Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 16: Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, And Revelations

발행: 1870년

분량: 597페이지


분류: 미분류


And when ho Was brought to the city of tho Romans, the Caesar. hearing that Pilate had arrived, sat in the templo os thegoci, in the presenco os est the seuate, and With ad the amnand est the multitude os his poWer; and he ordered Pilate tostand formard. And the Caesar says to him : Why hast thou, O most impious, dared to do such things, liming seen so great miracles in that man ' By dariug to do an erit Med, thou hastdestroyed the Whole moriae And Pilate said: Ο almighty hing, I am innocent of thesethings; but the multitude of the Jems are violent and milty. And the Caesar stad: And who ars they l Pilate says: Herod, Archelaus, Philip, Annas and Cataphas, and est ita multitudo of the Jem. The Caesar says: For What reason dicit thousollo out their cou eli And Pilato says: Thela nation is rebellious and insubmissive, not submitting themselves to thypomen And the Caesar stad: men they desiverin him tothee, thou oughtest to have made hiin secure, and is have senthim to me, and not to have obeyed them in cruciWing such aman, righteous as he vas, and ono that did such good miraeses,as thou hast said in thy report. For hom fuch miraeses Jesus Was manifestly the Christ, the Κing os the Je s. d as the Caesar Was thus speising, Wheu he named thename os christ, ad the multitudo os the gota seu dom in a


his senate and his pomer, and ordered a decree to M Writtenagainst the Je s as fosso :-Τo Licianus, the governor of thechiel places of the East, greeting. ne reclares deed Whichias Men done at the present time by the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and the cities os the JeWs mund about, and their Mehedaction, has come in my lino ledge, that they have forein Ulatoto crucib a certain γd mmed Jesus, and on account of this great sauit of theire tho morid has been darhened and dramedio destruction. Do thou then speedily, With a multitude os soldiem, go to them inere, and mahe them prisonem, in accord- ance mitti this decree. Be obedient, and tari action against them, and siniter them, and mahe inem flaves among est thonations; and haring taven them out os the wholo of Judea, malae them the smallest os nations, so that it may not any longer M seen at est, Minum they are suli os michedness.


And this decres having come into the region os the East, Licianus, obeying hom sear os the decree, selain ali tho nationos tho Jews; and those that were test in Judea he scatiore lamong the nations, and sold sor flaves: so that it Was known to tho Caesar that theso things had beon done by Licianus against the JeWs in the region os the East: and it pluased him. Anil again the Caesar set himself to question Pilate; and hoordors a captain named Albius to cui olr Pilatu's head, SVing :Just as he luid haniis up in the just man named Christ, in like

nailed to the cross. Do not condemn her also in my sin; but pardon us, and mahe us to be numbered in the portion os Thy

Anil, belloid, When Pilate had finished his prayer, there camea voice out of the heaven, saying: All the geuerations and families of the nations shali count thee blessed, because under thes have been sulfilled ali those things said about me by the propheis; and thou thyseu fhest be seen as my Witness at mysecond appearing, When I shali judge the twelve tribes of Israel, and those that have not omned my name. And the prefectstruch ois the head os Pilate; and, belloid, an angel of the Lord received it. And his Wise Procla, feeing the anget coming and

y Lit., he made to be flaves in the dispersion os tho Gentiles. t One of the Mss. adds: By the vili and good plerauro ol our Lord Iesus christ, to Whom M the Hory Os the Father, and the Son, and tho Holy Ghostino. and ever, and to ages os ages. Amen.


When Tiberius Caesar, tho emperor os the Bomans, s la uring under a grievous diserae, aud under- standing that there Was at Jerusalem a certain physician, Jesus by name, Who by a single mordeured ali in lirmities, he. not knowing that the Jews and Nate had put Him to death, ibi dured a certain si iuuit os his named Volusianus: Go as quickly as possibie across the suas; and thou Shali teli Nate, my servant and si leuit, to Senil me this Hlysician, that he may restore me to my formor healili And illis Volusianus, having heard the emperors command,

immediately departed, and came to Nate, as he had been commanded. Aud he related to the samo Pilato What hadbeen eutrusted to him by Tiberius Caesar, saying: Tiberius Caesar, the emperor os the Domaus, thy master, having heard that in this city thore is a physician Who by his mord alone beati infirmities, begs thee eamustly to send his to his sortho curing Os his infirmity. Nate, licaring this, Was Hrymuch asmiit, knowing that through e y he had caused Him

messemer returning to his inn, mel a certain moman named

Veronica, Who had been a frieud os Jesus; and hs said: OWoman, a certain physician Who Was in this city, Who cured


TNE DEATH OF PILATE. 235 that, Whilo I mas deprived of His presenee, the figura es His

devotion. I shali thereiore set out with theo, anil shali car tho pictum to bo seen by Ciusar, and shali cornu bach agatu. V lusianus theres ,ro came With Veronica tia D me, nud saidio Tiberius the emperor: Jesus, Whom thou hasi buun longingsor, Pilatu aud tho JuWs havo delix ered to an uniust death, and have through eno aifixed to the gibbet os the cross. There has therasore come With me a certain matron, bringinga picture os Jesus himself; and ii thou mili devoutly look uponit, thou shali immediately obtain the benefiι of thy health. Caesar therelare ordered the way to be strem mith sila cloths, and the picture to be presented to him; and G soon as he hadlookod upon it, he rogained his former health. Pontius Pilate, thereiore, by the command of Caesar, is talienand brought through to Rome. Caesar, hearing that Pilate hadar med at Rome, mas filled mith exceeding fury against him, and caused him to be Mought to him. But Pilate brought domn mi in his the seatares tunic of Jesus; and ho more it on


out against Pilato When he was absent, and that Whilo he was present he could say nothing to his mugiij. Then, by a divine impulse, or perhaps by the advice os some Christian. homused isim to be stripped of that tunic, and immediately resumed against him his formor ferocity os iniud. And When atthis the emperor Wondered very much. it mas tolli him thatthat tunic had liolonged to the Lord Jesus. men the emperorordered him to be kopi in prison, untii liu fhould deliborato in

into the river Tiber. But malignant and filthy spiriis in his malignant and filthy bo in ali rejoicing together, hept moving

so that ad men mero hept in horribie sear. Wheresore tho Domans, draWing him out of the river Tiber, in derision carried his down to Vienna, and sunk him in the Mer Rhone. ForVienna is cassed, as it Were, Ita Getiemi J, the Way of Gehenna, beea e it Was then a place of cursing. But there evit spinis mere present, Working the fame things in the fame place. Those men theresore, not enduring sueti a Visitation os demons, removed hom themselves that vesset os malediction, and senthim to be buried in the territory os Losauia. And they, Meing that they mere tro ted by the asoresaid Visitations, removed his hom themselves, and suis him in a certain pit surrounded by mountians, Where to this day, according to the account olaome, certain diabolicia machinations are stad to bubbla M.

x Ditis is the fidit appearaneo os the mora christian in these Writino. Losonium mas the Roman namo os Lausanne. For a discussion os this legend concerning Mont Pilate, near Lucerne, sis Smithla Dictisnam Of tha rabie, unaue Pilate.


Christ sinered, tWo condemned robbers mere sent froin Jerichoto the procurator Pilate ; and their case Was as sollows:-


from iis placo the mysterious deposit iiseu placed there is

Solomon. Such mero his doings. And Jesus also was talien on the third day besore tho pas ovor, in tho evening. Anil to Cataphas and the multitudo ottho Jows it Was not a paswVer, but it Was a great mourning tothum, on account os tho ptundering of the sanctuary by therobbor. And they summoned Judas Iscariot, and spolio to him.

Mars Willi Jesus, as says one of His discipies called Jo . Anil on the third day, besore Iesus mas laid holit os, Judas says to the Je s : Come, let us hesd a coincit; lar perhaps it Was not the robber that stola the iam but Jesus himself, and I accuse him. And when these mords had been spolien, Nicodemus, Who kept the Mys of the sanctuary, came in to us, audinid to est: Do not do sueti a deed. For Nicodemus Was true,

thou stolen Our iam and renou ed the ordinances of Moses



239 and the propheis ' And Jesus ans ered nothing. And againa seconil time, the multitude alm Ming present, they say toΗim: rao sanctuary Which Solomon bulli in sorty and fix

and Calaphus gavo considerable money to Judas Iscariot. sayinx: Say as thou saidst to iis bufore, I know that tho iam tuis been stolen by Jesus, that tho accusation may be turnod againsthim, and not against this maiden, Who is free 1 rom blame. AndJudas having received this command, said to them : Let not allthe multitude know that I havo been instructed by you to dothis against Jesus; but retense Jesus, and I persuade the mul
