장음표시 사용
VI. l. 2. nys deo mim ni mero os solos ducunt, quos eruti ut et
quorum aperte opibus iurantur, Solem et Vulcanum et Lunam reliquos ne fama quidem acceperunt This a uoubiles no true i ho Gemnans in generat for thoi religion a certainlymo a mero nature-WOrshi P. I Di ny ho e ver in Caesar' tinae, have been arti applicabieno soni tribe or tri belli vingin the Rhine the eult heinglorroWed by thom irona illo auis. his hypothesis Ovid, at lea St, in a menSure aeuo unt for the euriori miXtur stili sui viviii in nam es for the weeli.
Tacitus, ille Suebi race a b far th most idol dissus 2d o ali Germani Deoples 800 h. 38 ff. ; ut res a goddes Nehalennia a Sworshipped illi simila rit0s by the Suebi Branch Whiel Augustus transplanted tollan turifrona th uppe Rhine and Danube it is noti inprobabio that he represent iti Isis o Tacitus. 29. Aicti this is no an instancem interpretatio Romana, O the antiquarians consulted by Taeitus id not a pis0Where, identis the German cult With a Roman ne on the basis o simila attributes, ut in his casu assume dii sect importation, o cause the fauci sed that theearryingi a lii Ρ' Symbo in procossion in prin and the navistium
Isidis, On Marchith conStitu ted an Xherna rosein blance to stristingio admit o an indepondent, native Origin uncte: Se esset Onthe usualisllipsis os the Substantive veri, niter unde inde hinc, and lielike Se Introd. p. Xix. Causa et origo: ordes denoting Origin areosten combinei in Treuitus. p. note Myr. 10, 22. ARCTo the dative illi oristo causa, initium is extremoly Ommon in Tacitus. 30. Parum Comperiri .e. Tacitus Solaree fallest to explain, o his entire satisfaction, heno the movenient for tho importation ithis culi unde causa aros and through,hose or hat agenen oristo)it Was transplanted nisi quo quali fies partim comperi an voiceSthe conviction that this cult was in an eas not indigeno us like theother Germani rites, ut olearly foret gn That the Same cerem ony
Was also par of the Dionysia culi an generali Ver Widespread Seenas to have been unknown to Tacitu Or his authorities signum ipsum the ery syinbo of the goddes a distinet irom the eremonyconnected illi her litiurniCaeci e navis. It a possibi the fore isti character of the esset See note Agr. 28, ), no the esset assueti, hieli texto the hypothesis. Ρag 37. 1 actvectam ei the by and Or ea, io tho ver is used in both Senses. The question annot he desii dediere, as it de- Pen is, in a mensure, Pon the location of the pars Si ebori m. fundorsi odii the uppe Danube the former ould e implied Gi in Flandors, the alter ould e possibie On the wliole, it eo in that Tacitus Would have decide that the euit Was introduce overtandi forin h. 2, 14, he is penicin os hole migrations in prehistori times, Wherea tho Roman Isis cult asii comparativel regent state Secondsumi War). Eligionem : O barbarian religious elieis, Tacitus generali use the terin superstitio, ut the orshil os sis, thoughoriginali Egyptian had by this time beeome losely associalest illi Roman religion, o to mention that in tho pressent eas tho cult assupposexto have been importod. Ceterum: ut to return to theirown deities deorum-deos); On hi uSe of the partiole, Se note 2, 11. On such ancilia reflections Se note h. 7, 5 and Introd. D. Xiii. 2. Cotimere parietilauA the Statenient S, Oi OurSe, self-evidentamon a Deoplo h Were HS emergin irona a a Storal, nomastic State Thus the very ord templi m irom temno, to citi os horiginalty denotet meret a Saerest uelosure, and this is Still the ni mean ingin Lucretius A very simila eXplanation is ivon by Cie de rep. III. 9, 14, and Min. FeliX, Octav. 32, t. tiumani oris, et Q. thi Wasprobabi stili truse of the Germans in genera in Tacitus time, for ventho Goth of th 4th centur hau not et nilvaneel 0yon rude symbolf ξθανα), and sueti Wa stolabile S the numen ipsum in h. 40, 15. g. IuCo a nemora the Same eodOeation occurS in Tacitus again, ch. 10, 18 45, 21 and in Diui 12 29, illi secreti m folloWing, shere TheSe nered roVe are iten referrei to e. g. h. 39, 13 40, 5 43 24 Au)ι. II. 12 V. 73. On the adversative Syndeton, See
mati elos of the hapter is a favori te devie Oi Tacitus, ut particulari conspicuous in his reati se P. Introd. p. lxiv.
Chapter 10. . Auspicia ortisque the generio term is stofinest
known to the Germans rona an early time througii eoin S, Seem notato hau B001 in genera iis bolore tho uisentur A. D. s. Cancti clam VeAtem Whito a the re requisito color in ali religio iis ritual, as Symbolient i uri . p. Plato, de est XII. p. 956 A. χρωματα δε λευκα πρέποντ' ἄν θεοῖς εἴη Cic. de test. II. 8, 45). temor a fortuito irithout ordei ausi at aphazard. his and simila synonymi colloeation a re Ver frequent. As here, .g. Cie. Tusc. I. 49, 1l8 Orat. 55 186 de os . I. 29, 103. Apargunt: poetica anu post-Augustan or disperstunt, dissipant. P. I erg. A u. VI 230 Sparstens . . . ramo felicis Olivae, an Dote ch. 6, 10. 1O. ota therei on subsequently See Ote ch. 2, 5. Aipulatici Consulitur: the auspices are to e tu en in a atteris public concerti. Consulere is the o propria lor augury. For theindicative, here the subjunctive os repented action ould 0 more HSunt, Se e. g. h. il l . ARCercto Civitatis probabi the oldsestpri est in tho triba communi ty. Originalty oubiles the princeps exercisse the priosti iunction a Weli. S e. g. in Homeri society. Se also note h. 43 25.11. pater familiaε this is thesin variabio forni in Taeitus pre- Catus eos, et . : ObServo the different senses of the participies. Ι.e alter avin Ofieredis prayer illi up itsed hancles, o With 9-
properi disserentia ted ironi the rincipes civitatum, hocior the time Dein vo intarii submittet to his authoi ity. Who rever, in his
similar ollipsis, p. List. II. 92, quos iiisos iterosque m quos ipsos quorumque liberos. 22. aDuctiledem, Puct proCere Aect apuὶ on illo repetition of
the reposition in asyndeti an adversative clauses, here combinest, Se Introii. D. Xvii. Obsorvo the climax. Not ni do the low0rela SSes a is ut naturat, and the moro enti glitone' obles placeimplicit confido ne in iliis mode o divination, ut the pry riestathsem fulvos honesti belleve in iis offency this belli in Haring on- ast illi lio cynicali avo west rationalismi the Roman haruSpisses. Cp. speciali Cic. de div. II. 24, 1, illud Catonis admodum scitum est, qui mirari se aiebat quod nou rideret hamispeae haruspicem cum vidisset. Tli omission o etiam iter seu, lien correlatost illi non solum, modo, tantum, though Xtremel frequent in the Historie and Annals Oecur in illo minor orks ni here, Dial. 32, 1 and Ast . 3, 6.
23. ministros meret the servants inter reters, ik υποφῆται. The llipsis o tantum is a characteristi Latin idio m. illos: c. equos. ConACio Dare direetly eonversant Witti the divine resolutions. 25. genti m nationis, tribe, as Often in iis reStricte Sense. p. note eli. 2, 14. Cum quaci the postpositive collocation o cum Witti a relative pronoun is no found in Tacitus, X009 Anu. I. 25, Wliere, hoWever, quibus u Oeeur in a diroo citation ironi a se iter of TiberiUS. 27. Popularium lansmeu quemque m utrumque S in
Chapisi II. The discussion o divination naturali lead to
cte maioritiua Perhaps thOSe enumeralec in h. 22, 2 f. to hichma b adde plections of the princeps O duae ch. 7 29), and question involviti lite ani death. 31. omne α οἱ πάντες, the plebs. O frequently, speciali in antithesis. p. h. 17 4 46, 4 Dial. 40. 18. Ea quoque, te.
Pag 38. . nisi qui fortuitima et Auditum inoictit: Mept in
T. Illu EX lilaertate vitium there is his di ambac resultinofroni their independe nee tala the miSSion Oi a Substanti V rb, like oritur, iter phraSe Witti eae ep. h. 12, 18 Astr. 5, 10 periculi meae mare Ha fama numerou inStanee occurring in the Historie and Annals ut iussi' illi ho thougiit ep. Hist. IV. 76, Germanos . . . non iuberi, non resti sed cuncta eae libidine assere. The refer
times, ii ior no Otho rea Soli than that the Ditit to Appa in publiccould not et have been possessed by them. 12 prout odilitas a the principes ere ali nobiles, his passage implies, and the later histor o Germani institutions fullyconfirm it that notini nobies eremi qua rank. p. also ch. 3, 4, insistitis nobilitas.
vallei among the auis. p. Caes. B. G. VII. l 1 suo more armis concrepui se multitudo quod facere tu eo consuerunt cuius orationem Odprobant. In tho Orth his a callest y a technida term ut senatu . honoratissimum, etc. the Superlative implies that there ere also ther ut les emplanti mode Onassent, a the tam9- in os foet. 9. Hist. V. 17, uti sono armorum tripudiisque ita Germanis mos adprobata sunt dicta.
Chapter 12. Thi paragraph, the locus classicus o tho Germani pena eode, is a modetis condensation, though tantali gingly brio for
IT. Licet it is c fui, o meret equiValent to concessum est. It is sed in place of fas est, Decause these judicia iunctions of the sol inoot, or large SSembly, ere probabi no exerei sed unde a religiolis salietion on hi mea ning O licet, P. Cic. Phil. XIII. 6, 14, licere id dicimus quod tu libus quod 'hore maiorum institutisque ou editur. CCusare quoque i. e. Desides belli a deliborativebody the assembl also constitutei the criminal ourt oi ustio in mattor involving the steath penalty Ii sueti crime had 00n knownto domo prior sina disposition in the loeat couris, residest ver by the principes mentioned helow, Taeitus Would a Ve Titiei concilium quoque or licet quoque. MACrimen Capiti intenctere to threatenreith opita punishment is addet to the genera terna accusare so thesak oi close definition. 0 Introd. p. lXViii. The phrase, lik litem crimen, periculum actionem luteudere, i a legat technica term Theveri, in his sense occursit si in ueret. III. 950. the metaphoraeing probabintaken ironi the seniling of the oW.
aput aquas Ferentinam crate superne ciniecta Mamisque constestis