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haurit Arcanus hinc terror sanctaque ignorantia, quid sit illud quod tantum peritur Vident. XLI. Et haec quidem pars Suevorum in secretiora Germaniae porrigitur. Propior ut, quo modo paulo
ante Rhenum, sic nunc Danubium sequar Hermundurorum civitas, fida Romanis eoque Solis Germanorum non in ripa commercium, sed penitus atque in splendidissima Raetiae provinciae colonia Passim et sine custode transeunt; et cum ceteris gentibus arma modo Castraque nostra ostendamus, his domos villasque patefecimus non concupiscentibus. In Hermunduris Albis oritur, flumen inclitum et notum olim nunc tantum auditur. YLII Juxta Hermunduros Naristi, ac deinde arcomani et Quadi agunt. Praecipua Marcomanorum gloria viresque, atque ipsa etiam sedes pulsis olim Boiis virtute parta Nec Naristi Quadive degenerant. Eaque
Germaniae velut frons est, quatenus Danubio peragitur. Marcomani Quadisque usque ad nostram memoriam rege manSerunt ex gente ipsorum, nobile arobodui et Tudri genus. Jam et Xternos patiuntur, sed vis et potentia regibus e auctoritate Romana. Raro armis nostris, Saepius pecunia uVantur, nec minus Valent. XLIII. Retro arsigni, Gotini, Osi, Buri terga arcomanorum Quadorumque claudunt. E quibus arsigni et Buri sermone cultuque Suevos referunt Gotinos Gallica, Osos Pannonica lingua Coarguit non SSemermanos, et quod tributa patiuntur. artem tributorum
Sarmatae, partem Quadi ut alienigenis imponunt. Gotini, quo magis pudeat, et ferrum effodiunt. Omnesque hi populi pauca campestrium, ceterum Saltus et Vertice montium jugumque insederunt. Dirimit enim scinditque Sueviam continuum montium jugum, ultra quod plurimae gentes agunt. Ex quibus latissime patet
Lygiorum nomen in plures civitates diffusum. Valentissimas nominasse Suffciet, HarioS, Helveconas, ani-
mos Elysios, Nahan arvalos. Apud Nahanarvalos antiquae religionis lucus ostenditur. Praesidet sacerdos muliebri ornatu sed deos interpretatione Romana Castorem Pollucemque memorant. Ea Vis numini nomen Alcis. Nulla simulacra, nullum peregrinae Superstitionis vestigium ut fratres tamen, ut juVene Venerantur. Ceterum Harii super vires, quibu enumeratos paulo ante populos antecedunt, truces insitae feritati arte ac tempore lenocinantur. Nigra Scuta, tincta corpora; atras ad proelia noctes legunt, ipsaque formidine atque umbra feralis exercitus terrorem inferunt, nullo hostium Sustinente novum ac velut infernum aspectum: nam
primi in omnibus proeliis oculi vincuntur. Trans Lygios Gotones regnantur, paulo jam adductius quam ceterae Germanorum gentes, nondum tamen
supra libertatem. Protinus deinde ab Oceano Rugii et Lemovii; omniumque harum gentium insigne rotunda scuta, breves gladii et erga reges obsequium. XLIV. Suionum hinc civitates ipso in Oceano praeter viros armaque classibus valent. Forma navium eo
differt, quod utrimque prora paratam Semper appulsui
frontem agit. Nec velis ministrantur, nec remos in
ordinem lateribus adjungunt solutum, ut in quibusdam fluminum, et mutabile, ut res poscit, hinc vel illinc remigium. Est apud illos et opibus honos, eoque unus imperitat, nullis jam exceptionibus, non precario jure
parendi. Nec arma, ut apud ceteros Germanos, in promiscuo sed clausa sub custode, et quidem Servo, quia subitos hostium incursus prohibet Oceanus, otiosa porro .armatorum manu facile lasciviunt. Enimvero neque
nobilem neque ingenuum, ne libertinum quidem armis praeponere regia utilitas est. XLV. Trans Suionas aliud mare, pigrum ac prope immotum, quo cingi cludique terrarum orbem hinc fides, quod extremus cadentis jam solis fulgor in ortus edurat
adeo clarus ut sidera hebetet sonum insuper emergentis audiri formasque equorum et radio capitis aspici per suasio adicit. Illuc usque, et iam Vera, tantum natura. Ergo an dextro Suevici maris litore Aestiorum gentes alluunter, quibus ritus habitusque SueVorum, lingua
Britannicae propior. atrem deum Venerantur onSigne Superstitionis formas aprorum gestant. Id pro armis omniumque tutela Securum deae cultorem etiam inter hostes praestat. Rarus ferri, frequens fustium usus. Frumenta Ceterosque fructus patientius quam pro solita Germanorum inertia laborant. Sed et mare Scrutantur,
ac soli omnium Sucinum, quod ipsi glesum vocant, inter vada atque in ipso litore legunt. Nec quae natura quaeve ratio gignat, ut barbariS, quaeSitum compe tumve. Diu quin etiam inter cetera ejectamenta maris jacebat, donec luxuria nostra dedit nomen. Ipsis in nullo usu rude legitur, informe perfertur, pretiumque mirantes accipiunt. Sucum tamen arborum esse intelligas, quia terrena quaedam atque etiam volucria animalia plerumque interlucent, quae implicata humoremo durescente materia luduntur. Fecundiora igitur nemora lucoSque, Sicut Orientis secretis, ubi tura balsamaque sudantur, ita Occidentis insulis terrisque inesse crediderim quae vicini solis radiis expressa atque liquentia in proximum mare labuntur, ac vi tempestatum in adversa litora exundant. Si naturam sucini admoto igni tentes, in modum taedae accenditur, alitque flammam pinguem et olentem mox ut in picem resinamve
Suionibus Sitonum gentes continuantur. Cetera Similes uno differunt, quod femina dominaturi in tantum non modo a libertate, sed etiam a servitute degenerant. Hic Sueviae finiS.
XLVI. Peucinorum Venetorumque et Fennorum nationes Germanis an Sarmati s ascribam dubito, quam-
quam Peucini, quo quidam BaStarna Vocant, Sermone, cultu, sede ac domiciliis ut Germani agunt. Sordes omnium ac torpor procerum conubiis mistis nonnihil in Sarmatarum habitum foedantur. Veneti multum ex moribus traxerunt; nam quicquid inter Peucinos Fennosque silvarum ac montium erigitur, latrociniis pererrant. Hi tamen inter Germano potius referuntur, quia et domos figunt et scuta geStant et pedum Si a Pernicitate gaudent quae omnia diversa Sarmatis sunt in plaustro quoque ViVentibus. Fennis mira feritas,
foeda paupertaS; non arma, non equi, non penateS;
victui herba, vestitui pelles, cubile humus sola in sagittis spes, quas inopia ferri ossibus asperant. Idemque Venatus Viros pariter ac feminas alit passim enim comitantur partemque praedae petunt. Nec aliud infantibus ierarum imbriumque suffugium quam ut in
aliquo ramorum neXu Contegantur huc redeunt uVeneS hoc senum receptaculum. Sed beatius arbitrantur quam ingemere agris, illaborare domibus, Suas alienasque fortuna spe metuque verSare. Securi adversuS homines, securi adversus deos rem difficillimam assecuti sunt, ut illis ne voto quidem opus Sset. Cetera jam fabulosa: Hellusios et Oxionas ora hominum Vul-tUSque, Corpora atque artu ferarum gerere quod ego ut incompertum in medium relinquam.
Argument. CHAP. 1. Geograph os Germany - -έ It people. -5. The land. f. Military
ality. - 20. The Batavi. The Agri Decumates. - 3o, 31. The Chatti. - 32. The Usipi and Tencteri. - 33, 3 . esse tribes of the orth. -35. The Chauci. - 36. The Cherusci. - 37. The Cimbri. -38 5. The Suevi. - 39. The Semnones. - o. The Longobardi, etC. - 4I. The Hermunduri. - 42. The arcomani, etc. - 43. The Lygii, etc. - Α . The Suiones. - 45. The Estii. 46. The nations os the East. NoΤΕ. In the grammatica reserenees, Gr stand sor usu anae Greenoti ala LaresnGrammar revise edition G. so Gildeo evela and H. sor Harisne . The manuscript reserre to are: B. Vasicamos, 1862 C., aficanus, 1518:δ. Ponfamιs ς' Neapolifau s. f. an b. are generali regarde a os most eight, but Wait has givenistrong reasons o preserringi and c.
1. . Germania omniA, GermanFis a et ole, as in Caes. B. G.
i. I, omni Gallia Here re Germany the subjec o Tacitus treatise, is contrasted illi the wo Roma provinces of Uppe and Lower Germany whicli ere pon the est an of the Rhine and theresore a par of aut proper although separate stom aut forthe purposes of administration.
It willie noticed that German in the time os Tacitus extended surthe to the east hanat present, and notis sarcio the west an solith. A se German tribe had go a Mothoidio the westis the Rhine, but his territom,as mostly occupie bymettic tribes. ou his the Danube, em acinia large portionis Wiirtemburg, Bavaria, and Austria, Was also in the possessionis Kelis, holad evenield territories norinis the Danube, here the Keltic nationis the Boii have les thei nam to the countrym emia see Chap. XXVIII.). The Germans, a conquering race had thrus themselves into the narro stri os landietweenthe Rhine and the head-water os the Danube, the moderniaden, and par ossurte urgandinesse Darmstadi hic ha been Ormerly occupie by the Helvetii; ut eveniere the Germans had been pushed bach by the Romans, who held his territorfunder the name Decumates Agri see Chap. XXIX. . O me theriand it,illa seen that in the eastine Germans occupied a region whicli is no purely lavonic.
Galli Rastisquo Et PannoniiS: the conjunctio que appears tot used to connec the Danubian provinces With Gaul. The Gauis, Raetians, and Pannonianiwere the three nationalities inhabitinithis series of provinces the names of nations herefore are ut so the
provinces, oricum not eing et fuit organige a a province, and the two Germanies ein included unde the genera denominationis Gaul, of hicli the geographicatly forme a pari.
At these province were occupie by Kelis, although severat Germanaribesia set-tled westis the Rhine. The Danubia province were os mixed nationality. The Raetians thicis the correct spelling of the Alps appea to have been alii to the Etruscans, whilethe Vindelicians os the norther partis the province os Raetia, as weli as the inhabitantios Noricum and Pannonia were elis, but with a large admixture os an earlier population, probabimos Illyria race. Κieperi.
a. armati Daciaque. The Sarmatians of souther Russia were probabina Turania tribe perhaps Tartars the Dacians os Transylvania an Roumania ere a branch of the Thracia race. The Simonia inhabitantio centrat an norther Russi are me tioned in Chap. XLVI. 3. mutuo metu aut montilaua the Carpathia mountains, runnin eas and west, separate the Germans sto the Dacians; norit of these mountains great plainistretch to the Ballic, present- in no natura barrier etween the Germans an Sarmatians. OCeanua a genera term here includin the Ballic ea. 4. inun miniuino refert in here to lan rather than to water. Se the Agricola Chap. XXIII. - innularum reserrinino ovi tome fland of the altic, ut to the Scandinavia peninsula see Chap. XLIV.), and possibi Juuand.
s. nuper this must reser to the expedition an conquest otDrusus Tiberius, and Germanicus, in the eigns of Augustus and Tiberius. Since these times it could not e sal o an par of Germany Bellum aperuit. Moreover although these expeditions Were nearly a hundred eam besore, et this could airly be calledrecent in comparison,ith the whole histor of the Romans, especiali a the came aster the great epoch of the civit ars and theest lishment of the empire. - gentilaus a regitiva nations Mithand withou kiUS. 7. moctio Boau the gradua bending of the Rhine towardithe west. Schweige Sidier.
This is no the readinco the manuscripis, ut it is Mund in Pliny Hist. Mat. v. 79 and Ptolem ii. II, 7), an is atteste by in
scriptions This does no appea tot a genitive of possession the
ΙΙ. Aeta meatilaun a present the Danube has three principalmouilis, ut the northernmos of these is divide into nine or tentesSer channeis . - erumpat the Subjunctive asterisoneo, with noaccessor notion o doub or desigri, is characteristic of the late writer. Gr. 328. Ι3. PSO GermanoA: havin spolie of the and he passes tothe inhabitants. - minime noris ali. Is ne terra olim, etc. the grea migrations of early times Phoenicians, Grecia colonies, ita, as et a the mythical migrations of the Pelasgians, of Enea an Antenor Mere by ea. Tacitus nee not however, have made his mistake i he had considere the setilements of the Gaul in orther Italy, and thegreat movement of the Cimbri an TeutoneS. - actvehetiantu . . . quaerEDant the tens implies a custom the subjecti actvehε-hantur is the antecedent of qui. Ι6. ultra, Fin onae tactversuS, facin sto the opposite direction He means that the ocean was no merely on in otherside os Germany but was approache only in that direction, foras tobe impracticabie or migration sto the nown ortu, ala ortio nostro The correctistew that he migration took lac by and , and rom distant and unknown regions , as inconceivable o him. Ι9. Aia i e. thos paris of Asia whicli tempo the editer
21. nia ni patria Ait: his elong not illi potoxot whichwould require esset but illi the adjective jus use to describe
of historica tradition in the formis song it could no have been Ver extensis o truStworthy, however eis Tacitus ould avemade more iis of it. The one Specimen he gives us here has very litti historical Valde. 23. Tuistonem: hi go is not known sto any other Source. Holigmann read Teutonem the readinco no manuscript), and considerihi the eponym of the Germa race, Teuticis is his ereso, e Should expect in to e the son ather than the ather of