장음표시 사용
etc. the pigrammati antithesis mitti hieli ho hapter is intentionali made to close se Introd. p. XiV Seonis to have been a commonplaee, conneeted illi the conception o a Gold0n Age in hieli man constuet a stili uidest y micritten a S, a doctrine illi icti Posidonius hast familiarietest the Romanas. p. e. g. Sali Cat. 9, 1, ius bonumque apud eos non estibus massi quam natura valebat Justin. II. 2, 15, iustitia entis Se Scytharum instentis culta, non testibus Hor Carm. III. 24, 35. 23. aliti Donae legem vi g. a Rome, illi specia referene to theler i lia de astititeriis, de maritandis ordinibus, and tho leae Papia Poppaea. The earli est Germani law, stili extant, is h leae Sali omithorath century On the repetition Of the adj. Se noto Dial. 40, 13.
Chapter 20. Tho sention imberi in the closin para graph i
25. Sorescunt in Tacitu oni here. Sua quemque mater . . . alii: P. Diat. 28, 2 Astr. 4. In Germany a chango in his respout egin tora notiueabi in themth century 26. elegantur: Se infantes; lighil contemptuOUS io conmittuntur. So the Xac parallel in Dial. 29, 10, nunc iatus infans delestatur Graeculae alicui anciuae. On the change i subjeci, p.
note h. 3, 18.2 P. Dominum the future master deSignat ei in Diu L 29, 15 asinfans dominus With his anticipator SenSe, P. Dial. 28, 3, principes liberos destine to ex Ann. III 59, rectorem eneris humani the future uter . The ad here state is in a mensure, confirmed by tho observation that the Same Germanic Word Was usest orioth boyan stare. p. nube, nechi, and O also in reel παis, at puer. octucationi ctelicita educationat sine ments. p. Caes. B. G. VI.21, 3, a parvulis labori ac duritiae student Sen. Epist. 36, 7, si in
Germania se natus esset protinus puer tenerum hastile vibraret. 29. aetas p. note h. 3, 32. The laves could Ot ear armA.ctoneo illi res Subj is poetic, and generali rare in Prose excePt
in Tacitus virtus ευγένεια, D e bl ood. A Oli personification l. e. virtus, like a fallior, elino ledge the ingenui as e legitimato offspring adgnos ero e in the technica leges terin for his recognition. Ser . . . Enum the marr late. The in tris attesto by Caes. B. G. VI 2 l. 4, qui diutissime impuberes permanserunt maximam inter suos ferunt laudem etin, and Olmp. Mela III. 3 26, onyissima apud eos pueritia est.
Hist. V. 7, ut apparenti no elseWhere in Prose. 31 festinantur: hurried into marriasse, i. e. in contrast illi Roman custom, On hieli See note Astr. 9, 28. iuventa, poeti and post-Augustan or iuventus With the collocation, P. h. 28, 18 Ayr. 16 Aun. II. 25. eade=n virtute, pari ferocia. 32. Pare valictaeque m pares aetate ac pariter validae, in oststri hin contrast illi Onian custom. OECentur: marry liketh Homeri μαγῆναι.
Ρage 43. 1. referunt in turn eaehibit, reproduce S Ver frequent in Oetry, ut comparati vel rare in ProSe. P. e. g. Lueret. IV. 1210 Verg. Geory III. 128, invalidique patrum ferant ieiunia nati Plin. Epist. V. 16, 9, and h. 43. 13. Sororum filiiA, te. this statem ent probabi reflocis polyandrous condition o Aouiset in whicli sescentiasse through the omale line, the So-eallod ulteri echi mother isthi). Engi nepheio, Germ. esse, deri Ved rom nepos, yraudson, and the Latinii unci ius unet On the mollier A side) seemto p in to the fame intimate relationship. The miSSion 1 sororum yiliae is Strange in te of hat is sal of the refereno ior giris ashoStages in h. 8, 1 f., ut iris assed into the tutelage folio ir
would in ali probabili ty, te in a mardian. Taeitus iten refers othis Germani peculiari ty, e .g. Hist. IV. 33 V. 20 Ann. XII. 29. aseu . . . puctri On the repetition O the reposition, Se Introd. p. lxvii. a. Quictam: i. e. yuaedam Germanorum stenteS. g. etaigunt Q. hunc nexum, i. e. sororum sitos vel sitias, a princi- pleolii h the Roman conqueror did Ot ait o adopt. p. vet. Octav. l cito note ch. 8, 20). tamquam in the conviction that.
On these substantive clauses, ep. note ch. 12, 22. animum et . ta ea stronger hold pon the assctions and embra e a Uider relationship. S. teneant Sin huius modi obsides Vi Z. Ororum illi tamen:
B. TOPinquorum . . . Actfinium relatives by lood and by marriasse. 9. gratioSior: the more honore i. orlaitati pretia Romanliteratur toenis illi referenue to this notorious Praetice of legacy-huntingi rom Horace, Sat. II. 5, 28 ff., OWn O Amm. Mare. XIV. 6, 22, nec credi potest qua obsequiorum diversitate coluntur homines sine liberis Romae, Tacitus furnishing, perlinPS the OS numerou PRS- Sages p. note Dial. 6. 7.
Chapter i. Not ni is properi inheri ted in the direct lino, ut
11. ECEAAE est is a tity, impoSed by immemoria custom. ne α te tamen. O . g. in Sall. Juy. 20, 6, and ver frequently in Tacitus implacatille se inimicitiae agree in Willi ni a Parto the anteeedent On litet HSage, P. tot cli. 2, 3.12. luitur: his compensation, noWia A eryeid, ille Homericetroινη, Ur clamasses, a re late in proportion to ille extent of the injury the an of the assaultost part be in also taken into consider-
ation, for the e stellii a nobi Wa usuntly twie illatii ali Orditiaryfreeman. P. Ote ch. 12, 23. Originalty ali cases os homici de calledio bloo' veng0ance, ut With the emergenee rom primitivo conditi ODS, in Tacitus time, satisfactio or compositio canae to e regardelis anadequale substitute, and ii agree to by the culpri Us relatives, theolan to hicli the murdere man elonged Would De morali pledgedio uiscontinuo the eul. The motive here gi ven O this more humane
praetisse Oe Dot, i eourse represent the elua reasoning of the Germano ep. note h. 7, 5), ut Was a natura resulti a developingciviligation. An explanation analogous to illat i Tacitus is liOWever, ost red by Luci setius V. 1145 ff. for a Simila Change. R EMO-rum C DECorum : combine also At in XIII 55. On the distinction, Sed note ch. 5, 6. T. 14. utiliter in pulaticum Se hoc it, a procedure fiduantasse Othe community. With the PhraS0, P. Liv. IV. 6, 2, utiliter in prae8ens certamen respondit. A the lauSe i in apposition to recipit . . . domus, e laould XPec utile, a beneficio, in aecordance illi a sellat teste Tacit0an Sago. p. o. g. Hist. I. 44 Omnesque . . . intersci
iussit . . . Diti Himentum ad praeSe HS.
15. tutata lilaertatem : in proportion to the liberi enjoyed ForOther peculia usos i liis preposition apparenti contine to Tacitus,
CP. h. . 0, 8, and Dial. 22, 2.
the materia for the epulae stare ut i no oni incompati bie illi mofoi t tua, et in , ut at the aliae time involVe a talement too absurdio b plausibi attribute' to aditus. At a later Period three days ore considorod thocli initis sueti liospitablinentertaininent. 19. monstrator a Vergilian Ord, e. g. Geor9. I. 9 ille reniter notuneommon ille identient PhraS0 m. hospitii Oeeurring in Sen. ad Mur . 25, 2. The samoiusto in is attribui sed to the Scythians. p. Eustathius
a sti sis norio the incuri debl of oblistation by acceptin them The
by the ollo Win saepius a ista CP CaeS. B. G. IV. 1, 10 locis ristidissimis . . . lavarentur Se Suebi tu luminibus in VI 2I, 5 thosam is predica ted of the Gornians in generat Their kill in Wim-min is frequently attested. p. note gr. 18 Hist. V. 14 si ,-
lli Middie Ages, ille Germans, ns a Iule, partOO Ont O tW menis,on in the fore oon and ne in the alteria Oon. AEDaratae inguliS ectes the Roman reelinei on tho triclinium, ut in earlier times, ii Vergit an e reli0dipon the also sat at long tableS. P. Aen. VII. lii; perpetuis soliti patres considere mensis. Tabies are repentedlymentioned in Homer e. g. Illud IX. l x Odyss. XVII. 333), an Maro attributei to the Cetts by Posidonius Athon. IV. p. 151 e). In the
31. armatici observo the empliatio OSition and P. h. l, 10;l3, 3 l. liis a prohibite in Homo A early a the law of tho Twelve Tabies. Diem noCtomque Continuare, etc. old X-Ρression in place Oi potathonen die D teque contim are, for diem etin, annot e the aceti sative of time, a usago unknownno Tacitus. 9. Plin. N. H. XIV. 22, 28, 145, biduo duabusque noctibtis perpotationem Ou tinuasset se L. Piso . Alere, An n. XIV. 20 XVI. 5. Tlie Germaniolovo o di inlicis it pii rosea rei t by the ancients e. g. a C. Hist. IV. 70, arstis epulis vinoque sopitos Germanos Anaua Mare. XVIII. 2, 13, epulis ad usque issiliam ρ utili more extentis. P. alS Xen Cyrop.
VIII 8 8, πίνοντε διάγουσιν Se οἱ Πέρσαι εστεπερ οἱ ὁφιαίτατα κοιμ. -
cum sunt potati pro verbis, fertur, am tris En Sem denudant sociorum viscera truncant. Et even. Q TECOnCiliancti . . . inimiCi :probabi in referene to tho satisfactio pol seu i in h. l l ff. inviCem POSt-Augustan equivalent ior inter se occurring Diorethan went times in Tacitus, e .g. h. 37 8 ut in the classical, ad Ver sative Sense, it icio undisini ch. 18, 27 l, l. 3. iungoncti actfinitatilaus contraction os mari iusti allian es. Cp. h. 8, 2 l. e liould explet ad inibus, o balance inimicis and principibus Dut the concreto nouit ould have been ambiguous hero. actACisCencti prinCipilaus 'his probabi refers more particularly Otho formation of the comitatus On wllicli se eli. 13 f. to the would-be comites sere ire t selec thei princeps, ut alliances illi Dei glibor in chieitains, alludet to ch. 13, 10 may also have been nrranget at
and in generat, Herod. I. 133 μ εθυσκόμ ενοι εα θασι SC. ι Σκύθαι βουλευεσθαι τα σπουδαιοτατα των πρηγμάτων Strabo, XV. 3, 20.
LO. Elitierant . . . POEAunt: n uret rhetorical intement, carotuli balaneod nil addet to ive the sua epigrammatio loSe. The sam custom is attributei to tho Scythians and Persi an s. p.
eviden e that this a grown in Germany unti much inter times. p. h. 45, 10 in quanctam . . . Corruptu fermente i into soni ethimuresembli ny ine. On this generat signification, like infectiti noto ch. 4,5), Se e. g. Stat Achil. I. 308, ebur conrumpitur Ostro. Amm. Marcellinus, a frequent imitatorii Tacitus, Seems t have had this ver passag b0foro his yes in XXVI. 8, 2, abuta eae horde vel frumento in liquorem conversis XV. 12, 4, ad vini simi tudinem multiplices
13. ripam more particularly the Illi ine, altilough ille Danube maybo inelucled, ut Spe note eli. 17, Aceordi ligno Caes. B. G. II. 15 4 IV. 2 6 the Nervii and Suebi proli ibi ted the intro luctionii, in onthe ground of iis enervatin influenco, but froni Posidonius apud Diod. V, 26), it has been lausibi inferrei that this a done to prevent Italian trader ironi Securin flavo in Xchange for ines, a the didamong the auis, a race alSO aid o have been excessivel addicted tothisie vera Q. 14. agreAtia Doma ples of the selsis, a distinguish est romthos grown in orcharus, hieli ere unknown to the Germans. p. ch. 26 19. TeCon fera fressi sanie. Thi i frequently attost sed, 0. g. Posidonius 2 a Pud Diod fraum. 9έ, 2, κρέα πρότερον su ασιτούμενοι and Mela, III 3, 28, victi ita asperi iucuuique ut cruduetiam carne res autur aut recenti. It was in Stri in contrast illi in custo in of the Romans. Who Preferrei haut stoli in thoi ga me. 15. aut la ConCretum curulei mill , no ebeese, hicli, thoughmentionedi Caes. B. G. IV. 1, 8, i eXpresSi noted by Plin. V. H. XI. l 96, 239, ns uni noWn amon barbarian race mirum burbarus stentes quae lacte vivant tynorare aut peruere tot sae illis caesi dotem. alio state ment is notia lanced asyli letieatly beenuse, uni ille the prece ling, his ood callod O sonae Pecini reparation. p. also notoch. 46, 14. Ain actparatu : ithout Style, more Reeuratot definest by the folio in phras0. Aine lanctimenti ithout appetizers. The sentire passage bear a light reSenibiane to ali. Just. 89. 7, Numidae plerumque lacte et ferina carne vescebantur et neque salem neque alia inritamenta ut se quaerebsent.16. ActverSu as est ii iis . O h. 46, 22, ni frequently in tholarge mortis of Tacitus, ut raret in earlier ritet S e. g. Cic. adfam. III. 13, For the faei, p. note eli. 22, 32. 17. Si inctulsori . . . vinCentur : hi PaSSage, hicli is pento Serioris obj potions both intertini and Xternat is a margina note
whicli accidentali intrudo in to tho text. Critical Appendix.
0hapter 24. 19. ApeClaCulorum unum . . . ictem : in Haring contrast illi ille nihil tiplicit an Vari et O Roman hoWA the Germansi adiutine publie game, and Ven that admitte lis no variet y et num atque clem, a requent combination, like urisne and the fame, is here separateu, parti t empha Si Z idem partinio Voti a common place collocation in omni Coetu at very festat Orfit lic statherin y forni in the transition ironi ille recedin chapters, hi clide ait illi conniria The OllOWin condense Paragra plicis ille locus classicus On the famou Gerna an inordia nee for tiae spear a Subsequently abandonod), Whicli, illi Stight Diodifications Sur vived in Hesso tili ho 17th centUry. 20. Num here again a in h. 20, 24, to e talion literalty the vid0ne to the conti ar belongin to a later period quilaus e. iuvenibus. On illi agreement illi a partii the antecedent, P. Dolech. 2, 3. lucti Crum est: nyasse in his sport. In ille Sense ofludus, the word is sed irs in Catuli lxi. 24 liore altor it is qui te common in bothioptry and prose, ut especiali socii Tacitus. 21. infesta threaten in y beeauSe polit ted at the ancors. lieterm is a standin sepithetii a eapon. p. e. g. Caes. D. C. III. 93, 1; Verg. Aen. V. 582 iv. II. 20, 3 and ac Hist. I, 3 III 85. Saltu iaciunt a poetio expreSSion O saltant. P. Lucret. V. 560, saltu pernici tollere corpus, and Sp. Verg. VIII. 257, iecit saltu pXII. 287.
hibitui thei skill fori remuneration ut the motive here assigne i S. as usual sanetiui ep. h. 7, 5), O this clance a dolabiles originalty an integral parti a religiolis ceremony probabi in honorii the wargost. - The finalis Oi in is more common in Tacitus than in an othor