장음표시 사용
ch ter. 18. Civica he was proconsul of Asia, and was putri death by Domitian o a charge of reason. His late might serve to Agricola a a warning ConSilium, an to the tyrant acetaemplum. 22. auctare: .e. the emissaries of Domitian. 28. DrooonSuli Conaulari, a proconsul os consula rank, asti se of Asia an Africaci se note above. The manuscript readingis proconsulari; ut his adjective could have no mean in here. The ea lin here ive is that os ommSen, Im. Iaaurerat, Ol. i. P. 242, note I. The amount of the salarium of the consula proconsul Wasine million sesterces equa to about 5O,OOO 34. irrevoCadilior, Sc. ad ira. 26. 4. illicita: .e. revolutionar actS. S. Per Roxusta Sect, etc. i.e. Such violentis offensive acis ascould do no good exceptrio exhibit heiriwn Spiriti reSi Stance.
Ι6. mecticiorum intimi there is generali thought to e herean insinuatio that he was polsoneo. Ι 8. PermiApoBito CurAores: Domitian was probabi at Somedistanc sto the ity, perhaps at his Alban villa, Se Chap. XLV. 2O PTAE AE tulit, mani Sted. 22. Cotierectem: .e. probabi e climicti parte, that is, ashare equa to that os both the others. 26. niai malum principem i. e. in the ea that the ad uter
Would declare the wil invalid and seige the whole, he bought imois by the beques of half his fortune.
28. Gaio CaEAarct this a the empero Caligula his hird consulfhi was A. D. O that o Collega an PriSCUS,a A.D. 3. 29. quarto the manuSeripis rea VIV, hicli, ascis asil seen does no correspon to the dates of his birili an death. The mis-take sine ver eaSit made. 27. . quantum a gloriam Sc attinet. 3. ConAulari: his i the manuscript reading, hich manychange to Consularilaus. ut he id not 1 o the ConAularia ornamenta se note Chap. XL.), ut the consula dignit itself,
6. inColumi ctignitate se in the nex chapter, the indignities whicli followed soon after his death. 8. BiCuti . . . ita, aluoui . . . et The word non Ilouit areno found in the manuScripta. IO. augurio Otiaque these oro describe his sagacit insoreseeing the cominiman, and the earnesines of his destres.
13. BAEAEam Curiam: his fac is not known sto any other
16. actem Atrage: .e. With one another. 18. Carua etiua: etius, Messalinus, and Baebius erenotorious delatores o informers under Domitian intra Attianam arciem i. e. in a Villa os Domitian siluate here, here e osten
amoni Helvidius Priscus, mentione in Chap. II. 21. Auricii Rusticiique these were two brother belonginito the Julia gens. visus is by eugma, subjectis Perfuctit m perculit). 23. Senecio se Chap. I. 32. ejus Tacitus passes here rom addres to narration. 28. 3. ante quactriennium : Tacitus a praetor A. D. 88, and appears to have lest Rome the nexi ea forioine ossice in a province . He returne to Rome Ahorti aster the death of Agricola.
THIS treatis iapon Germany by the historian Tacitus,
appear to have been written .D. M sor in the hirty-seventi Chapter e reser to tht year, ad Perum conSusa um sera oris rasani in ternis hicli impi that it a the earin hich he was riting. t was produceti, heres Ore, Ome-what later than the Lis of Agricola, Whicli a compose atlates in January 98 See note on Agricola, p. 33). ike his, it is a wor almos unique in Roma literature, ra monographupon the geography, institutions and Custonas of a foreignpeople. Earlier authors, speciali Caesar and liny, ad givei much incidental information os his ori, and writers like Strabo an Mela ad Composed realises pon generalgeography; ut his is the sirs and perhaps the ni specialtreatis of this Clas in Roma literature. The book is divide into No paris of nearly qua tength, separate by the wenty-Seventi Chapter The rst, after a generat introduCtion, Contain an aCCount of the institutions and manner o lis of the Germani the seCond of thei geographyand tribes. In ach, have the mos Complete account extant f the subject rea ted in ea Ch of these deparimenis, heres ore, the Germania o Tacitus stand a the rst authority, Supplemented an somelimes Corrected by thers, ut seldom in any matter of the firs importance Bries a is the realise, it is
There has been much guessinias to the ources of Tacitus 'sinformation, ut at that we an a is that he has est us absolutet in the dari a to these. ut his state ments are found o Correct Whereve the are Capable of ein tested by comparison,ith other ources of information that we a be Sure helia good authorit for hat he wrote. A distinctio must,however, e made. He is a more expliCi and more accurate when reatinio the nations of the wes of Germany than in theother paris. Here his geograph is definite and precises it SeemS, OreOVer, quit Certa in that the institutions and modesos life hicli e describes are hos of the wester nations. This is only what we hould expect This parti Germany assa miliar to the Romans rom the wars of more than a Centvry, and ad indeed been or a considerable time in thei militaryoCCupation. robably, have a right to assume that Tacitus had visited his region in person, and that his description is Munded largely pon direct observation. For the more distant region he no doubi ad to elympo the uncertain and ary- in reporis of trader an Captives must, here re reCeive his account os these,ith some allowance. I should e noted, further, that, accurate an Conscientious as is hic vota, it is in many paris ver defective. It is the mos complete accountthat, posses of the subjec os,hicli it reais, ut is a stombein Complete accordin to the modern standard. In very
Chapter one has occasion to Wisti that he had chosen to earchmore thoroughly, or at eas to rite more fully. Another subjeci pon Whichiuch has been writteri is a tollis motives in ritin this book It is osten spolien o asprimarii a satir upor Roman life No oub a writer of the
keennes an earnesines of Tacitus Could not ait to emphasigethos paris of his subject hicli serve to Oint a morat; and this intent satirical f e Choos to cali it So- is very apparent in Chaps XXIII. XXVII. For the est there seem noreason to hunt foris motive ' an more than in Wallace 'sAussia o Schuyler' Tur es an He rote the book ecausehe was interested in the subjeci, and was,el informedipon it, an had literar tast an power. The motive o patriolisin the dear est the continuat assauit of these tribes hould provea permanent an insurino intable dange to Rome V Cruttwell)
ver distinc an abundant traCes of this, and Canini regar it
M aim an method in preparing this edition have been tota Ity different rom hos of the Agricosa, as is prope in Wo bookis different in scope and objeci. The Lige of A ricola is
essentiali a literar Work ith a igh ethical tone, o bookespeciali adapted tot read sor enjoymen and mora inspiration Commentary theresore, as intende sirs of ali toassis in intelligent reading, with ni occasiona elaboration os subjects of critica study. The value of the Germania, o theother and is Chtest in the information it contains, and it is fuit o controverte questions os extrem obscurit an perplexi ty. y notes, herefore, ainarars of al to assis in solving these dissiculi problenis These are so many and o dissicultilia I have no tinen patiis to discuss, s fuit a perhaps might
moduction. have been destrabie, the esse questions that came u incidentali in the ourse of the work. I seare to mahe the Commentar to long an have, heresore, in many SuCh Cases, sinapi presented y wn vie Without noticin the views that have rejected. robabi in these Pliave erre o the sideo brevity, and perhaps in the more elaborate discussion Iliave erre on the fide of fulness. At the en of this Introduction I have give a lis of the editions and realises of whicli I have made se. I may aytha I have rawn m materiai far more rom forma treatises iapon the geography an institutions of the ancient Germans than rom the specia editions of this Work have long been convince that he Germania hould e approache from thepoint of vie of modern historica investigation ather than fclassical philology. In conclusion, I ill expres myrareat obligation to ros.
T C riC of Vale College, an to r. LUCIUS HERITAGE, Instructor in Latin in the Universit os WisConSin, o CorreC-tions an suggestion which have faved me rom some mistises, and assiste me to Some positive meritS.
P. Cooelii Tacis Opera quae supersunt . . . RecenSuit et interpreta tus est O. ASPAR ORELLIUS. Volumen II . . . Editionem alteram curaverant H. SCHWΕΙZER-SIDLER, etc. Fasciculu PrimuS, Germania.
Edidit H. SCHwEIZΕR-SIDLER Berotini. MDCCCLXXVII. Germania An iqua. Corneli Taciti libellum post auricium Hauptium cum aliorum veterum auctorum locis de Germania praecipuis. Edidit ΚΑROLUS UELLENΗoFFIUS. Berotini. MDCCCLXXIII. Thicis the best critica edition. Lexicon Taciteum Ediderunt A. GERBER et A. GREEF. Lipsiae Ι 877-9 Three fascicules, goincto . ira.VJ P. Cornelii Taciti Germania. Ex aupti recensione recognovit et perpetua annotatione illustravit FRIDERICUS RIΤZIUS. Berotini MDCCCLXIX. Cornelii Tacui Germania. Erlauter vota DR HEINRICH SCHWEIZERSIDLER. alle. 87I. Especiali valvable astein larget basedupon Mullenhois' researches. The est single editio of the Ger