The Tusculan disputations, book first ; the dreams of Scipio: and extracts from the dialogues on ...

발행: 1851년

분량: 239페이지


분류: 미분류


30. Ut porro in then. quod .... ait. The subjunctive is hero aediemus theaontimont i atate accordin to tho opinionis mother par .

Deorum opinio: h. o. opinio de diis objective genitive. So, De Nat Deor. I. xii 29 Empedoeis in deorum o in are turpissime labitur. Misi ....putanda est; - quia ea igitur. The wholo elauas multi . . . . putanda ea is parenthetical quis ea igitur: hoia there, I say. Observe tho se os igitur, is reser bao toth clauso Uil . . . . opinis Whieli ha been brohen o by tho parenthetical aentence We have here an ana luthon ina much as, would regularisbe soliomedinua, and is Ciceroha bound himself down to forma rulea os construction, eahould read, instead os 'quis est igitur,' ita nemo eah qui eis. There is however, nostin hara or nnatural in thia tura os the aentenoe o tho contrary, it is an instance of the auco amist,hioh ieero in his dialogues imitates the raedom ofoonvereationa language, - an imitation particulari conapi uoua an happy in his Brutus, and whic completia vindicatos the capabilium os the Latin language se elegant eam in stylo and diction.

Maeret . . . . dolent ....unguntur. The Ver maerere idini a nodioni t lament, but also in expressaries openly by visibis signa. Forcellini define maereo tristis sum, aegre-aeo, in moeaιuia aum ejusque aegritudinis ignad querendo, amentando, lugendo. Dolare Madano indicate the felingis pian, but notis much ita expre aion. C Laelius, iii II supra, p. 6) quam autem eis tali earus fuerit, maerore funeris indieatum est. Tuae.


136 TuscuLAN DISPUTATIO S. friura sint. Indirect queation. in si in Synephebis. The Synephobicia tho nam os a

Elogia. Inscriptiona o monumenta to the de . rellithinks that elogium is eorrupte frum the Gree ελεγεῖον, and was introduce into the Latin language aster the wara in Magna Graeci and Sicily. XV. 32. Corit ae Aa in visis. s. ep. Vit Dioria IX. navem agilari jubet, mitana .... in haberet, quo fingeres. Iisdemne in marit, thia. . . . by the ame, etc. For theaentiment, s. De Sen. xxiii. Pro Areh. i.

-g. verae, et ferace, etc.

Maritate . . . . virum. Theae seu elegia lines are aidis have been writisn by Ennius himaeis, as his epitaph. Theywere probabi attache to his buat which was place among the essigies of the Scipios, in hoas tom he was uried.


In the second notio the old forma vostrum sor vestrum, and maxiι- ο marima Panaei - eomposuit. The allusioni to the Anniae os Ennius, a histor os Rome in hexametera. In the thir line notio the old sor lacrumis and in the ourth another elision Farit. See Tri 161 Μ.4 115. L. t is here a present subunctive used like an imperative. This epitaph has been thua translated

Another translation ill e found in the artiolem Ennius in Smith s Dici of r. an Rom. Bio an Mythod Sed quid poetas Scit proferois persequor. Tiacher. Phidias. The magnificent colossat statue os Athena in the Parthenon, madem ivor and old, a the realeat of the work os Phidias at Athens, and secondisnlyrio his statue ofraus at Olympia. For a description of thia oble ork ofari, Me mitti's Diet os Dog o myth. III p. 250. 8. Theahiel was ornamente o both ides ii embossed work, representing on the inne fide, tho Mile of the giant Miththe oda, and o the uter, the batile os thera magona istino Atheniana. Among these figures he introduce his o niiheneas, in auch a way that ii could not be remove without destroying the whole ahield Aristolle, De Mundo vi. 3.

Sui similem. The ruleos commoni atated that similis inhea the genitive hen it denotes an interea resemblance, o one os character o quali , and the dative when it denotea an eat a resemblance, ο one os fore or appearance, illno hold without exceptiona. In Cicero and the olde writera,

.hicheve hin os resemblance it denote, it almost alwaystahea a genitive of the ames of living einga especiallygod an men), and is ound wit the genitive an dativo promiscuousi os other nouns. Se Μ. 2Is, Obs 2, 247. b, Obs. 2. Infra xxxiii. 81 facie vel patris, vita omnium


123 TuscuLAN DISPUTATIONs. perdu-- is simiri eis. although in imo vinda os blano are contristod the adjectis is construe wit thetam mae in both inataneea. In the sollowing par Taph, findri sollowed by the t. maea in the ame entenc., Linoum tho nam hind os, emblane is meant Itaque placetri similem linguam nostri solen dicere, ehordarum dentes, nores comitas ars, quae ad nervos resonant in eamlibus Cic. de M. Deor. II. lix. 149ὶ From in age os Livy, avs advim ad Finn. . . I2ὶ tho uae os in dativo beeam more an moro requent, a that there a careel a single Maage in Virgil, Horam, and the Metamorphoae of Ovid, in hic tho geni

adsum .... inferum. The vera i trochiae tetrameter cav

Homeri .... νεκυία. his a the common nam so theelevent book of tho OdyMey, in hic the deacent of Ulys- aes intomadearis deaeribed. Appius Appius Claudiua Pulcher, onavi A. u. c. 700. Cf. De Divin. Ι. Iviii. I32. Seo Smith a Clara Divi. a. radius, Is.


tions eheu, ehem. In the aecon claas prefixe to the voc sive, it expresse a summoning orth in adjuration: henceare derived the worda ecastor epol, equirine, ejuno, cere, edi.

ena an interrogation, are the wοes ecquis, cquando, i. e. e-quis, e-quando. ut the eis Mirmatio an adjuration to

hic the Graecia in pari corresponda ha assume the


XVII. Redeo ad antiquos. Scit Pythagoreos. Quid fomesting. The indefinite quis aster nisi. Numeris. B numbere, i. e. y arithmetica demonair

Descriptionil rus B dra inga delineationari l. e. by ge metricia demonatrations. 3s. Quod Pythagoram. Soli sensisse ferunt. 40. Macte uirtute relli hin ks this phraaecia derived


Mouxime, macte hac hostia esto.

thei unerrin demonstrationa convinceras, etc. O the an colinhon, se infra xxxvi. 88, note On con mato illo. . . .

andAloig. Some editor inseri etween pleraque an quamquam the worda sic et hoc. Ernesti, Μοser, an Tre er

In medio mundo In the mides of the uniuerse. Ad in comparison with; like the Gree πρός. o Te enee, Eun. IV. iv I ne comparandus hic quidem ad illum est. Cic. pro Hiot viii. 24 addidit etiam illud equites non Optimos misisse veteres, credo, Caesar nihil ad tuum equit tam Soemand's ursellinus, Vol. I. p. 104, 105. Quasi puncti instar obtinere Has almos the aneam eos a potnt.' On the word instar se Zumpi's Grammar,s 89. Quasi .... habeant. See supra notem quasi agatur, iv. 8.Momenta. otions o lawa os motion Atiliner. Terrena relli, ut terrena. tu tenden . s. De Nat Deor. II. xxxix. 8a terra .... locata in media mundi ede, solida et globosa et undique ipsa in sese nutibus suis conglobavia. Ad pares angulos. H. . ad motos angulos, ad perpen


.... jacet.

XVIII. Condoluisse. Cum in com auton, osten ivea intensit to the signification os the imple ord. vhnerive eo udare an connisi M Tamplea Moae eonticere and eoncalefacere. Qui .... non sentiat Because hedoes nor perceive, etc. Quamis the subjunctivo ovin tho reason; a Tusc. III. Ei. 27 rarquinio vero quid imprudentius, qui in m gereret cum iis qui ejus non tulerant superbiam Where qui Dria in eonatruction, Wit the relative bein more eompactand ologant than it Mould bo it tho demonstrative pronounand a conjuncti . Haec. H. e philoaophioal speculationa. Quam .... eae eas Aristophanea, rapae, 422 143I


Iunctis- compositis.

viri. . . . adeptus est relli, Tum . . . . adeptus.

Tamquam paribus Gaminatus ponderibus Asci polsed in equilibrium. 44. Aemulemur. Aemulari inin the dativo, in alia senas. Seo Androws' or Ridiae' Lericoruta namely that. risere. Hoc orbum nunquam idem significat, quod --dere, sed aemper adjunctam habet notionem aliquid diligenter et amurate inapiciendi, explorandi, examinandi. at nimverbum insensimuri, ductum a verbo videndi. Sic Pro Leg. Mamil. xxi. 61 -m quoque rem spvius Romanus non modo vidit, sed etiam omni ιudi visendam et Oneia brandam putavit.' Κuhnen See round or euher of his



144 vacuLAM DISPUTATIONS. Natura. Ablative. 45. Haec pulchritudo. II. e. harum rerum caeleatium pulchritudo.' So orat pro Mil xxxv I08 quae oblinioso crujus rei oblivio. e have a simila uae of tho demo strative in Engliah. Patriam. o meana particulari the Ioni o Thaleaian philosophy. F. A. Wolfi vhner, lora, and re erreta patruam, after oniun. Theophrastus Gree philosophor die n. c. 287. Dispicere. See Andrewa' Lexicon, under thim ord, L. and Emeati, Clav. Cic. XX. Aliquid asse Aliquii eat quod operae pretium siti ari modo Gr ei dicunt . ' o with dicere, Tum ULxv 35. IV. xxix 46. V. xxxvi. 104. See Andrewayn Lex. unde this ord x Riddie'a Lex. 2. II. Eas angustias Themelleamn and tho Thraeia Bou rua; tho latis is hora calle ostiism Ponti, in gat of the Euxine Se Delecti . . . . arietis. Frum tho Medea os Enni , ut altered by Cicero.

Europam . . . . unda. romanni , Annales, II. 46.46 Cernimus .... videmtis emere a M. κρίνειν ortum

eat rem aliquam riuaque singula nota perapicere et dijudbeam discernere . Apposite Bilistbeckius contulit it 29 in

ea ernimus, qua videmus Acad. II. 25 ex Cumariam regionem video, Pompeianum non cerno. hneri

Ista aperta e patefacta viderunt. q. e. in thoir dimectio . Viae .... perforatae. s. De Nat Deor. III. iv s duo immina ab animo ad oculos perforavia habemus . min. H. N. xi. 54. Nisi id agat, et adsit L mcitiives attention to ιι, andis at hanc sor an explanatio of the uasi agere it Meor id denotin to giva attention is, toto intent upon, aes Andre 'a Lexinon, unde ago, T.