The doctrine of the new Jerusalem concerning the Lord

발행: 1821년

분량: 224페이지


분류: 미분류


the age is meant the last time os thechurci, by the comingis tho Lord in thocloud os heaven illi glory, is signified


Man, here redemption salvation reformation, an regeneration are reate q


for the meat whies purishoth, ut so that meat hi h en dureth to evertast in lise, whicli the Son os an hali ive nioyou. V vi 27. y meat is here signisi odevery good an truth os doctrino rona tho Vord, consequently roin the Lord : hisis also there signified by manna an br ad that cometh down rom heaven ; and also by the ollo in passage in ille Same Chapter Except e sat the festi os the on

The samo is signified by the Son of


also is signified by the Son os Ian. Hoi culle the manis the right haud, e-


is beeaus the propheis ere callei thesons of menu the propheis ere callei the Sons os men, e cause the represente d

of the Son os an is the doctrine of theehure derived rom the inord, and when applied to the Lord, is the or isse . That the prophe Daniel is callo tho onos mari, a be se en in the book of Dan iel, chap. viii. 17. And that the prophot Egelites a so called, may be Seen in EZek. hap. i. 1, B, 6 8. Chap. iii I, G, 4, 10, 17, 25. Chap. iv. 1, 16 Chap. N. 1. Chap. vi 2. Chap. vii 2. Chap.


Chap. ii 2, 3 9, 18, 22, 27. Chap. iii. 2,

17. Chap. iv. 3, 13. Chap. XV. 2. Chap. xvi. 2. Chap. Xvii. 2. Chap. XX. 3, 4, 27, 46.

Chap. XXi 2 6, 9, 12, 4, 19, 28. Chap. xxii. 18, 24. Chap. xxiii. 2, 36. Chap.

XXiv. 2, 16, 25. Chap. XXV. 2. Chap. Xxvi. 2. Chap. XXvii. 2. Chap. xxviii. 2, 12, 21 Chap. XiX. 2, 18. Chap. XXX. 2, 21 Chap. XXXi. 2. Chap. XXXii. 2, 18. Chap. XXXiii. 2, 7, 10, 12, 24, 30. Chap. XXXiV. 2. Chap. XXXV. 2. Chap. XXXVi. 1, 17. Chap. XXXVii. 3 9, 11, 16. Chap. XXxviii. 2, 14. Chap. XXXiX. 1. 17. Chap. l. 4. Chap. xliii. 7, 10 18. Chap. sv. 5. From heiacet is vident, that the Lor is calle the Son os God with respectri tho divine humanity, and the Son os an illa respectio the or l.

Thol the Lord n de his vim anis divine by virtve of the dititiis in himself and


Christ, sto Son os God is God an man, an ali hough ho emo an man, et

they are no tWo, butine Christ one, byreason that tho divinit took to itfel thohumanity so that he is ne altogether, being one person : Since a the soli and body mahe ne man, o God an dian isone Christ.' These ord are alienseo the Athanasian doctrine os satili, whicli is received throughout the Christian oris these are the essentia things Containe therein concerning the unionis

ille divinit an humanity in the Lord

What is furtho sat in the Same creed Concerning the Lord, illae explaine init proper article. From the bove quo-tation it clearly appears that it is agree-

able to tho aith of tho Christian hiarch, that tho divinit an humanit in the


manity, a also made divineri or herethe necis, there also mustae the ther. In this manner, and in no other, the Father

Lind. IL Thatio ad the humanitydivino by virtve salie divinit in himssis. IV. Thatio ad the humanit divine,

by templation admitted there in V. That me Completo union os the divinit withthe humanit 'as essecte an aCCOm-


Uighod in him by the passionis the Cross, which was the sina temptation. I. Thathe successivel put off the humanit that

was aken rom the mollier, and ut ontho humanity derived rom ili divinit in him, hicli is the divine humanit an diu Son os God. VII. That thus Godbecam man, a Wel in ultimates a in


salvation,' Isaiah xv. 9; rom hicli it appears that God dehovali himself was eXpecte d. The voice os him that crieth in the wilderness, repare e the way os Iehovah, mali stra ight in the desert a

t his templo. V Malachi iii. 1. y the templo is signi exilio templo os his body, a in dolin ii. 19. 21. The dux Ering