장음표시 사용
inSuper here, ch. 10, 29 34, 22 to e talion in a loea sense, ut in the rem aining tWenty- sive instances in TacituS, it mean more-OΓer, RS . g. in h. 31, 18 45, 1.22. tamquam introdue in a SubstantiVe elaHS i a Peculiar POSt- Augustan Substituto ior the accusative illi infinitive. It is ostfrequent in Tacitus in the minor vork oni liere ch. 20 4 39, 20 Diut. 10, 6 25 25, 11. Exceptin a dolabitu paSSage in QP. Hann.2, 2 the construction is rest et illi in Seneca Hiietor. Celera . . . flagitia the forme Seem to refer more particulari to erimes againSt the communi ty, as reason and desertion the latior o immorat actions o ille individual, liliougii liis distinction is no invariablyObserve l. ostencti oporteat Alioula be eforo the yes of ali, son to SerVe S a Warning XnmPle. um uniuntur: the resentinuicativo o a dum claus in oratio obliqua is the regula conStructionii Tacitus. p. note Dial. 32, 10. The motivo hero assignei to the Germans is no intrinsicali improbabio, ut it is moro lik0l thoinfero iace of the idealigin author oriis authority Cp. Introd. P. X iii. 23. leviorilau cteliCtis e. g. io mi eide, asSaul and attery, inr-ceny, PerSona libet. Pro octo Se delicti poena ni these transgression could o tonost io by the nymen Oi a lino, ille so- call0 Merstetit, hiel in lal Germani laWs is regulatest y numerous gradations in proportion to illo magnitu e and haraetor of the offence On the ne and and the Socia an politica position of thoinjure part On ille ther.
25. regi m principi, chies; sed a fortiori. p. note ch. 10, 20. Probably here theremere severat principes o equa rank, par of the sine a pat to the triba communi ty. The fractiona distribution, a late documents Alio v vario at different times an amon different peoples. In monarchica Scandi navia the kin receivedine third the
cotinnuntly an Oilior annine hird was a id to the injurest individunt. Els0wher tho division into alves Aeem to have been the most sunt. 26. propinqui i. e. in ca Se o homicide, here the multa ouldbe pati to tho neni est i in Eliguntur fui thermore there rere selected, o electest, hieli Would calicior creantur. On the empliatio position of the predicate, Se introd. P. XVi. 27. principes here Sed of the resistin judgeS, correSPO ad ingin a mensure to the Omnia praetores ferestrini anu ur circuit usti COS. Qui iura . . . rectctunt: e ound the lain, haud dotri thede istoris. Tlie relativo clauso, sed to distinguisti these principes froni hos who hau no judicia iunctions here talae the lace of an adjectivo lik iit dictalos othei Wis Wo hould Xpeo the subjunctive reddant. Pago ViCOAque : totoushus and villast homeste lus. Tho are politi ea subdivision of the tritas, and a Sueli are iten mentioned togethor, e g. iiii. I. 56. A the passus, VieWedos a militar Organi gation furnished ne hundred soluiers, o conSidereua a civi combination hundred a SSessors ere Sole 'tela ne a nsortii grani jurnio assis the u ges in the administratior of the la v. Tho numbor, like tho Roman centumviri and the unnones of tho Franks boeam re traditiona tochni ea term and was reta ined hether the omites consisto o more or es than the original one hundred. Cp. note h. 6, 20. Vith the entire a SSage, P. Caes. B. G. VI.
23, 5 in pace nullus est conmunis mastistratus sed principe restionum atque pastorum inter suos ius dicitat contr/oversiasuti minuunt. 2B. Aingulis Se prsu vibus. Consilium imul et auCtoritaA ad luce anu estu sanction. The Same Collocation OCCUPS, e. g. Cie pro Caec. 8, 5 Tae Hist. II. 44. On the position o sin ti, se Introd. p. XVii, and on Simii et ne atque m et . . . et, P. h. 30,
solemn investiture illi the litet anu Spear, in later times the word, was an aut of enirnnelii Sement, entiti in the olith to aetive member-shi in ille civit anu militar organigation O the civitas Tacitus himseli compares the et to ille Roman eremon o the assumptiono the ossa virilis the correspondeiice S, hoWeVer, ni partiat. 32. mori Se est Oiten in Tacitus for the more sua mos est. p. note Agr. 33, 25. In his reatis again, h. 21, 23. Auffecturum prodaverit: hul sed tu iste in t be ne rho reo ulu prore qua to earin arvis. For the a Solute Se i Susscere, P. An n. I. 13. Probaverit annoti talion a the perfeci subjunctive, io illis vovi calicior sim ere Or sus ecisSe.
pulati Caeci the appear a par of the familν subsequently the be-lon ii part also to the state. The expression is ambiguou throughOVer-eonei SeneSS. O the German Outh dii notias out lolio atriupotestus il his mari lage. Henoe in translating, pars mus ei therio talion απι κοινου et Se e HS SIPPOS the olli9Si Oi aut uiu . . .etia . Rei publicae. Damon-Roman communi ty, is io uni in Tacitus otii here ani Aun. IV. 4, XIV. 27. g. aut magna Patrum morita i. e. here the neeStors ere notnobiles, although the insistitis nobilitas Ouid naturali includ in many cases the alternative here mentione l. Aut, or ven ς p. notecti. 6, 11.
5. Principis ignationem : the aiὶk of a princeps, although edidio res et Ahare tho privileges O iunctions os the position. s. actAignant stive, invest rith. Certi TolauAlioritiua c. principibus. A the number of Outh A utStinguislied inust at ways have been Diali, lie Were nSSignei to certain olde leaster for pur- pose of training Robustior, in the SenSemi mature i quite Omnaon. CP. e. g. Diat. 35, 11, alSO Ombined illi adsiynari. Hor it is a Synonymi iam 1 iridem probatis, Sed in referene to the time liencinitas sus ecturum probaverit t. 32). On the ellipsi O sed, See
Introd. p. IXVii. P. ActgregRntur Se a principe comitatus. Tudor m rubori estiis. Tli nominativo io the dative is poetic anu speciali commonwith his orit, litet is here, as Oiten in Tacitus, Sed ior pudor. Cp. Tib. II. 1, 30 vid, m. III. 167 anu note Agr. 6, 14. Gra
Agr. 32, 18 36, 2. Nomen and loria re combine also in Hist. II. 37. 15. Comitatus nominative.
rilau ornantur: P. h. 5, 2 Hist. IV. 65, testati ad Civilem ac eledam missi cum donis andisio uulf, 38 ff. 17. Ierumque teu. p. note h. 6 17. Bella profligant: reari in se ille. Et Sewliere thi frequently occurrin phras is uso in the more restricted sense i ringin Something nimos to a closo. Cp. Cic. ad rem. XII. 30, 2, prosistato iam bello et paene sublato Liv. XXI. 40, 11 Monum. Ancyr. 20, 3 coepta prosistataque Opera a patre meo perfeci Tae Hist. II. III 50.
Chapter 14. B. principi virtut vinci: e must at ways fght in
the an. p. Hist. III. l. et ted h. Ann.A. 65. 3ιm delectis scindit uomen se Arminius).19. Tam vero introduces a more emphati Statoment. Naserit is, etc., bit quite infamotis, etc. p. Amm. Mare. XVI. 12 61 nodomarii comites . . . astitium arbitrati post restem vivere vel pro reste
10, an note Astr. 6, 26. The enervat in effect os a long ea de is repea tedi allude to in Tacitus. p. h. o 3, 17 44, 22, an noto Istr. 11 15.
25. plerique nolailium actuteACentium, militi principes. 26. ultro ou their oren account, of theirmi uice Ord, i. e. ithout a declaration Oi Warin the par of thei civitas. 27. ingrata Se est. CIRTEACunt C. illi principes, no comites, secause ali ho glor aequi red by Sueces Belongod, a Tacitustia just Stated sexuuisivel to the princeps On the statomen itseli ep. Pomp. Mela III. , , bella cum nitimis erunt, causas eorum eae
vi laedoque the Iiecisio adde to the more genera term on hicli Seo Introd. p. XViii. 29. Sigunt e comites, eaSil Supplied rom the precedin comitatus Tho Wkwardnes O the change of subjectoni in possibio ambiguit ar horo Obvia ted by principis sui tollo ing. Enim : i. o. thenas these giit a thei right, Tistere ein a uel Stronger ordthan postulare o poscere. Tho principes ad to resor to bella tosuppinthem solves illi the means orantisinthes demand si sanetioned by immemoria custom. UDEralitate : by reasou of the liberalitν. Causa ablative. The ori Seem to e the Latin rendering o tho Teutoni mille Oriistin', a qualit S inseparatet associate With thocluties of the princeps comitatus that in the Anglo-Saxon pio his
gativit a I. 9, 22. illum that ylorious. Dellatorem equum: this adjectivalis Oi nouiis in tor Or triae is sirs mei illi in Cic. pro Mil. 19, 50, and heco me incroasingi common alter sergit an Livy. In alituS, p. g. Anu. III. 6, imperator I Opillo 74, victor Xercitus. The pressent phrase a horrowed by Vergil e .g. Geory II. 145 ironi
Theocr. XV. 51 πολεμιστης et ros, an is theronite O frequent Oeeur-
3O. nam like enisu, illi the sua ellipsis. The hors and thespea the comites demandectos an inalienabi right, ut ille epulae,
etc. 31. Pula . . . ActPATRluA: meais . . . angit eis. The collocatio verborum orbi is A aking these ord a a liendiadysior epularum adparatus. To beeΟme a beOdyeneatas, table companion of the ord was amigh honor For deseription Oi uel fensis, Whicli ore purei voluntar On the partis the princeps, e BύOWuli, 483 f. 620 i. 1025 fi Thei inexpensive an uiaretined albet plentuful, charaeter is placet in har contrast illi the XtraVagance andover- elaboration Oi Roman anqueis Cp. Hist. I. 88, D aeuriosos adparatus conviviorum II 62 exhausti conviviorum adparatibus principes civitatum Suet Uiteli. 13. 32. Pro Eliseencti Cectunt: pas a pay for the princeps could furnisti these Dieal or not at his discretion, the antith0sis belween existunt comites and epulae cedunt be in Atrongi martised by the position O the predicates in indisi chiasmus. In illi sensecedere pro S Xtremel rare. P. .g. Cato, de astriculi. 160, 2;Colum. 12, 14. Ateria the means also a rare se of the orit. Cp. Ovid, Met VIII 876. mimi 1iCentiam includes the iit aniltho aliquet s. p. 6owulf, 243l Gave me reasure and east, i. e. accepted me in his comitatus. Page 40. 1. raptus: P. CaeS. B. G. VI 23 6, atrocinia nullam habent infamiam Pomp. Mela III 3, 27 ius in viribus habent adeo tit ne latrocinii quidem pudeat Tae. Anu. XII. 29, I unius eunum
per a X annos praedationibus . . . HXit. NEC AETATE . . . Unum:
ep. Caes. B. G. VI 22, 1, astriculturae nou student Cic. de rep. III. 9 15 say the a me of themauis, turpe esse ducunt frumentum manu qua ere, itaque armati alienos afros demetunt. On the meaning ire unus, early produce See note Ayr. 3l 10.2. persuasoris illi the infinitive S Ver rare. P. e. g. NePOS, Dio 3, 3 en de brev vit. 13, 4. VOCAT provocare S CaeS. B. G. V. 43, 6, hostes . . . vocare Verg. Geor9. IV. 76, Ocant . . . hostem. In alitus again Hist. IV. 80 uir. VI. 34. merericit earn perhaPS OPPOSed to pro stipendio cedere observe the
3. Pigrum . . . iner : S combine in Sen de ira III 3, 1 and similari eli. 45. 25 'r. 10. 20. quin immo is omeWhat Stronger than uii setia in It Oecur in Tacitus ni here an iour
onibus atque tu studiis rei militaris consistit in times of eade ;Pomp. Mela III 3, 28 Son de pron. 4, 14, in alimentum feras capta ut
Se Germani). The Germani mythology, more oVor, ni themationalepios also furni Ah superabundant videlice of this fontines for thechase, and to thisia the love foui tin has rem aine an ethnologica characteristio Oi tho Teutonio ne Q. 6. Plu De otium tranAigunt: i. e. WheneVer Opportunities forbella an venationes ere anting the gaVe them Selves 9 O loth- futiles rathe thren to agriculture, trade, or ther mode o labor. clectitiis omno Citioque p. eli. 17 22, 2 and Orithe XPreSSion, Sali Cat. 2 8 dediti ventri atque somno. The RSSage emphaSiZeSth contrast illi the bus an active Roman. P. Forti AAimu . . . elaent the entire elaus Virtuali rei terates, ut more in et ait, the thought just rought ut Sueli uinesso expression secomes in re asingi rare in the later ritings O Tacitus Hero it is Stili parti tho elevate ton So conspicuous in theSe Paragi ΛΡhS. elegata . . . Cura feminisci an ablati Verat Solute,
396 p. also Val. lneo. IV. l, corpus obo somno and tho imitarUS O torpere, torpor. . . Ch. 1l 25 46. 5.1O mira cliversitato naturao: sin to a Sirc iste contradiculon in their character. 11. ultro: ODiniarilli. 12. viritim mi instillis, OppoSed to publice armantorum . . . Tugum the LSOllate usse of the partitivo genitivo is sextro molyrare. p. EnniuS, rastm. 14, meusam Sermon 82Me ertimque Suα-ruiu . . . impertit CROS. D. C. III. 4, 6, Thessalos ac reliquarum stentium . . . adiecerat Amm. Mard. XIV. 7, 18, promittentes armo rum anu ne Anu. XV. 5. J, ut quisque audentiae habuisset. Fra1-
Diat. 40, 7 Agr. 1, 3 or et Se in referene to tho farra scuta and breves stladii of the GermanS. P. at So maioribus au h. 6, ). The toruior interpretation is Supported by Tae Hist. I. 88, conspicua
Γερ χανοὶ πείθονται φιλάργυροί τε δντες καὶ την εἰρηνην-ε προ ' Ρωμαιους
χρυσέου καπηλεύοντες, and ne Hist. V. 70, pecuniamque ac dona quis solis conrumpantur Se Germani).
Cp. note h. 15 6. The Supposition that Tacitus means to distinguisti the dependent arm Ateails and the wellings of the reo, incliti ingiti man or of the lord, is no confirmed by the contexi, though ueli
spatio circumdat, although the Germans ignorance of tone uil lingsis in itseli the rea Son, hy pro autions against re ere imperatively