A candid narrative of the rise and progress of the Herrnhuters, commonly call'd Moravians or Unitas Fratrum, : with a short account of their doctrines, drawn from their own writings. To which are added, observations on their politics in general, and

발행: 1753년

분량: 198페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


eipline, 'tis observestiere, that the Govern-ment thought it most improper, Without af the Explanatio an Enquiry to On-j in the Demand as it was known thaline Count, b Artifices carce credible,

they performe the conjugal muties in the res eiice of the Elders, hich couldbe prove by Assidavit made in the Couris


preteiad tot of the et uet Confesson, the

Author observes that the Count's te bythis retenc Was, in alloppearance, noother, than to have a fresa Document in

his Haiads, in Case he had obtaine the

Confirmationis thes Statutes, o sae tothe orld that his Sect were Lutherans. This is the ly Course heciheers, in orde to concea his Doctrines, an his Respublica

clericesis, hicli are so repugnant to that Consession But these Endeavours proved fruitiess, a the Govertamen atready kne

that he made use of Denominations jus ashis Convenience required Besides, eo- plerus ait Religion were promiscuousi admitte into the Society, and suster' est rema in in the opinion they ad rouo hialong with them, provide they conforna' l


or hos of the other Chlast he had inade

Partakers of his Authority. These eo Hople, ould passi here sor Lutherans, alterward absohitet dented themselves ob such, an it has been atready observedfroin the Count' own Letters that hesomelimes calle them Reformes, an Mother Mennonim, Dissident frem Lucteranism, cc. Which shews that the supreme Bitho o Papa, under hos Direction, and by hos Influenc ait Scheme are carried in can bend like a Reed by every Turnis indis ostentas heileases and that his Plan is no other than a Woridlyone, to hicli Religio itselfini serves

The ioth Article a calculate forinis Purpose, that he Societ fiould have

Liberint turn ut Whos ever did notie- have accordinito thei Constitution Thisine oveminent could not absolutet compi With, as thei Constitution a stilla instery Other se the would have been invested ipso facto, with a Ρower of

actinim an arbitrary anner, turning out Humand an ke in thei Wives and Children, provide the last acted accordino to theilan of the Her fui res P . In themilath Article it a proposed, that he oveminent hould be a Libertνω appotia a Person to e present at the Administration of Justice; ut it was sal dat the fame Time, that this Person must bea Member of the Societ of the Herm-


the oeconomica Constitutio of the Heren Baten. Accordinito the Count' Leiter cione of the ember of the Regency, in serted here, the have a Company inde

pendent on the Socie , calle the Generat Dracon ip Whicli has the Disposalis more that two illi ons of Money so the Bene- fit os ali hei Colonies in Europe and Ame--a here re also Specta Deacon ipsdependinion the Genera Deacon ip whichdirect the Interest os every Colon in particular Accordinito his Statute, non arebound olive in Account of their Transsi

actions to the overnnient, Thus, saysthe Author it has o Right to as them: Pappa quid facis. OW, ere this Demanagranted the mustis Coui se hecome indo

reign and Independent Bod in every particula Colony of the errastruers, iliough it besa fiuctuating one Whicli is ever changing


it Abode, an o that Account 1icassed by


ta1nly, o ette Contrivanc could have been framed sor concealing thei Constitution Richeliau, a Mazaris, says the Author, neve laid a more irria Plan for aggrandiZing the Crown o France. nor have their Succesibrs 1ewed more Attention in Xecuting thei Projects, than re made se of by the Chies of i the Herrnhuten, in laying their lans foro tempora GoVerninent and remov- incal obstacles that might thwarcit.' O quantum religio potuit suadere ma-

ing out looking in generalin their ethodos ending Peopte Way, as a Priacipium si antis: cadentis Ecclesiae.


s ias I

hiisl the Authorit of thei College of Deamissis, ni isting that this independent Body mould have the Decision of

verestra on arsh, itfer reus consen to theraeocrae in the oravian Brotherhood, rhas norarethren in thei Dominions. Our Author, havin relate the above pro Jecte Statutes, and made his Remariis thereiapon resumes his historical Account of What furthe happene be een the Go-

Count, in the Conseretice held illi the De-put of the GoVerninent concerning these Statutes, whereos ametat has been ivenabove hq to much exoosed himself, heno thought prope nota be solus himself, ut et his Part by eans of the Ιnhabitants of errabaag. A emorial asgiis in by them, herein ther pretendedio e ignorant of What had has pened bet en the Count and themoverninent,


and yet contradicted hisAssertion, mentioning the very Transactions that hadias sed They insinuatellikemisse, haesit might si sal out that the should emigrate 'ha; it,as impropero appotiit a Commission to inquire into thei s flairs, an proposed, hac me of the member of the Reyncy


. Christ. Ῥho came isto the moria, no D Hserve bucio serve; and thoum eanem that theselrotestations ere suspecteras somany Baiis, et at this ver Time e put

the Discharge of the Debt with in a certait, Term agreed pon, and this occasion' afurthe Dela of the intende Inquirri asit,ould notriive the Chies of the Herm. Hur an Opportunit os representinito the Worid that suci a te had been ahen by it, as a Reseniment for the Loan'saeingdemanded. Nay, it gave an additiones