Cato maior De senectute

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 288페이지


분류: 미분류



Car enim non ad eos solun viros, de quibus ante dixi, verum etiam ad Catonem meum, quo nemo vir melior natus est, nemo pietate praestantior, cuiu a me corpus est crematum, quod contra decuit ab illo meum, animus vero non me deserens sed respectans, in ea profecto loca discessit quo mihi ipsi cernebat esse veniendum. Quem ego meum casum fortiter ferre visu Sum, non quo aequo animo ferrem, sed me ipse consolabar existimans non longinquum inter nos digressum et discessum fore.

His mihi rebus, Scipio, id enim te cum Laelio admi 8s

rari solere dixisti, levis est senectus, nec Solum non molesta, sed etiam iucunda. Quod si in hoc erro, qui animos hominum immortalis esse credam, libenter errone mihi hunc errorem, quo delector, dum iVO, MODqueri volo; sin mortuus, ut quidam minuti philosoph. censent, nihil sentiam, non vereor ne hunc errorem meum philosophi mortui irrideant. Quod si non sumus immortales futuri, tamen exstingui homini suo tempore optabile est. Nam habet natura, ut aliarum omnium rerum, Sic vivendi modum Senectus autem aetatis est peractio tamquam fabulae, cuius defetigationem fugere debemus, praesertim adiuncta satietate. Haec habui de senectute quae dicerem, ad quam ut, nam Veniatis, ut ea, quae ex me audistis, re experti Prinhare possitis l



Cicero a the principes ille. e twice oves the wor thisname, in Laelius 4 an Att. 4, 2I I. In the forme passagehe Os the descriptive oros, aderesse to Atticus, qui es scriptus ad te de senectuu In a stir notice, De Div. 2, 3 hegives the description ithout the ille Iiber is quem ad nostrum Atticum de senerauu misimus. It is likel that Cicero intende the essant be nown a the CATO ΜAIOR DE SENECTUTE, the sui titie correspondin with LAELIUS DE AMICITIA. The wor maior Was necessarnis distinguis the bookhom Cicero' eulog of the munge Cato Uticensis), Whichaeem is have gone by the nam es CAT Simply.

P. I. - 1. O Tite etc. the lines are a quotation Dom the Annales of Q. Ennius homini Rudiae in Calabricam B. C., die I an epic em in hexameter verse the first great Latin poem in that metre, celebratin the achievements of the Roman nation from the time of Aeneas to the poet' own clays. The incident allude to in Ennius verses is evidently the fame a that narrate by DV 32, C. R IoTitus Quinctius Flamininus, Who commande in I 4. C. the Romanam opposed to Philip es,acedon, found the in strongi postedon the mountians belween Epirus an Thessaly. For fori dabis i mininus lingered, hopinxto fin some pates hic Would ive him accem to the enemy' quartem A shepher Who kne. every nook of the mountians ames fore the generat, an promise to lead the inman soldiem to the ground above Philipla camp. Thia was done and



Flamininus Move themacedonians into Thessaly It is the s Derdisho in the firs line adoresse Flamininus by his Ma nam Titus. Cicero here leveri applies the line to his lifedon frien Titus

pentameter verse, and the fame caminiis found in Plautus and eo ence A. I 28, a G. ISI I Η. 235.-leVRSSo a formis levavero,

coquere occum in poeu an late prose es Plaut. Trin. 225 Pomet me quo et macero et ae rei Verg. Aen. 7, 34 quam . . femineae ardemum curaeque iraeque coquebant Quint. 2, IO, 77 sol citudo maiorem macerat et coquit. - vereri: e have here the original quantit of the o et preserved a in sonisa below, Io the a in versat Moriginali a long a the a in versas. Plautus has ome parallel tothis canning se Corssen, Aussprach IIR, 488ὶ but it is aretnimi, late by poets of the est period Horace ho ever has arctae, des 3, 6, 26. - 375,r 5 Η. 58o ΙΙΙ. n. a. - praemi the genitive in si from nouns in lumini began to come into se at the end of the Republic A. o b G. 29, Rem. I; Η. I, 5. - isdem Ciceroma have writte isdem or eisdem sim syllabies , buti probabi didnot write the form mos commoni found in Ou texis, iisdem. . P. 74, foObnote . - - Flamininum T. Quinctius Flamininus firs sexved against Hannibal cluring the Secon Punic War. present atthe capture M Tarentum in o B. , an in o was militar tribune unde Marcellus Aster Min employed on minor usines of atate, he ecam quaestor in I99, and immediatet after his ea es ossice, consul Passing Ver the aedileshiman praetorship an attaining the consulses a the extraordinarii early age of 3o. In I97 he Won the


great victor es Cynoscephalae ver themacedonians, hic e edine mar A the Isthmian gamea in the springis I96 Flamininus madehia famous proclamationis laeedom is es the Greeri He retumedio Rome in I rio erio a splendi triumph. For the res of his life he was employed hien on diplomaticis ineas conceming Greeceavi the East. ne of his embassies Was to Prusiaa, iungi Bithynia, in an on him to surrende Hannibal, Who was living at his muri ina ance old age; his led to Hannibat' sulcide. Flamininus ascensor in I89 see beto. 4a , and lived on tul some time after Θ, in .hic Da he hecam augur but the date of his Math is unknown. He was a manis brilliant abili ioth a generat andis diplomat, andala possessed muta culture and was areat admireris Gree liter, ture. - ille vir etc. r. e. the hepher mentione in n. o line I.

Lira 32, II, 4 say that Flamininus sent to the master of the ahepher Charopus, an Epirote prince, to scho far e might e trusted. Charopus replied that Flamininus might trus him, hut had Miter Mepa clos .atch o the operations himself. - haud magna cum re: es no great propert ' -- re familiari, as is esten the case else here in both verse an prose. f. pro Caelio 78 ominem sine re Cumis literaun attended by ' it is almos superfluous here, sinceriri Aa magna re ould have had jus the fame meming advig, Gram. 258 has similis examples. - plenus final lighil promunce that the olde poeta fel justita in neglectiniit in their scaming. It was probabi scarcet pronouncedis at by the esseducate Romans, sincerit is estem holi omitted in inscriptions and has been lost in modern Italiam Cicero, Orator I6I says that theneglecto pronounc finalis is some ha hoorish' subrusticum , though formeri thought ver refined' solitius . Men Lucretius somelimes disregard it in his canning. In the ordinar literaryLatinis large number es moros has tost an originalis e. r. at thenouns of the in deciension A. 375 a G. 722 Η. 6M, I n. 3. fidεi this formis the genitive os escis found also in Plautus Aulularia 575, an Lucretius 3 Ioa. Fiae a genitive seems 'nlyrio occuris late poeta, but as dativerit is found in a fragmenti Ennius. Meas genitive occurs inmorace and Ovid. m. 385 ΙΙΙ. I ROM, 337, e .

- qumquam se n. o 2 erat. - Sollicitari etc. Cicero prob-

ου has no quoted the line as Ennius Wroterit. The word sis, at least, is evidenti inserte o purpos to correspond wit ut before Iam


almost entiret poetices, Sallust Ming the oni prose riter of the bestperiod in Whose orks the usage is Myone doubi Noctes istuc foreaeus here, as in noctes iraque Verr. 5, II 23, noctes et Hes Brut 3Mese. x noctes ac ies Arch. 29ὶ cf. also Verg. Aen. 6, 27; and νώροπι τε καὶ ἡμαρ in Iliad 5, 49o; ut the collocations dies noctesque, dies et noctesare far commone in Cicero. adviis Emend. iv. p. 487 n. ecl. 2 says that in riters of Livy' time and earlier, When an actio is memtioned hic continues throughout a number of day and nighis, either dies et noctes and the like phrases are sed, o die et norae and the like; but no diem nocumque o diem et noctem, hic expression, he says, ould impi that the actio continue oni throughout ne da indone night. Butitavi has overtooke De r. 2, 6 eanaeem incindem diem nocumque tundentibus ἰ also three passage of Caesar via.

Beli. Gall. 7, 42 6 and 7 77 II; Beli. iv. I, 62, I to hic ad apassage in the Beli. Hisp. 38. Though diem nocumque cloes ostenmean throughout one da and one night fas e. p. in Nep. Them. 8 73,

ye it,ould seem that the other sense cannotae excluded. -m cle- rationem ... aequitatem the Selscontro an evenialance of ourmino . Moiaratio is in Cic. a common translation es σω γροσύνη. Aequitas is notrused here in iis commones sense of reasonabienes. or equi but a the nou correspondinxto aequus in the ordina phras aequus animus Horace, aequam memento rebus in arduis sem re mentem es Tusc. I, 97 anc maximi animi aequitalem in i amori , sat o Theramenes undisturbe composure efore his executioii. - animi tui for the positioni these Word belwee moderitionem ansae uatem, to both of Whic nouns the refer a formis speec calle by the Latin grammariam coniunctis , se notem La

liuo cum summi viri tum amicissimi. - cognomen: . e. the name

Atticus, hic Cicero' friendrai no inherit, but adopted. io the

wor comomen es. n. on . - deportasse: it hout be note that the ver de Hare is early always in the best Writers sed of bring- in things rom the province to tal o Rome, an no vice versa, the Roman using Hown ' de of motion to arci the capital Bagia deponare occurs in Tacitus an late riters butini in the sense of banishing a person cf. Ann. 4 45 . o deceaeere de provincia is common, ut o Roma decedere A to the formis Usasse, it man remaris that Cic. in the vas majorit os instances se the comtracted and no the fui forms of the infinitives correspondire t pedilecta in avi. 'o ptisassent in An extensive collectionis examples


o thia an simila contractions may be found in Froh ein, Die Pedilacibildungen aes vi et Cicero Mera, 87 - humanitatem:

culture '; i. e. leamin resultin in genuenes an refinement escharacter. - prudentiam: φ inieri or practical Wisdom. Com.

Nepos o his imitator in his life of Atticus 7 3 says of him ris risum H so rarum ui κασω M it praere a ut his aut visam a maeam non ad orienvisionem Meretur. - isdem rebus a. e. the stateo public affalas a the time se Introd. - quibus me ipsum: stricti spe in the constructio is inaccurate, since sus cor commoveri must be supplied, and Cicero does no reali mean to in that he meret conjecturas himself to e seriousi affecte by the state es public inaim; ero ipse commoveor ould have accuratet expressed his meaning The accusative is due to the attractionis se bove. - maior di iure M osten; e. r. Lael. 29 quod malius eis. visum eat mihi conscribere: flami mihi ' have determinedio rite . The est riter raret use the impersona videm escfollowed by an infinitive. When Mosage occurs videtur mihi M. generali hau the meaning sas here of δοκεῖ μοι κ τ λ. - have madeo my ind'. Cf. Tusc. 5, 2 Vim Mi videtur ad beau visendum satis osse irruum ib. 5, et a curious passage mihi

enim non videbam quisquam esse hineus osse cum esse in malis in mesis autem assientem esse osse; ff. 3 7 malitia quae Metua quidem videri se esse frudentiam Acrati hic destres that peopleshould belleverit tot Wisdom Uv. I, Io 7 dis visum nec irruam conditoris te si vocem esse ... the goci decided that the wor of the founder of the shrine should no remat o no effect in It would edifficult, is no impossibie, to fin a passam in 'riter efore silver Latin times here the best texis stili exhibitinnythinitiis videtur eum facere fortas videtur facere. m. 34, I n. I; Roby, 333. - aliquid a te ome or dedicate to ou ' so elow, 3 cf. also Lael.

in de amicitia scriberem Liquid ib. Mone maiore qui est scriptus ad sede senectute Div. 2, 3 liber is quem ad nostrum Atticum de senectute

misimus. a. ut ... Rut Certe so osten in Cic. certe, cit an rates .



-etat: - καμοι and yet his se of es t introduce a clausecorrecting the precedin clause, though no uncommon se. r. belo.

quamquam Which, have in I, 9, IO, 24 47 67 69. - te quidem: bo at ali evenis', bo forine . -- modice ac sapienter modice recalis moderationem bove modice and motareaurare sed mit exactly the fame sense by Cic. , While Vienter recalis aequitatem, since s Lentia produces stabilit and an even balance of the mine. In De r. I, 32, have modice et scienter. - sicut omnia: cf. in I, 7 mceu is quidem sicut alia; also elow, 65 sim alia. -- et ferre et laturum esse: ischer righil remarks that When a ver is repeated thus With a variationi tense Cic. very nearly alWVS Se et . . .ec and no a single et merely Tho contrast belmeen the reo tenses a thus made more potnted. f. 3 et diximus et dicemus. - certo scio: one of the est ΜSS., followed by ome editors, has here ceri scio. The lalter phras Would meam Pam fur that Ianow senae .hichseem out o place herei the forme I have certain or Aureano bedge'. Observe that certe may be se With ali verbs, while res isoni used wit scire A. Is I, c. - aeo the dea implied is, butthoughra mel knowso do not nee such consolation, I have et resolvessito addres my book to ou - occurrebas lignus a comdensed constructio for occurrebat de dignum esse. P. 2. - munere. . . uteretur a gist such a we both might malieus os in compans'. - mihi milem: this form a correctionupo Merque nostrum bove: ,hateuer o manthin of the work, I a leas have found the writin oscit leasant . - confectio : composition completion ' a Wor scarcet found in the cla sica Latin excepi in Cicero's writings. Cf. De r. 2, 5 annalium confectio pro Font. 3 confectio tabularum s accountinooks'3. - fuit ut absterserit: the sequence of tenses fuit ut absumeres

mon: e. r. TuSC. 3, 43 Iuctum omnem absterseris. Wit this statemento Cicero' concerning the effect the wor had on himself contrast Atti


PL A. 55, e G. ω I; Η Θ -- effecerit mollem a in Merea mmmeus animus incere non iucundam senectutem; ut m conditiora facit Me aucupium Veio givea more emphaticali cunam sui theide of the completion of the action. CL Lael. 73 incere uiguem

consulem to carry through a man' electio a consul ' facere aliquem consulem Ming meret to vote fori man' election to the consulfhim -aatia ligne fas sin deserves', lit. 4n a sussiciently orth mamner . Some editor have thought di ne superfluous and wishedri castit out but we have satis, as in Verr Act. II. I, 8a cf. also Sex. Rosc. 33 ro dirnuas laudare satis commode. - qui Parent...clegere a conditional sentence of irregula form qui, siquis; cui simply connective, ut ei . f. Div. I, I 27 qui enim aeneas causas rerum futurarum, idem necesse est omnia mea qua sutura sint also the examples in Robyla Grammar, 358. A. 3IO, , γ7, b G. 594, I, 598 Η F7, II. and III. 2. Some ho ever, mali possit a subjuno live os characteristic oris cause With rui, and sarea a subjunctive byattracti n. - omne tempus aetatis 'ever Mason o lues' so in 35 extremum te us aetatis; o breve te us aetatis. The opposite phras aetas se oris is ver rare it occurs in Propertius I, 4, 7. a. ceteris neuter adjective sed as a noun, equivalento reseris rebus ahe ther matters' a. e. the politica troubles iante at a ve. The best riters domo esten us the neuter adjective missu in the lique cases unies there is omething in the contexi o hoW thegende clearly as in a cinis ... eis quae We have, hoWever, helo in , isso cissa re; a reliquum 77, caelestium merum cae Metum p an in 78 fraeseruorum summorumque se other instances in n. o Gel. 5 similium. The prolepti or anticipator use of ceteris shout also e miceo iis sense is no fuit seen illis come to Aunc Urum the fame se occura elow in , 5 59, ω so Hiis in 24 Cf. also n. o Gel. 7 reliqua. - diximus ...dicemus: hen a Claus o phras consista es four aris, hic go in patre a hereae imus, Demus o one fide, an mulsa, saepe o the ther . the Latius frequently arrange the word so acto ut ne piar et Menthe Wo inember of the theriair, as here This usage is calle bygramminans Miasmus Thus is e denote the four paris by At, BBL Miasmus requires the orde ABB/A O BAA BL See exmplesi 8, o, 22, 38, 44, 7 I. inor the more complicated forms of hiasmus



ning of the clause the contrast et Reen ceteris an Aune tabrum is

made stronge by the omission For his avndeson adversamum Men o Lael. 5 Laelium . . suus. io tens o misimus, ' Laend , see A. 282 G. 244 H. 72, . - mnem: See n. on 62. - tribuimum perfectae e like misimus. - Tithono ... Ariat Psee Introd.

Patetic. - Parum ... Ructoritatis observe homoste Cicero inestroublerio separate orta hic are, grammaticalis ci et connected.

S a Ve, omnis ... molestias multorum . . . senectutem miri os . . fructur 2 cimium ... nomina I 33 --... virium I 53 mulo ...

fecundior etc. et See also n. nos quam Sit ius u. - 344 QMe; H. 56I, III. - esset condition omitted. - 3II G. 6oa H. 3Iα- maiorem auctoritatem es Lael. 4. -- apud quem diat Whose house' soris a me, drom mycio e A. I 53 G. IT H. 446 n. 4.- Laelium . . . Scipionem se Introd. - facimus admirantis: me represent as expressing Stonishment'. orfacere, in this ense, Cic. more osten se inducere to bring on the stage', as in Lael. Catonem induxi senem dis sanum. f. ho eve 5 Homerus Laerunco num agrum facit also Bruti 18 Orat. 85. Instea es facimus e might have expecte either in cimus to correspondisit misimus and tribuimus bove orsaciemus to correspond wit rideri, below. theras of the participi se A. 292, e G. 336 Η 333, I. 4. eruditiua disputare: Cic. no infrequently in his dialogues mahespeopte tes Wit more leamin than the reali possessed. e severa times confesses his a regaros Lucullus an Catulus in the Academica, an a regare Antonius in the De Oratore. - ferat: subjunctive hecause embodying the sentiment of Laelius an Scipio. Roby, 744 advig, 357 H. I 6 II. - auis libris etc. for theallusion here to Cato's life Works, and opinions see Introd. -- quilopus est plura re dicere; cf. the elliptic phrases quid mulsa se. dicam in 78 also below, O praeclare A. ω, c; Η. 368, 3 n. a. 4. aepe numero Sole it is y frequent custom . Numero is literatin by the count oraechoning ' and in saepe numero had originalty the fame force scin qua arima numero and the like; ut the phrasecam to e sed meret M a stio strengthening o saepe. - cum ho . cum ceterarum the se of cum in different senses in thesam clause, hic Seems WkWard is no uncommon es beto. Θ