A candid narrative of the rise and progress of the Herrnhuters, commonly call'd Moravians or Unitas Fratrum, : with a short account of their doctrines, drawn from their own writings. To which are added, observations on their politics in general, and

발행: 1753년

분량: 198페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


prepare thenaseives for it by an Aetion, good orks, good Resolutions Theymust be told that ali that has been belleve t


susscient to mali us De to receive Grace, tote transformessito the Image of theltile

was man vor diesem ur Praeparation ereclinet, a

dasLammteinthineingebildet,ehe man ficti elae Stunde druber hesonne hat. Translateae Tis a capital Knowledge o Truth that suctis have not et received Grace, as are notoet Child renis God, as restit to experience Reconciliation, as do notano vetupo voliat Term the areis illi their Creator an Sariour, ought no in these Days, no live in to beengaged is prepare theniselves for it by Actions, good Worlas, o good Resolutions bucit musti intimaledis them, that halever elare this Time, has been


A Persen regeneraled e oys a great Liberty. He doth ha the aviour gives him an Inclination to do, and what he hasno Inclination for hecis no obligesto do. He doth what the Savi ou mahes hi do, for hecis the aster, in hos Pomer itis to mallelaws anxio repea them; hoat ali Times an change the Oeconom ofSalvation mali criminal What was Vir- tuous, and virtuous what Was criminalis . Tisbelieved to eis reparation se cominit God is


Gedanhe st, den 1ne haben han. Transas . He the Saviour ca dispose of Life and Soui, heian malae the aconom of Salvation and change it ever Hour, that the indermostae the foremost he canmahe Laius and abrogate them ' can malae that tobe mores,icli is against Nature the greates Virtuet be the mos villainous Action, and the mos viris ous Thought to e the most criminat he can, in aQuarte os an Hour, malae beabam illincto kill his Son whicli howeve is the most abominatae Thoughς


. . est Handomon thos that are called

to mean o b assigne them Count


Τhe Circumcision of the avi ou has, Strange accordinito them, servexto me of hat deascon-

thaesit is a present, the mos nobie, and the most respectable Par of a an's Body 6 . The Sister are exhorte neve to



thini oscit, ut illi Sentiment os themost profound Veneration They are

stadiichen Cana gegangen, on thre Siindlichkeit und Infectio mittat ut und Wasser aus Jesu Hertzen gehad et werden. In the 99oth Hymn the thand th Verses, Mird in Gnaden Epher und nach dem Leibe Schwester das Bunde Glied gewahr, so schitecten sicli die Sinne und si e wird helli innen das Gottes Solin ei Κnabe war. Ili hellige Ma- tronen die ili in Elie thronen, um Vice-Christen seid, ili eliri das heure Zeichen, ara si Christo gleichen mitinniger Gebogenheit.' Translatia. What in the Bible is mentioned an hundred, and more hanan hundred Times, ut on Account of the Fati, by Reason of the Depravation is calΓd by the hideous Nam Pudendum this e the aviour has changedinto Verendam, in the proper an strictest ense of that Worc And what was chastised by Circumcision, in the Time of the Laru is restored again tociis trist Esience and louris hin State 'tis made again equat tolli most nobi an respectable Paris of the Body, ea


'tis, o Account of it Dignit and Distinction, be- come superior to ali the reit; speciali as the Lambwould choos to endure in thatiar his sirs Wound, his firΕΡain. How dost thou agree with the Prayero Chastit accordinito the Leiter and Spirita An-swer i st, I consside the Paris for distinguist linghoth Sexes in Christians, a the mos honourable of the whole Body, in Lord and God haviniparti y inhabited them and partly wore them himself. adly Ido notiunderstand the Conjunctionis Sexe any other-wise, than in Sensu oeconomico ministeriali, by Oifice, by Command of God accordinito the Liturgy of a Sanctuar on Purpose appotnted forcit, called the Conjuga Bed, here two Persens, of Whom ne represent for a Time the Humand of at Souis, and theother the whole Congregatio of ouis kee a dat Worsiiij and where among the ossice-Duties and Church-Graces it comes to passi, that Childre respectively areaego in the amet Jesus, and conceived in the ame of the Church; ho afterward son Account of their havin passed the human, thatis, inful hannei, re assed rom their infulnessand Infectionisi in Blood andWater out of Jesus Heart. When an Epher by race, and iste accordinitober Mahe get Sight of this Member v hicli is calledbere the Member of the Covenant, her Senses arestu up an sit holit perceives that God therion

Signin whicli the resemble Christ, illi in ulmost



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