A candid narrative of the rise and progress of the Herrnhuters, commonly call'd Moravians or Unitas Fratrum, : with a short account of their doctrines, drawn from their own writings. To which are added, observations on their politics in general, and

발행: 1753년

분량: 198페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


The overtament, seon after, seundRoon to tali Umbrage at the Herrnhu- ters: For hos Manufactoures proposed by the Societ for increasing the Commerce of the Country, and whicli ere the lites

Motive of the Grant, eremo introdUCed.

an ei oyed fuit Liberty of Conscience in

thos Places rom,hicli they came . The Societ changed thei ordinary a Pleasure without presentin him, contrar to Whatha been stipulated in Orde that Enqui-xy might e made, hether his Doctrine agreed illi the Testimonials aboVe-mentioned, and Mechanic and other illiterate Peopte preached amon them The refused totieepio the Liturgy of the reformed Church a the had promised, and whenthe were called to an Account for it, Count Zinetendors threatnex et that aliasee Colonisti ould remove retening that this Demand though agreeabis to their own Stipulation, mas an In in ment of thei Libert os Conscience; by hicli tilainly appeared, that they intended to introduces ne Religion As for political Affairs, they change accordinito Cotuat Zinetendors Order,


dren then among the Brethren at Herra haag, and when the Regency ordered an Enquir tot made into his alter, the Society, to elude it, sent directi the Wila

of the Reach of themovertiment. The Brethren mediet also illi the Demesines morigaged to their Brother Beuniet, and by him armediu to thers, though this Wasan AEai that had no Connection,ith their setilement Severat Actions heing brought


have his Society dependent on himself alondi Strong Opposition were madeso the Partos the Fariners of the origage against the

Goveminent concerning this Independency,

in hicli the Count acted the mos aris uls haracter imaginable offering his Mediation to the overriment, an a the fame Time inveighng the ther Party, hic hintirely acte by his Directions a cante proved by his own Letters. Mere the Author os the Book of hichwe are givin an Abstrael, says that atine sanae Time the bovementioned Loanhad been made to the GoVerninent of Bu-- dicen, r. Beaning had also advanced a like Sum to anotheriine of that House, hich


sai Berening to the Person who had the Care of the morigage Estates, here hesays that he hadalisos hellaveri he ough tode

ver cautious in mentioning Gunt ZingendorPs

hois far legitimate it, that r. Beuning


dency, ad the overninent more and more sear, that the Settiement granted to

Directions Severat Letters were excitangelbetween him an one of the ember of the Regency. On perusing thos of the Count's, e find a Flow of Expression ofDisinterestednes and Sincerity in every Partos them me is ready to grant ali that is destred, V, o sacrifice large unas, ut


in these Letters is that he verifies therea seemingly contradictory but true Position, o a that seldom an immoderate Ambitionis to e et illi, hicli has no semeMixture of eannesis. Forte asseris there Facts of his own whereunto he had aversdthe contrary besore an both by etters wrote by himself. Sometimes h says the Societ has setile in the Count of Burin,

gen accordinito his Will, and that one of his clites Destres h ad hereb been fulfili 'dis metimes iis jus the contrary, and he has protested against it Sometimes his So

and a Desire of seeing these Differences ac commodated. The Leiter, hicli is very long is no sussiciently interestinito malle Abstrac oscit here necessar ; ut Icarino auoi taking Notice, that he mallestis there os a Ve ieculia Argument, O induce that overeigia tocili in favourablyof the smal Taxes the Herrnbuter pat in Comparisonis hos pald by the ther Inhabitanis