Ante-Nicene Christian Library; Translations Of The Writings Of The Fathers Down To A.D. 325, Volume 16: Apocryphal Gospels, Acts, And Revelations

발행: 1870년

분량: 597페이지


분류: 미분류


his mouth. And Adam salil to Eve: Let iis arise, and go indaee What has happened to them, test perchance the enemyshould bo in any Way Warring against them.

os Cain his brother. Anil God says to the archanget Michael: Say to Adam, Do not relate the mystery Whicli thou knowest to thy son Cain, sor he is a son os Wrath. But griovo thysolsnot; sor I viil give thee instead os him another son, Who shallshoπ thee ad things, as many as thou stiali do to him; but dothou toti him nothing. This God salil to His angel; and Adam


455 hops the word in liis heart. and with him Eve also, having


456 REVELATIOI OF MOSES. my face ' shali tho houso be hiddon stom him that bulli it p

atio our nature has been changed. Nom therelare, thou shalb


manner of our transgression.


458 REVELA NOX OF MOSES. Serpent, saying, Ariae, come to me, and I shali teli Du a thing

keep ille common translation.


460 REVELATION OF MO Sangry With me. Anti I said to him, De not asinid, sor as Monas thou shali eat thou fhait Enom good and ovae And then I