장음표시 사용
integrit in an age of corruption He was anished about B. C. 2by an uirius verdici, ecause his strict administrationis his province had rought pon in the ninit of the public contractoi S. Hewrote probabi in his anishment at Smyrna an autobiography;also in reeli a Roman history - BCauro. . Emilius ScaurUS,ConSU B. C. II 3. He a the eader of the aristocracy during the periodi reaction belween the Gracchi and the civit War a manifpride and soni Ahow of dignity but venal. me rote his own lise.
Citra in riter of the silve age, used in the sense of ct our. olatreotationi dative of en or service This unioni different constructions to express the fame relation, Citra fictem et olatreotationi, is common in Tacitus. Ι3. acteo, used a it frequently is, o qualis the whole sentence; so true i is that, etc. I 4. nunC, in theseia times.
IS. Pu fuit, perfect f have been obligod o M. This firstchapter is, ascit,ere an apolog for his underial ing. I 6 inouSaturus, a protasis, had been aboutuo auack in his ase, Such was the deprave public sentiment, he would no have neede indulgence inseata vindictive. - Η no proceed togive examples of the evi times.
I 8 legimun perfeci: his oes no reser o books. - Tacitus did not nee t g to them for the event of his own time, tu tolli acta turna, an ossicia bulletin published by authorit of theemperor, an SerVin much a Dinorning pape to the citigens of the capital - Aruleno, etc. Arulenus Rusticus an Herennius Senecio Nere me eminent for thei abilitie an virtves, ho ere ut todeathi Domitian raecause the had illogized these victimio forme tyranny; fetu Thrasea was ut o death by ero, Helvidius Priscus was anished by him, an asterward suffere death under
Uespasian Aruleno an Herennio are dative of agency, a very common construction in the silve age. 2I. Saevitum ESSEJ, en Pance a Noaled - triumviris, se Capitalilaus o nocturniA: an inferior grade os ossicers, invested
illi certain police powers, as assistants of the aediles, as ellis incertain classes o civi cases. The were the public executioners when the punishment was inflicte in the prison. Their ein depute to the work of burning the books was designe to increas thecontumely, a the burning of book wa regulari performe by the
aediles, magistrates of high rank So, in modern times, urning by the commoniangmAn. 23. in Comitio a foro. The comitium,as the uppe par of the forum, toward the Capitoline mount the word in foro re adde to indicate the publicit of the act.2. 1. Sapientiae, philoSos . - ProfeAAOridua in the modern meaning of the word. The eacherio philosophy ere anishestabout A. D. 4. - omni Dona arte thi relates to the fame aci, by the anishment of the professors, very igh aspiration in artan science wasirive into Xile. 2. CCurreret, used without an objeci, Sisould meet ne almost in the modern Sense occur. Notice that honeAtum qualifies quictas an attribute, an 'Min uriat is honorabie qui . . . tioneati Woulu
IO. miACuerit. Tacitus generali uses the subjunctive sterquamquam. Prinoipatum, the flacei prince or emperor, monarchF; his mixture of royali an liberi mahes a constitutional
12. Nerva Traianus Trajan was adopted by erva, and asSocialed withaim in the empire in September 97, adding the nante os Nerva o his own This expression thereire, ahen in connectionwith Nerva Caesar above, shows that this,ork was,ritie at Sometimete een September 8, 97, and Januar 27, 98
I 7. Sudit, crees et onus. quippe this particle is primarilyasseverative, in truth; butiein frequently uSed in causa clauses, it is used by lat writerias equivalent to quoniam. In his place it come neare toriis origina meaning but stili illi a stigii causal force more Manu A, etc.
19. quincteoim annoa Domitian reigneo rom A. D. 81 o 96. 23. juvenes, hora os, et o Nere Foun . The age juventus extende to about 43. his expression appears to prove that acitus as a least 4 at the accession of erva, and that he must there re have beenior a early RS A.D. I. 26. memoriam This refers to his His ories, whicli embraced
the perio sto the death of Nero A.D. 68 to that o Domitian A. D. 96). 4eAtimonium is an allusion to his intentionis ritinga histor of the eigns of Nerva and Trajan, a plan hicli e
32. ForoiulienAium the nam of the eopte ut ascis very Common, o that of the own). Forum Julii Frous was a colonylaunde by Julius Caesar B. C. 44. It ad an excellent arbor, formhicli reason Augustus sent there the Ships capture at Actium, and maderit a nava station to mar the Coast. It was uring the empire the chie nava stationis his coast. - Colonia Se note Chap. XXXII. - proCuratorem. The procurator agenti procior )were the financia officers of the emperor, one of whom,as Stationedi each province . In the senatoria provinces, hicli,ere administered by a proconsul and quaestor the procuratoria chargeint of the revenues hicli ere speciali destine to the scus, o privypurse of the emperor in the imperia provinces the procurator aSthe sole financia officer. In the lowest grade of imperia provinces, a procuratoria the entire charge of the administrationis the province See notet legati ConSularilauS, Chap. VII. 33. queBtris nodilitaA the office of procurator a confinedet perSons os equestria rank Whichris here contrasted illi rea or senatoria nobility this term has also been explaine a meani
that his ossice conferre a certain distinctionipon member of the equeStria order Somewhat at in to nobility proper, hicli it,illieremembered, belonge to person an os hos ancestor ha held curule ossice equites, hos ancestor ha hel the procuratorshil ,enjoyed equestrian nobili T. 34. Senatorii orctinis. The senatorial and equestrian orders wer no fixe Categories of rank, ut ascis hown in the case of Agricola imself, osten indicate the stage of honor hicli theindividual hau attained. 3. 2. Gai Caeaaris, betteranown a Caligula emperor aster
Tiberius, A. D. 37 Ι; a Cruel, diSSolute ovili, o doub insane. Seneca sayco Graecinus quem C. CaeSar occidit ob hoc unum, quod melior viri Se quam Se quemquam Franno Exsediret. De fenes. ii. I. Graecinus rote a reatis De Vineis. Columella I. , 4. - Μ. Silanum. . unius Silanus, hos claughter married Calig
I9. CAStrorum, militarF Science of hicli the rules of encamp-ment fortification formed a principat part Suetonio Paulino: se Chap. XIV. dative aster asProhavit.
IES.2O. octerato his mos prominent characteristi as a generat was Caution. 2I. Contulaernio, ablative o means AEAtimaret, subjunctive
of pui pose tra avis Vim as a tent-mare. 23. titulum tritiunatu et insciitiam, referring to the idienessand ignorance of thos who received the an o tribune meret asan empty ille This is the militar tribuneshim; Si tribune commande eaeli legion. 24. OSCere, etc. the hiStorica infinitive, ver common in
27. Aeroitatior this a the time of the amous revolt fBoadicea, A. D. O se Chaps XV and XVI. 29. Coloniae There Was butine regulari organiged colon in Britain, Camulodunum Colchester ; ut there ere populou Set-tlementio Roman citigens in Londo an other places. 3o. ON: in late riters his usuali has the meaning ser-
34. temporitiua best alienis ablative these qualities ereno unacceptablestiue ago, ut to the rutin authorities the emperor in the a P.
favorabie interpretation was ut pon very thin that the did. CHAPTER VI.
Series of honors fori mere electe eata ear, ho ere thenassigned by toto service in the cit and the severa provinces. Thei functions were sinanciat the attended to the nances of the state and iis reasury, aerarium While the procurators ad charge of the nances of the emperor an his priV purse, nACHA. The quzestorshi could in the Empire, e et a the age of 23. -
Asiam. his province embraced the western parti Asia Minor;bein an old an quiet province, iobelonge to the classis senatoria provinces, and was there re go 'erned by a proconsul See note, Chap. VII. - Salvium Titianum, rother of the emperor Otho, and like him, a corrupi an greedy man. 8. neutro, neuter relatinit both circumstances the richnesso the province and the venali ty of the overnor.
12. AuUAictium by the Lex Papia Poppaea a certain precedencein tal in honor.was allowed to thos who had children. 13. Aulalatum the child oon after birthoas lai at iis fallier .seet, an he, by liftinii up tollere, recognire it, an professe his intention to rear t. fine dii no do his, the child was exposed in the fores and est o peristi. 14. trilaunatum stetiis This,as the secon stage of honori: either his o the sedilestiis Was in the Empire require of allexcepi patriciansiet ore the could holo the praetorship Μomnisen sRImAche Iaa recisi Vol. i. pp. 39, 36, 7 Ι)Ι6. pro Sapientia fuit, Servere for o was a maris of Adom; se en o las Chapter. 17. Suriactiotio the administration o justice in civi cases belonge to ont two out of the whole college of praetors Murteen, fifteen, o fixteen in ali at this time), the urbanas an fere rinus; the other graduali tost thei crimina jurisdiction, as residi ii in the quaestione fersetuae and o the ther and received thecharge of the public ames in place of the aediles.
Cognoscencta that is, those hicli ad been lavishedi Neso, orpiundered by his favorites. Agricola ollac ali except those hichhad come into the hand of ero himself.
23. Sequen annuS A. D. 69. O the sua o Januar Galba was murdered by the raetoria Guard, and Succeede by tho; Agricola, having been an ossice of Galba was expose to the resent-
t . pium, upon the seacoas of Liguria, a se milesiasti Nicaea Nice; here the nam of the inhabitant is ut as in the casei Foroju1iensium, Chap. IV. for that of the to n. Both manuscript hereread in templo the Correctior is easti made frona Tacitus, Ast. ii 13 : Othonis mitra verti iras in municipium Albium Intemelium. LiguriaQ. Liguria Was the ninth of the leven region into hicli Augustus divide Italy it Was boura dedi the noriti by the Padus Po on the eas by the Trebia an Macra. 27 patrimonii the origina mean ing o an inherited estate, appears to have been lost, and the word is sed here speciali todenote furnitur an household property. 20 VESPASiano. Otho had been Succee led, after istior reign, by Vitellius andi in turni UespaSian, governor of Judaea. UeSpasian generat, Liciniu MucianuS, overnor of Syria, e thea duarice against Vitellius, Verthre his o ver, and administeredassair in Rome o sonae time es ore Vespasian arrived in Italys poni the East. Al these evenis took place A. D. 69.
3I princisatuS, Plu the republica Tacitus se in referen e the emperor's ille a civi head of the state prinoeps, atherthan imporator, ,hicli implies the possessionis military an auto
32. Domitiano, Domitian the ounger Son o Vespasian, afterward infamous for hi vice and tyranny emperor, ACCOmpanted Mucianus to Italy a representative of his ather. 34. viceAimae legioni this legion linown a Viotri X, asstationed in Britain. 5. I. ECessor his nam Wa Roscius Caelius. 1egati Con-
AularilauA. The province Whicli,ere o Completet brought under the authorit of the Empire a to nee lis arme force eleven in all) were administered, as in the Republic by proconsuis se Asia, Chap. VI.). The res of the province were place unde the immediate ut of the empero as proconsul, ho goVerne them through his logati,ir, in the casei ni ne os inferior importance, inmere agentS, PTOCuratores. The rank of the legati depende*upon the importance of the province provinces like Aquitania Chap. IX.), hichrequiredint a single legion, ere aSSigned to a legatus pro Praetore With praetoria power praetorius os praetorian rank, the commanderosa legion was legatus PraetoxiumlegioniS provinces hichias Britain, had more than ne legion Were ive to legati T. PL
o an imperia province of the firs rank legatu praetoriu may mean, achere, o an feris a lesion or ascis the Case of Agricola Aossice in Aquitania Gosernor os an imperia province of the seconst
3. Victeri l. e. by orking pon thei seelingis honor. CHAPTER VIII.
asino additions hau been made to it since the very earlies days of the Republic the emperor theres ore adopted the polic o bestowing this rancupori persons of high birth and distinction, in orde to increas the splendor of thei Couri, an in orde that certain priest-hoods, hel only by patricians, might be illed. - provinciao Aquitaniae. See note on legati ConAularilauA, Chap. VII. 22. ignitatis, genitive o quality with provincitae. 23. Castronai juriSctiotio, militarF laeto exercised by a commander ver his Soldiers. - AeCura, ire froia Solicitude, as notbein sullaec to appeat, to the caprice or ignorance of uries, o tolli scrutin os opposin Counsel; latusior, Simple: .e. reSting
as usual, o Roman citigens, but is use to contrast the civit,ith themilitary jurisdiction.
29. ivisa: .e. Dom ne another. - Conventus, the judicialdistricis into whicli the provinces,ere divi ted it was also used fortite assemblies hel in the districis for the purposes of jurisdiction. These were a hin os judicia circuit by jucticia is meant the regula administrationis justice by the governor in the cit of his residenCe. - POSCerent, Gr. O9. . G. 69. Rem at end H.
curatores, the imperia agent in hi oWn proVinces: See note Chap. IV. As the procurators ere directi responsi ble noto the Overnors, ut to the emperor, quarret appen to lime been very commonie een the and the governor Arnold Roman Proetunciat Administration, P. II O).6. Atatim in sense qualisies actissem. - ConAulatus the ossiceo consul a no hardly more than a ille, hel usuali for two
monilis Agricola held it,illi Domitia during the las si monilis
7. in hoc, o uiri esu. 9 elegit, perfeci desinite. Ia pontificiatuA an ancient priesthoo having, in the Republic the genera supervision of the religio of the state it ad nowbecome a mere dignity, ali iis poweriein exerci Sed by the emperor, who was ex incio iis head pontifeta maSimuA. Chaps. X. VIII contain a digression upo the nature and pre-vious histor of the fland preparator to the account of Agricola sadministration.
Ι 8. Spati a caelo, in extent and in Dicturi. Ι9. Hispaniae dative Caesar, L. G. V. 2 mahes the samemistine. 2O. in merictiem, ille in orientem, et , denotes the generaldirection: Io Me out . inspicitur, is visibis Galli is the so- calleo dative of the agent. 2I nulli . . . terris, ablative absolute Contra adverbial. 22. LiviuA: .e. in his Osth book as is nown froni the Epi-
Cu Wrote a histor of the emperor beginning illi the eig of ClaudiUS. 23. Citra a far as Caledonia is that partis colland whichies norit of the Forth an Clyde.
ing the Iand. 33. Digrum: his adjective applied also in the Germania Chap. 43 to the ortheria ea, is ometimes explaine as rosen Thatthis is no the case in his passage .shown by the explanation whichfollows. Probabi the explorer sancied sit is hard o gues why that the found thes northern water more luggisti than hos of the Mediterranean; they noticed, at an rate, that quail Were
more suciden in the Shallower SeaS. 34 Perincte, Sc. atque alia maria. 7. . numinum, currentS. tu atque illuo: .e., o both