhuism, is taken fro Count Zinaendor siwn Sermons and Writings, without addinito or substracting rom them, it wilhappea strange that he hould presume todeclare himself of the Au urg Confession,
of borrowed enominations in Orde tomal e his Principies: down With the lessStraining 'Tis undoubtedly, frona thesam Motive, e so arefuit endeavouxsto persuade the orld that his Society, either in Pari, o in the Whole, is a Remnant of the ancient oravian Chureli, and Professors of iis Tenets though the contrar cante made appea by authenti historica Records, and that he si stiroached the Doctrines of his Seet, adding at Times, substractinia others, tilicit arrived to the State it is at present in Such hisis, Dar, mill induce the Reade to have bucanindifferent opinion of the Divine Missionthe Count pretend to; but et him remember What has been quoted above frona his sublime Doctor' own Writings, viz. That
are intiret Strauera loci, that, rea bonisntabat me do notiano that, have non ofthsse alifications that are required for ar, guing about Thius that concern him, and that
for ju in pertinenti os bis Condun, eius
danger the Securityis a Government For, Wheneve it can e made appea that theyliave concealed the Truth, and that their Principies are dangerous, the most solemn Granis gi ven to suci a Society, cannot belooked pon in an other Light than assurreptiliousi obtained.
edon e that the Articles above related a re ut acuunt of artis thei System, and haVe, ascit mere,
cani more naturat, ut that a Goverriment, hi chirant Libertyis Conscienceto a Society, shout be informe of themost minute Paris of thei Doctrine, Discipline, and interior State in by thisonly a Judgment an e made, hether
Zinzendorf, heneve this objectio hasbeen madesto him in ther Countries, has an1werex Come and seri that is o say, Come amon us an se in What manner
manifes ou Teneis, and that e re a
duce to approve thei Doctrines Andyet Time has hewed that even thosel'rinces, who had so favourable an opiniono the Herrnhuters, and is possibie, ould have ad them continue in thei Domini-Ons, ound thenaseives a tengili unde a Necessit to cause their migration and that the same Body of Divines, though, as may be belleved, illi great eluctan Cy, were obliged to retrae thei forme Testimonials The Chies of the maΥnhutera were ound to e a Sor of eople, hos
mnes than the thought fit thos se id
know that are notis thei Sech the An- ωers the gave to the uestion proposed to them, were ut o Evasions and their Synodalaeti contained, more, than What the thought prope to divulge This has heen ound to e the Characteristic os Hermhuti , by hicli iis Follower distin isti themselves in particular rom ali Sectaries that et appeared. e meet with non that ever endemour' to maria Mysterno their Doctrines, thenopenlyprofest' them, ome evenited sor them; and in adting thus, the a least appeared
dacious to accuse of havisi plos false
ait Achis are no initiate in the M ter of
gewis hein Gemeln-Syndicat an or aucti aus biosse mens chlicher Art, deniwes das Heri volt rast, des geli der Mund uber bald et wenigi viet' avo gered haben da liat man gur ali gemeinen Theologie, Eum Fuiter vors meli, wies de Hirte austreibi, gemachi Tria galeae The great stery, Christ,hisper'd into the ars of his Apostles, who in thei Episties committe the fame to their Congregations as a Truth whisper d into thei Ears, and which either fio an ancient National Simplicityssor in thos Day the spolie illi greate Securi
ner, that the ma not be abis to repea them, dis it is necessarito make a Name, hom anotheria o imitate, on rite a Character. hico
a good opinion oscit, o account of theman notorious Untrullis it Chies openlymalle se os, hereos stili more Instances wil appea in the Seque of this reati Q. The Passages quoted here rom the Count'sown Sermons, might i Veis an Opportunity to saew, o grossy he imposes ponthe overtament, by retendinito rotestantista, and that this Denomination fit his no more, than is a Tur ciliould callhimself a m on account of havinikepis me of the wiss Doctrines in his Systemo Religion. ut a Pana persuaded the judiciolas Reade Will, of his own Accord, eas1ly discove thes Artifices, I hali onlyad to what has been said that, accordingto the Count' own Consession there are alter in the Doctrinal artis his neis Religion, hici must be kept secret, andare Mysteries no tot divulged to sicli agare notis his Sect that it sanown hedi no acquain the Legislative Ρower of thes Reaim therewith ashe ought to havedone, hicli heressere oves no judge
u hether o no these secret Doctrines intemsered with the Security of the Govertament, that rom the gros Doctrines that have escape him, and are mentioned here, enaturally must belleve, that there are stili more, hich ill o bear a Scrutiny, and that there re the Count' whole Sysetem is to e suspected speciali a nobody an e ignorant, What pernicioua Scheme in forme Ages have been carriedin unde the Clohe of Religion. An in I a Governmen has Reason to suspect
the interior State of their mira, ut suchas are Membres of his Sen, ill asit beneve, that nothiniis proposed here, ut What every bod may be appri sed of 'Tison the Contrar known that he hies of the Society comprehen political atters