Life Of Agricola And Germany

발행: 1889년

분량: 161페이지


분류: 미분류



Io ut inter DardaTOB Sc fieri Bolet. II varii l. e. in different paris of the fland - argumenta f. e. a to thei origin that they were notis one nationali ty. I 2. TutilR Comae, etc. not rere, ut re dis bellom in the Germania Chap. 4 Tacitu Spealis of the rutilae Comae, magna corpora of the Germans. This resemblance serves o suppor thetheor that the Picis o Caledonia, o norther Scotland were os Teutonic4RCe. Ι3. COIorati, Nari .

Ι4. OAita Contra a Common diom of the participle the factthai fain lira opposites Whicli however i does not the Silurians were in ovili ales. The seatures here described ere characteristic of the Iberians of Spain. I 6 proκimi Galliει, etC. CaeSar Say the Same, . . V. 2, maritima pars ab iis incoli ur qui fraeaeae ac belli inferendi causa ex Belis transierunt adding, hap. 4, neque metiatum a Gallicadi erunt conSuetudine.

Ηere, have three distinc nationalities, in the noriti the west, and the fouili os the first two we have the physical eatures caresuli described os the third, the statementis both Caesar an Tacitus that the were os Belgian origin. but the Belgians themselves wereis do lsul nationalit Caes. B. G. i. 4 . Caesar does no tellis os any distinctions among the aborigines of Britain, such a Tacitus here indicates.

17. in clivorAa, in opsoScte directions f.e., toWardione another I9. AEAtimanti, heu ne considerS: his se of the presentparticipi in the dative of referenCe), a Common Constructio in Greela, is osten used in Latini Liv and the later authors.

while identit os sacre rites, Aacra, might prove identit os belles,

perAuaSioneA the conVerse ould not e the Case. - in EpoACenctis, etc. Cf. Caes. B. G. iii. 9, ut ad bella suscipienda Gallorum alacer ac romptuno animus, Sic mollis ac minime resistens ad calamitato perferen anmen Eorum I.


23. nam Gallo quoque S CaeS. B. G. i. 24, ac fuit antea tempus, cum Germano Galli virtute superarenI. 28. Galli, an attribute, hen Gauti.


28. Ohur, rincisa Siren ris 29. hon Atio auriga jus the opposite of the Greel custom,as illustrate in Homer. 31. factioniduA, of the chleis Atuctiis, of the eople. meo Alluct, etc. a genera propoSition no referring to the Britons

33. ualau trilausuo, imo in three no necessarii excludi even more triduAque the readin os ne manuscript wouldmean, Mo, and occaSionalis three. 35. Singuli, C. POPuli. S. I. Caelum, etc. a good descriptio of the climate at thepresentiay Caesar alS sayS, B G. V. 2 reminioribus fri Dribus, a Compare milli Gaul. 2. OAtri ordia, ou far of the woriae. 7. tranAire: .e. above the horizon the midnight sunt more norther latitudes is referre by Tacitus informant to norther Britain. - ACilioit Eatrema, etc. Tacitu appears o have conceived the arthlas a dise moderatei rounde to iis centre, liheis hield; the sun passing long the ver edge of this ori castis stlaclowexcepi a Some distanc froin the circumference. - Εκtrema et plana terrarum: his in os a partitive genitive is ver common in the late writerS.I4. Pretium Victoriae mortis istin for. Ι6. in rulaxo mari, Me resian Gu . 18. ego facilliuS, etc. a good illustratio of the een, cynical humor characteristicis Tacitus.

Tacitus proceedit iis history. 21. deunt a case of Zeugma, a this ver applies res tomunera, Services; illi eIeotum, a be supplied patiuntur; with trilauta, Conferunt These three mallei the amount of the obligation resting po the provincials For the nature of these


Not . munera se Chap. XXXI. - imperii is here to e understoo notas en ire, but authori F i. e. of the emperor. - aDSint Subjunctive os a case suppose or conceived os implying that it is no a

23. Igitur, noω no an unuSua meaning. Miuu Juliua, Iulius CaeSar. 24. Britanniam ingreSSus B. C. s and 34 se Caesar' Gallic Mar, BookS IV an V. 23. terruerit the late riter frequently use the subjunctive aster quamquAm. 26. Bella Civilia: .e., o Caesar an Pompey, and thos that followed. 27. Prinoisum, Caesar an Pompey. 28. OnSilium, . . . DTRECEPtum, a mauer of solio . . . a mileostri e ire Au ussu ai Merat . . . conuellium coercendi intra terminos imperii, incertum metu an per invidiam Annati, i. II.

Se also Gibbon Chap. 1 Augustus bequeatheo as a valu lelegac to his successors the advice of confining the empire illiinthos limits whicli natur feeme to have place ascit permanent bulwartis an boundaries. ' Notice that Tacitus gives the epithetctivus oni to the good emperorS. 29. Gaium CaeAarem, the Cran Caligula, the grandson f

paonitontiae is a genitive os quali ty. his change of constructionis qui te characteristic of Tacitus. 3I. ingente . . . Conatus. So in the Germania Chap. 7, iniente C. Caesaris minae in ludibrium verSae. 32. Divus ClauctiuS, SUCCeSSor o Caligula, eigne A.D. 4I-84:it was e that ad Britat into a province His expedition in which he himself took pari remaining Sixteen day upon the istano,

WAS A. D. 43.

33. iterati operis, by a Common diom, Me renema of the

1egionilaus auAiliisque a Contrast constanti made the legions were alWays composed of Roma Citigens. 34. SSumPto: .e., a Commander of the second legion. 33. fortunae this ould seem to refer o ali that illows, the elevationi Uespasian as,eli as the conques of Britain. 36. fatis may be considere either ablative, o dative of the agent; someriise illas meaning to the destinies.'



9. I. Aulu Plautius as OVernor A D. 44-47; Storius Scapula, 47-3Ι - in formam provinCiae the appotniment of agoVernor legatu ConAulariS, Stablished the provincia organigation, and this a made complet by the divisionis the territoryinto census districis an other inancia arrangementS. 4. Colonia oliis a Camulodunum, usuali identisied with ol-chester in ESSOX.8. et regEA. The territories of tributar princes ere regardedas practicali formin an integra par of the empire. Se Mar-quardi, omiscise IaalSve aliun , i. p. 34λ also Arnold A Roman Provincia Administration, age Io an following. - halaeret in-Atrumenta note the peculia order of thought the logica subjec is popuIu Romanus, and the principi os polic here indicate lis ivencis Lit,ere the purpose of this specia act. Dictius Gallus


lent to the partitive genitive quorum. 23. Alterius manum, etc. the officer detailed to assis thegovernor in administration forme a Lindi staff, manu ; the fiscalagent acte through Clerii an accountanis, ho ere regularly



7. Eoactiocta the manuscript var a to the pelling of thisname. The formiere give is that familia in literature so illi Thule, Chap. X., where the manuscript reac Thyle. 13. tenentilaus, conceSSive aluo se, etc. that is, e suppresse ope rebellio although mos stili maintaine a threatening altitude.16. propius quali fies agit at with specia emphasis pon



11. Petilius Cerialia, goVernor A. D. 7I-73. Brigantum: the Brigantes occupied the whole northi England and were thus at this time oulside of the Roma proVince . 9. Aulatit: his ord oes no stan in the manuscripis, ut something like his is ne ssar for the Sense. -Jultu FrontinuA, one of the mos distinguished me of the day, author of a orti de Aquaeductibus an de Strategematis. - quantum liceDat qualisies


Austinuit Frontinus vas vir magnu without an qualification; nor ere the timos C. Vespasian nCtW thstandin his parsimony), infesta irruribus like hos o Ner an Domitian. Io. Hilurum the Silures inhabited outh Wales.


beginning mong the re Britons Aprea to the province . 19. quinu relates to ii understood, subject of the historical infinitive protiare it is in the possessive dative an has volentilaus agreein with it in the sense of in accor ance tu hose EI;

23. Emillia The regula Standari of the Roma legioniwas calle signum, o meta figure, insigne a diSC, haud eagle eici), at the to os a stare the legion the cohort. and the maniple, each ad iis si num. The vetaillum,a a mali square o Cloth, attache to a cross-bar at the to os a staf osten connected withthe tuum . It was used for Various Specia purposes was thestandar of the cavat , and probably of the auxiliaries se Chap. XXXV h an a re vomiIIum, placed pon the generar tent, WaSthe signa forisduanciri into batile hen a company of soldiers was delache o specia service iis Qua were est,ith the legion and it too with it a Millum instead; ence suci delachediodies


33. AuSiliarium these wer no doubi Batavians, whoclived infland of riverian marshei; by vacta timeant no these particularshallows, but waters of this hincl. 12 3. qui classem, etc. that is theyclooked for an attachb sea, and were unprepared sor an approach froin the maintanti. In the repetitionis qui, have the figure Called anaphora. 4. oroclicterint: Gr. 287. SΙ3 H. 482. 2. - venientilaus dative aster Arctuum.


29. Namque, etc. The reS of the Chapter present considerable di Uculty, ut is to e talaenis explaining the abuses hichwere tributo iraῬiora. These were two in number the obligationo the provincials it ill e remembered, a to furnisti Corn. Firsi, when the Roman had atready an abundant supply, while the provincials ould have referre to a money the refused toreceive money, so that the Briton Nere forceae in moesterru mau


13. 1 intolErantia, intolerable augis in S. 3. REStAS: A. D. 79. - multu in agmine this refers to his all- pervadin personality it a b rendered ver 'r en etc. q. mocteStiam. Dore is cistane; isjeCtos, Stra DrS. 3. Praetentare: i. e. in orde to fini a paSSage. 6. quominuA, etc. the de of hindrance is contained in quietum pati leavin them in quiet ould revent in froni mal ing

I9. ingenio, etc. i. e. that he Briton could accomplisti moreb natura genius than the misi diligence. 22 toga the toga was the distinctive dressi a Roman citigen it was like the adoptionis dres coat an silli hat by the JapaneSe. 23. humanitas civilisation. CHAPTER XXII. The evenis of this chalyter,ere A. D. O. 28. Tanaum this is the manuscript reading for hicli most editions rea Taum, Tay . ut Agricola di no reach the Tay, asis hown by the ex chalyter. It was probabi the Tyne, justnorth of Dunbar, the only estuar o any sige o the Scottishcoas solith of the Forth.


14. I. annuis copiis, sussile for a Fear.


13. Clota et octotria CGF is and Forth as these are ive asthe limit os,hat Agricola percucurrerat, it is clea that he id notreach the Tay ,hicli ies further north. 18. Ainum nold , but Windingahor enclosing the bay. So in Germania Chap. I propio Sinus the Southern Shore of the stillis. CHAPTER XXIV.

Britain, Gaul, an Spain, hicli forme the praefecture of the Galliaesin the organigationis Constantine. It was reatly the mos vigorous part of the empire ACcordinito Tacitus S geographica notions see Chap. X ) Ireland forme a connectin lint , miAouerit, between

28. nostri mari the editerranean. 29. hau multum issert in moliua di er no much ut is ou Me hole seuer. The veri, is in the singula a relatin to the Severat subjecis alien a a Whole. 33. in OCCasionem: e neve appears hoWever, o have munditie opportunit . 34. α Ο .e. Agricola.


Tho me of Agricola.

15. 3. Ceterum, etc. the operation of tht year, A. D. 83, mere in the lowlandiupo the easter coasi norit of the Forth. s. hostili emeroitus i. e. of the Romans thei marches mere made ins Ata by the attack of the nemy. Io minii Copii et laetitia, harin rations and oinine in

13. in ... hini: by the an and the nava forces respectively; victua belong withioth. Is tamquam in late riter osten has the meaning on heground Mat. 22. PECie ructentium, under Me hoc os prudence. The Latin ostenisses an adjective here the Englisti ould refer an


CHAPTER XXVIII. 18. Aipiorum this nation, calledi Caesar sipetes, is placedh Tacitus Germania 32 on the right ank of the Rhine, in theneighborhood o Cologiae. The od here mentione probably