Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 16: Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, And Revelations

발행: 1870년

분량: 597페이지


분류: 미분류


set laee.

thereaster the demon Was not able to come near heri


ine virgin, and haring Meomo perfeci man, and having been baptized, and aster IIis baptism having sasted so tu days. tho

Inan, the son os the Virgin uariti, so me stiali conquer through

conquered by the Son of the Virgin Mary. And, belloid, hediit conquer; sor his miched crast, through the eatig of the


itat place Where the langdom os Him alone endureth sor ever, Where netther tro te, nor gries, nor groaning, nor death, has place; Where there is eternat blessedness, and ineffabie joy, and evertasting oxultation, and perpetuat repose. Wheresorealso the demon sitiiug in your temple, Who mahes responsesto you, is hept in clitans through the anget os the Lord whohas sent me. Because id thou stati be baptized, and Minest thysest in ba enlightened, Ι Will mahe theo Mhold Him, indiearn hom hom great evila thou hast been retaemessi At thesama time heis also by What means he injures est inose Whoare lying sicli in the temple. me devii himself by his omn arica es the men to be sicli, and again to be Maled, in ordis thatthey may the more belleve in the idola, and in ortar stat homay have place the more in thela fossis, in order that they may say to the stoch and the stone, Thou ari cur God But that damon who dwella in the idol is held in subjection, conquerinis me, and is able to give no response to those Who sacrifice and pray there. And is thou Wishest in prove that it is m, Iordar him to retum into the ides, and Ι mill mari him consessmith his o- mouin that he is Mund, and abis to ove no


tbo sign os the cross to his apostlos. and sent thum out into the Mur quarters os the world; and one os thum is heru justnOW, Who lias bound me. and keeps me in subjection. I implore Du, thereiare, supplicate him on my account, that he may set me laee tu go into other habitations. Then the aposite ansπered: Consess, unclean demon, Who is

theis hodies, me may thus also mahe an assavit upon theirmula When they sacrifice to M. For then me have completem er over them, When they belleve in us and sacrifice to M.AM When, on account of the mischiel done to them, We retire,


is you Wisti that I should pray lar you, and that an these m receive health, talio doWn this ides, and breali it to pieces; and when you have dono this, Ι Will sanctisy this templo in thoume os our Lord Jesus Christ: and liming baptized ali os Duwho aro in it in tho baptism os the Lord, and sanctified you, I


Te shali receive. Ι ontreat, then, that in His name est this multitudo may bo saved, that ali may know that mou Honoari God in homon, and in tho earth, and in the sea, Who seekαι tho salvation os men through that samo Jesus Christ cur Loes,

Spirit. And the Ling laid asido his diadem, and sollowed

Bartholomem the apostle os Christ. d aster these things the unbuliuvera os the Greelis, haring


Edessa and it is tho metropolis Os Osroene, iuthe interior os the Armenosyrians-an HebruW byrace, accomptished and most learned in tho divino writings. IIo came to Jerusalem to Worship in tho days os

angelio lise, he Was baptized, and his nante Was called Thaddanis. And having seen the appenring os Christ, and Histeachina, and His Wondersul Works, ite soliomed Him, and be- came Ilis disciple; and He cliose hini as one os tho tWolvo, thotentii apostle according to the Evangelisis Matthe v and Main. In those times there Was a govemor of the city os Edessa,

Abgarus by name. And there haring gone abroad the fame os Christ, os the Wondera Whicli He did, and os His tinctiing, garus having heard of it, Was astonished, and destred to sed Christ, and could not leave his ci and goverment. Andabout tho days of the Passion and the plota of the Jems, Abgarus, being seiaed by an incurabie disense, sent a letter toChrist by Ananias the courier, to the folloWing essect:-Τo Jesus called Christ, Abgarus the goVernor of the count of the Edessenes, an unWorthy flave. The multitude os tho mondera dono by thes has been heard os by me, that thou healest thebliud, the lame, and the paralytic, and curest est the demoniam; and on this account I eutreat thy goodness to come even toris, and escape stom the plottings of the Wiched Jems, Whichthrough enra they set in motion against thoe. My city is smali, hut large euough sor both. Abgarus et oinod Ananias