Cato maior De senectute

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 288페이지


분류: 미분류


- mihi ... est in manthus I have on hand ', 'am bus .ith CLn o 22. - Orimum a to Cato' literar labor see Introd. omnia colligo referring to the materiai Cato a collectim for his origines'. - quascunque defendis a many a I have conducted . Defendere causam here is simplyrio ac a comael in a Case, whether the clientie defendanti plaintiff. o in Lael. 96 and osten.

nunc cum maxime no more than Ver', νυν μάλιστα Thephraseris elliptic in fui it Would mm maxime conflcio orationes, nune con to hen d most os ali compose meches, Uno composethem ' a. e. the time han I most os ali compose is no '. The worda cum maxime generalty follow tum o nunc and ad emphasis to those WOrci, but are somelimes sed Hone to expres the ideas ahen ' and no more emphaticali than tum and nunc Would. f. Ver. 4, 82; Tac Ann. 4, 27 The orator were in the habitis Workingive their speeches arefuit for publicatio an presemation. - ius augurium etc. the lampertaining to the augur an pontifices ' s. e. the

principies applied by them in the performance of thei cluties. The pontifices ad the generat versight o religious observances See

Dici es Antiq. - civile the memingi ius civile varies accordingto the contexti Here it is the secular lawas oppose to the sacredlaw, as in o somelimes it is the whole od o Roman la os Dp e to the law of the states osten again, it is the olde portionos the Roman lawas oppose to the ne er equiis portion. commemoro: I say ver o Deli'. In Cicero commemor is a verbis speising an neve ha the meaning of recordor o memini.

- Curricula: See n. On 33. - magno opere bene so Writtenthan in one or ma nossere S maximo, minimo, nimio sere.

adsum amicis actos counse to mydriends'. his legat sense of adesse is common. - frequens s literalty the mors means 'cro ded' connecte vrithfarcire to cram or torem together' , hence frequens semitus and the like phrases. hen frequens comesto e sed os actions o evenis that osten recur; e. r. Orat. I De mosthenes frequens Platonis auditor De r. I, 243 frequens se aud Lon the se of the adj. here se A. 9I G. 324, Rem 6 H. 443. - ultro unasked' of myiwn motion , a reference to the well, known stor that, haleve subjectoas discussed, Cato gave ashis opinion delenda est Cartha See Introd. - tueor Madvo. te suppori'. - lectulus o couch usuali stoo in the γman tuis, on hic the student recline Whil reacling, composing


or dictaring or even rit . f. Deir. 3, 7 μ eram exearum isse in qua Crassus lectu Io ' u recubuisset, cumquis eum in cogitatione de rem esse sensisset, statim recessisse ... Sueti Aug. 78 lecti Ia umbrasoria. - ea ipsa cogitantem :- de eis ipsucor so Acad. 2, 27 comisanus Sisera que caelestia, and osten. acta vita thesisse I have led ' cf. 6 Mnesse acta superior aesar SOT-α , - Fam. 4, 3, 4. - Viventi dative es reference A.

Purauit and insis'. - ita sensim etc. sensim sine sensu observeth alliteration is like menses dementis in I6, here se n. Sensisnmus have meant at ne times perceptibiy', then iiij jus per μtidis 'hei gradualis and almos imperceptibis'. as quod ... dicunt: no stricti logical, Ming put for quod careae, in dicunt. In cases like this the ver of sayin is usuali in the su, junctive. Cf. Robna 746 A. MI Rem. G. 54I, Rem 2 Η. 5I6. II. I.

The indicative here is more vivid and forcible --munu . . . Rufert et to say that a gis rob one of anythiniis of course ani moron ς f. mona menses dementis. - aetatim almOSν- senectutis es. n. On 45-- id quod eat etc. the greates fauit of outh ' s. e. the love fpleasure. In his passage voluptas indicates pie ure os a sensualiano iis ordinar sense, delectatio, oblectatis etc. hein use of thehigher pleasures. In I, owever, e have Musta es arricolarum. - accipite hear ' so dare osten means a teli Mith accipere in this sense es the similarius of Mωδέπιεσθω. - Archytae Archytas the subjectis Horace's well-known de I, 28 Was a ContemΡωrarransfriend of Ρlato, and a follower of the Ρythagorean philosophy. He rote philosophica works, and was also famous as a mathematicia and astronomer hesides Ming the leadin statesma an generales the commonwealth o Tarentum For another sayin o Archytas, es. Lael. 88. - tradita est A Was imparte to me , i. e. hy Word of

visae sotuit inerri. - capitaliorem more deadly' eaput asone equivalent to vita, so that casualis comes to mean affecting theliis . P. 17. --. hinc etc. cf. Cic. Hortensius fram quod turre dam


serve the singular retiae follo ed by the silures rerum subliearum; the plural offarris is rare the significance of thia Passage ee

chy, Histi os Euro anmorias I P. II, . Am ecl. 3. - cum hostibus etc. attributive Phrase es Phil. a 27 couoquia cum rem rimis hostibus. - acetus this ord Oolis Hess to the criminal intention, Whetheriit be carried into actioni not malum, facinus to the completed crime: arisium is sin ather than crime. Facinus in senseis osten ather narrowe and lighter han scelus ἰ es. Verr. 5 IN -- est vincire mem Romanum, Scelus emerare, prope sarricidium necare. -imPelleret se homines; o nos is omitte alter tabisai helow.- excitari: stiue up In 3 and 4 . have the verbin-euare for the difference belween the in Verb cf. u. Fr. I, I, 45

Me non eo dicuntur, ut e ratio mea dormientem excitasse, sed socius ut currentem incitasse Meatur. - homini. . . dedisset es Acad. I, nec virum arri ror maius au melius a dis datum munias homini. motice Aomini man , in the fame senserus hominibus. ove. - muneri a dono the in Worda munus an donum areesten found together in disserence in meaning is hardi perceptitae Donum implies the facti giving, munus the generosit of the giver- tam ... inimicum notice the separationi sum rom inimicum L lihilium: - ἐπιθυμέα semperantia Ἀμφροσύνη Dominari is ver strong oro, a tyrannige' dominario - τυραννsti locum es. Lael. 3 in diranni is nullus locus est amicitiae. - consistere:

non abebat. - fingere animo, At imagine'. - tanta . . . quanta . . . maxima: the greates that could possibi be enj ed . The formis expression is comnon e g. Lael. 74 ania quam maximas est esse dis antia. - tam diu dum this is no exacti equivalentio the ordinar tam diu quam but there is ellipsis ' o longos his, I mean while etc.' f. Cat. 3, 6 eam diu, dum urbis moenibus continetarum Off. I, 2 sum diu. . . quoad ... - mente . . . ratione. . .

coitatione by thought, is reasoning b imagination . Comisatio

like διώ-ια has esten the sense of imagination . he clos juxtam. sition es Wom nearly synonymous is quite characteristic o Cicero's Latin. - quidem: concessive, as inra an osten. - maior atque longior: ver intense an protracted'. Superlatives mighthave been expected in temo quan a percipi 'osset maxima bove. Longus in the sense of donycontinued is rare in Ciceronian Latin, exceptin When, as i 66 Iova aeuue, it scioine Wit a mota dis


tincti referring to sime For the generes Mift of the passam es Cic.

Hortensius fragmentheo ruere cum cori uione maina voluptias corroris non potest quis eniim cum utatur esu Me ea qua nulla fossi mal Irae Mundere animum inire rateiones, comitare omnino quidquam Mens - animi lumen a common metaphor rig. Cic. Rep. 6, 2 M, Africane, oriendas sortebit aeria lumen animi tui. f. 36 haec . . . exstinruuntur; also bel- 42 mentis oculos. - C. Pontio C. Pomtius Herennius, the father of C. Pontius Telesinus horaeseate the Romans at the Caudine orta during the Secon Samnite War, in 3a IB. C. The father is severa time mentione by iv ando; cf. especiali I. a C. Pontium. ure longe prudentissimo natum. Nearchus mentione is mutarch, Cato , as a Pythagorean inclmen es Cato. - permanserat: i. e. cluring the lege of are tum. - interfuisset notri accordance Wit Englis idiom; f. n. ono fusassent also 44 devicerat. - Plato etc. although Plato made two ourneycto Ital an Sicil sor a Some authorities say, three it is scarcel likel that he was present a Tarentum in the yearmentioned 349 B. C. tW years efore his eath, When he was of --vanced age. The latest date assigneo by other authorities for Plato'stast visit to the west is 36 B. C. - reperio: sc in annalibus Aoinos; cf. videmus in S a. aeceret inceret, regeret, and oporseret cante properi re ereclinio Englis only by the present tense. Although these verba expresscircumstances hic continue since the generia effect of id age is Minidescribed the are thrown into the pastri sui the past tense dicebam o dixi Which, though no expressed is reatly the principalverb. Cf. helow 62, 78. - consilium : deliberation . P. 18. - ut ita dicam this sestens the metaphor, a quasi orsuasi iram osten cloes, an asis ν, mrερ do in Gree Ibut not os eos εἰπεῖν, hic is osten Wrongi sal to e the equivalent of in is dia


Cato a censor in I 84. A referen 'o Liv 39, 3, a mill sh- that Cicero bono sinis account of Flamininus crime from the old annalist Valerius Antias. Liv also quotes 3 42 7 an account of the mattergiven by Cato himself in a speech, hic is even more disgracein toriamininus. - eicerem the phras commoni used is no eicere, but movere, aliquem senam Mosare an nosa remoria are technicatly

used os degradationi diffranchisemen inflicted by the censors. Forthe spelling see o , 44, 2 A. Io, ae Η. 36, 4 and f Obnote . fuisset for the ood se A. Ma G. 666 H. 529, Π andi. I, I); forthe ense se Roby IGI A. 324, a G. 33, 2 H. 47I, 4. cum ... Gallia no Whenae,as consul in Gaul ' ut ,hen he was in Gaul durim his consulfhip'. Cum it the imperfectis pluperfectsubjunctive osten has a sense differing very litile rom that oscum it the imperfecti pluperfeci indicative. o doub When the usage originali Mose, the clause it cum Was regarde as expressing thecarus of the actionis event denote by the principat verb here thepresence of F. in Gaul might be regarde a a cause of the crime Itis more than doubiful, however, Whether in actualisse the subjunctive in these phrases continue to carr Wit,itrio Latin reader anni aes cause See Roby, 72o, ennedy, II also A. 325, 323 and oob

note I G. 586 with Rem. Η. 52 I, II. 2 an λουnote . - ex m-tus est as persuadeo' es. Liv. 39, 3. - securi feriret thestor Was that L. Flamininus himself acted as executioner. - eorum qui ... essent the subjunctive hec se of the clas notion, o such

- Flacco L. Valerius Flaccus was the lde-long friendis Cato, an his colleague in the consulfhi an in the censorship. me emtiret favore Cato' politica vieWs See Introd. - imperi dedecus Flamininus as a the time Romanaovernor of the districi. S. audivi e Cic. se audire ex ab an de aliquo, almos indis ferently. - porro in tum ' literatin farther on', here fartherback' es. Liv 27, 3I. - C. Fabricium se n. nas. - Cinea: the famous cliplomatist minister o Pyrrhus. e mas a pupil est mosthenes an himself ne of the mos famous orator of his time. Cineas a the ambassaclo Who trie to negotiate Macein the occasio mentioned in I 6. - se sapientem profiteretur the omissiones esse is common in such phrases e r in S, I Strum 'bricum ae luit Epicurus, hocis here meant bom 34 B. C. die a7o , Wasblamed for callinchimself era φό or sapiens Othersi says Cicero, Who


Mdiome the titie had walteo for the publicuo confercit ominem Fin.

- - . . . referenda: iught tole udged by the standata es pleMure anythin Whic bringa lemure may be regarde a good, an iis opposite ad Soran Gree ἐπανανερειν τὶ in τι on themora teactangs es Epicurus consult Zeller Stiam, Epicureans, and

morale d'Epicure et aes apporta ave les doctrine contemporaines.

deretura intransitive verta re sed in the passive ni impersonalty Roby, 4aa A. 23o G. 99, Rem I H. 3oI, he so sed the dative a folio a in the active se Madvig, 44, b G. G H. 384, 3 neuter pronoun in the singula Sometimes, a here, MCompanies the passive, and may be regarcle as an adverbial accusative of Specti extent, or a a nominative qualisying the impersonat subjeci. The forme is probabi the ea construction f. o , 423, and Μadvig, 229 A Obs. I. - Samnitibus then in alliance Wit 'DrhuS. - ViXeTRt... cum noto beriata literati es living in thesam ho e the phras meret indicates close frienMhip. In Acad. a II Cic. Writes Diodoto qui mecum rvit tot annos, qui habitas apud me, clearly Sho ing that the phrases rimere cum aliquo ano habitare apud Miquem remo equivalent. - P. Decio this is P. Decius us, . at the batile of Sentinum in a95 gave his life a a propitiator offeringto the o ers of the unsee morid, in orde to bring victor to the Roman arma. His fathe had sacrificed himself in the fame arat thebatile of Veseris scios to Vesuvius in 34 riought against the Latinsana Campanians. - devoverat Liv. Io, 28, 3 speec o Decius datum floc nostro oneri est utrumaeisserimussultaris piacula rimus; iam evo mecum ostium temones mactandas Telluri et dis Man Lbus dabo. - aliquid etc. some principie' in his philosophical oris Cicero osten confound the Epicureans by quoting the actionis the Decii and other likerit, a sho in that leasure is no the endos existence. i. speciali Fin. 2 6 P. Decius cum se de vera riequo admisso in mediam aciem Latinorum irruebat, aliquid de is, arisbus suis coruulat Cf. also below, 75 Mith regard to narum se n.


peteretur em for seseratur in the ΜSS. he word expetere e sdendum are technicatly used in Cicero' philosophical Works to expressthe Gree αψει σθω, αἱρε-όνδε applied to the ni or τέλos the supremeaim o mora action Priachrum bove is a translatio of the Greeli καλόν, a term constanti applied to the τέλοs, particularly by the Stoics. - spreta et contempta the firs Wor is much the stronge of the two spernere is καταφρονεῖν, io scorn' contemnere ὀλιγωρεῖσθαι, to mine lighi es', hol o no account'. Contemnere is osten nostronge in sense than omiuere, a passiy, neglect f. 65 comemni, despici. - optimus quisque : See A. 93, c; G. 3o5 Η. 458 I. P. Is cruditate indigestion'. - insomnii fleeplessneas' the singula insomnium occum ni once in prose Tac. Ann. II, 4 Insomnia aeris found oni in poeu and late prose. divine : this Word in Cic. osten means nothing more tham splendidiy', extraordinarily'. - escam malorum an enticemen to evit eica, rom the ootii eis . lato in the imaeus 69 Osa di logue translaterint Latin by Cicero, a fragmentis Whos translationis stili preserved has δονο ν μέγι στον κακου δέλεαρ. f. alSo Cic. Hortensius se. 76 sed Halm volustates corporis quae vere et gramiter a

Mone dictae sum illecebrae esse atque escae malorum. - modiciS: for the salie of variet Cic. hooses this, no moderatis, a the opposite os immoderatis Trans. 4 moderate amount of goodfellowship . M. F. - Mirm mm. - devicerat: pluperfeci here a modernwould incline torus a perfeci. The batile referre locis that of ylae, fought in aω iis memor Was perpetuate by the clecking of tmes rum Wit the rostra of the captured ships the columna rostrata bore long inscription a restored versionis,hic stili exists. - Cena: sotest speli; ome good texis still print eaena, but coena is decidecllyWrong, Minibased on the fictio that the Latin borrowed the Greekwor κοικε an tume it into coena. - cereo funali the torch-light ' cereo the em os,o se for crebro the funale was a torchcomposed of With o tWig twiste into a rope funis and dipped inpitC Oriit. - Sihi. . . sumpserat Cic. seem to thin that Duillius assumed these honor o his own authority. his mas probablyno the case the were mos likel conferre on himi a vote of the

comitia tributa. f. Liv epit. 7 C. Duillius primus omnium Romanorum ducum amatas victoriae duxit triumprium, ob quam causam ei serpetuus quoque honos alitus est, ut revertenti a cena tibicine canense funiae aeferretur other instance ichnown here these particu Dj0jtjrso by IOO Ie


lar distinctions .ere decreed the ne est parallel lim in the right accorde to Paulus acedonicus an to Pompeius to ea the triumphaluom sieta for tu on ac occasio of the rudi I may he o

jectured that in music an in torch were par of the eremon onthe evening of a triumph When the eriti, Io was scorte home. Cf. Florus I, 8, Io, ed. Halm. - nullo exemplo: Without a Precedent'. - privatus et an person is pris rus horis no actuallyin ossice at the momen referred to, Whether he has te a publicaii ornot. - licentiae a strong,or is se to mar the heino ne of Duillius supposed offence against ancestria custom. S. Hi S sc nomino. - primum the correspondiniae nae is omitte os osten. -aodalia the sodalimus oro sititia, brother-hoods for the perpetuationis certain rite accompanted With feasting, were immemoria institutions a Rome. The clause Sodali Mes... a certis must noti taken to mean that Cicero suppose these Nothe

hoodso have been firs institute in the time o Cato it is oesyintroducedri sho that Cato, sociar fromiein averserio good living, assiste ossicialty in the establishmenti ne relu . os of the m Iimus Were closely connecte Wit theons es member es arens ere sodales and metrimether to keepis the old sacra, but in histo ica times fictilious kiushi largel too the place of real insesp, and feastini came almos the sole alson 'εtre of these tu . See Μommsen' treatis De commis et sodaliriis Romanis Johe parallelof the London City Companies reaclit suggest itself. The nationalsodalimus o priesthood suc a thos of the odales uti, Luperci,

Aurusta, etc. Were Some hat different. - autem : for the formis

the parenthesis es. 7. - Magnae Matri the image of Cybele Wasbrought to Rome in o B. . rom Pessinus in Phrygia. See DV a Io. The Sacra are calle Idaea hommount Ida in Phrygia, hichWas areat centre of the worshipis Cybele. Acceptis, ac in cimitavem Ithe worshil of strange god was in principi illega a Rome unleas expressi authorige by the State. - igitur: the constructio esthe sentenc is roken by the introductionis the parenthesis, an a fres stari is made Wit e labar tritur L itur is esten thus used likeour Mel then , to pic up the broken thread os a sentence Soliten

temptavit in dulci, Densa fervor. - aetatis, qua progredientera belonging to that time os illa, but as life advances . he or arias has reatly two enses here in the first placerit is bona aetas or iumenius


ses 3 here aesas - senectust in the secon place visu lor hic M.

n. o 5 . - neque enim : the enim refers t moae e. - coetu . . . aermonitium for the order of the word se n. no animi eui. metiehar cf. n. on 3 referenda. - accisitionem : a vox Cicero. niana, raret found in ther authors. - vitae coniunctionem a common enjomen es lila'. - tum . . . tum here purei temporal, fometimes ... somelimes p esten homeVer th. . . and ν cf. I. - compotationem etc. AEL Epist ad Fam 9, 24, 3. Com fatis

-ida . . eating and Minhing. S tempestivis ... conviviis 'even in protracte hanquela'. Thoseianquet whichiega eari in orde that the mira las longwere naturalty in bad repute so that the phraseum, remum conmmiram osten has almos the sens es 4 dehauch . hus in Att. I, 3 Cicero describes himself a Min evi spolieni in em uisis conmmiis, i. e. in dissolute Socie . f. pro Arch. 3. The customar dinnerhour a Rome as a ut three 'cloc in the afternoon The ordum uos, hic in s means at the right time , here means fore the right time'. io in Englis Ain good time osten means too early See Becker' Gallus, p. 45 et seq. - qui pauci the substitutionis the nominative of the relative so the partitive genitives quorum is no uncommon. A. Isi e G. 368, Rem 2 H. 397, 2 n. - pauci admodum : Cic. usuali say ar modum sauci ather hansauci admodum. - vestra aetate γ- eis qui sunt eum aeuum CL n. O 26 senectus. - Sermonis ... Sustulit notice the indicatives

auxit, sus Mit, the relative clauses Ming attributive though thermight fairly have been expected here to e causal G. 627 H. 3I7, 2. In this passage ita imitates Plato, Rep. 328 D. - hellum indicere: common in the metaphorical sense; . . De r. 2, 35 miror cur 'his Ioso Me res bellum indixeris Hor Sat. I, 3 7 eneri indico belrum.

- cuius S etc. s. e. nature sanctions a certain amount of plea

ure. his is the Peripatetic notionis the mean to Whic Cicero ostengives expression asielow, P also in Acad. I, 39 2,I39 and in De

. somor Sat. I, I, Io sunt certi denique ne quos ultra citraque nequit consistere rectum ς es. Od. 2, Io. - non intellego neu for thenegative es. n. O 24, 27.

P. O. - magisteria generali explaine a referring to the practice of appotnting Misac dinner master of the ferat', arbum hisendi or συμποσιάρχηs his explanation is nou quit correct



to atten to the ut innem during his Daris ossice and no do vis preside at them That sommossice is meant more important tha thato the a Mur Abendi appotate for a particula feas is hown by the worda a Moribus instituta. tris scar ly lihely that Cicero Mas ignorant of the Greeli originis the customis appotnting an arbiteriise T-- et is aermo etc. and the hin os taci in hic thes hion es our father me e age, beginning at therappe table, a thecumme mund . The cumcirculate hom lest to right not a Mithus, from right todes The meat at a Roman dinner recline on three muches, place at three tables t. of the covinea larissi Mere parallel, and the third was at right angies to the ther ino. The Lectus

at hic the cum gan to circulate a summur, the neri med ua thelas imus. For a summo es da se bibero a summo in Plaut Minos, a, I See Becher a Gallus, p. 47 et aeq. - sicut ...em efind ' so K. I, 3 us in fabulis est, an onen. - in Symposio:

2, 26. - minuta Se n. on 32. - rorantia here Wit an active

sense, ' Maprinklini representin ἐπιψεκάρειν in Xenophon ostenho ever no different in sense rom roso M'. - refrigeratio ...hthemus es. osely 57 ubi et seq. ote the changes of expressioni passinifrom morigeraeis to sol apris eis Would have more exactiycorresponded missi rem ratio and Dom ares urito hibemus for Hemel. - in Sabinia: .he wit the Sabines', ho were celebrate sorthei simplicitros life Cato his an estate in the Sabine districi.

convivium vicinorum compleor I mali up s. e. to the proper number a company of eigh rS'. - quod ... producimus: and we continue our companionshi to a late an hou -- can, Withchangin talh ohe phrasea iam nocuis de nocte Iate in then hi , mulso dis late in the das ore common es also Att. I, 9, Imiatus sermo ad multum diem Rep. 4 Io sermonem, multam no

I. at S in I, Where ae n. - quasi titillatio the quasi Mosten in Cicero's ritings, marks a translatio hom the Greeiu ereth Epicurean word γαργαλιισμόν is referred to it is osten in Cic. rep.resente is ei suaeso es. N. D. I, II3; in I, 39 TM 3, 47.