Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 16: Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, And Revelations

발행: 1870년

분량: 597페이지


분류: 미분류


to tine accurato account of Christ, os Wliat appearance He Was, and His stature, and His hala, and in a Word everything. d Ananias, haring gone and iven the letter, Was care-

clarus eam .

d astor the passion, and the resurrection, and the ascension, Thaddaeus ment to Abgarus; and having found him in health, he gave him an account of the incarnation os Christ, and baptized his, With ali his house. Anil having instructed great multitudes, both of HebroWs and Greelis, Syrians and Armenians, he baptized them in the name of the Father, and Son, and Holy Spirit, having anointed them With the holy por- fume ; and he communicated to them of the undefiled mysteries of tho sacred bov and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, and dolivered to them to keep and observe the laW os Moses, andio ove close heed to the inings that had been said by tho osties in Jerusalem. For year by year they came togetherto the passoVer, and again he imparted to them the Ηoly Spirit. And Thaddarus along mith garus destroyod idol-temples and bulli churches; ordained as bishop one of his discipies, and presbytera, and deacons, and gave them the rulo of ths

psalmody and the holy liturgy. And haring lest them, hement to the city os Amis, great metropolis of the Mesechal-deans and Syrians, that is, of Mesopotamia-Syria, beside theriser Tigris. And he having gone into the synagogue os the


And the multitudes having beard this, Mought together their sicli and demoniacs. And maddaeus, having gone sorin alangmith his discipies, laid his hand Mon each one of them, and healed them ad by cassing Mon the name of Christi And tho

demoniam mere healed besore Thaddaeus came near inem, thospirita Ding out of them. And sor many days the peopte rantogether iram different places, and held What mas done is addaeus. And hearing his Maching, many belleVed, and

were baptized, consessing their sius.


And when Vespasian Was dead, his son Domitian, haringgot possession of the klagdom, along With his other Wron Hacis, set himself also to malie a persecution against the right- eous men. For, haring learned that the city was fissed mitti Jems, remembering the ordors given by his sather about them, he purposed casting them ali Out of the city of the Bomans. And some os the Jems took co age, and Due Domitian a book,

fame iniud milli the Romans. But thero is a neW and strange nation, netther agrecing With other nations nor consenting to the religiolis observances os the Jo , uncircumcised, inhuman,


Who consessed theriiselves to bu Christians. Thoso, then, Who vero soliud in the timo os his mete, and who reapod tho fruit of patieuce, and were cro ed in tho triumphant contest against tho Norks os the devit, received the repose os incorruption.

And tho samo of the teaching os Jolin Was spread abroad in Dome; and it came to the ears of Domitian that thero was a certain Hebre in Ephesus, John is name, Who spread a reportabout the seat os empiro os the Pomans, saying that it Would quickly be rooted out, and that tho hingilom os the Pomans Would bu givon over to another. And Domitian, troubled by

What Was sala, sent a centurion mitti soldiers to selete Jolin,

went sortii.




i.e. the Eucharisti Tischeudors conjecturea thia clauae, M the origines is illeoble.


many things Fou have seen With your eyes, that ear hath notheata. De Strong, therofore, in Him, remembering Him in allyour doings, knowing the mystcry of the dispensation that has



son; We glorisy the resurrection Whicli has beeu manifested toris through Theo; os Theo me glorisy the seed, the Word, tho ace, the true peari, the treasure, the plough, the net' themajesty, the diadem, Him called Son os man for our salies, thetruth, the rest, the knowledge, the fruedom, the place of refugein Thee. For Thou alone art Lord, the root os immortali , and the fouutata of incorruption, and the seat of the ages; Thou Who hast been callud ad these sor our sakes, that no e, calb