Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 16: Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, And Revelations

발행: 1870년

분량: 597페이지


분류: 미분류


made mel


eternit Then Wo ali ment sortii theneo along With tho Lord, leaving Satan and Hades in Tartarus. And to iis and many othera it a commanded that me aliould risu in tho Mily. giving in themorid a testimony os tho resurrection os our Loes Jesus Christ, and of thoso things which had been dono in the lower Woria.

For three days, theresore, and three nighis, they did nos tastelaead and water at ali; nor did any os them return to the synagogue. Dut ou tho third day again the council Was asse led, and the other paper os Leucius Was read throui; and it Wassound netther more nor tess, to a single letter, than that Whichthe writing os Karinus containossi Then the synagogue Was


WHICH HE KROTE TO THE ROMAX EMPEROR, CONCERNISGOUR LORD JESUS CHRISTOXTIUS PILATE to Tiberius Ctesar ille emperor,greeting. Upon Jesus Christ, Whoso casu I had cloarly set sortii to thee in my last, at longili by the wiss of thopeopte a bitter punishment has been inflicted, myseis heing in asori unWilling and rather ahaid. A man, by Hercules, so pious and strici, no age has ever hae nor Will have. Lut Wondersulmere the essoris os the peopte themselves, and the unanimityos ad the scribes and chiel men and eldors, to crucisy this ambassador os truth, notWithstanding that their om propheis, and aster our manuer the sibyis, Warned them against it; and supernatural signa appeared While he Was hanging, and, in theopinion of philosophera, threatened destruction to the wholo Worid. His discipies are flourishing, in their Work and theregulation of their lives not belying their master; yea, in hisname most beneficent. Had I not been ahaid of the risinet osa sedition among the people, Who Were just on the int of brearing oui, perhaps this man Would stili have been alive to



crucified under Pontius Pilate, procurator of Palestine and Phoenicia, these recorda Were made in Jerusalem as to What Was dono by tho Jem against the Lord. Pilato theresore, along With his private repori, sent themto tho Caesar in Bonie, Writing thus: Το the most might y, Venerabie, most divine, and most terribie, the augusty Caesar, Pilate the governor of the East benitagreetines. I have, O most mighty, a narrative to sue thee, onaccount os Whicli I am selaed mith sear and tre ling. For in this gwemment oi mine, of Which one of the cities is callest Jerusalem, est the peopte os the Je have desivered to me aman named Jesus, bringing many chames against his, Whichthey mere not able to convici his of by the consisten of theirevidonee. And one of the herestes they had against him mas, that Jesus salit that stela Sabbatii should not be a day otiolaure, and should not be observest For he performed many cures on that dV: he made the Uiud receive their strat, tholaine Nath; he mised the dead, he cleansed the lepere; hohoaled paralyties that mero not at ali ablo to mahe any move-mont of their body, Or to keep their nerves Meady, but Who hadonly speech and the modulation os their mice, and he gavethem the pomer os Walhing and running, removing their dinessinis a single morae Another thing again, more pora exsul stili,


buasis and creeping things, uveu these he made to bu d vellers in cities, aud by his Word resti red thum to es undri ues os mind. and rendered them Wisu and able aud reputatile. Qui ing With allthe enunties of the uuclean spiriis that divult in i hein sor their destruction, Which he cast dou u tuto the depilis of the sea. Anil agnin there Was another having a Withered haud; aud not



in Winter, so majestio men appeared in glorious robes, an innumerable multitude, Whose Volce Was heard as that os a very

great thunder, crying oui: Jesus that Was crucified is risen: come M out os Hades, ye that have been ensiaved in the unde ground regions of Hades. And the chasm of the earth mas as


canio togethor, and dolivored to me a certata mau named Jesus,

bringing against him many and groundless charges ; and theyWero not able to convici him in mything. And One heresy of theirs against his Was, that he stad that the Sabbath mas nottheir right rest. And that man wrought many cures, in addition


had their dmellings in deseris, and Me the flesh of thoir omnlimbs, and liuod along With reptiles and wild bo is, he made

atio, and Orion, made a lament abolit the JuWs, on account of


Isaac, and Jacob, and tho tu elve patriarchs, that dieit twothousand fivo hundred years ago; and we have sueu Xoali manifestly in tho body. And ad the multitude Wallied abolit,aud sang praises to God With a lota voice, saying: The Lordour God that has riseu hom tho dead has brought to lite allthe dead, and has plui ered IIades, and put him to duath. Ad that night therelare, my lota, o Ling, the light ceased not. Anil many of the JeWs died, and Wero engulphed and swallowed up in the chasms in that night, so that uot eventheir bodies appeared. Those, I say, of the Jems suffered thathad spolien against Jesus. And one synagogue Was test in Jerusalem, since ad inose synagogues that had Men against