A candid narrative of the rise and progress of the Herrnhuters, commonly call'd Moravians or Unitas Fratrum, : with a short account of their doctrines, drawn from their own writings. To which are added, observations on their politics in general, and

발행: 1753년

분량: 198페이지

출처: archive.org

분류: 미분류


oni in his Money Asfair, anxit must

andiet, on the Par of the GoVernment, a Confirmation of thei Constitution without a revi ou Inquiry, ould be- come a Mean to themoverninent for the eiter dis vering and experieneing

mos Deus perdere consiluit, eorum consilia dementat Ι has been said that the overnment grante to the Societ a Toleration sorfive ears, hicli commenced in Februa Ἱ748. It was resolved patiently to expectili Expiration of that Term besore it proceeded an farther in examining the interior State of that Sect But hi Calm,


hr Truce, lastedis longe than ill octo μ1749, When the overeignis Budium died, an his Son inherite his Dominions On this occasion, the Her huter stat livexat Herens I, like ait ther Subjects of that County, ere summon'sto tali ine athos Allegiance an Fidelity whicli in the Main they id not refuse to comply With, but made Exception against a Claus containe in the Forna of the Oath, accordingio hicli they hould in expressi Ternas promisse, hat unde Colour of theis Consilia tion, tho id o destre to suberi the elves, nor Ouidi subjectis Count Zingendorf, or

mas containe in the aid Forna Ι mustappea surprising that these Ρeople, hodestred the rotection os a GOVernment, mouid evertheles refuse to give those Assurances of Fidelit that were requiredo them. et sociar er they lindeclby the Influence of thei Chi eis, that ineygave in severa frivolous Writings in Or- de to evade what was obustly insistedip-on, hici made hei Constitution hecomemore lable to Suspicion sor, at the same

Time they dented theiraeing in Subjection


it in an authenti and lega Manner. Time lio Ver Wasii ven them testahethei fines Resolution, an it belli pereeived that ali the Lenity they were treatinwith, could notiring them to a Sense of thei Duty the overnment found itself, a Length, obliged locissue atroclamation, date Feb. 12, 175O, hereb the were e oine to Withdra from iis Dominions, within the pace of three ears, and in the mean whil est dispos of thei Effecta: whicli Time, oined to the two ears during whichahey had atready been tolerated, viz. rom Feb. 17 8 mahe ut just thesis ears Toleration formeri granted them. In his Proclamation ali the Transsi actions thalaad appen'd with Regar toth Herrnbutera, and the Conductis their Chiese, rom the Beginning of thei Reception in the Count of Buringen, are relate in a summar Manner, in Orderio malle the orid sensibie of the perniciolis Schemes of this et of eople, and the Indulgenc that ad been hewn them.

Horirier, Liberint remat at Her haetis there granted to ali, that ad everserve an Ossice i in the Brotherhood,

necessa N: For, suci a serve Oifices, are atready in acted, ither in Pari or in the Whole, in the Plan

itie socie , an have received thei Order hoψ


sianc limite in the Manner acabove, and 1eave in Sect ox ould e content'with exercising thes Worihi in private, thev ther Servant an Families They are momoveri assured that in ahal have fuli Liberi os Conscience, and e protected against the Artifices of their Leadere. The Govertiment minialso received Intelli-geiace, that he Chielis used unia ut mansio mata hos among them, that were not

1 ch is a Phrase of the Socie , an implies a Denia os Necessaries, an Communication illi iners of the Society a secon Proclamation ascissued, in Whichthe


There isto Doubi, ut the Leaders of this Society, o the ublicationis these Orders, were arti ut enough, o malle their Follower belleve, that this Step taken by

the overninent, Was a realtersecution,

Whicli, a Martyrs, they ought to sufferso Chrs' salie for it appears by the Account given us in his Book, that thedeluded eopte at errabasi publicklyrejoice at these Injunctions They also

delivere in an Instrument, ad hesore a Notary-Ρublic and Witnesies, wherein theydeclared, bat, Rould the renounc ciunt Zingendorf, the would ad unde the Censure of these Word of Scripture, hoeve dentes me besore en him,illes also deny besore my Fathe whicli is in Heaven and that

Care of them, quoad ecclesiastica et oeconomica, tho could no possibi consentu it. Istallie Leave to offer here to the Readera se Remariis, hici, the bove-cited Author has cattere here and there indifferent Paris of his ersormance. It' has been at ready observed sayche, that


Peopte to an idolatrous Veneration f

an other Truth o Doctrine, contained in the Scripture ' But thei Chies insistiliat thensiali e ruted by the Decissions of the Count, accordinito his Views and lan or establishin his Suprema and


queror re H .ires of the Inhabitanis, stat

bysords, andio Whom they profess, theys are oblige to e obedient an subjecti, and


posel in these atters to the Head of their Church than to the Goverriment they live in and dare noti obedient to the lalter any further hanciliis Head Will allow.It ought not, however, tote supposed, that Count Zingendo cister si much exation cause to the overtament of Bitaingen, easti relinquis1'd his Ρrospect of stablishing there a State ithis a State. Accord

L ing


1nxto ou Author, he assumed ali annet of Shapes, o retrieve this Lost. In his Letater sent rom London to the OVernmont, he endemoured illi ali his tot tohave these Proclamations repealed, and tothis Endos metimes used enaces, saying that he had kept somethingin Reserve, and that the Collegium Docatiae Unitatis,

whicli I supposie is that formidable Bodycalle in Genera Deacon his, directed by him stould eddie in the Affair, an atother Times made offers of a pecuniary

come a considerable Loser Thus illeCount's Endeavour sor repealing the Proclamations,

which would have furnished hi in illi a newVoucher of the pretended Orthodox of his Secto proved fruities an abortive. The Author end his Treatisse, illi appealin to every unprejudice Reader, tojudge to the whole Transaction, he ther amovernment could possibi have meme greater Lenit to the Her buters,than that o Buringen has made appear, and whether it could have chosen a milder Wayto extricate iselffro thei Chiesis, than bye oining thei Societ to emigrate chiellyas Count Zinaendor had si osten besore