Cato maior De senectute

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 288페이지


분류: 미분류


Word ei Aariis notrused by Cicero an cloes no hecome common in Latin prose tui long after Cicero' time, thoughine severa times usea the woros righaroedus, euharista, When referring to Gree professiones players. The word too is rare in early prose it occurs in Tusc. I, 4 in connectio Wit a Greeli, here in the fame sentence descis

used as an 'equivalent. - audirem for audire et leonis ornoscere Se n. n O. - vellem se si possem. - liacebant . . . antiqui:

cloubis have been fel acto the genuinenes of the clause. In Tusc. 4, 3 a passage of Cato is quote whic refers to the use of the tibia among the ancient Romana immediatet after ard the antiquit os practicem the des at Rome is mentioned though no expressi onCato' authori The wotas cannoti sal to Monsulte either tothe person or to the occasion. - liacebant . . . fiothus the verbcanere, hich means a play a Weli as a sing', musti supplied; Mibus is the an ablative of the means o instrument There is thesam ellipsis of eanere in the phrases docere ribus Fam. a 3 and scire tauri Teren , Eunuchus 33 Cf. O , 2I7. P. 12. - 2P. ne ... quidem these two Worda together correspondio the Gree οὐδέ ow- ne, δέ quidem , an are best translate herem rior rathe than by rio even The rendering tot even ' thoughrequire is ome passages, ill esten misrepresent the Latin. I cua Deus lita viros in Greeli is a rhetorica term Mith a technicalmeaning The leade icto anticipate the argumentsi man d it necessar torus in different cases, an is to arrange them unde ceditain heaos; achinea is calle a seos o locus, meanin literalty the flacri here a pleader is to loocior an argument hem anted. Hen

Iocus came to mean a cut-andinrie argument' or, as here, a commonplace'. It is osten foun in Cicero' rhetorica writings. non plus quam an more than . iter the negative ne a verit is incorrecto tranatare non hy a negative in English, though the repetitio of the negative is common enough in Latin a in ome Englishoialecta. f. n. on Plus here magis. - quod eat se tibi, what ou have ' so Paradoxa I and sa satis erae, quod est. -RgRS: quisquis is generali accompanted by the indicative, as in Verg. Aen. 2, 49 uiae id id est etc. se Roby, A. OR, G. 46, 4 H. 476, 3. The subjunctive is here sed, it the imaginar secon person, to rende prominent the hypothetica an indefinite character of the



vox: ulterance' the wor is sed vi of speeches in ome Wayspeciali remarisble. - contemptior more despicable hepassive participiet comemno has the sense of an adjective in inius, like inmictus an many othem. - Milonia the mos famous of the Gree athletes. He live at the en of the stat centur B. C., ancithe raises of his victorie were uncis Simonides It was under his leadershi that his native cit Croton, in Magna Graecia, attachecland destroye Sybaris. an storie are tot by the ancients a ut his feat os strength see 33 , an a ut his D eris consumi Ἀ-αΗe is sese to have been a prominent disciple o Pythagoras ' in crimans beWare o spellinilacrima With ither chrior cir forci; these Pellius are Without justification. The F resis o the absurdassumptio that the Latius horrowed their ore lacrima struight Domthe Gree δάκρυ. - lixiaae combinations like dici Nesae irae areexceeclingi rare in good Latin Cicero ne ly tWay use two disse

en VerbS i. e. he say aium dicere and the like. - at there is anellipsis here suta ac thoseooung men' muscies are PO erful but . . . . This elliptic se of at is common in sudde exclamations of gries, annoyance, Surpris etc. - vero: this is common in emphatico Plies, hether the epi conve assent, or as here, a retori The

nomen Was Paetus he was consul in I , an censor in I AE C. HeWas ne of the earlies an mos famous writer o Roman La . His great commentar on the XII tables is osten referreo to by Cicero, Who severa times quotes Ennius line bout Um-erreri cordaeus homo carus Aelius Sextus. -tiam re dixit. - CoruncaniuS n. O IS. - P. Crassus consul in os . . it the etcle Africanus;


note for nuper below n. on 6I Where it is se of Crassus as Mois here. - praeacrihehantur: the mea n is that these amem practised in ol age sciurisconsulis i. e. accordin to id Romancustom, the gave audience in the early hour of the dant at whoc se in consul them a ut leges dissiculties. - ea provecta: literalty was came for aro', i. e. continueri', remianes'. Somemrongintis the phraserio meam made prooem incremes' a sense .hic Would require the imperfeci, promehebatur. - prudentia: here, M osten, Heges orator emphati Position. - aenectute causa ablative; no 'in age owin to age'. - omnino me tamen nodo di but stili'. Omnino literalty altogether' has t. almost exacti opposite se - I the ammative, cf. 9; a the concessive, .hich, have here anesi 45. The circumstance Whichris contrasted .it the admitte circumstance is usuali introduce by sed tamen orseras in s but in Lael. 98 by the les emphatic auum While in Lael.

69 there is no introductor particle. - canorum . . . Senectute: norum implies the combinationi poWer With clearnes in a voice. For the mixture os metaphora in canorum splendescit edd. quote Soph. Phil. I ἀχὼ τηλεφα, is Cic. Deor 2, ω tuorum tactu orationem meam quasi colorari. - nescio quo pacto cliteralty o. notis What tems ' quiete interchangeahi Wit nescio quo modo es. 8a A. 334 e G. 469, Rem 2 Η. 29, 5, 3ὶ.-Rdhuc non Puse poSely ut for nondum, ecause more emphasis is thus thrown bothon the time or an on the negation. The common te that nomaeum M voide hecause i Would have implied that Cato exsected tolos the canorum is certaint Wrong. - et videtis though yo seem years'. The adversative se of et for autem o clamen after thenegative is no ver uncommon in Cicero, ut there are se exam-ples of the usage in the speeches. f. Lael. 26 et qui quid so some- timessuerus bove, 3 also Lael. 3 ut nullo emat suaque omnia in se risu iudicet. - seni: Madvigla em for senis In Leg. I, II allusion is made to the great change hic advincingaearchad Wrought in Cicero' own impassione oratory Me was no doub thiniungis that hange hen e rote the orta e have here. - Sermo: sine of smahing ' a Wor of wide meaning than oratio, hic oni3 denotes public speaking. - quietus et remissus subdue and gentie'. The metaphor in remissus whic occurs also inII refers to


n. With the whole passam es Plin. Ep. 3, I, a nam is enes confusa aeaeam is quasi mrιαία non indecens senibus placida omnis e rarae aea ----.- facit auclientiam: procurea es irael ahearinisorrit'. In the ores per se ipsa there is no doub an allusion to the custom a large meetings in ancient times here acie aera orκῆρυξ calleo on theseopte to listen to the spe ers. f. iv. 43 I 8 praeconem a diemeiam arare iussis Note that thicis the ovi classicalisse of the word a gentia it has no the meaning of ur audience either in the sense of c d of istenera, o as sed in the expression a give audien '- composita et milia: inimpa sione and smooth f. Quintil. 6, 2 9 a retus imitur os concisaeos,

tuos miris atque com suos erae dixerunt. - Rm ... nequens e

and is yo cannot practis orator yourseis'. Videnti quam relam to oratio in the wides sense noto the speciat style es orator memtione in the Iast sentence Wit si nequeas es nisi exerceas in n. - Scipioni et Laelios a Scipio an a Laelius'; i. e. youm frienda suc a Scipio an Laelius are o me'. -PrRecipere here absolute, -praecessa dare usuali an accusative o lows.-atudii iuventutia: the Eeal of youth euaetas cloes noti l here the deference of out to age the studia meant are thev reinum studia of46. M. ne ... instruat docere icto impar knowledge, instimere liberali At ground or establish' is to form the intellec and cha acteri means of knowledge, instruere, to teac the pupilino. he may bring his acquirementa to ea in practica lila. - ossici munus: performance of du ' cf. 35 72 Fam. 6, 4. In scores of Passages in Cicero me fines Dium et munus, Qui an function , as in M. Cn. et P. Scipiones in Cic. the plures is alWay use Where twomen of the fame famil are mentioned and thei names connected hyee. In the writer the plurat is regular, the singula exceptiones, asin Sall. ΙΜ. a I L et C. Gracchus Liv. si a Sp. et L. Papirius. Even ith ther noum the plura is regular e. r. Cic. Phil a Io Iarationes Campana et Leontina though a litile bove me have mense Hulasque aio. Se Draeger Hist Synt. 3, p. I. Gnaeus notCnaeus - se n. o Lael. 3 Cornelius Scipio a consul in a B C. and was sent to Spat at the ovibrea of the Secon Punicisa tocommand against Hasdrubal Publius a consul in I8, an after

in delaared by Hannibal at the Ticinus, joine his rother in

Spain. - ωst the won important successes, ut in I the were


hemme in and illed, after a mishin deleat. - L. Aemulus: the fatheri Macedonicus. e was consul in I an deleate the Illyrii; ut hen consul again in I 6 was delaate and kille a Camnae Mess. For avi duo es. 82. - consenuerint . . . defecerint: coniunctis for hic se n. on 6. io the ood se A. 3I3 a G. 6M H. Is III. an n. 3. - et i See n. Ο Σ.- enectute: ΜSS. and edd. have senectutis, but the sense requires the abi. P. 13. - M. Cyriam the lder. - apud Xenophontem in Xenophon' so in 79 here se n. also I apud Homerum See Cyropaedia, 8 7 6. - cum ... esset: Mouis he wa very old , the clause depenta omine folloWing orta notin the precessing. -- negat in Latin's in Englis the present te eris used in quotationafrom books. - Metellum consul in s B. C. and won a Meat victor ove the Carthaginians a Panomus Palemo ; consul againi 247. Se below 6I. - memini. . . e se for the constructiones memini Wit the presentis perfeci infinitive, Me n. O Mel. 2; ala A. 288, b G. 77 Rem. H. 337, . - Puer the expressionis peculiar, heing abbreviated hom quo puer vidi or omethingis thehind. Quintil. 8, 3, 3 has memini iuvenis. In Rep. I, 3 Cicero

avs memini me admoaeum adulescentulo. - viginti et duos thecommoneri de of the worci is duos triginti se n. na 3 cmeum . . . annos. - ei sacerdoti that sacre colleges' s. e. the pontificia

college consisting of the sontifex maximus and the inferior ponti eae.

gui . - mihi dat for acc. to emphasire the person. - id A suta a course' es. 8a in de me ipse Miquid more senum glorier. M. videtisne ut here ne is the equivalentis nonne, ascit ostencia in the Latini Plautus and Terence, an in the colloquia Latin es the classical period For in after ridetis ae n. o 26. - Nestor: e. r. in Ilia I, 26 et seq. II 668 et seq. - tertiam aetatem : cf. Iliado, aso Odysse 3, 45. - vera. . . ae: i he old the trutha ut himself . - nimis to any great extent'. Insolens cloes notcorrespondri ou insolent' it is almos the equivalent of inereus, an has no harahe meaning than odo', strange', 'in ad aste'. - melle dulcior Homer, Il. I, 249 του καὶ ἀπ γλώπισαν μέλιτos γλυκίων νέεν αὐδή. In r. a Cic. says of Xenophon Whom the Greeta calleo Armat μέλιττα that his oratio a meiae dulcior. Suavitatem : nolice the change from dulcior, hich seem tot madeso the mere ais es varietri since elaemhere De r. a I6I Cicero


writes dulcitudo orationis. - et tamen: See n. Ο 16. - dux ille Agamemnon; se Ilia 2 37 et seq.-nuSquam i. e. in here in Homer. - Aiacis i. e. Aiax Telamonius, ho was thegreates Gree warrior hile Achilles ut Iliadis, Mi Thegenitive iter similis is the ut in Cicero, though many example esthe dative are found even Wit names of persons Aeetadu on Fin.

27 an nemo incidere Academ i, 35 both of .hic are sed in a

vellem. P. 14. - nemo cui fuerim: cf. Plaut Mercator 2, 2, 7 quamquam ne reum est, numquam sum occuparus amico operam dare.

m. at a in I, here se n. - T. Ponti centurionis: thecenturions ere generali me es poWersu frame es. Veget. 2, 4 centurio eleonaeus est, qui sit magnis viribus et procera naeum; Philipp. 8, 26 centurionessumaces et laceriosos plorat Sat. I, 6, 72.-m de- ratio: right application ' literalty a overning '. - tantum ... nitatur cf. 27 quidquid aras ore pro tribus also 3 quamum possumus. - ne the ammative ne osten rongly writte mete onthe absurd assumptio that the wor passe into Latin rom the Gree ναί, is in Cicero alway an in the writers early tWays follo edi a pronoun. For the formo the sentenc here f. Fam. 7, I, ne ... nostrum Tusc. 3 8 ne ista etc. Fin. 3, I salmos thesame ores . - per talium: Over the ourse' es. Athenaeus I A P. I E Lucian, Charon 8 Quint. I, 9, 5 Muo quem visurum Dj0jtjrso by IOO Ie


assumerat ferme, aurum ferebM. Acto Milo se n. o 27. For rem

sustinere a modem ovi have been incline to se a participi Whic Was perhaps moide here ecause of the lose proximit ofanother Participie, ingressus. meri : his spelliniis belle than humeris, hic is nomabandone by the est scholara There is nosound correspondiu to thera in ores of the fame origi in cognate languages se Curtius, Gree Elym. I, 23 of the Eng. Trans. , and although undoubtedi rongi attache to ome Latin Moros,

there is no evidenc toraho. that this happene to umerus. -has: i. e. moniis, correspondin t 'Marinae. - Pythagorae: hosenno do cause tradition ademito a Pythagorean See n. n 27. - malis i. e. io andum sit es Plaut. iles I7o For the ellipsisse n. n 26. - denique in hori'. - utare the secondperson of the present subjunctive hortative is ver rare, exceptingWhen, a here, the command is generat. ad the command Menaddresseda a particula person, Cicero might have writte ne requisieris. CL,advig, pusc. a Io5 Roby, 596 A. 66, a, b G. 56, 2 H. 484 4 n. . dum adsit, cum ahait: as both dum and eum evidently have here a tempora sense the subjunctives seem due toste influence of the ther subjunctives utare an requiras. A. 342;G. 666 H. 329 II. an n. I, I .-niSi forte: See n. On 8. curaus for the metaphor cf. n. on 83 also Fam 8, 3 a letter of Coelius aemu iam sunt decursa pro Quint. 99 acta aetas de Umque.

For certus es below, 72 senectutis certus terminus. - aetati : here iu- See n. on . - eaque this is a common way o intrinducing Wit emphasis a fres epithetis predicate. Osten idque καὶ τουτοὶ occurS, the pronou Ming the adverbiali used, an no in agreement Wit the subject f. n. on 65 Ilius quidem also neque ea in a. - implex life is compare is a race, in hic each

infirmitas the contextis . that not physicaliut intellectuat wea nescis meant is in Acad. 2, 9 in missimo tempore emtis Fin. 5, 43 Hau infirma. - ferocitas exultation high spirit'. - iam Constanti aetatis i. e. iddie age, the characteristic o Whic isnaMIDF cf. 76 constans arias quae media dicitur; alsomo; ac A.


34. audire te actitror thin that ne a reaches ou h SPe : See minis oras'. - avitus there Mas a Strong mensshi belween the lde Africanus an Masinissa, in of umidia. Who in a 4. C. passe ove frOm the Carthaginia alliance to thato the Romans He was richi rewarde by Scipio, an remaineclloyal to Rome tui his death. eclive to welcome the younge Scipio in Africa during the last dies War, an to se in ulter mimos a tham. See Sall. Iug. 5, For the expression osses mus a uus CL Plautus, miles a 3 fatemum suom ossium. - cum ingressus etc. i. e. protracte exercise of ne in cli not ear him. cum . . . equo though Cic. says in equo Mi esse, sedere etc. the Prewosition here is testiui ecause a mere ablative os manne or mea is requireest sui the simila ablative sedibus. So Div. , IV equus in quo vehebar the hors omwhich Prode '; ut ib. I, 58 equo a retus ad ripam A brought to the bank b Me alios chorse -aiccitatem : Wirines.', literalty Hryness o freedom isom excessive perspiration,

coici and the like cf. Tusc. 3 99 siccariem quae consequitur contin-tiam in vicem Catuli. 23, a corror sicciora comu. - regi : here- rema. - ossicia et munera se n. on 2 - ne int ' Mant that age has no strengt '. his formula es concession for argumenim sine is frequent in Cicero, ho osten attaches orat sane. A. 66 ae; G. 6Io m. Is III. - senectute Sem s.' Se n. O 26. Iemhus et instituti by statute an precedent'. - munerihucteis etc. chiefl militar Service. - non modo ... sed ne quidem When a negative foliows non modo these ortis have the force of non mota non a negatives iniborro e from the negative in the subsequent clause. ut esten non modo non is initten the negative sterm iis the more emphatic being independent. Here non modo non quod non ould have ad chars found A. 49, e G. 484, 3 anclRem. I. Η. 552, 2. - quod adv. acc. se n. no sui j f. Liv. si Is sed vos id comenae estis. 35. M as in I, Where se n. In his repl Cato adopis the fame formis that in hic the objectio is urgeo, at id quidem etc. So

l M a senex. . . atra . . .


th man wn adopted ou . - quod ni ita fuisset: no. t this ha no been so' a phras like quod cum id sis and hoc ita diei f. also 67 quod ni ita aurideret; a quod ni ita se Meret. - alterum ... civitatia iuuae is pucior ille, by attraction to lumen. Robrio 8.A. 95 d; G. Oa, Rem 5 Η. 445, f. in. 2, 7 sicurus, hoe enim vestrum lumen est. Epicurus for heris ou Ahining light . vitia: ' defecta' - diligentia: scarcet corresponda to our diligences' it rather implies minute, patient attention; iainstaking . 35. hahenda ... valetudinis attentio musti palesto health'; A valetudini consulere Fam 6, 4, 3 oseram dare De r. I, 265 imaeustere Fam. 6, 8, I valetudinem curare iten es also Fam. IO, 35 a Fin. 2 64. - tantum restrictive, oni so much so in is, and osten. - potioni : cibus et eis is the regula Latin equiv, lent formur food an Mink' se below, 46 also Tusc. 5, oo; in. I, 37 Varro de Re Rust. I, I, 5. - adhibendum : adhibere has heremerely the sense of to emptos' or to se f. Fin. 2 6 - non: . should say and not' or but not' the Latins however, are fondo as naerion, calle ausirem reum, he two clauses are contrasted. - menti. . . animo proΡeri mens is the intellect stricti so calleri

animus intellec an feelin combined, but the orta re osten verylo ely used heroite occur together in Latin Lucretius has even

OVer'. --- exercitando in good Latin the ver exercitare is rare excepi in exercisurus, hic standa a participi to exerceo, exercitus in unused The wor feenis to have been chosen here a suilingexercitationibus belle than exercendo ould So in s desidera tio is Chosen ather than desiderium, to correspond wit the ne GoringuitiLIatio. - ait sc esse the omissio Wit aliis rare though common With dico a eu etc. se n. n a. - comicos no comic' in ursense, hut in comoediis, represente in comedy . o Rosc. Am. 47 comicum adulescenum, the young man os comedy The passage of Caecilius se n. o a Matius is more fuit quote in Lael. 99. credulos in almost ver Latin comed there is ome old man whois cheate by a cunning lave. - somniculosae the avi containsa diminutive nou stem somniciamin. - petulantia A Wamarones. . - non prohorum Cic. void improborum a Mincio harsh;

mit exacti similar feelin Propertius 3, o, a ted Paley says inproba Putiphais for et i roba P. f. ff. 3, 36 error hominum non


irresponsibi ruter ver his hildre an ho ehold. Foris fui di cussion of the aerii serias se Coulanges, Ancient Cit' h. II. Ch. 8 Μaine, Ancient La , Ch 5 Hadley, Introd. to Roman Law, Chapter 5 and 6. - et . . . senex: though both blinfand old . intentum commoni used os animus, like the opposite remissus a8 . - tenehat etc. the sarria potestas is esten denoted by the word -- serium es De Inveni. 2, 4 im rium domesticum. - vi haletc. in tam ancestrat spirit an principies ere stroni . Whil animus 'reius here evidenti means the strong Wil for hic the parebcian Claudii .ere proverbial as e. r. in Rosci Am. 46 inultiore qui animus sarrius sis in liberos it indicates the laetin os a particulariather fortis chil Men. .

P. Ig. - M. ita: - ea iam in these conditions, viz. ...' the Clausewit si ingran explanationis uia. his correspondence of i ... nis common in Cicero se n. on a uia... quasi mere translate age

Acad. a 3 veritas se ipsa defendet See ala the n. o 4.-Si. . . est init has passe into bondage to nobody . Mancirium is alleceo property emanci me is to pas a plece of propert out o iis .mer's hanci. The word acquired two exacti opposite meanings. Whenuse of a flave, oris a son in patria sos mete, ho mas legali subjectio many of the fame ordinances as a flave, it means a se isee , -- less, as in in I ac tum in adoptionem D. Silano emanci veram some person is mentionedri Whom the original owne malim ove his rights. ut in Plaut Bacchid. I, I, 9 mulier, tibi me emancupo the senseris εἰ enflave m et to ou , i. e. I pM mysel out es, o npo e into ours'. o in the well-known passage of Horam Epod. 9, I so Antony emancipatus feminae ensiave to a Woman cf. Cic. hil. 2, 3 venditum sine emanci uum tribun eum. - senile aliquid . . . aliquid adulescentis P chiasmus For the sense cf. 33

ferocitas m num ... senectutis maturitas. quod qui aequitur: and he who strive after this , a. e. to combine the iriues of age ind