The doctrine of the new Jerusalem concerning the Lord

발행: 1821년

분량: 224페이지


분류: 미분류


temptations, he entiret conquere thohelis, and utly glorified the humanity, asWa Shown above. That the Lordiutissilio humanity rom the mollier, and puton the humanit froni the divinity in himself, hi licis calle the ather, appearsalso rom his consideration, that O ostenus the Lor spolie by his own molithinto the mollier, he id not ali her mother, but Woman : e rea only three times in

the evangelisis that the Lor spolio by


to anSWeraim a Word.' Matthei xxii 41t 45. Mar xii. 35, 36, 37. Luke XX, 4 to 44. Psalm X. 1. Whunc it is evident, that the Lord, illi respectri his glorified humanity, wasmeither ille Son os Mar noris David. What was the nature an qualit os his glorified humanity, he howed unio Peter, ames, an dolin, when eoas transfigure bes ore them,

'That his ac did hine a the fiun, and


things are polien concernin his human-


hina, and also God ill gloris him in himself and surther, gloris thy on thatth Son may also gloris thee; e cause the nion a reciprocat, os the divinitywith the humanity, and os the humanitywith tho divinityri here re it Was alSosa id, d am in the ather, and the Fa-ther in me. V olin iv. 10 11 AlSo, ali in are thine, an ali hine aremine. V olin xvii. 10 heri e the union was ut an persect. The Same is triae With respectrio ali union, that unles it bereciprocat, it is no sui an persect thuunion heres ore os the Lord with man, and of man with the Lord, ought toto os his Character and quali ty, as e teaches in Jolin A that da ye hali no thatye re in me, an I in ov. V iv. 20. An in another place Abide in me, andi in ov. herili ut abi leth in me und Pinhim, the sanae bringetli orthiuch ruit.

XV. 4 5.

Inasmuch a tho humanit os tho Lord was glorified that is, a made divine, therei ore aster his death, he rose on the

neVe happen Unto any man, O man is ratSed ni a to the Spirit, an no a to


sarther confirm it uni them, that he wasito a Spirit, ut a man, e sal unt thediscipies, Maveae here an meat, and


I9, 26. An Laster that he had been seen, meae camo invisibie. V Luke xiv. 31. Tho Lord ein Such, he wa taken P, and seate on the rightiandis God ac- cordin to hat is declare in Luk0, anxit came to pass, hile defusilessedili discipies, he was parte stom them, and carrie u into heaven. V XXiv. 1. An in Marti, astor he had spolien uniostem, he was received p into heaven, an satin tho right an os God. V vi. 19. o sit on the right han os God signifi0 divine omnipoten e . Forasmuch a the Lord ascende inio heaven illi the divinit an humanityunite Diogether in ne person, and Sit onthe right haud os God by hicli is signi-

sed divine omnipotence, it sol lows thathis human substance or essene is as his

divine To thin other ise, ould elike supposing that his divinit was ahenu int heaven, and eate on the righthand of God, and o the humanit Withit, Whicli is contradictor to Scripture, and ais to the received Christia doctrine, Whicli teachos, alia God an mari in Christrare a soli and body;V to Separate


i Saved ascend into heaven, et not os

himself, ut by the Lord Theior Onlyascende theret os himself, o b his

36. Thul thus Go beeam man, as in si si principies o ais in ultimates That God is a man, und that ver ange and spirit is a mari rom God is hown in severa places in the reatis concerning I eaven an Hello an more suli in twotreatises Concern in Angelie Wisdom. God, o ever, as rona the eginnin aman in 1rst principies, butio in ultimates; but astor that he assume a humanit in the worid, e also secam a man in the ultimates this solio sorom ha was prove aliove namely that the ordunito his humanit to his divinity, and thus made his humanit also divine Hence


it is that the Lord is sal toto the egin- ning and end the rs and last, and the alpha an omega, the winning and the

Wa Shown in pari, that the whole acredScripture reat concerning the Lord, and


passage os the ord, horo the Lord is calle diaetiovali, tho God os Israel and os Jacob, themoly ne os Israel, the ordan God as also the ing the Anointedos doliovali, and David. Previous hereto, i may be expedient to remarii, that it Wasgranted me to re ad overint the propheis, and the Psalm os David, and to examine every Verse of the Same, an clearly per-Ceive hat Was reate os thereiuri henit plainly appeared that the x hole and every par of the Same didiotareat os nyother hings, than os the church est lish-ed by the Lord; os his coming, of his

combais, glorification, redemption, and Salvation, and of heaven a derive stomhim, and at the fame time of thing oppo- Sit to thesera and whareas ali hings aretho ork of the Lord, it plaint appeared, that the whole acred Scripture relates tothe Lord, and that consequently the Lordis tho ord This howeve cannot beseen, ut by those horare endowed with heavenly ght rom the Lord, and whohave also ome nowledge os the spiritualsens os the ord All the anget os heaven re istud illi this nowledge and there re hen the ord is rea by man, the do no comprehend it in ny