The Tusculan disputations, book first ; the dreams of Scipio: and extracts from the dialogues on ...

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Corona The ring s spectatore S uaed by Cicero, a sim. s. Orat pro Mil. 1. De Nat Deor. II. i. I. VI. Ista thos thius o mention; iste ein used of that hicli is referre to the person addremed, and enco called the demolistrative pronou of the secon pernon. B.

the uae of the demonstrative of the si person in the extaentenceri haec these hings of Whicii Lam apeahing. The Latin derive osten a peculia foro an livetineas rem thesignificationis ita demonstratives Thus in therarat orationagainst Catilina, vii I&: Quid Quod adventu tuo ista sti,

sellia via efacta sunt, quod omnes consulares, qui tibi persaepe ad caedem constituti fuerunt, simul atque assedisti, partem istam subselliorum nudam atque inanem reliquerunt, etc. Ista subsellia thos benches heo octoo Dur eat, --hichyo pollute by Our presence. gain, in tho Brutus, i. Ut enim tu nunc de Coriolano, sic Clitarchus, sic SIratocles de Themistocles rit. Nam quem Thucydides .... tantum modi tuum scripsit et in Attica clam humatum, .... hunc isti aiunt, quum taurum immolavisset, eaecepisse sanguinem patera, et eo poto mortuum concidisse. Isti theae historians of Dur school, - iam ou res Ne or imitate Atticus in thia amagoaportivel ranking Cicero illi the no particulari Veractoua historians Clitarchus and Stratocles. In the dramatio ritem, alao we n many beautisu illustrations of the distinetionbetween hic iste, and ille, in passage Where the wholo potnt consista in the peculiar fore os theae pronouns. Male narras i. e. ou teli me omethinga domo lihorio hear Cic. ad Att. xvi. I male narras de Nepotis filo. Terenee, Andria, . i. 6 narras probe. F. A. Wolf ren


II. Quis enim non For ho ouid o bo eloquent IThe enim implies an ellipsin; a infra xiii 30, xxxi. 6, xxxii. 78. Suppi here Facile credo I readii belleuct ouasor, etc.

Philosophorum. illine calla attention to the elegan istho positionis thia mota at the end of the aentence, hemisit a made more emphatio, and the op aition to poetarum ει pictorum more atrongly denoted. Quis est enim. The particlea enim autem, and igitur, bichumali occupy the secon place in a aenien , areosten seundi th thir place aster est o sunt, hen the sentenoe is commenoed by tho interrogative quius, quae, quid. v er, noteo xxvii. 66 q. V. Tam mors, quem ista moveant. Tam missi an adjectivo, explaine and tho idea complete by a relative claus which

Ne sunt quiliam . . . . ulli There are ais no persons, et .

. . . . quidem a metimes ignifiea also notrias lituo a thepreceding r a nomethingislse Postero die Curio milites in acie collocat. Ne Varus quidem dubita copias producere. Caeaar, B. C. II. 33. V .4 45 . So, Brutus, liv. 199, nud, quod popula non probatur, ne inlinigenti quidem auditori pro ari potest. The mos sesquentisse of ne .... quidem, acis ver mel known is inve prominenco to the object of negation, it tho soro of Leven. ΤQuia nulli sunt. An elegant conatruction, in the aenae of quia non sunt. In the comio Writera themaeis nutas lar nonia ery frequent e. g. Terenoe, Eum II. i. 10 tametsi nullio moneas i. e. nudius monitor sis, Hec. I. ii 4, nutas dixeris. An . II. ii 33.12. Iam. Attendo ad vim particulae jam qua ει πητικός ex antecedentibus tranaitu et non exspectata ab altero


monstrative of the aecondiernon the uae sapiaria pronoun, to reser no onlyrio hat actuali precedes, but ais in otherthinga liko tho antecedent haec et talia . Quid diris igitur See notem quis est enim supra, Vi. II. M. Crassum. . Licinius Crassus, aurname Dives, howit Caesar an Pompensorme thoinret Triumvirale. Howas distinguished sortia immense wealth.

i. . . . dimiserit: sit orbatus careat. For thes au

Dimiserit. O thia very rare uae os dimittere in the sonas of to Mandon, osor cite Cic. Orat pro Caecin. 26 75 p trimonium unius incommodo dimittitur jus amitti non potest sine magno incommodo civitatis. Cn. Pompeium: naeus Ρompeius agnus, the Triumvir.&nt enim oportεt. Exspecte : sint enim necesse est; sed oportet optime ea habet ii L significat enim ratio postulat, ut, qui mortui sint, esse statuamus. s. Pro Rose. m. xxii.

Etiam Isset. Commemini. oae remarha that this ord is seldom used by Cicero. II cites, however De Orat Ι. 53 227 ΗΙ. 22.85. In this Wota, as in cogitare, comminisci, and Othera, inmha the ore os secum. Commeminisse mecum apud anumum auum meminime.

Commemini. . . . me miserum Constat verba existimandi et declarandi reapuere solere verbum substantivum esse cum


emea, introduce Boin Stronger expremion, and thus, eventhon, dentes tho Meaher expremion hieli precedes Thisineream, 'aaya Zumpi Gr. 477 may bo omelime e preme in Englia by Ἀ-, or nat eren aut his domno juatis the assertio that immoria an assirmative adverb. In consequone of the derivationis thi Word, ome gramin rians preser the orthographnimo Whielicia adopte bymoser. But thes adjective lineis a somelimes Writie immus and tho sight os authorit is decidedimin favor os immo. Quia non sint. The subjunctivo o modest an doubffulatalementi The opponent, Gya illiner aliave by the adigumeliis os Cicero, o repeata, init hesitation the fame opinion hic he had besererit II, quia nulli sunt maintained with persect confidenoe with the indicative. y theus infra os the indicative, quia non sunt, the apeaher SiloKs hi confidonee in the truth os hia amertion. Quid enim .... qui non sua The eonstructio is quid enim tam pugnaι, quam eumJ, qui non su, non modo miserum, sed omnino quidquam esse '


nat madida Capena Sat. III. 11 . o Martiat, Epigr. III. xlvii. Capena grandi porta qua pluit gutta. Forcellini. Aloin os tho tombsis the distinguialte Roman families during the Republica perio lay on the Via Appia The wm os the Scipio was diseovero in I 80 o the laxos thia Way,

and nea the Porta Capena. latini. A. Atilius Calatinus, a diatinguished RomangEnera in the fidit uni War. mi tomb was adornedwit the inscription Unum hunc plurimae consentiunt gemina populi primarium sui o. s. De Seneet xvii. Serviliorum. Tho mos distinguished os iiiis famil Wero Cn. Serviliua Caepio, conaul a. o. 169, and Q. Serviliua Cae-Pio, consul B. o. 106.

Metellorum. Among the eminent me os thia amit Mero L. Caecilius Μetellus, ho gained a great victor overia druba . s. c. 250, Q. Caecilius eteli macedonicus, and Q. Caecilius Metellus umidicus. Verbo premis verbo urges Ru preas me, p* me haestiria α -- i. e. the wor esse . Translate a m militaris hostes premere, i. e. acriter persequi ea dicendo aut diap tando urgere aliquem. Forcellini. 14. An tu dialeetieis ne imbutus quidem es Amatanda, notinini the aecon member of disjunctive interrogationa, but also in simple queationa os a supplementar hind whichar au itine to the precedin diacourae hen an inquirnia made, fiat musti the caae theristae in eas there a somo objectio tot mado to the laregoing or then in caae nomelaea proposed incit is confirmed), i, when the speaher imaeis appenda an ana e to the queationis Some auspicionum latin is it undo the formis a ne question in hic camam ometime assume the significationis aiorine . ' advig


Quicquid ita dicitur plena atque persecta Verborum Bentemtia, ut id necem ait aut verum aut salsum eam, id a dialectiboia ἀξιωμα appellatum est in M. Cicerone pronuntiatum, quo ille voeabulo tantia r uti ae atteatatua eat, pisoad minua, inquit, invenero. conatitute a proponition m mvat havea nou in the nominative eam, and a ver in the this pernon. In praeae tuis. Praesentia is a nou in the ablative ca-; no an adjective in the aecusativo pluria, as omo acholam

meming of the phraa here is implfhoe tempore, nunc, in mattion to pos sollowing. Oecurra, in appellarem. Oeeurru is perseet, heno the imperfeci appellarem. Sed quum ait perfecium praeaena, poterat quidem aequi appellem hoc vero loco quod recto observavit Billerbeckius Cicero eris priua cogitaverit Pr

nunturtum, quam appellaret. ' moseri ne pronuntiarum .... id ergo ea pronuntiatum, quod,

igitur and inquam Di osten aed, achere aster parentheticallentencea, to reser bach to the leadin idea aster hio the interrupte proposition is repeate an concluded osten in a


nervo of the partici ut vise, that it has ita oot in thonam interrogative an relative pronominat theme hom hichiner tibi, α, Me derived, and therasore originali signifiea linto, or relatived M. From ho is deduce the significatio ιλαι, as applied to expres a purpos and the objectis the est, and rom the relative sago parti the significationa 8οο ac uia veni, abiit), parti that of soahat justina tho Pronou qui acquires the signification os a that he . Thenino origina a nification is stili further lost so that the wordoni maris ut a proposition indefinitet an generali a thoobjecti complementis ancilier with verba os happening). M. a 2 a ObS. Agebam. and in his Israeliinus, Vol. I. p. 200, B--rks that age jam is osten used when tho apeaher concedes Bomo Oint, an a the fame time, bein about o bring pnomemther dissiculi or objection, calla attention to the in menta hecia goingrio M. VIII. 5. equi. So ulin. Tragd. Tiach. aster hoΜS. Regius an aeverat othera. os editora reta Eequid but, MAEuhner aya, the rare ord equi Mould e verycli Ne toto corrupted by the copyiata. Eequi-eequo modo. Quantum mali. . . . deseeeria: ---κ evia 3ου have removis. vhnor noticea the fame uae o dei ere like detra here in Tuae II. v. 14 quantum de doloris terrare deseeeris. IV. xxxvii. 80 vitia ratione a se esse deiecta. Mori Benile conjectures mors, hicii illiner adopta. But thia uae of mori can e justised by the rendering whlehmacher ive to etiam moriuis, auch in Bezug ausi aer Zustand nach dem ode, even in relation to ureondition aster death. Caleem the mal limit os the race-courae. Ex eo a tem alae curriculi finia in circo vocatus eat, quod creth aut etiam ale notaretur. U CL Lucretius, VI. 1. Seneca, Episti 108 hane quam nune in ire cretam Oeamua ant

qui ealem disebant.


projiei se juam inhumatum. In regatario in Wit os thei, ciliana, Timheriit , oravi. - Verri II 4. 43. 95 Hιmquam ω- male est Metilia, quin aliquid faeela et eommode dieant. Notio tho differene bet eo tho significationis, hermandin Brutus, vii. 27 Clistaenem multum, ι ι empori bus iris, valuisse diem .

talectio. For tho orthograph os aestumo se Μ. 4, M. 5; Z. vi. Sed, esse mortuum nihil eritimo Tischerestea lautua, Capti iv. 5. 83 Post mortem in morte ni ileat, quod metuam, mali.

Iam agnose Graeeum. Iam veniunt in memoriam verba Graeca, jam reminiaco verborum Graecorum.' So D se. αxi. 26 unde isti veravi non enim Nn eo. Moriemdum .... putem. Tino esse Wit moriendum Ilia

serum putem. See note On commemini. . . . me miserum,

VI. 13. I6. Cui proximum tempus eri post mortem Thero hisbae mme diaput in regata to the meaning of this passage, but the obvius interpretation ive by F. A. Wolscis un-

eat post mortem. Constemur. Verbum confitemur respondet vocabulo Ρl tonio ὁμολογουμεν, atque i. q. eonvenit inter nos. Differt autem haec significatio ab ea, quam habet proximum e μιear est enim ibi L q. eoncedum, quamquam invitus, quia, quod reponam, non habeo. Quod vero aequitur Maentuir, id ex animi sententia fieri existimandum. U Oaer. - Recte explicat ei dius Consuemur, si veritatem quidem non pedispeximus, nihil tamen contra alteriua argumentandi rationem afferre possumus Maenaus nisi perspecta veritate me non Poteat. AEuhner.


Quae diei te mesora moliri Goren presera the readingte diei in diei te becauae, ache va, in the conatructio ostho accusative illi tho infinitive, pronouna re usuali put fore verba disendi. ut as,ii fine remaris, although inthia construction,ith recta direndi et sentiendi, the pronounia put besore the ver .hen there is attache to the pronounitaeis peculiar sores an emphasis, hen ilia no auch emphasis it a place aster theaulin verb, a in ursaasage. Itia thus mund aster the ver in statementa os generes trutha and in definitiona fas infra xxxvi. 87 si sentiasue non hubere). O .... non essetas Epen i 3ο δε no prose liti maste out), etc. tahes the significationis authough, even 3 poseuhes, homraret signis ying, even is, auppone the eam ιααι' the proposition a theresor a consecutive proposition, and is expresac negativet wit ut non.' 440. , Oba. 4. Mors ut malum non sit. The positionis mors besere in oves it a marked emphasis See Z.4 356. Siverbum id quidem est That ould indeedrae haughty. The present indicative, here o houldisse the impersere potentiat an in the expression disseile, longum, nwgnum, ἐυinuum est See Z. 420, in fin. Μ 34ου e, Obs. 1, in sin. Malo non roges. Somithia. Tr. ait Tisch. an ali heΜSN. Orellius and ther editor read malo me roges. Handitis ad WῬkena. p. l. non h. l. ab omni latinitate abhorrere oenaei quam Sententiam calculo suci probavit Moserua. Con-

aiat quidem, post verba volendi sequi ne, quia prohibendi


notio in ejusmodi enuntiatis ineat; at h. l. Cicero rectimimo aeripsit non roges, quia haec verba op alta sunt antecedent bua si te rogavero, ita quidem, ut non roges idem sere ait, quod abstineas rogandor AEuhner. IX. Unus e minis ἐν π Οις, ne of many i. B. oommon, ordinar man. s. Brut lxxix. 2 4 in non sua orator unus e multis, potius inter mutios prope singularisDa. orat. Ses. I. ix. II sum paulo infimior,vntia muliorum S unum Ἀπαιia, De Rep. I. xxii. untiae togatorum numero De Oraι. I xxiv. III. Prolatilia eo ectura sequena Aster the manne of tho

Aeademi ea philomphera. Ceria diaeri, eis. The Stoica prosemed is attes absoluto risintsin regard to the objecta os knowIedgo the Academi inlyrio find whacia mos probabie. Iti, ut videtur h. e. tu alatus, ut tibi videtur. IS. Mora igitur. ose resera the conjunctio imur tot ridea toto mentali supplied quia te ad audiendum para

rumissae dicis. Sunt enim, qui ... pulari esse mortem Cicero resera in

yammariana agre in the atalement that in relative clausea, missi tho auri introducing the circumatancea hic character is in clam denote by an indesinito genera expression, demonatrative can generallyae aupplied besore in relative.

- statim dissipari. The opinion of the Epicureans. Wii alii underatandraenaen Diu permanere. A the Stoica thought. - semper. The doctrine of the immortalit os the mes. held by Plato.

Cor ipsum animus Qui cor animum esse dicebant m vebantur, ut veri imite eat, altata loquendi conauetudine, qua eo pro animo ab omnibu nationibus dicitur: poterant otiam niti hoc argumento: irincipium vitae eat animus.