Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 431페이지


분류: 미분류


l 22

North Ameri Cn.


Diagno sis. The new species resembles Anti miti bimiacultitia PONOMAREN-

KO. l 989; but cata be distinguis hed frona ii by the ventral proces s of the lest valvawhicli is iwice as long as the valva it seis; the long and mediat ly narrow right valva in ille male genitalia, and different forewing marking S.


Diagno sis. This species is closely allied to both Anci rata iaceriam MEYRICK l9l 3 and Anti ratia lochriosena BRADLEY. It differs frona them by the distincti orewing mari ings: the ventral proces s of the lest valva be ing nearly as long asthe valva iis eis and the strongly curved aedeagus in the male genitalia.


Λnars in exim in Sp. n.

Diagnos i s. n. imici is clos ely allied to most species of the genus in appea rance, and has two spois on the fore ing. HOweve r. ille male genitalia a re very

distincto si) uncus anteriori y with a potia ted proces s. 2) socius well-de velo ped. 3) transtilla de vel Oped.

Diagnos i s. n. liargimaculiariS is clos ely allied io Anci ratia tricorniX MEYRICK. l9l 3 in appearance. it dissers si ona the lalter by the ne arly symmetrical valvae and the lack of a proces s on the sacculus in the male genitalia.


Diagnosis. The new species resembles Anti miti bimescultitia PONO VAREN KO. l 989 in appearance, but cata be ea si ly separated si om it by the solio ingcharacterso markings on ille sore ving not truncate and willi disi inci h lack cloisnear iis base: right sacculus in the male genitalia xv illi distat proces s oui vard lycurved and basal proces s not prono Un C d.

Diagno sis. Supersici ally. this species resembles to Anti miti IricorniX MEYRICK. l0l3. Ii dissers si ona the lalter by the sore ving having a triangular blolch althe mi id te os the costat margin not reaching heyonil ille sold: basal proces s os te si sacculus strong. right valva willi distat hals round and sacculus in early siruighi in ille male genitalia: signum in the se male genitalia cap- like.


concave on posterior margin . mediat ly willi a projectiora. Ostium membra notis. insundibulate. Ductus bursae flendor. Corpus bursae elliptical. with one smali signum.

Diagno sis. This species is similar to Anti ratia halimo endri CHRISTOPH l8JJ. but can he re adi ly distinguis hed si ona the lalter by the genital characlers os both sexes: in the male the proces s ne ar the base of the lest sacculus is much longer than ille valva and right valva has no proces s ne ar ille base of the sacculus: in the se male the anterior apophyses are wide anil distat ly blunt.