장음표시 사용
divinity, disinum a quod hicli in tho
Iehovah, assume the humanit to aveman ind was confirmed rom ille ordin the precedin articles that mani indcould not have been aved in an other manner, ill e hown else here Thath assume the humanity, appear also Dona hos passages in the M ord, heret is suid that he came sortii rom God, descendedisti os heaven, and that he wassent into the worly as rom the soliori
32. hut the Lord made his halmanitydivine by virtve of the divinit in himself,ma appea in many passage in the Word, os hicholiose hali 0 here ad dueed whicli prove I. That it reus successivelydones hicli are these; Iesus gre and waXed stron in spirit, silled with wisdom, and the grace of God as pon him. Luke i. 40. Jesus increase in WiS-dom an in stature, an in savour illi
Father at an time, nor Seen hi Shape. VJoh v. ST. I. Inasmue os the ordynade his humanity divine by virtve of the disinis in himself, and hereas the humanis is orae approuehed a belli the onos God there fore the Lord is orae bellesedon, hocis bothia ther and 8on this ap-
many a received hi in to them ave hepower orae ome the fons os God even to
23, 35. his is the wil os in that
This is tho orti os God that e belle ve
man hirst, et hi come ianto me and
That thev hould abide in the ordi
and the Lor in them. V John iv. 20. Chap. xvii. 23. am the way the truth, and the sis e no man cometh to the Father, ut by me. V John iv. 6. In the Se asSages, an in ali Others, hereste ather is named is meant the divini tythat was in the Lord by virtve os conception, and whicli, accordin to the Athana- Aia creed received throughout the Christian orid, existed in tho Lordis the ouldoes in the ody illi man the essentialhumanit derivod rom his divini ty is the
Son os God No sorasmuch as his humanit Wa made divine, theros ore, in Orde to prevent man ' approachin the Father atone, and thereby separatin illo
Father rom the Lord in thought in salth, and os consequenc in or8hip, the Lord aster eachin that the ather and e reone, ilia the ather is in him, an ho in the ather, and that ali hould abido in
him, and that o ne Cometh unt tho
Father ut by him, aught also that he was to e belleve in and that an is saved by a direct aith in him. That ilia humanit os the Lord was made divine, annoti conceived os by an in Christendom uster abus manner, and that prin
srom his materia body, and not rom his
33. That the Lord made his humanitydivine by temptation admitted therein and
by continua victorie ut the fame time, hasbeen atready spolien os above n. 12, 13, 14 to hic licit ma be expedient to additi sollowin observations. TemptationSare nothin eis biit spiritua combais against eviis and salses herea e viis and salses are rom heli, temptations Strictly Speaking, are spiritual conabat against heli. Εven illi men, ho undergo Spiritualtemptations there are evit spirit si omieli, Who occasion them man is ignorant os this originis temptation ; ut it has beeugiven me to now by much experienee,
that the thiniis reatly o. Heiace also itis that he a man Conquer in temptations by the divino assistanc os the Lord, hecis raWn ut os hell, and elevate into heaven ; so that by temptations Or Ombat against evit hecis made spiritual, and thus an anget But the Lord ought y virtve os his own prope power against allthe helis, and wholi overcam an Subduod them and whereas erat the Same
come into the worid, no an could have been a Ved. Concerning theSe combalsos the Lord, much is suid in the Psalmsos David, and in the propheis biit litti inste evangelisis These conabat are hal