장음표시 사용
the wordiavin tho fame variet O inennings, a the Greeli λη, i. e. Wood, alteri Whieli ometh in i made. Subje et matter, nil matteras a philosophica terin opposed' mind. informi ichic is hapetess, the adjecti V being Sed restieati vely. Citra favori te post-Augustan substituto io sine, On hieli See note Acyr. 1, 12, the prsepositional phraso tali in the place iis missin negative adjective. Cp. h. 35, , and note Dial. 32, 2.
paris o Germany the are stili callest duri Engi di ny). Auffugium hiemi a bold se of the attributive dative, in place o an objective genitive so ch. 40, 18), hiems se in a qua8i-personiseation.
The constructioni cura in the maller ritings ni here anil h. 23, 12, ut is exo00dingi frequent in thera uua is, .g. I. 3, subsidia dominationi. I spem to e here duo to the destre to librate illi receptaculum frustibus. On his favori te deVie O Taeitu ep. e. g. OteS
3O. Inagitius crops. illi the Statenient, ep. Speciali Pomp. Mela II. I, 10, ob saeva hiemis admossum adsiduae, demersis in humum Sedibus, specus aut defossa habitant sc Sarthae Verg. Geory III. 370. Ρageril a. molliunt a leviat .
Hist. III. 33. S. aut . . . Sunt a SomeWhat Stratne antithesis occasione by the author uestre t en the hapter illi an epigrammatio Oint. Cp. Introd. p. XiV. The enem either cloes notano of the existenee of these caves, or iit cloes, hocialis to find them Bocausserat has notthe requisite time to earet for them. p. Curi. VII. 4, 17, 24, scrobes quos ita sollerter abscondunt se Bactri ut nisi qui defoderunt invenire non possint.
shown by the ollowing. Tho Germans ictui est noli Antonino an Trajan columns a re also S elast non fluitante, etc. this seems, OWeVer, nota have been true i nil Getanan tribes insappears froni Lucan . 430, qui te laaeis imitantur Sarmata, braccis
an from ho mission Dan insention O this armenti Caes. B. G. IV. VI 2l, , ei ted elow. T. AtriCta : isthi sit tuo. B. Gerunt e Germani. Et i. e. heSide ille ast Mn, Whieli asa ove cloth. ferarum PolleS: op. Verg. Geory. III. 383, inori hem tribes, pecudum fulvis velantur corpora Saetis Caes. B. G. IV. 3, 10, neque vestitus praeter pellis haberent quidquam, quarum propter eae iuuitatem astu est corporis i ars aperta VI 21 5 pellibus aut farnis renonum testu mentis utuntur, astu corporis parte nuda.
aliam vestem eorum feminae novere . . . tu Germania autem defossae atque sub terra id opus assunt Strabo VII. 2, 3, λευχείμονες Sc. γυναῖκε Κωβρων). PurPur : Probabi Some rei minera Or vege- table color. 15. vestitu tuni or uter arment, uel a Some of the e man women, depicted on in Antonine column, ear. Superioris superiorem, by hypallage. 16. UraCCtii a lacierto : Orearin and uppe armifrom elbowto houlder For similar Groeli accusative With nudus, P. Verg. Aen. I. 320 VIII 42, Ovid. II et VII. 183. Proxima . . . Patet: observe the alliteration. The entire deseriptionis Germani res Suffersironi OVer-eondenSation, and i in conSeque nee SomeWhat regu and Uu- Satisfactory, albet ille mos uetailed necouut preservest iu ancient
Sources Thus no distinction is Dande et Neen Ninter nil summer apparet ep. note h. 40, 13); Orcis it reasonable to bellove that German arment presente Sueli uniformit acis here implied a supposition consi med by numerou diserepanete in ther riterS, Sueli SCaesar, o these cannot ali ave Θen due to actuat changes introduce belw00n his time an iliati the author o hom Tacitus Wes his information. Chapter 18. The marriag customs of the sermans, dent With in iliis and th folloWin chapter feem O have eXeiled the genuine admiration o Tacitus, and in consequene ille deseription is again Styli Sticali elaborateii adeature fores aclo velini dareris. his rhetorical
Astr. h. 30 12) l. 22. 29. l. 5 19, 10. 15. 23. Observe also the eontrast illi Roman custonis emphasigei throughout.1B. Quamquam in spite of this for the last claus might pasi lyhave Suggestet laxit Oi morais. In rejectinithis possibi impressiona erroneOus Tacitu at the sanie time kiliud est abiisti es a transitionto the discussion o marriage custonis. Quamquam in an independent
principat claus occur in Tacitus ni here, Diat. 28, 14 33, 6 and in ne assage i the econ par of the Annals XII 65 , in hicli
hemiton return to his earlier uSage. 19. auctaveris potentia subjunetive prope Soli ATDarorum tho Gaul an Iberians e in among the X ception whieli Tacitus may have ad in inst. Concubinage SeemS, OWeVer, O have been permitte l. 2O EXCEPti actmoctum RuCiA, etc. p. aeS. B. G. I. 3, 4, duae fueru)ὶ Ariovisti uxores, una Sueba natione . . . altera Orica, restis occionis soror, quam in Gallia, taeerat a fratre missam. 21. non HUictine . . . o nolailitatem a Variation, peculiartycharacteristic O Taeiteat Style. p. Introd. p. XX. Translate : Ot
Latinum Aeneadae possint plurimi m compluribus, multis, wpakened sense, Speciali frequent in later Latin o. g. in. Fol.
os plerique plerumque On Whieli See note ch. 1 9 Astr. 1 10.22. Dotem . . . offert: hi doWr represent the furvivat of tho custom totie-9urelia So hicli prevalle universali in priuiitivo society, ut it is no improbabi that even in Tacitus timo his giit Was notisi ven to tho Bristo directly, ut to the fallio in-law, hotheroupon relinqui Ahod his patria potestas. With the Statoment, P.
Strabo III 4, 18 παρα τοι Καντάβροις τους ἄνδρας διδbναι γυναιξὶ προῖκα
an Hor Carm. III. 24, 19 f., of the Scythians, nec dotata regit virum Coniux Among tho Romans On ille ther liand tho lac os a clowrywas considere S disgraeeiu that the relativos o tho brid sol itincumbent pon themo provide Or ne Cp. Sp. the Trinummus of Plautus in hiel the wholo Ploti inges Don this pollit. 24. munera m dotem There is nothin in the contextri Warrant tho inferendo that Tacitus acher alludin to the so calle morning giit hiel the risto deseived irona hor ushand the da alter thewedding, a tu haec munera uxor accipitur is suffcient to hoW. The repetition O mi nera, an inStanee Of epanalepsis, is in oeping ithille elevato stylo of thi para graph. The figur is eXtremel frequent in Oetry, Sp. in LucretiuS, Catullus. Propertius and Vergil, ut naturali rare in prose. p. e. g. Plin. Epist. V. 6, 10 inde campique, campi Panest. 65, essibus ut iecisti, estibus 82, hostium prospe taret, hostium. Xaeti a here, Propert. I. 3, 25 munera Somno, Munera. elicitas mulielaris Tacitus has particulari in indili costi paraphernalia os a Roman ride suci a j0Wolry, tollet artioleS, genis, reSSes, and the like Cp. Juv. III 160, puellae Saa
cinulis impar Se the oor OOer). 25. ove et . . . et the polysyndeton straws attention to eaeli single element in the enumeration Cp. Introd. p. XVii. 25. frenatum equum arisone i Steed, Λ Poeti eXpreSSion, e. g. Verg. Ae)ι. V. 554 Caes. . G. VIII. 15 4. With the Statement ep. Cassiost Uar. IV. 1, equos arstente colore vestitos quales decuit esse nuptiales. In hae munera : on the strenyth in ieis of thesesti fis With his use of in quite frequent in Ibi , p. e. Tae. Anu. XI. 13, tu mortem parentum. 27. in viCem ipsa thi Was onlyine par of the presenis, thes Word, in Partieular, Symboli Z in ille transferene or abandon mentis the patria potestas the Oman a sin into the contro of the hvs-
7, 11. 29. TCRn ARCTRQ Olemn rites. Taei tu is perliap thini in otthe Ronini confarreatio the Os hallowsed eremon in patricianw0ddings. ut rapidi disappearin in his time. The character of thegiit thoui Solves also ho A that ille author is sp0aking oni O theoustonas of the i h and nobi Germans hos Coniugale cteo :i. e. the eremon mentione is to ille Germans lint the confarreatio and the nuptia de illos, Juppiter. Uno pronuba, nil Hymenaei S aret the RonianS. Ne Ae mulier . . . putet . te. onei tu has hero
an note Dial. 1, 18, iusti est . . . auspicatus sum. RctmonetuT. . . Eooiam ObserVe the irregula and thereiore flective ord
Ρage 42. 1. PACE . . . proelio the regula contra At O pacis bellum, ut proelium is here sed to securo the favorit alliterative antithesis, hicli is furtiter emphasi Zod by anaphora. PRAAuram ausuramque catled pon deStined to en dure and undery the sam harilshvs the formo reterring 111Ore particularint in pace tholat te to in proelio, or intinen quali Withioth, o hould have an
clauses learly do notollo US O refer vinendum i in pace, and pereundi in to in proelio. CCipere Ae : Se arma. The relativo
marringe. O . g. h. 22 8, the reSumptive fore of the parti lubein much the rarer in TacituS. p. note h. 45, 4. Reptae: hedyed in stuarde l. illi the chiastic collocation Oi saepta . . . conruptae, placet a the eginning anu endo heighten the contra St, cp. h. 11, 29 i. eaeissunt . . . cedunt 42, in praecipua . . . parta. agunt live See note eli. 17 6. APECtaculorum inlocelaris: thei demoraliginii uetice S iten commente in by Roman writerS,
32. obsorve the flective ord-orde throughout. 12. Per omnem viCum throtist the entire villasse vertiere agit: p. the passage in an id in of the LombardS, publicus . . . faciat eas decalvare abscisis crinibus et fustare per vicos and in the iam ous letter of St. Bonifauo, Writton in 746 A. D. . to ille Anglo- Saxonain Ethselbald, e indis ver similar Staternent, sayellatam
eam muliere per pastos . . . ducunt virstis caedentes et vestimenta eius abscidentes iussita instulum . . . t ceterae timorem a iuverandi . . . habeant. PutiliCatae enim, etc. enim, With the Sual
Willi th ellipsis of a verbii doing, irequent in TaeituS, P. e. g. Astr. 19, 27; iter melius, a here, e .g. Cic. de est. II. l, 26 Tae Aun. I. 43 IV. 38 Tacitus means o say that lille the prohibitionis a
transigitur: it is done illi once or all. 9. Astr. 34, 6 Anii ΙΙ. 5; anilii V. IX. 12, 11. O semel in his sense, no certain instance is found
Dial. 36, 28 Ayr. 34, 29. illi the thought ep. Prop. V. 1, 36, in lapide hoc uni mista fuisse testar, and the frequent epithet 'infra sta,
in other riters is eSpeciali Conmaon in ne ituS. p. h. 14, 18 and noto Dial. 40, 13.