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are meant by the temptations hicli stuLord Endured, and of hicli the last was the passionis the ross anxit is by vir- tu thereos that the Lor is callud a Sa- violi and Redeerner This is also so sarknown in the church, a to ive occasionio the genera consession that the ordeonquered Math, o the devit, that is, hell, an aros Victoriou a alSo that without the Lord there is no salvation Thattho Lord also glorified his humanity, and that hereby e bucam a Saviour, Re-
ing the Lord. 34. That the complete union of the divinis an humanis reus esseete in the Lord by the passion of the rosa, hichreas the snu temptation, a confirmed init proper article bove, here it asshown that the Lordiam into the worid,
in orde that he might subdiae the helis, an glorisy his humanity and that thepassionis the oros was the final conabat, whurebyae sully conquered the helis, and fuit glorifie his humanity. o a the Lord by the passion Os tho cross, stillyglorified his humanity that is, united trio his divinity, and o os conssqueno at Sol ad his humanit divine, it sollows thath is doliovali and God illi respectooboth. t is on his account that in many passage of the or he is callud J0ho- vah, God, and themoly one os Israel,
Israel, and he hali choos thee. V Isaiah XJix. . Suret God is in thee, and therois no thermod Verit thou ar a God
saith Iehora the in os Israel, an his
Iehota of Host is his nam e thy e-deemer is the Holy one os Israel, the Godos the whole arthahaltiele callo d. V Isaiah liv. 5. ence it a b se en that thedivinityis the Lord, hicli is calle thes ather, an in the bove passages is calle dehovali and God, and the divine humanit Whicli is callo the Son, an in
also sarther, am Johovah, and besides me here is no Suviour. ' hunc it manis eStly appears that the divinity and humanity os the Lor are one perSOD, and that tho humanit is also divineri sortho Redeonae and Saviour os the woridis no the than the Lord illi respectriotho divine humanity, hicli is calle the Son for redemption pii salvation is the prope attribute os his humanity, hicli is called merit an righteousness, ina Smia Chas it was his humanity that endured temptations and the passionis the croSS, andos consequenc by the humani tyae ave dand rode eme manliind. o WhereaS,astor the union os me humanit with the divinit in himself, hich was respectivelytilio tho union os tho oui an body in
man, there ere o longe two ut ne
person, agree abi to the doctrine receivo throughout the Christian worid, there- foro the Lor is eliovali and God illi
reSpectrio actici an in that vie is sonae- times callod eho vah, and themoly noos Israel, the Redeo me and Savio ur, an dat ther times, Johovali ho Redeeme and Saviour, as may be Seen in the paSSages a bove quote d. II is callo a Saviour
42. God and tho God os Israel, the Savi ou and Redeemer, Luke i. T. Isaiah Xlv. 14, 15. Chap. liv. 5. Psalm lxxviii. 35. 30hovali themoly ne of Israel, ille Savio 1 and Redeemer Isaiah E. 14. Chap. xliii. 3, 11, 14, 15. Chap. lviii. 17. Chap. xlix. 7. Chap. liv. b. deho-Vah, the Saviour, Rede emer, an Malier, Isaiah xliv. . Chap. xlvii. q. Chap. XEX. 26. Chap. sv. S. Chap. xiii 16. Jeremiali l. 34. Psalm lxxviii. 35. PsalmCXXX. 7 8. 2 Samuel xii. 2, 3. ThoGod Joh ovali, the Redeo me andia Violar, and bosidos Whom there is no ther Isaiah xliii. 11. Chap. xliv. 6. Chap. XlV. 14,
15, 21, 22 Mosea iii. 4.35. Thol the ori successivel put os the humanit inhic reas ta en rom themother, and pu on me humanity fro in thedisinity in himse hie is the diri ne humanit and the Son of d. That ilior Was a divinit an humanit in the Lord, the divinit si ona doliovali ille Father, and the humanity roin the virgin Mary, is generalty acknowledged hunc it is thathe was God ani man, and that he had adivine essene and a human nature, thedivine essen e romolio ather, and the human nature frona the mollier an hende
he was eval to the ather illi respectio the divinity, and es than the ather vitii respecta the humanity and surther,
this human nature rom the mollier asma no transmute into the divine es-Senee, ei ther commixed illi it, a thodoctrine os salth, hi licis callod tho Athanasian creed, teuches; so the human nature cannot o transmuted into the divino es-Sence, netther commiXod thereWith. evertheless by our doctrine e maintain,
it is, that in the prophetica pari solio Word, the Lord is also, illi respectrio ille humani ty, calle dehovali, and God an in tho or os the evangelisis, the Lord, God the Messiat, or Christ, and the Son os God, hocis mae belloved is,
sivel put off the Sameri heres ore duringliis abod in the worid, he passed throught o States, ne a State os humiliation, remptyin himself, and the ther a state os glorification, or union illi the divinitywhicli is calle the ather the state os humiliation a at the time an in the degre that he was in the humanityTroin themother; and the state os glorification atthe time an in the degre that he was in the humanity roin the ather. In thostate os humiliation e prayed unt thes ather, as omne different rom himsuis; but in tho state os glorification e spoliewith the ather as illi iniseis in his latior stat he aid that the athe was in him, andae in the ather, and that thes ather an he were oneri ut in the state os humiliationae underwent temptationS, and suffere the cross, an praye Unto the ather noto sorsake iniri or thedivinit could not e tempted, much esscould it suffer the cross. en e then itappears thati temptations and continua victories heroin, and by the pasSion os the cross, hicli a the last os tho so