장음표시 사용
85 Att. 7, 3, o Lucretius 5, 177. Inmumo' note o the last passage a collectionis example will e found. - Appi . . . oratio: the speech was known to Cicero, and wa one of the oldest moninments of prose compositio in Latin extant in his time se Brut 6i. Plutarch, Ρyrrhus I9 gives an account o Appius speech, hic maybe founde on the original; he mentions it also in his traci commonlycalled an seni sitierenda respublica , c. I. Ihne Histor o nome, Vol. I. p. 52I, Eng. ed. doubis hether the speech, a Cic. De cit, a committe&t writingi Appius himself. - haec ille egit: 'hemade his mech . - septemdecim annis a the secon stam rum consulsiari as in m and the speec in M, both these eamare include in the rechoning by a Sage ver common in Latin.
For the ablative cf. 9.-CenSor. . . ante consulatum this asunusual, and thereiore to ClaudiuS honor. - grandem maner undoubtedl old'. - et tamen Sic i. e. eum tum ranaeem fuisse.
Lahmeyer Wrongi says that si Potnt to the orta atque ae illegit. I may be note that sic ahes the place of an objec after a cerimus es. 77 ira crederem; 78 sic Mi seraeuasi viso I male
17. nihil afferunt Mahey bring forwar nothing i. e. What theybring forwar is orthless soci Gree οὐδὲν λέγειν, the opposite es
Whic is λέγειν τι. f. 8 est is, aliquid. - similes ut si a very rare construction. Equali unusua is similes tamquam si in Div. , I 3I. In Tusc. 4 4 and ff. I, 87 e findo siue ut si in Fin a,2 and 4, 3 similiter o similis et si in N. D. 3 8 similiare ae si also in Liv. 3, 3 Ia dissimilia ac si in 35, 42 Io idem ac si As regaros the ut after similes, e ma compare a se fassages in hic simul ut appeam for simul ac se Reid's n. on Academ 2, 3I. In the EnglishBible there are expressions like similes sunt ut si qui ricane, ahe are like asci some menishould say . - scandant ' cum is used .it thesubjunctive hen it expresse a hin os comparison, and speciali a contrast, between the content of a leadin propositio an a subodi
verrat hily the forme means rathe speed os movement in ne line, the larier rather power os rapid motion it frequent change of citreotion The emphatic Wor in his clauseris corrorum. i. ff. I, 79
Aonerium . . . animi incisur non corporis tribus. -- consilio . . . Sententia consilio, advice auctoriariae, eight of influenm sententia, an opinion or vote formali given. - quibus in Wosol relation; ith orbari, abl. of separation, With auora os specification. m. nisi sorte ironical, sed . to introduce a possidie, ut absurdobjection to omething hic has gone Miore. The ver that sol lows is always in the inclicative. - miles etc. Acis common soldier ;Me n. O IO. - in Vari genere: eos the plures A in differenthinos f. Acad. 2, 3 in omni onere belli Deiot. I in mingenere
sam ideas are exprcsSed, it the Same mentionis Cato' activit' in Off. I, 79. - male cogitanti: .hic has o. foris long time en plottin mischie ' A. am a G. 67I, a I H. 49 4; 467 III. a. f. pro Sullas nefarie comi ure for the se of the adverbiseen on I sic Cato' altitude to ard Carthage se Introd. vereri the constructio is unusual Vererer regulari takes after ita accusative, o eis a ClauSe it ne or ut A Passage muchis sembling thicis Rab. Post Io omnes qui aliquid de aeterebantur cf. also Att. Io 4, 6 de visa sua metuere Verg. Aen. 9, o de se ni suis verisar in ali these examples the ablative Wit de denotes the quarterthreateneo, not, as here, the quarter rom hic the threat comes. - exscisam from exscinis Most edd. excisam, ut o Me acit is urbem exscindere notoxcidere; e. r. ReP. 6, II Numantiam
19. quam palmam etc. a prophec after the event, iis that in Rep. 6 II avi relia uias the finishing up of theiuni Mars For theus os relliquias cf. Verg. Aen. I, 3, Troas relliquias Danarum atque
and proceedario account for that ans er. - excursione a milita term hirmisHΜ' Cf. Div. 2, 26 prima orationis excursio.
in the sentences fore Mem to us WkWaro; ut man suc repet, tions are found in Cicero. Consilium corresponcla o both counset' an councii ' the senat was originali remum consilium, the ing's d of advisera Here translate summum consilium the supreme deliberatives h . - aenatum assembi os eideri'. f. 56 senitores, id est senes. Senatus implies a tost ver sena re tot oraro old fromine stem o Whic both sensius an senitor are derived. This stem again implies clost nouni adjective senus, id The word senarus a collective like comisatus, a bod os companions exercitus, a trainedian eicillo amplissimum mos honorable'. - ut Sunt . . . Senes the Sparta γερουσία, scit is commoni calleo consiste os in members, aliisve 6 years of age. Herodotus uses the term γέροντεs senes forthis assembly Xenophon γεροντὶ In the Laconia dialec γερωδαwas it name . also fin γεροντεύειν tot a Senator'. or ut ... sic es Academ 2, 4, simiaiurios cum perturbare, ut tui rem publicam,
the encliti particle involved in Aic ALee etc. and da, the ootis do. So ceu - ω - - eaete, then eluis assimilationis aerio . heoriginal meaning would thus M aive here', and in this sense the ordis osten Med. See Lex. Dare is commoni putrior dicere, as acci ri
Naevi: Naevius live about 64-IM B. C. His great or Was histor of the First unic Wa writte in Saturnia verse the rude indigenous metre of early Roma poetry. e rote alS playS, tragedies and comedies both gauisuae and praeseriae. For an account
of him se Crut eli, Histor es Roman Literature also Sellar, R manioets of the Republic Ch. 3. I Lua be read it man 'itherhom the Latin Iudus Naevius entille a comed Lurius o homΛυδόs, Lydian. - poetae: aevius seem to have been in the habito adding soria o his ame. It appear in the well-known epitaphsai to have been writte by himself, also in the lines initte againsthim by the famil poetis the etelli marum dabunt Meui amissoriae' The name soria Was ne in Naevius time and was usi di
proventehant etc. the fame metre as bove divide thus ista,
The whole in has the ook of hein translate from the Greekr
προσβανον εἰ τι βημα βήτορε καινοί τινες, μειράκια γελοια. D takeSprmenire in the sense of to grosuP' Comparin Plin. Ep. I, 3, magnum proventum crop' sonarum annus hic MIMit Sali Cat. 8, 3 rmenere ibi scriptorum ma na venia. -ricleiicet: bovisee . 21. at: - ἀλοῦ- γάρ; sed a in a 35, 47 65, and 68, to introducethe supposed objectionis an opponent. - credo 'of course f. 47 here credo follows at achere. - exerceas the subjec is theindefinite bou equivalent to one , τὶς inles one ere to practiSeit'. o a nequeas 33 requiras. Cf. also Plin. Ep. 8, 14, 3 i ciues tenere quae acceperis, nisi exerceas. For the ood se A. 33, a G. 398, 597 Rem 3 m. 3M, 3, a).- tardior unusuali cluit' es. Academ 2, 97 Epicurus quem isti tardum sumnt. - Themistocles: fame formis memory. - civium: fello Countr aen' perceperat ha grasped' mastereo'. - qui ... solitum, that he ostenaddresse a Lysimachus ome ne hocior at that was Aristides'.
The direct objectis sa sare is omitted. For qui clametsi is es Atti
merum Chii suum indicam i- in suum or pro suo simachus Wasthe father of Aristides. - sunt: irimne a osten; so inra esse invere M inuit misit 56, o, 69. - sepulcra legena Cato as a great antiquarian cf. 38 Oriminum. - in memoriam redeo mortuorum the genitive a Wit memini, recor H etc. For thephras cf. Verr. I, 2 redue in memoriam, iudices, quae libido istius fuerit also elow, 9 in gratiam redire cum olu au Here tran late refres m memor of the ead . - quemquam Senem: the best, iter do notis quisquam as an adjective, but there is nonee to alter senem into senum a Some editor do, since senem is a substitute foro claus cum senex esset; Ι neve heard that any clybemus he was an id man ...' Senes mustae so taken in a sinceponti res etc. cannot standis adjectives f. n. o Io a Iescentulus mitis. - vadimonia: thei appotniment to appea in couri, thedebis clue to them and the debis the owe'. When the hearingi a sui ha tot adjoumed the defendant,as Mund ove either o hisown recogniZance meret spure or long Wit aureties inauses to γpea in courtin the cla appotnte for the nexi hearing a sumi sumsos money Minisorieite in case of his nomappearance. The Magdiment to p a Was technicali called varimonium I hen the defendant entere into the engagement he was sal vadimonium promtuere pii he hept the engagement, . obire or sistere Di he falle incit, . des ore. The plura varimoniacis here used hecause a number of suitsi meant the wor constitum is hosen as a more genera term hansromissa, an a referring to the circumstances of both plainti and
defendant. Stricti speaking, it is the presiding udge ho vadimonia
conseimi . mihi account vadimonia constitu a hould e translatedas bove M appotnimenta', an not donis ' or enmoment, to appear
P. IO. - aa. quid . . . senes: uc tibi ridentur: What do fouthin os ol me a lawyers, etc. So without ellipsis, Fam 9, 2I, quid tibi ero in epistulis videor p- ingenia in suum cuique inonium ; old me retain thei Wiis'. - permaneat A. 266 ae G. 375 Η.5I3 I. - studium et industria: earnesines an activiis' not a
but implies that the persons have hel high ossices honores cf. 6IMnectus Aonor M praesertim. Here translates statesmen . - in vita
... quieta: in an nossicia an retire lila'. There is hi mus here, since H Maria contrasteo Mith onoratis an quirim it claris. - Summam Senectutem : Sophocles Sed a the age of in os B. C. - quod propter studium 'hom his devotion to this occupation'. - filiis excepi lutarch, ho probabi fosso. Cicero's oros, at the authorities teli the stor of the poet' et si son Iophononly The tale is fuli os improbabilities. - rem: - rem familiaremas in I. - patrihus honis interdici solet: iathera re osten pr vented Dom managing thei proper '. o the constructio es theexpression interdicere Micui aqua et igni inum iri is here se impe sonali Mith satribus in the dat. A. 3o; Η. 384 5 bonis is abi esseparation deprivationi. The fragment of the XII tables here di ferre toris thus ove in Dirisenla edition rei Duriosos ausproricos prodigus escit seris Menatorum centivomque sontivumque eius poemssas euod, i. e. the agnates male relatives hos hinship Wit ine furim suscis derived through males and member of his ons are to administer his property. e have preserve the form in hic the judgment a made by the praetre urbanus Paulus, Sent. 3, 4, 7 quando tibi
tua bona sacerna avidaque nequitia tua disse is liberosque uos ad ei suum serducis, ob eam rem tibi ea re commercioque inurae quasi desipientem: εἰ, παρα-ρονουντα say the author of the non mous life of Sophocles. Cf. Xenophon, em I, 2 49. - in mani-hus hahehat had on hane l. e. in preparation. Est in manibus in I has a different meaning. - scripserat he had writte it but not ali correcte it. - recitasse the common versio of the storystates that no the whol play a readiu only the fine chorus begin- ning εὐίη του, ξένε, τασδε ι--.- videretur: sc esse; the infinitiveis osten omitte thus iter vertis os destring thinhing etc. also Vertis of spearin an hearing cf. Lael. I eam sarientiam inurpretantur; ib. a quam natam volunt; ib. 64 homines ex maxime raro fenere iudicare Acad. 2, 2 viderenturne ea Philonis. 23. Hesiodum: mee n. in 54. - Simonidens Simonides of Ceos no S. of Amorgosin, ne of the reates Gree lyri PoetS, live from 556 to a ut 6 B. C. - Stesichorum o Himera in Sicily also a lyri poet lived rom about 63 to bout 556 B. C. ISocraten orian nn on 3. - philosophorum principes: in Dj0jtjrso by IOO Ie
here his schoo existed for som centuries iter his Math. -Democritum: of A era, ne of the originator of the theor os atoms; sal to have live laom 46 to 36 o 357 . . - Xen Craten:
after Plato, Speusippus was the fidit ea of the Academi School; Xenocrates succeede him. me live fro 397 to 3IDor 3I3. Zenonem : o Citium in Cyprus, founder of Stoicism, bom a ut 357. is sal to have live to the age of 98. - Cleanthen he followed Zeno in the presiden i the Stoic school. His age a deat is variousi ove M 99 an a 8 years. - - quem vidistis se Introd. It is rather curious that Cic. hould mahe Cato spea wit admirationo Diogenes, to homine ad shown great hostilily. - Diogenen:
Gree prope names in as, es. - Stoicum 'o distinguis him uom Diogenes the Cynic. - agitatio Cic. se a uiatio an actio almos interchange ly cf. aruatio rerum in De r. 3 88 wit actio rerum in Acad. 2 6 an elseWhere Areus in this ense occurs onlyin silve Latin. 24. age a common formis transition to a ne. subjecti rie for hoc an do this , i. e. attenda this that Uam going tois Thecommon use of ωγε in Gree is exacti similar. - ut ... omittamus: Cf. n. On 32 ut posSum nominare am able to name' in
colloquia Englis Ad mi fit name'. The Latin occasionali us also hypothetical form Where fossim or possem stand in the apodosis ofa conditional sentence, the protasis of whichrismo expressed; ut themissing protasi is generali easti supplied and was distincti pre en to the writer' mino. E. r. in Tusc. I, 88, have dici hoc in unon potest posset in Tarquinio at in mortuo ne in eueri quidem potest , here the reason to the change laom sotest to posset is quite evident. In translatin from Englis into Latin i is far sese torusethe indicative. f. 33 possum persequi. A. II, c; G. 99, Rem 3;
Romam si e Roman citiaens belonging to the Sabine district . The word ex agro Sabino formis attributive phras qualiwing Romanos
iora opera: fam mor es an importance'. his se of opera is coninio in Veror Georgics. - non the repetitio of the nega-
live after memquam is common in Latin in Englis πιν'. . . no is fouit in dialect only f. Lael. 48 non uinum ... non pluae quam. - aerendia ablative of res ci a reord -- See o , Iaio; menne', AEG. - percipiendis: mo O; Cf. N. D. I56 neque enim serenaei neque colendi, nec um stim demetendi seret enae, efructus, neque eo endi nec resonendi uua pecudum sciendia u. in aliis se n. ni reseris. motice the prolepticisse. - idem a belle formo the plural than iidem, commoni foun in ur exisFor the se here f. n. eandem - pertinere present forfuture. - Serit . . . prosint the line is give a Ribbec prinis it He scans it haec ius consistin os four feet, it the meas-urement ψ - - the las syllabie of saeclo seemin to e hortenecl. Cicero quotes the fame line in Tusc. I, 3 adclingis ais Matius in 'nephebis, qui Uectans nisi etiam onera saecla ad se pertinere I eclo generauion For oo o prosint se A 3I7; G. 63a; Η. 497, I. - Statius noster: χur fello countryman Statius SoArch et Ennius noster Caecilius Statius bom among the Insubres,
P. II. - 25 dia the spellius diis dii,hic man recent editorastillaeep, re probabi incorrect at ali evenis it is certain that thenominative an ablative pluralis detis forme monos Iabias, exceptoccasionali in poetΠ here dei, deis ere used. Even these ira labi form scarcet occur efore vid. - et emphati a the ει ginningi a sentence Atye, and . - melius re dixit. - illud: the folio ing' A. m. b G. 292 4 Η. 45o, 3. idem idem,no Gem. - edepol literalty ah, go Pollux' es in an interjeotion, dein Shortened formis the vocative of deus, sol abbreviate Dom trux The asseveration is osti confine to comedy. Theclines come rom a play by Statius calle Plocium πλοκίον necklace' , copie fromone by Menander it the fame ille se Ribbeckla Fragmenta. he verses are iambic trimeters. A. 365 G. 754 Η.622. - nil quicquam Se n. on quemquam senem; f. the com
and poeticat. - quod diu these mores musti scanned as a Pomclee. The i in diu here probabi ha the ound of ur F. A. 347, c; G. 7I7 H. 6M III. n. a. Auen et compares a line of ublilius Syrus o quam maias faeniunda incurrum visendo diu. --it: indefinite subjeci. - videt: ischer quotes Herod. I, 32 speech of Solon to Croesus ἐν γὰρ - μυ ψα - πολλὰ μὲν ἔστιν ἰδέειν τὰ
μέν τι ἐνέλει, πολλα δὲ καὶ παθεσιν. - tum equidem etc. :
these lines, a mellis thos a ve, occurre in asta es Statius calleclEphesio: Me Ribbeck's Fragmenta'. - aenecta: used by prose riteri fore the time es silve Latin. - deputo this compound is used by the dramatist and the cloes no occur again illlate Latin times. - eumpse like ipse an rea e for hic se n. o Gel. 47 this ore contain the encliti partici se probabi amother formos uex ound in nemse, qui sinam etc., long it se, Whichielong to an id demonstrative pronou once decline sos, a, sum, the masc. and fem o whic are Men inra, . The form Was nodoub originali eumpsum, like irram si um in but has passe into ita present form justis ipsos nom. hecam ipso the ipse. The onlydifferenc in sense etwee m se and the simple eum is that theforme is more emphatic. The pronou eum eris the subjectis the
infinitive sentire, ut the substantive senex, to hic the ronoun refers, is no expressed. - di Sum: f. n. O 4. 25. iucundum . . . odiosum: elliptic, - iucundum ' potius quam odiosum senem esse dicendum est. - ut ... delectantur cf. Lael. I I also elo - Sapiente senes: either of these ordsis sed as an adjective here the whole expression a sentes, cum facti sunt senes. - levior es the fragm. o Callimachus γηράσκει δ' ὁ γέρων κεῖνο ἐλαφρότερον, δν κουροι φιλέουσι. - coluntur
et diliguntur colere ather implies the externa mark of respect cf. Mi in 7 , iugere the inner feelingis affection. - praecepti
etc. cf. ff. I, Ia ineuntis enim Haris inscitia senum constituenda rireonaea prudentia est. - me . . . iucundos: put for me iucundum esse quam vos mihi estis iucundi. The attractionis a finite ver into the infinitive after quam is no uncommon; cf. n. quibus me
observed does no qualis inteliam, hut iucundos. - Sed here anm eis, i. e. it introduces a retum to the subjeci prope after a digre
hence cuiusque re senis. 'o bove adulescentia lausu scentes.
agens aliquid this phras differs from agat in that while the subjunctive Mould expres the factis action, the participia phras empresses ather the constant undeno to act. Mens inqui form a sortis attributerio senectus, parallel Wit operosa Moliri differs homanis in that it implies the ringincinio existence of some objeci. Cf. ff. 3, o agere aliquiae et mo Iiri volunt Acad. 2 a ut moliatur Mi id et faciat; Ν. D. I, a utrum di nihil agunt, nihil moliantur; Μur. 8a et Munt et moliantur. - quid . . . aliquid forthe ellipsis insulae qui ci. n. on a qui ... Addiscunt - προμ-θάνουσι- leam o an on, o o learning. - ut ... Videmus: ut MAlle observes for ut Solon fecit, quem videmus. - Solonem: See
also M. Thecline versibus here is an exaggeration in socii is verssi, sin is reserve by Plato in his Timaeus and by Plutarch, Sol. 3Iγηράσκω δ' ἀεὶ πολλὰ διδασκόμενos The age of Solon at his deat is
Η. 333, L . motice the change to the infinitive in in below.
mini puer Plutarch Cato a gives an account of Cato' stud of Gree in his id age. - sic this or cloes no qualis amide butrefer On to quasi so that sic. . . quasi cupiens thus, vis like ne destring '. f. n. Ono is custae fruebar quasi alS 35 tamquam ... sic Quasi serves to osten the metaphor in sitim es. n. Oniael. 3. - cupiens: after quasi a finite ver se erem Would have been more usual as in Ia ua... quasi diminarem. f. ho ever a quavideri ensem. - ea ipsa mihi for the juxtaposition o pronoum, hic is ather ough after in Latin cf. a ipsa suum eadem quae. - exempli P pro Me lis, o exem orum loco es n. o a L Lmachum) so that thos editor are Wrong Who a that . have herea example of the antecedent thrus into the relative clause, a thoughea ipsa quibus exem is mere putrior ea ipsa exem a quibus. - quod: is cum iam senex esset disceret. - Socraten Cic. probabifleamed
this fac homilato's enexenus 33 E an Euthydemus 27 in here Connus is named a the eacher of Socrates in music. In the Euth demus Socrates says that the boys attendin Connus' lessons laughedat him an calle Connus γε--oωάεν-αλον. f. alSO Fam 9, 22, 3 Soerium idibus domi nobilissimus fidicem is Connus voci uus est Val.