De vita et moribus Julii Agricolae et De Germania: Agricola and Germania;

발행: 1900년

분량: 392페이지


분류: 미분류


ideoque, and there fore S frequently in Tacitus and elso hero. miπti Se cum equitibus. Proeliantur : Se pedites, O be suppliediro in the collectivo singula preeo ling. 1B. Velogitate : astitity. p. CaeS. B. G. VIII. 36, 2, pedites, summae velocitatis homines. On hi method of fghting, o Caes. B. G. I. 48, 5 ff. Amm. Mare. XVI. 12, 2 f. the batilo of Strass- burg, 357 A.D.). Theroniter se herer no more Dit, noti Von in Poetry. It abandonment a probabi clue to the reat in creas in cavali yamong the Germans, hieti rendorest them in clopeiadsent of supportiroin tho infantry. The Samo cursioni S lio e Ver also attributei tolli Boeotians, ille Bastarnae, and the nulS.


19. electos olso vhere in illo minor rit ingA Tacitus has lictere. On his change i ii ago, p. note Dial. 0 3 l. ante ACiem thoplace of honor p. eli. 3l 22.2O. Defiititur Et numeru : Se peditum delectorum, just mentionsed, for that the equitatus as an lite coirps is alien or granted ThepreSent paSAnge, there fore, meret distinguishos et w00n a solectiniantry and th rank and illum pedites, called acies bolo K. Obsserveth emphati position of the redicat aud rebar more, rei their number is saee l. Centeni Sisinguli pagis the decimal system in militar and political organi Zations is liriniitive Indo- European, and particulari conspicii ius moti lite indOOS, PerSi anS, Iad Romans. passus aecordinito Caes. B. G. IV. 1, 4, formet the ne-hundroditi part iis stens o civitas, contributin annuali a thousan soldiors,

Which Would thus correspono to tho Roman tribus. A hundred delecti pedites the quit a re here not diseussed for the reason ivenaboVe Would thereioro, constitute a sufficiently mali contingent tomali it a distinetion an an lionor o bolon to it That the exactone hundred was occasionali exc00dod se in to se implied in quod primo numerus fuit, the Original 0Signation Dein traditionaltyretainest, A in the analogou eas O tho Roman centumviri and of the German centu er Whiel in differoni Ooalities anilis different times


as qualitative, illi the sua ellipsis of the substantive, ore docu


25. in utilis proelii : in undecisi e batiles. The would evonrun the risii o Dein captured praeCipuum the ver streatest. A morite ordii Tacitus and generali used by him in a superlativo

26. flagitium: it is a noto orthyciae that aditus throughout the entire reati se caretully Vo id mention in an eustonis o traitis Whieli ho Germans hare alike illi the Romans o Greolis), Without dra in specia attention to the Oinei denee so e g. h. 9, 25 f. 30 2 43 25. The present Passage constitutes the Only Xeeption,ior desertion as also a capita crime among the Romans Distest. 9, 16 6), and among the reoli λειποταξια involvet severe penalties, ortho frivolous anne in hicli ArchilochuS, Alcaeus, Anacreon, and in insere literar imitation O these, also orace, penk of havingthrown amanthei Ahields, must noti talion seriousi a indieat in alenient altithide on tho part O Greelis and Roman towardis heinous an osse nee Cp. Aeschin. citest elo Cie de in II 30, 7 cum . . . ipse Se Epaminondas urari iunere exanimari se videret . . . quaesivit salvusne esset clipeus, and the injunction of the Spartanna Other o hor son, ταν η ἐπι τας return it this hield oron it). Tacitus tendenent magnis at ali os the virtuos of the obarbarians here go the eti0 of him. p. Introd. p. Xiii. ARCrinacteAge, etc. the parallel passage in Aesch. Ctesiph. 176 eon-

Solon . . . o λιποντα την ταξιν ξω τῶν περιρραντηρίων τῆς γορας

Plut Aye8 30.2 T. fas signisi antly used io licet o the like, 0 ause of the violationii the Solemn law, hether ritten or unwritton involvo in the crime. SuperAtites, te the preferrei sui uide by angingrather than suffer thesileatli penalty at theiand of the great assembly. Cp. h. 12, 19. An historient Xamplo is urnishsed by th Spartan Pantiles recorde by Herod. VII. 232. Chapter T. 29. Reges here, a elSeWhere o. g. h. 10, 20 Il. 11), Sed a n Synonym Oi principes for althougli Tacitus mentions iniserior Germani tribos ho ere vied by ings cp. h. 25, 10 44, ). et the information concerning the Socia an politica institu-


Se also note ch. 11 11. Eae in the a bove ense, is very common in Tacitus. In his reatis again, h. 12, 18. uCES : enera is, O r spondita to id igh German, herizosta, A. S. heretosta Germ. herzost, i. e. lenitorii ille army. The were hOSen, here thoro erea number of principos Oi qua rank or heia severa tribes uni ted against a common Oe Arminius, the liberator o Germany and Civilis tho se actor of the reat Germani upri Sin in 70 A. D. are QRS0Sin Oint. Sumunt Seleet, i. e. in ense Oi War the eliose rom ut a number of principes Suel a Were notet for their pro WeS anu eourage. SO infinita aut 1idera absolute or even arbitrarν. noliis restrictive ignissentiori t ep. note Cli. 6 11. illi the Statenient, ep. h. 4, 13 41 7 f., and anu. XIII 54, nationem eam se. Frisio rum restebant, in 'tantum Germani restuantur. SemPl potiusquam imperio : P. Aun. II. 17, insistitis Arminius manit, voce vulnere

sustentabat Mynam.

Pag 36. 1. Si Prompti, etc. this anaphori enumeration thelast member boing, S usually, amplissed, selong to the causal ablative, admiratione ante Ciem agant, Actmiratione theniliteration is probabi uia intentiona horo, ut notis bolo W, animad

Marcell. XVI. 12, 24 ; ac Hist. III. l, Sido atque Italicus Sitebi. . . cum delecti prim laritim primore in acie versabantur, and


ste a sollier lio angerest him at a militar re vie . CaeS. B. G. VI. 23, 4, inini apparent contradietion O TacituS, Xpressi attributo thepower ver lite anu death o mastis tratus qui ei bello praesint, forteseems to mali a distinction e tween the mustistratus as a body and the principes actin res individuales. S. VETUETATE: in Atron contrast illi Roman eustona, hieli 0 mittest even centurion to infli ut corpora punishment Pola Sol dierS.Cp. Anu. I. 23. Thi S a consideredis degradin to a German ire0man res to involve the los of his civi right s. Aacerctotilaus thisis also at varianeo illi Caes. B. G. VI 21 1, neque Druides habent qui rebus divinis praesunt neque sacrisciis student, ut the passageoni dentes the Xistene ei a religious east o Pri0Sthood, o that Oi risest altogether. Resides, Taeitus may on the ne an have been in possession Oi et ter ources of information, hi te Caesar Sstatem erit ma liave been applicabie to ut a single tribo. Thore maining alternative, that conditions ad undergone a hange in huintervat, illos probabie. 5. Quem acteSAe, etc. either Odan, tu the Od i War, orT Ouar-Hercilles, on WhOm Se ch. 3, 1 ff. In the Teutonicipies, precisset a in the Homerio tho od personali participat in batiles. The motivo here iven or his relegation o punishment to thoprie si is Oubiles imaginary, as are the ther l)rofound reflections whieli T. attributes to the Germans. p. h. 8, 2, 9, 3 12, 21 f.;


hi ii ad id), and the chia Sinus feni. Dil. - rustitiis inf), OUldb susticiunt o defend the construction it eing, moreover, hi ghlyprobabi that it a directi stiggesto by the hinc est audiri stet hituso Verg. Aou. VI. GP; VII. 16.11. Hi by attraction illi testes and laudatores, the a Seuline formes heing Sed a fortiori, as osten in Latin. p. h. 28, 2b, conditoris sui, illi Ole. For testis iis ornan, P. Plaut. . t . 1338 Ovid, ex Pont. III. 3, 50 Suet. Claud. 40; ut laudutor


Cirt. 5. αἱ δε ανασυράμεναι βόων ' IIo φερεσθε. ω κάκιστοι. . . . O δἐ Περσαι καταισχυνθεντες . . . επιστρέφουσιν επὶ ob πολεμίους Nicol Da


ta k it ali the more t lipari, ii their omeli re aptured Nomine, a Phras Seontingi talion rom commercial lii Oecur repentecti in Tacitus and et se horo. Suarum is Superfluous, ut here adus a tota hos affection. p. also eli. 13, 10 30, 24. Translate : The have an intolerable read os captivity, and ear it ali the more in the caseof their i u omen. 19. animici eaceable stili osition the heuris, the civitas hein conceived rather a an aggregate Oi individual than a Politica organiZation. Simila quasi-90rSODissention are frequent, e .g. Aur. 19, 22 Hist. I. 78 civitatum et ' i' γυDὶciarum animos adstressus IV. 66,

perculsis cinitatum tu imis.

2O. Duellae quoque nodilem: the treSS, S hoWn by quoque is On puella . The emphati POSition O the adjective aS, hoWever, necessarnio a void the collocation inter obsides nobiles, puellae quoque, Which couldini mean that the assection in litet the Germans belutheir Women rendered nobi hirti a les essentia qualification than in th case of the male host ages With the Statomen itSeli, P. Suet. Octav. 21, a quibusdam Sc civitatibus male quietis vero novum stentis obsidum feminas existere temptaverit quod est listere marium pistriorassentiebat anu ob. 20 4. 11EAS : Se feminis sitis, ea Sil Suppli d

ctum: rescient, inspired. his boli et i abundanti alte Sted. p. Caes. B. G. I. 50 4 Suet Uiteli. 14 vaticinante Chatta muliere cui velut ora 1llo acquiescebat se Vitellius). The Gothic in Filimer, Christiani expellei mussas mulieres, and referenue t them a re irequent in the Teutonio pios. The tenaeity ith hicli Such Women, in particular, ould et in to pagan traditions made them an speetalobjectis attack on the par of tho Christian propagandi sis. y the time o Chartes the Grent thoi influenco spem to have been rolion, and we herer no more of them, uiati tho revive in tho itchses of the Middie Ages ne se nec ideo, a osten in Tacitus. Congilia

βουλευόμενοι μετα τῶν γυναικων.

22. Victimus: Taei tu mi glit have Seen Veleda in his boyhood


se followin note), ut diu prove that vidimus must e taken in agenera SenSe in uriwn Hay, witHe88 d. p. A Vr 2, J, vetus aetas vidit Cio pro Mil. 28 77, multa . . . victorias nostra aetas vidit pLiv. XXII. 4, 6, eam Se Oram . . . plenam hostibus . . . vide

brouglit o oui as a captive. p. Stat Nil . . . si and Delow.PIETOBque ma)ιν. P. Ote eli. 5, 17. Humina IOCOQ P. Hist. IV. l, ut imperitabat se Veleda), vetere apud Germanos more plorasque feminarum fatidicas et austesce ut superstitione arbitrantur deos deus P) 05 coram adire adloquique Veledam nestatum Arcebantur adspectu quo venerationis ylus inesset. Ipsa edita in turre delectus eae propinquis consulta responsaque, ut internuntius numinis portabat. 2Φ. Et olim . . . Enorati Aunt. te. 'his PaSSage correspondes tothe Statemfiat vetere . . . fati di as juS ci ted and lprobabi rofersia lito tho im o Di usus sis. in . Seo selow. The quasi d0ifieationii Vel0da, on th otheria nil furnisbe ni illuStration Oi austescente . . . deos. The contradietion , lioreloro. ith laicli Tacitus is here sen


exacti Caes. B. G. VI. 17 I deum maXime Mercurium colunt. The attributos enumerate by hini l. in hunc omnium iuventorem artium ferunt, hunc viarum atque itinerum ducem, hunc ad quaestus pecuniae mercaturasque habere vim maximam arbitrantur, correspondo thoseo modun Odin). The petasus O Hermers-Mereur lini it eounter- par in Ostan' Droad-brimm est liat tho caduceus in his stast bothac as lithonio deitios and are tho Od O cultural progres par eXeellenoe. Engi Medites Jay mu dans Jay and the re noli ei credi Mercurii dies imply the sam identification, hi elicis perhaps due