The Tusculan disputations, book first ; the dreams of Scipio: and extracts from the dialogues on ...

발행: 1851년

분량: 239페이지


분류: 미분류


BOOK FIRST CHAP. Ix. 126 Cor est principium vitae: Cor igitur est animus. rima illa sumptio certa per se videtur. Secunda probatur auctoritate Aristotelis, cujus verba sunt e libro tertio de partibus animalium in Orde principium vitae omnisque motus et aensus esse eensemus Lib. III. p. 58 ed. Sylburg. ἐν Iarii καρδία την μην φαμεν τῆς ζωῆς καὶ πάσης κινησέως καὶασθήσεωςJ. lin. quoque Lib. I. c. 37. V uretus, cited by oser. in ea. . Cornelius Scipio asica Corculum, ho madiriod a daughter of Seipio Africanus the Elder. Cf. Brutus, xx. 9 lviii. 213. Cottia Aeliu Sertus. Sextus Flius aetus, a juris ofeminence, an a ready spe eri Brutus, xx. From his reputationis a juris and a prudent man, he go his cognomen Catus. The in here quote is rom tho Annales of Ennius. Aeliu See notem Sysiphu . supra, V 10.

Empedoeles .... anguinem Udmo dicebat Empedocles, cordi suffusum sanguinem esse animi aedem. V Lambinua. His morda re Αιμα γa ἀνω-οις περικάρδιον ἐστι νοημ.

Empedocles Was a Sicilia philosopher, h dourished about

B. C. 444.

Alii pars quaedam erebri Camerarius cites lautus, Menaeehm. III. ii 40, non tibi sanum est, adolescens, sine pia intelligo. ischer quotes haedrus I. vii 2 quanta specie3, inquit, erebrum non habet sPrinripatum: ηγεμονικον. relli cite De Nait Deorum,

Alii in orde. The Stoics, Epicureans, and om physi-eians. Alii in erebro Erasistratus, Herophilus, and the Pythagoreana Davis.

Animam: ventum sis aerem Graece ανεμος.

rasere nostri. Deelarat nomen. The est ΜSS., a tho Regius Vaticanus, and emensis, rea in fere nostri decla rari nomen. F. A. Wolf conjecture ut is declarant nomine, an inelli Schuri, Obbe, lotg, and Κilliner adoptiuis reading Some old editor read, An declarant, nom


an plura are osten consounded. Moae givea the amoreading, ut bracheta the whol aentenoe Beelaria.... ae tentia, a tho glosa fisomo hil sul and Severat ditora incloae the worda etween nomen and ipse autem animae in brachetari thera mar in the amo anne in morda et an moma et b. a. e eae a sententia. Orelli' remar ominia mini,ho ever, is Medis a mund principi os textua criticiam : Praestat tamen in illi e animos, cet. λοιμὸν ἁ iam vara Dceronis i tua agnoscere, quam glomema. Moaer himaeis au

Maasuli vindicate the Ciceronia purit os the worda hi inho bracheta. The sentiment of the whole pMaage, an illinerremarha, a thia There have been philosophera homaid thattha tand was nothing ut air and thia opinio Mem to booonfirmed by the Latin languam, hic ita many orda and phrasea in hie the wor anima ha the amo ignification

a animust.

ae audem animus. Some editora thinhing that the word tween nomen an ipse hould e omitted rota ipse enim animus, - a reading Whichriamo supporte by the SS. Zenoni Zeno the ounder of the Sisic philosophy. Zenoni .... animus ignia videtur Ignis intelligitur ,--μ ελεμ-ν. Diog. L. Vii. 157. V vhner Zeno regatded individua fouis Maeing What tho oui os the univera was; as of the natur os fire, o M arm breuia and theresoro


BOOK FIRST. CHAP. X. 12720. in us for eaea Ie in .... quandam. illiner interpreta eluti multi veterea philosophi auam quisque do

animi natura protulerunt opinionem, proxime autem Ariat xBnus animum patu corpori intentionem esse quandam eam dicebat. Aristoxen . eripatetic philosophe and a celebrated municia os Tarentum, horaourished about B. C. 318. Corporis intentionem scit animum esse eeniebat.

Velia in eantu elsidibus. Understand cieatur. A Platone. In the Phaedo, p. 2 sqq.

Xenocrates Bor at Chalcedon B. c. 396. e M a

pupilis Plato, and becam president of the Academy. Pythagorae Sinc os ali hinga number area naturotho iret, in numbera the Pythagoreans thought the pedi

ived many analogie in thing that exist an are produced, more than in re, an earth, and water a that a certain assectio os numbere a justico a certain ther assection, mul an intellect another, opportunityri and of the est, oto say, each in like manner an moreover, Meing the inections an ratio os,hat periatiis' harmon to consist in numbera, since other hinga seemed in their entire nature tob formed in the likenes os numbers, and in ali nature num-bera are therarat, the suppoae the elementa os numbere to



E animalia es animantiae Boin animais and limvιhinga animantia includin planta, an mel a me and Maala. Inter animal et animana hoc interest, quod an mal dicitur do ita tantum, quae aenaitivam habent animam: animana aliquando latiua patet, et lauta etiam complectitur. Forcellini. animum ne animam. aho in distinetion et Eenthe significationis theae two morda, Daria clina Iuvenal onino disserenoes twee me and brutea, Sat. V. 148

Indiarii eo munia eonditor inisTantum animas, nobis animum quoque.

Quin quae nulla ait Thera igning os the re o by the relative claus wit the ubjunctive, is irengthene by tho

Temperauisne - organisation. 22. Quattuor ... .genera prinei orum. The lauriaementa os the ancienta, eartii, ir, fire, and water. Quintum naturam. s. infra Hii 41, xxvi. 65, xxvii. 66 Mad. I. vii 26 Finn. IV. V. 12. 'Eντελεχεων. an editora rea ενδελεχειαν but τελε-

XI. Hae sunt eis .... sentemdiae meae are ne-ἰ auin opinions, etc. Democri um. An atomiatio philompher bomist Abdera in Thrace, B C. 490.

Magnum ilium quidem, sed See supra note o iii. 6: M optimis tuis quidem viris, ed. Corpusetilia: i. e. atoma f. De Uni Deor. I. xxiv. 66. in istos. The plural pronou hero resera, not ni totho individua who his se mentioned Democritu , ut iam to thoam ho enteriain imila vie a tho atomisti philosophera generalty conspicuoua among wbomare the Epi-


Si posset scit .seri osten solet sorseri soles. Confundere χο ungere, eonsoriare. Oser compareane d mi Deor. III. viii. 19 Orat pro Sest ii x Dei Q. xxvii. 95. in is n. nother instanc os tho concessive se os ut emen is altinouo. Si videtur scit tibi. The pronouncia omitte esso infra xxxii. T. - hoe illud alias Boulite thus explain thia a sago ne, si videtur tibi, hoc agamus et in quaestione animorum immoremur illud argumentum de mortis abige

do mei exsequemur alias. Τ24. His sententiis omnibus. The ablative is heroissed in the fame manne a me fa meo judicis, mea ente uia, etα, instea os ex mea sententia. Se Ramshora' Lat. - 145, p. 443, ed. 2 muliner' Lat. Gr. Qi5, not. 10 p. 222 ed. 2. Mithner. Ullam in partem quod intersit. The position os the relative aster ullam in partem oves emphasis to thos morda.


V. xxviii.

Quoniam ne sis quidem. Quoniam is herocioine Withth a junctive, Moauae the Auditor givea the eam Whichmould hol good in the eas suppo-d by Cicero, an no the

XII. 26. Si miniis id obtinebis: Viso G οι provethal. In Englia the expremio of the laturo in commoviyomiuod in ubordinato propositiona, is icia ound in the le-- in proposition; ut thia mimio ma noto e place in Latin. ' Μ. 339. O . I.

meebo. Eleganter et cum urbanitate quadam futurum vice auatinet imperativi, quum speramus, fore, ut id, quod ab altero fieri volum , essiciatur. V. Ramah. Lat. r. h 167, not. 2, Bd 2 Κuhn L. Gr. 407 9, p. 157 sq., ed. 2. V ii,


h Moser, in hi note o the fragmen in De Re Publiea, IV. viii. si porii ies jure saneιitudo sepulturae p. 429 of his adition).

me violari . . . . religione anaeiactent h. e. nec sanxi aoni, ut, a qui sepulcrorum actrimonia Violassent, culpam, quae nullo piaculo solvi posset, contraxime putarentur. R regio enim ea culpa, quae, quum religiones Violantur, on

In ecteris Eum retineretur et permaneret tamen. Retaining thia madini Whichris ovenirnome of the beat SS., asino Regius, Berne is, and Gudianua L, an adopto Morelli, maer, ubner, imber, an many thera , quae, in subjectis in verba retineretur and permaneret, muri be



referre in vilae a ita ante dent. illiner explain thepamage thua: Vita e virtutia praeceptis ac dicitur Ense dux in metum vita hominum vitiis ac voluptatibus deditorum dieitur humi retineri et permanere tamen, h. e. vita ejusmodi

hominum etiam post mortem in hia terris continuatur, quia eorum animi terrestria amplexati, in caelum evolam non Po aunt, ae cireum terram volutantur, cita tamen, ut Ea non altora morte exstinguatur, Sed permaneati

It cannoti dente iliat the constructio mitti ou re ingis hareh. Some old editora rea relineret; ome ΜSS. res nere et permanerent tamen Lambinus, in his d. of I566, in reteris eos humi retineret, ut permanerent tamen. ne S. ovea et retinerentur e permanerenti F. A. Wols conjecturEa, quum eeteri humi retinerentur, in permaneren tamen. vh- ne suggesis, quae tu elari v. etf. d. i. e. a. esse, ita elama mi resinereι, in permanerent tamen. Whateveri the codirectae ing, however, theridearia evident. It was a common

intercoum and communionis theiody through constant a sociation and great attention, have made natural to them, ....

partis of the viaiule, on hic account, alao the ars via, bis Theae are tho mula os the miched, hic are compollo is mander a ut suo placea paying the penalty os


Ηorat Carm. I. XXXV. 2.

Semela Thia Latin sorinos ibo ablative is give by thebes ΜSS. an editors, instea os ih Gree sorm Semiae, hici man editions have. It was notonii the Augustanage, says illiner that the Gree terminatio camerint common uae in prose Seo Z. 46. I. n. Tyndaridae s tres Castor an Ρollux. s. io de Naι. Beor. II ii. 6 praesentiam saepe divi suam deerirant, ut et apud Rearillum bello Latinorum quum A. Postumius dietatoreum octavio Mamilia ,seulano proelio dimisuret in nostra aes Castor e Polluae eae equi pugnare risi xunt; et reeenιiore memoria iidem Tyndaridae Persen vietum nuntiaverunt. Adjutores .... Romani. utores is hero construe Mith


134 Tuac AN DISPUTATIONA. imo genitivea, viatoriae an populi Roman SE M. AEM,

it, is this: onne Ino Cadmi filia, divino honore fruitur 3 XIII. 29. Horum gentium dii. The origi of thia

Iuno, Vesta, REnerva, Ceres, Diana, Venu8, Mara, Mereurius, βοῶ Neptunus, oleanua, Apollo. Quaere . . . . Graeria riui Adi epulcra deorum, quae hodie demonstranιur in Graecia Moaer. - The Cretana minindout a certain epulchre a statis Iupiter Callim Hymn. in Jov. v. 8 . Cerea Misai to have been burie at leuata. Seo surther, De ma Deor. III. xxxii. 57. Som editora

mini quum mulια eximia divinaque videantur inhenae tuae peperisse atque in uua hominum,ttulisse, tum nihil melitia inis mysιeriis, quibus ex agresti immanique vita exeulti ad humanitatem et mitigati sumus initiaque ut antilantur, irare vera prines a vitae e novimus, neque solum eum laetitia vivendi raιionem Meepimus, sed etiam eum spe meliore moriendi. Isocrates, Paneg. p. 10, Fellon' ed. and note

p. 71 sqq. Traeturi oepissenti advi conjecturea eoepta via, Whic reading though no supported by the SS. Tregder, Kuhner, and ischer adopt. Sed qui . . . . tenebant, etc. Bul sine they the ancienta