Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 16: Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, And Revelations

발행: 1870년

분량: 597페이지


분류: 미분류


obedient to the living God and Christ Jesus, e oying His


num red among Thy sheep; receive us, therosoro, O GH, and consider not our transgressions and former offences Which


zuganea his son, and Severia othera.


dream, and ordered the apostle into tho ho e os JManes. and again tho beautisul young man coming to thom and Thomas, bado them do this on tho coming night. Anil ho rant,esore them, and gavo them licti On tho Way, and withoubnoiso openod the doors that had bucii secured, untd est thomystery Was complete l. Anil having made them communicato in the Eucharist, and having talliod much With them, and confirmed theia in tho salth, and commended them to the Lord, hoWcut sortii inence, leaving the women, and again Went to bo

aeala be made again on the samo doora.




426 CONSUMMATION OF THOMAS 'E APOSTLE. canat not knom His true nino at this time; but Ι teli theo insname that has Men oven Him sor a semon esus the Christi




428 CONSUMMATION OF THOMAS THE APOSTLE. Dr; but rise up and mala, and alter no long time Du stanbs brought besita me. And Misdeus and charisius y greatly amicted Tertia and Mygdonia, but did not persuado them to



ISTODIANS declaro that India is dividod into threo

paris; and the sirst is salil to ond at Ethiopia, and the second at Media, and the third completes thecounita; and thu one portion os it ends in the dari. and the other in tho ocean. To this India, then, the holy BartholomeW the aposito os Christ Wont, and took his quartersin the templo of Astarath, and lived there as Ono os the pilgrimSand the poor. In this temple, then, there mas an idol callod Astarath, Which Was supposed to heal the infim, but rather the more injured all. And the peopte mere in entire ignorance of the true God; and hom Want of knowledge, but Iuther Dom

the falso god. And he brought upon them troubles, infirmities, damage, Violence, and much amiction; and When any one sacrificed to him, the demon, retiring, appeared to giVe a cureto the person in tro te; and the laesish people, feeing this, balioved in him. But the demons retired, not hecause theyWished to cure men, but that they might the more assail them, and rather have them altogether in thela pomer; and thiniungiliat they Were cured hodit' inoso that sacrificed to them merethe more diseraed in soa

d it came to pras, that Whilo tho holy apostle os Christ,


in the agonies os death on their account, they Were compellodio go to another city, Where there mas a temple os idola, herotheir great anil most eminent god mas called Boctior. Andhaving thero sacrificed, they demanded, ashing Why their god tamith had not respondeil to thom And tho domon Beelieransmered and said to thom: Froin tho day and hour that thotruo God, Who dWelleth in the heavens, sent his apostlo Ba tholomow into the regions here, Four god Astamith is held fasthy chains os fire, and can no longer uitlier spoah or brintho.