The Tusculan disputations, book first ; the dreams of Scipio: and extracts from the dialogues on ...

발행: 1851년

분량: 239페이지


분류: 미분류


BOOM FIRST CHAP. I. 105 Destis Indronicus3. The earlies Roma poet, a sarisa voetieat literature a concerned. Ennius. The ather of Roman epic poetry, and distinguisbe also a a dramatist bore 394. o. Plautus. The mos celebrate comi poetis Rome bornabout 2544 α die I 84. Naevius. A Roman epi and dramatio poet bora probably tween 274 and 26 B. o. Qui fuit major natu quam Platitus et Naevius. his a ange has give commentator no litile dissiculty. he positionis qui Would seem to miserit necessar that it should bo sene to Ennius ascit antecedent; ut the fac is that Ennius a no oldex than lautus and aevius, but oungerthan ither. Is then, e retain the readin qui fuiι. . . . Naevius, e must either suppone, With Davis that Cicero has made here a mi αλμα μνημονικον, or e must, lihe relli, Eloig, and oser, reser the relative to Livius as ita antecedent.

The explanation ive by avia alia Cicero in this p sage made a mistahe in regar to his acta cis rightly mjected by mos scholararas altogether improbabie, particularly aince, in his Brutus, xviii. , he ointa ut an cenaurea theaam mistali in the annalis Accius hic is hero hargedupon himself. The ther alternative, - to reser the qui in Livius, i rejected by tibner,aecause, in the firs place, h saya, sucti a the natur of the relative pronou that itought tot referre to the nou nexi preceding, and in thon con place an addition auch alia containe in the clauso quisuit. . . . Naevius a seeble an inappropriate, especiali in this place, here there iam discussion about the ratio temporum, but a mere passin allusion is made to the ago os Livius. e thinlis, therelare, that the passage mas firat wri te on the marginis a S. by aome commentator, i define more precisely the agem Livius, and that ii asterward ereptinio the texi and e incloses these orda in brachel in his edition. Some ther eminent editora talio the sam view of

the subjeci and accordingly Wolf omit altogethor the worda


T. consulibus a. a. n. Ennium qui s. m. n. q. Minus, Et Naevius inua maring the grammatim conatruotion os Aa vitis tho amo a statis Lauius Paee o numelent reanon,

thought it necemary thEn, to mention in fac that Livius an olde tha theae two dramatiata, in ordε to mata olearthe potntis essentia is in argument, that Livium a thesim Roman who eould properlyrae calle a poet. II. Vel . . . . vel D vel . . . . vel denotea a distinction, in Which, howaver both member may be connected pari*.... portly), o with .hio it is indifferent With resereno to whati Maeriod .hio member i choaen or hic properi re-


Puni Wara the narrative os eventa Maa continuod ais to the aris Cato' deast B. o. 14s. Solitos esse .... virtutiotis. r. acaula combine the

informatio give by ancient riters in regata to these id Roma ballada, --hoae spiritae has so h pii reproduced, in the Presae to his lay osancient Rome, in v. Ruie generi: to this clara, i. e. to poets. Oratio Culonis. Supposed to e the oration against Sedivius Galba .ho was defended by the Fulvii. M. Nobiliori. . Fulvius obilior, ho conquere the aetoliana f. orat pro Archia, i. Brut. XX. Quod .... duxisset. Quod in his subordinate clausora noting a reason, is sollowed by the subjunctive beeaus themmon agive accordin to the vie sis another par Cato , .lio in represente a the agent in the proposition in qua Miscit, etc. upon hic this depentis g 357. a. Autem. his ord is sesquently used by Cioero to introduce an explanator parenthesis; a, infra iii. 6 feri autem

potest eis. ischer. - In such cases, O eVer, the clauseintroduce by autem is no a mere subordinate to the preced- in clauae, but it adda a ne thought, an containa an ind pendent propoaition. illine polat out tho resemblance mlwee this Latin partiolo and the Gree δε. Si qui An elegant expression or ii qui F. A. Wolf. Eaestiterunt: teppe sorin mari Miris emance austraten F. A. Wolo. 4. Fatio C. Fabius Pictor, ho ainis the temple os Salus, hicli mas dedimis a. c. 302. Thialainting, hichmus have been o the walis os the temple, a probablya representation os the batile hic Bubulus ad gainedagainst the Samnitea. tria the earlies Roman wor os artos his hind of hic me have an record.


Si . . . . datum esset. The Hupers auri laruae in th Proe nia os a hypothetieat aenisnee, Where the conception in convEy

With a subjunctive sonowing, horo me tate both the Eunonand an amertio is nother pari that the fac is Eo. M. ab . a in n. his elaum in ala an ementia par of a propositio mandinii the ubjunctive. Multos . . . . futuros fuisse. . 4s3. n. Notic ho. muchmore livel the Oxpreaaion is made by thia ua os in sit. part with fuisse than it Mould have been it the simpleptupere auri fuissent. Muros fuisse meana, o nimHyis id have been, but ould hane been ready to come fortina d. Polyiarios et Parrhasios Polyeletus Wa one os the ost lebrate statuarie of Greeee a sculptor, an architecti, unda artiat in toreutic Parrhaalua mamone of the mos diati gui ed Greekiaintera. Honos alit artes, etc. The linea o Martiat, Epigr. m. lui. 5 m. have been quoted in illustratio of thia pa-- QSint Maecenates, non deerunt, Flacce, Marones; Virgiliumque tisi vel tua rura da M. S in Valerius,aximus II 6 5: Virtutis Merrimum L. mentum es honos Seneea Epist. 102 Antiquus potia ait: Laus ali artes CL Orat pro Archia, L in init. Iacentque .... improbantur. 4imila sentiment has Menesto fram lato, Lib. VIII. De Ep. Ἀσκειται δὴ - ἀὼ τιμωμενον, Φώλεσα δἐ τὸ ἀτιμαδμιενον.

Summam eruditionem .... in .... cantibus Ita ut ἀμον- σους Vocarent indoctos, et musices nomine onmem trinam

Seollato, Rep. II. xvii. Igitur the positionis thia Moes, aes Z. 457.

E Epaminondas .... Themistoclesque M. . . . que Me


BOOK FIRST CHA P. II. III. 10soni seundis a loca way os connecting two propositiona. Vid. De Finn. V. 22. Μ. 435. Obs 1 Bria. 402. Annis. . 4 6. Ernesti, Κώhner, an somo other ed, tora, o the authorit of aeverat ΜSS. read annos. Quum . . . . recusaret Imperfectum significat, Themist olEm eodem temporis puncto, quo lyram recusafat, indoctiorem habitum esse, ut vidit inellius. ' AEuhner, Ernesti, an F. A. Wolf read recusasset. Indoelior See B. 85 n. Id. A constructio ad sententiam B id ictoas under- Mood music the dea os,hichris implied in visita. s. De Nat Deorum I xxxi 88 non vestro more, sed dialecticorum, quae funditus geris vestra non novit, etc. 5. Nihil Osten uaed os persona, in the sense of nemo, particulari With a comparative. Terence, Eum V. vii 21 sq.: Nihil est Thaide hae tua dignius quod ametur. Nepos Alrib. I. nihil eo fuisse aecellentius vel in villis vel in irtutibus. Cisor ad amm. IV. 4. Tuscul III. X. 22. Brutus, XXXix. 144 nihil erat Crasso copiosius Liv. III. 14. 5. Quidquamis in like manne uae sor persona, in the sense os quisquam. Brutus xl. 148: noli existimare his duobus quidquam fuisse praestantius. So quid sor quis, Catul. ix. II; quantum sorguotis quotquot Ter. --ι. IV. iv. 6 Catul. iii 2 x. 10. III. Galbam. Servius Sulpiciua Galba, consul B. o. 144. Seo Cicero' Brutus, XXi. - HV. Africanum. . Corneliua Scipio Africanusminor, consul B. o. I47, but Dunge than Galba. See Brutus, xxLLaelium C. Laeliua, sumame Sapiens, consul B. o. 140; tho intimato friend of Africanus the ounger Se Brutus,

tus, xvii. Carbonem Catua Carbo, conavi a. o. I2l. Seo Brutus, xxVii. xxxiii.


110 TuscuLAN DISPUTATIONA. Gracchos. Tho brothora, Tiberiua Sempronius and Caina


Lumen linerarum Orat pro Archia, vi Id. Iuuiaranda et excitanda. Elegana verborum Eleetuat Philosophia, quae jacuis excitatur, quae nutam habuit lumen litterarum, imistratur.' ' uhner. Foris imita opponitionos Misare Mith Iacere, ae De Amicis xvi. in . . . . prosimus A., S. 262. Si mammis. See B. I2s n. 6. Ubri Lalint .... non salis eruiatis. Cicero reserario Eoma Romanapi eurean who had writton book o philosophy. Ab optimis iliis Midem viris, sed ' men Misere αμι--ἐent, emtainj, bis .... The demonatrative iris uae redundantly mist quidem. When in parties quidem Manda lina eone alvo signification inde , certainly), Wit a predicata ver o adjecit in Mith sed solio ing, icia in the beat writers noveonnecte immediatet .ith in verbis adjective, buva pronouncia innerte besor quidem, hie oorreaponda to themota os .hieii the predicat iston ded, namely, wriem sorem quidem in nos quidem, tu quidem, vos quidem, ille more

raret sis quidem. ' Μ. 48s. b. s. Z 744. So ipse quiadem, Brutus, ix. 35 Tum vi Lysias, ipse quidem in ausis

forensibus non versatus, sed egregie subtilis scriptor asque et gans. The formula im quidem . . . . sedimur missi particularisoquenosin the Brutus; o illa quidem .... verumtamen, lxviiL23s lxi. 220. Optimis is here sed ironicatly a bonus in the Andria o Teren , III. v. 10, V. ii 5.

ta recte quus sentiat. . . . eloqui non possit Philoatratua, in his Luses of the Sophista, deaeribes onera γνῶναι μεν περ ias, ἐρμηνευσω δε -εριττος Davia. - Quis mone. It is heretho hortor sormis the indefinito pronoun, without the λυ- acteriatio prefixisti. It is uaed where an indefinite nubjeci or


ΒΟΟΚ FIRST CHAP. III. IV. 111 EI id. . . . polite eloqui non possit. Et is hero elegantly uno in the aenae os et tamen. o Tacitua, LEM. H. xx. sp riosis et irritis nominibus.

Qui .... possit. See note est. I quae .... pertinerent.

Cum suis M. e. aut similibus. ruit Glelahgenitanten. ωαoriae latissis. So Κύhner, mota, regder, an othera. orelli and oaer, oratoriae laudi. Attulimus Scit popido RomamO. Bla manctarit. Illa reserendum eat ad Hiquid, in quo inest notio numeri pluralia aliqvir norintilla).' AEuhner. IV. . aristoteles CL ad rem De Orat. III. xxxv. 14 I. Quintilian, Inst. μα. III. I. eruis multifaria doctrina. 'Copia: Ilumen orationis aureum.

Dicere... jungere Theae infinitivea depon eao upondoeere iam lario b tahe wit incere. Prudentiam philosophiam. Pr. c. elog jungere - prudentiae eloquentiam adjungere.

like os .... τε in Greeli. Quae . . . . masia. For an Oxplanationis the ense of thiavmb se note est. I, pertinerent and contineretur. Nos Mudiose dedimus Thua mori recent editor reia, ab

though tho ΜSS. generally, and many editora, ea nos sim disse operam dedimus. Scholas disputationes philosophis . Cetorum hae di Putationea quas Tullius se las appellat, dishrunt ab iis, quas Proprio nomine disputationum Mantur, quales uni Academi- eae, de Finibus, dem D. de Divinatione. In scholis unua eat, qui velit doceri, alter, qui doceat auditoria partea actstunt, ut paro obloquatur, neque alio contilio, niti ut alteri facultatem praebeat auam explicandi aententiam in disputationii a variarum disciplinarum philosophi induountur ita di putantes, ut sua quimus nectas ententiam defendat. Auderemus. e ahould expect here the present tenso in-atea of tho imperseet; ut, amoae rem ha Cicero very


osten, an in thia inatance, accommodatea hi expre-ionS, notis thesides of the Mntonoe, but to the formis in propoctilion; and thusa malim here the perseo dedimus contro the tenneos auderemus. Ver numerou examples of thia construotion

The ancient cit preaented A. to era, apires, or domes, suta a nomarreat the eye Domin diatant eminenco ut the hilismithin ita alia ero more distincti marhed, and the statues os ita god exalted on illam, o Marin above the ealis osita innumerablo templea Memed an arm Os immortat amy-


BOOK FΙRST CHAP. IV. 113 Regillus to tho gates os Tusculum tho acclivit was aluddod with the lemure-houae of the obleat families o Romo. The page os Cicero comm8morate the villa o Balbus, os Brutus, os Iulius Caesar os Catulus, etellus, ramus, and Pompeius os Gabinius, Lucullus, Lentulus, and Varro. AoeordinHy the retreatis the literar sinisama graedisponthe centre of his deareat intereata, and was surrounded by thohaunis os his hienda and rivals It wa here that, at a laterperiod when his fortune mere reeatablished, e compos nome of the mos abstractis his philosophica speculationa; but even theae ino, partook of the atris the cit in tho tonoo praetica lis the interlocutor of his dialogue ere thonam men hom he had just les behinxat Rome or homh might encounter among the stiad Mallia around him thonubjectis their conversationa neve wandered a sar smintheirdail concem a notrio admitis constant application to thotimes, and illustratio hominem. V Nerivale' History of the Roman unde the Empire, Vol L pp. 366-369. Quid possem. V. 452. - B. 152. -Α. i. 265. Declamitabam: Declamitare mean to speast for tae sati os practice. f. Brut. e. Ponere to propos a su eos liae the Gree τιθέναι. is Se notein ii. 6. Ad id ad aliquid disputare dicitur, certis rebus vel quaestionibus propositis disserere, et secundum eas certa via ac ratione instituere sermonem vel disputationem. - Η d' Tum

sellinus Vol L p. 110. Quasi utatur. The subjunctive is sed in ali propositions annexed by particles os comparison, in hicli omethiniis stated that oes no actuali extat, but iamni assume sortho sine os comparison ascis hypothetica propositions os comparison . In Englisl the imperfeci an pluperfectore employed in such propositiona in orde to expreas liat a meret assumed; ut in Latin the subordinate is regulated by therae in proposition an has the imperfecti pluper-


V. s. a .... M. Theae lettera aro antin in aliost allat, MSS., and were evidontly inaerted by om editor tomarcth parta os the two interlocutora in the dialoguE. A. is variovat talion in denote Auduor, Adolescens, Atticus, and Aulus M. as ignistin Magister an Marcus. Conaidera a mandinisor Auditor, M. sor Magister. --n .... esse mors Mureius ite the worda o Iphigenia in Euripidea:

Mάνσω δ' ὁ εἴχετα Θανειν κακῶς ἄν κρεισσυλε θανειν κάλῶς. Malum, an miserum, below, have tho soro os aubatantives. Necesse est .... miseros esse. et g 625. Io. Num te illa terrent. Sometime a direct queation is put aster dicis quaero, hero an indirectisne might have

Mento .... Tantalus. Α trochai tetrameter catalectis. Som editora read enectus Tantalus siti.

ro, in thoirasor xlviii Is I says: Qua etiam, quod jam suo rusticum videtur, lim autem politiva, eorum verborum, quorum eaedem erant postremae duae litterae quae sunt in optumua, postremam liueram detriarebant, nisi vocalis insequebarur Banon era o malo in versitas, quam nunc fugiunt potiae novi.

Ita enim loquebamur: Qui est omnibu' princeps,non, omnibus princeps; et, Vita illa dignu' locoque, non, dignus. - Κulineroompare missi thia vera os an id poet the linea in th ων sv xi. 593-600, an remaris that the morda saxum sudaris nitendo eorreapond well,it the Gree λων ἄνω ἄθεσκου κοτιλόψ ν, and repreaent vividly the wearisomo laboris Sisyphus. rarum Thia ord in the motis nihilum - no hilum and nihil. It is movit uae Wit a negation e g. Lucret. iii 843 Nil igitur mors est, ad nos neque pertinet hilum. n. iii 22I, 785 v. 1408. Enn apud Varron. iv. L. L. xxii.