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CL Ovid, Met. 4, 259 demenser amoribus ut Min Cic. Tusc. 4, 68 Denereis volu Murus frui. --d meliora se duint this archaicform usuali occurs when the phrase a give in fuit. The stor es
σοφε ισα - istinc etc. cf. the passage in Plato, Rep. I, 329 C. Foririgue sed otherWiae than filace es undae in I a With n. --- agresti: hoorlah i rusticus denotea impi an ordinar munirman.-- quamquam ... ergo these Word ma he Manne M a hexameter line, hut thesause efore rem,ould prevent them iso Minxta nas Verse. - hoc non desiderare: this absence of regret the. ει form the subjectis est. Sorao non dolere in in a I 8. Forthe pronoun in agreement With the infinitive trealed a noun es Persi I, 9 De---- I, Iaa o ridere meum. m. 538, 3. a. ai: Moen is , granting that -hona aetas the good time es isse , i. e. youtta lacter qu. Varro de Re Rustica , si a maires feminaeque bona aetaω- yoimgL For bona anas Aomines bona aemu f. n. O in Senectus --- ut diximus no expressty, ut theopinion is implied in M, 3. --- Turpione Ambivio L. Ambivi Turpio a the mos famous actor o Cato, time, an appeare e peciali in erencela plays. nisi Latin commoni' occasionalty in the Latin of the est period, and osten in Tacitus, the cornomen is placediefore the nomen hen the praenomen is no mentioned. f. Att. II, a I auo Comelio. The usage is more common in Cicero, Writing than in t se of his contemporaries. - prima caveas thelowerriter . The later Roma theatres consiste es semicircular orelliptic galleries, wit rising tier of aeais the leve space partiallyenclosed by the curve a the orchestra, hic mas bounde by theatam in fronti here an e litile oub that Cicero is uili ofan anachroniam here his ord do no fuit the circumstances of Cato a time. Til nearly the en of the Republic the theatres ererude structures of Wood, puto temporarily it a ven doubifui ether the containe aeat for the audience Cato himself seu trate an attempto est lis a permanent theatre. - propter: ciose M'. The adverbia use of pro re raret' i ever, et Withoulside es Cicero is dented by some scholars, but is et atteste byΜSS. here an elae here. - tantum ... est these Worda quia
tence are explanator es sua. - quanti: cio. valu te theword may have exacti the opposite meminiti the contexi requirerit: thus in N. D. I, 55 an Rep. 6, as the sense is 'hom orthims P alipendiis A campa M'. The four ord from iri iniis to inimies. tiarum are tot taken in palas, whil cupiduatum sum them mandis in apposition to all. - secum esse z ci Tusc. I, 75 Pera. 4, aereum Aabida. - si . . . aliquod the sense is carcet different homthraa Mai. . . quod the distinctio is a st hi as that in Englis be--een 'ii' fonowed by ome', an 'u' followed by 'an f. n. onLael. 24 si quando aliquid. - pabulum et for the metaphorical senserendere les hara byuamquam es Acad. a Ia7 Τ c. 5.66 sanua arimorum. - studi an explanator genitive dependent om --ἰum. --Οti illa aenectute: leisure age' otium in the Latin ofCicero does no impinidleness, but laeedom hom publiciusines and opportunit for the indulgence of literar an scientific astes.
Videhamus for the tens es Lael. 37 Graciatim rem publicam ex anum ab amicis derelictum videbamus, i. e. safove a considerable
period . Se ala F, 79. - in studio etc. iuste Wit the askoi almos me urinibit by bit ae metiendi the heavens and the earin For the sense Linor. d. I, 28 es Archytas . - Gallum consul in I 57 . C., famous as an astronome an a the firs Roman who predicted an eclipses fore the batile of Pydna See Liv. 44, 37. P. I. - deacribere technicatly used of the dra in os math matica figures. Ingredior osten has an infinitive dependentis it even in the est Latin e. g. i Top. I nos maiores res scribere
So. acutia requiringaeennes of intelleci. - Naevius Se n. On O. - Truculento ... Pseudolo these play o Plautus lived hom scio 84 B. C. We still possess. The Truculentus is a named romine of the charactere, a flave of amage disposition whocis .he Sed the Pseudolus Domin cheating flave. The lalter nam is commoni suppose to e a transcription hom a Gree Word ---os, hic howeverio here occursi an a the change lao Greeris to Latin iis no found efore I, Corasen assumes Φ---os a the origines Word form Pseudurus es the nam is probabi later than Praudolus. - Livium, Livius Andronicus, the founde es Latinliterature live from hout in to C. , ho translate the Odyssen viso many Gree tragedies. Livius Gree capturedis Livius Salinator at Tarentum in 7s B. C. for a timeo uas the
clave es Livius and accordin to custom too his me nen et laee an account of his ritings see CruriwelΓs Hist o Romantastrature, Ch. 3 Sellar, Roman Poeta es the ep. Ch. 3. -docuisset: had rought on to the stam'. Docere like άσκειν in Gree 'hic has the fame se meant originaltyrio instruct the per formers in the play. - Centone Tuditanoque consulibus: L et 24 B. C. The se of que here is noticeable; ben a date is ovenis reference to the consul es thesea it is usual to inseri et notiueor atque, hic raret occur Miseen the two names, is oesy the commmina fas here M ovem Q the ful names e given then the areput fidei side Without ec Cf. n. O IO. - Crassi See n. O 27. - pontifici et civilia iuris the itis sonti tum regatae mainlythe Proper modes of conducting religious ceremoniai. Ius cimiae, Whichi osten used to denote the whole od es Romania , here includesoni the secula portionis that La Cf. n. o 38. - huius P. Scipionis the present P. Scipio'. o in Ichi ιυ-les the presentConsulS' Rep. I, I Africanus hic, Palui fluus, an osten. The P. Scipio horis meant here is no Africanus, but Nasica Corculum. -- flagrantis: an Vlo '; so ardere studio in Acad. 2 65. - SeneS:
- cum senes eraene, o senem elo . - suadae medullam Mine
senoe lit marrow of persuasiveneas'. The linea es Ennius are Preserved by Cicero, Brut 58. Sua si is a translationis πειθώ, Whichthe Gree rhetoricians declare to e the en an aim o oratory. Thia Cethegus a consul in o and in o deseate Mago in the N.
for the idea es possibilit whic the gerundive somelimes has but onlyin negative sentences o interrogative sentences implfng a negativea wer, an in conditiona clauses se Madvig, ao, Obs. Roby,Iw3. - haec quidem a hori summar of the precedin arginmenis, preparator to a transition to a ne subjeci, introduce by venio nunciae. The successioni , clauses hoth containing quidem Mem --ard but occurs in Fin. 5, 8 an else here. - honestum ait: Moestim honor'. - ut ante dixi in a6, where se thenote - Potest esse meimne in on 27 says that Cicero' ruleis to Sars est esse debet esse and the like no esse potest and the like. It is true that esse in suo cases is ver seldom separate Domiheword om hic it dependa, buturae roseucis justis common a Mest esse the difference to the senseris one os emphasis oesy the esse haWing more emphasis throw on it in the laue case.
imperia et ramo com sce emeae; ac Germ. a sola errae semes - κωνα - ea alias . . . laenore Put for eae semper cum faenore, alias minore, flerumque maiore. -- vla ac natura: 'po ers and constitution . These two Wotas Me very esten used by Cic. together, Mi mn I, F is ac narum merum. --- gremio a Lucret. I, 25
pore: heat This ordinas no in the est Latin the meaning olour vapor . -- compressu a Mord found vi here in Cicero avruings and elsewhere in Latinivinis the ablative mae, Issima many other nouna, se stem enda in M. - diffundit et elicit: expanda a clures forin' -- her acentem: his oes occuram here elae in Latin. - nixa: A. 254, b G. 4m, Rem 3 H. 425, I, I ,α - Mia stirpium: so usc. 3, 3 radicum bras. - geniculat et M otted . The verbieniculo, Domuenu, carcet occurs exceptingin the passive participie, Whichris alway used asinere, o planis Somin. Nat. Hist. 6, 38 enisu ea resera gracilitas nodisque distincta,veising of the harundo. - spici besides Visa the forma risum and spieus are occasionalty found Spici here is explanator offrvem. - vano for the metapho comparem. D. 2,I43 unctae sunt Arebrae tamquam ναάIo suorum Lucr. 2, 337. Sa quid ego ... commemorem: his an simila formulae forpassing to me. subjectare common es. 333uid e . . . proferam est. δeste nam precedes the quid, as in Lael. M. The minas a Might emphasis Cato implies that his o n devotion to grapmcultum WM SO.ellano. a nodito need description. - ortus satus incrementa: origin cultivation, and rowt '. o the omissionis the copula see
Cic. somelimes inve the ther form requiem, as in Arch. I, - vim ipsam 'the inherent enero . - omnium . . . term a Common Perbphrasis for ' est planis ' es. e. r. . D. 2, Im. The Latin has no one. cla comprehen ali eget te Producis. - Re . . . Procreet: ablerio generate'. - tantulo stricti elliptic, implfng quanti molem es . In auchises aneus and saniturus differ lighuydrom marmus an famus the are more emphatic. - acini vinaceo Magrammtone'. - minutissimis used here so minimis Strictlys akin minutus ought to e sed of things,hich are fragments of large thinga, minutus Min reatly the . Participi passive es minuo. In a mellano. passage orat. 94 Cic. himself cans attention to thetheoretices incorrecines of the se, Which, ho-ver, is found throughout Latin literature. Cf. 46 focula minina ala helo. 85 minini Hia πλα -- malleoli vine-cuttings so calle hecauae a portiones the parent stem a cut ama Wit the e. s ot leavin the cubring in the stam es a mallet. - plantae: suckera', hociis pringing ut of the trunk. - sarmenta, 'sciona', hoodi ut hombranchea no h om the trunk. - viviradicea ' quictaeis , ne planis formed by dividing the oot of the mother Plant. -- propR-ginea: Mers', ne planis forme by rootin a ahoot in the arthwithout severincit Dom the parent plant Verg. Georg. 2, 26. --
eadem et n. - 4 eandem. - claviculis es. N. D. , a viae sis elam uis. - ara agricolarum agricolae araefregi, a strong instance
of the abstraci put for the concrete. 53. eis: sc sarmentis, those hic have no been prune a af the knde. - exalatii up . Exsissere in good Latin nevertas the meaning of o exist , i. e. sorae in existences , ut alwaysmeans co come into existence'. - articulos: Jointa' es. 3I m omniculato. he word tamquam sestens the metaphor in articuli, whichwould properimbe used only of the oinis in the lim is animais. gemma Cicero took the meaning gem ori jewel iste the prima sense of Omma an considere that the application to a ud was metaphorical See the welbiso- Usages, Orat. 8 and De r. 3, I 35. - vestita pampinis an e in the oum foliage .
pitum Iugatio: the linking together of thei tops' s. e. the uestinges the ops of the stines by cros statas So the editora; ut Comington on Verg. Georg. a 355 Mem to in capis of the op4olisse
of the vines, an interpetation hic is quite possibie. hos editoreare certates Wrong Who remove the comma after iuratio an place itaster melioris, a thoughis mere omittedietmeen the wo moros. In enumerations es more than in thinga Cic. ither omit the copula alimetheri inseris it fore eac mord after therint; ut in enumeratim , thim et cannoti omitted except Where there are severat seu or Hirs of things Cf. n. on 3. - religatio a. e. the Wingdow of shoot so acto cause them toriise oot in the arth. Relim eis Mem to occur ni here. P. 23. - aliorum immissio A the Manting offree scope to thers'. Immissio Marcet occum elae here in good Latin The metaphor is homueriinclo e the rein in driving es. Verg. Georg. 2, 364 Plin. N. Η. 6, 4 cupressus immutatur in serticas asseresque a Marione ramorum Varro R. R. I, 3I, I vitis immitti, ad πω sarienaeas. Some referring to Columella de Arbor c. 7, ah the word o meanthe setting in the earthis a shoot in orde that it mantake rooc fore in separate from the parent stem he contexi, however, is against this interpretation. - irrigatione etc. the plures denote more prominenti than singular mouid the repetitionis the actio expressed by these mores. - repastinationea repeated hoeing. . The pastinum mas cland of pitchfork, sed for turning ove thearound round about the vines, particulari When in mun planis mere Mingput in. - multo terra fecundior See n. on 3 parum ... -riori aris. 5 . in eo libro se Introd. - doctus esten se of meis, notoninis Cicero ut is mos other Latin writers more particularin the elegia meis Se also n. o I 3. - Hesiodus the oldest Greeli poet alter Homer. The poem referresto here is the Hμεραι,
Heracle&-Cuma Concessive. - saeculis generations , as in 24. - fuit: - rixis. - Laerten the passage referre locis nodo Ptheriouchim scene in Odyss. 4, 26, Where Odysseus, after kill ing the suitora finda his u appyil father tollim in his garden. In that passage nothiniis sat es manuring. - lenientem : See n. OnI nridentα- colentem etc. the introductionis mother paribcipierio explain lenientem is far hom elegant. Ciatione agri or Som thing of the in might have been expected. he collocatio es primum it occus eum in Mis no es aWkward. - facit n. on 3 arimus. - re rusticae laetae sunt the farmer' life iasIaddened'. - apium this form is ostene found in the best ΜSS..
os prose riter a least than the ther form aptim, hic proh lyWas not sed by Cic. - omnium γ- omnis generis. --nSitione ... insitionea planting. . . Manini'. O the varieties of grasting and the skill required forci see Verg. Georg. 2, 73 π.M. Possum: See n. on 2 - ignoscetis: Ayo mili excuse mei . - provectus sum have been carrie amay Cicero ostenisses relabi in the fame ense. - in hac ... conSumPSit: Ci probabi never, a later Writer did, sed consumere Mima simple
ona Uud quem. - admirari satis non possum a favorite formo expression it Cicero e. r. De r. I, 65. - disciplinam: morais' literalty aeachini'. 5ε. Curio: Plutarch, at a say the ambassadora found imcooking a dinne of herbs, and that Curius sent them Way Wit theremar that a man who dine in that way had n need of gold. hepresent, motirought M a bribe, since the incident too place after the war Curius had hecomae eranus of the Samnites, and the werebringin the customar offering o Hienses See Rep. 3, 4Ο. - ne here num a rare Se S Fin. 3, 44 Acad. 2, II 6. - Sed venio ada so in s venio nune Redeo ad se n. on 32 might have been expecte here. - in agris erant: live o thei fami For
si quidem esten writte asine or siquidem Ἀωερ. - Rranti: emphati position. - Cincinnatos L. Quinctius Cincinnatus issaid to have been dictato tWice in 4584. C. When he Saved the inman amy, Whic Was surrounded by the Aequians, and ende the wari stateen daychom his appotniment in 439 When aetius was killedan Cincinnatus as eight years old. In ur passage Cic. Seem to assume ovi one dictatorship. he Atorros Cincinnatus at thesloughis toto in Liv 3, 6. - factum the technica term Was disere dicam forem, since he was nominate by the consul o the advice of the senate. - dictatoris in apposition it cuius.
P. 24. - Maelium : uic plebeian who distributed com in timeos famine and was charged With courtim theseopte in orde to mahehimself, hing. Ahala summone him hetore the dictator, an be- cause herai no immediatet obey, ille him it his own hanctFor this, Ahala becam one of the heroes of his nation. Se Liv vita Cicero osten mentions him it pralae. in Catil. I. 3 p.
Sestio 43, etc. -- appetentem et quia a riebar a occisarum eum occupassis. - viatores literaun travellem ' a 'messemem .
The forme a regulari organire corporatio a Rome an mere inattenda ei many of the m patrates Thos ossicere ho had the fasces ad also lictore, ho ho-ver, generali remesne in clos ab tendance and weremo despalched on distant erranda The statemento Cic. in the lex is reperie almos verba tim by Plin. Ν Η. 8, 2I. - miser ilia: a b pilleo The wor cloes no quite ans erici ou miserable . - agri cultione et a rare expression, found else-Where only in Verr. 3, 226 thenio again illi the Father. - haut scio an nulla since haud scio an is assirmative in Cicero no negativeas in ome later riters naiata must he ea here, not uua. f. 73Aaud scio an melius Ennius ' probabi Ennius speata Miter' also 74 incerium an hoc ipso die, possibintoday' Rohy, 2256 G. 459 Rem. ;Η. 329 II 3, 2ὶ n. a. - quam dixi: - de qua dixi, scin 3. saturitate the wor is sal to occur no here elae in Latin. quidam: . e. the authors of the retia me eratio senectutis, homCato refutes in M, 5 - porco ... gallina these Word are sed collectively, a rosa ostencis; so in. 2 65 Manum in rosa Thorium. - iam: further . - auccidiam alteram secon meabsuppis'. The word Mem to e connecte Wit caedo, an proh lyoriginali meant alaughter'. In a fragmen es Cato preserve by Gellius I 3, 4 Ia in som editions 3 23 Ia me fine succidias Aruma nas facere. Varro R. R. a Ioha the mor in the sense of mea L- conditiora facit 'ados a gestri,' o. condita in Io. --Pe vacaneia operi therus o spare time ' literati means estolis that are est ver , i. e. after completing the ordinar Work of the farm. 5T. ordinibus: cf. 39 ordines. -hrevi praecidam: I milicut the matte Shori . For praecidam se rem o sermonem es. ACM. a I 33yraecide re sermonem 3 foriseri in brie ' ἐν βραχειὶ cf. Deor. I, 34 ne Iura conserere com Mendam brevi. - usu heriua: cf. 53 fructu laetius ... assectu pulchrius. - ad quem . . . retardat:
som have thought that there is eugma here, supposin ad to esuite oesyrio invisa e noto retardae. That this is no the case iactea hom Such passages a Caes. B. G. 7, 26, 2 Mus Romanos ad insequendum surdabar - saraeos faciebari Cic. Sull. 49 nuuius amicitia adserieula 'osulsandata Mimur. Onasmenaeum Seemaduig, 42I, RObs arund465, Oba a G. 428 Rem 3, em Η. 544, 2 n. s. - in
vitat atque allectat one of the do leta es .hic Cicero is soland cf. Lael. 99 MIecsans et ismuane. 5 sint haheant se iudienes contemptu a, as in Lael. I sibi Aabeant sapientiae nomen Suu in in Moerens Aonores, risitam risetc. cf. the formula o Roma divorce, tu Mas res tibi Moeso. haalaa: in practising the potat a covere non sita es. Iav. 6, 3 praepilaris missilibus iaculaui sunt. - clavam es Vm tius de Remit. I, II ela a ligneas pro mariis tironibus dabant, eoque modo exercebaneu ad pHos Iuv. 6, 46 he Mus is calle stipes
martialis, 32. - pilam. . . VenationeS ... cursus ali nationalam emenis, ellano no reader of Horace; see Becker a Gallus. Venationeae, em for naturiones. - talos ... tesseras uin, Inuchi bones , ere oblong an rounde at the wo enda; the fides vere
used at a time and they like the erastae, Were generali thrown homa box, fruinus. The usurae of Whic three Were used at a time, erecubes, with the fides numbere Domo tora in uin a Way that thenumber o tWo opposite fide tinen together almus made 7. 4ep. arate nam Wa used by dicera for almos ever possibi throw of the tesserae and ME. The t. hes known are canis, When est the diceturne u Wit the fame number uppemost an venus, When in altishowed different numbers. The word alea a genera an applicabie to games of hance of very kind. These omes, hic vere forbiddent mannineffectual laws s vetita lembus Mea' were hel tobe permissiblerio old men se Μayor o Iuv. I A. - id iPSum: sci faetans the omission es facere is no uncommon. o , IMI; H. 368, 3 n. I. - ut em for ordinar readinga unum and utrum. 5s legite: continueri read . f. De in I, 34 serrae, utinacitis, adulescenus. In Tusc. a 6 it is state that Africanus .a a great reade es Xenophon. P. 25. - libro qui est de so in M. I libris qui sun de nasum deorum, and similari elsewhere; ut the periphrasis is esten avoiderias in Off. , I Dieaearchi taber de inserim hominum. -- qui quiquemio have been expected but the word a ve, qui . . familiari, areregarde a parenthetical - oeconomicus Cicero translatea Dom
worthyina kim' different from mersum .hich movi mean actuali characteristic of hinga'. et Cic. somelimes interchanges the Worda; thus re in pol ius in Har. Resp. scicine me a regia
forarias in Phil. I, 3. - loquitur cum Critohulo etc. di murses it Critobulus es o Cyrus etc.'. The constructio ofloqui mith a . an ins belong to colloquies Latin accloes the comstruction Ioqui Miguam rem for de aliqua re es Att. I, 3, 6 mecum Tadius Deum est se ita scripsisse; ib. 9, 3 I mera scelera Io mumdum
- Cyrum minorem, Cyrus the ounger es. 79 rus --κὶ, mellanown fro Xenophon' Anabasis. As Cyrus neve arrive atthe throne harini enailled a Cunaxa in s in his attemptriolust his brother the iunx ith the hel of the o, o Greeis remem is usin in the sense of prince', as in Verr. 4, 6 and elaeWhere βασιλεύs is used in exacti the fame Way in a passage of the Oeconomicus Whichcomes a linies fore the ne Cic. is here rendering 4, 6 . -
sander the great commander hocin os . C. Won the batile of Aegospotamos against the Athenians. - Sardi acc. Pl. 4 repr Senis h. eis. - consaeptum agrum pariu' the phras is a translationis Xenophon's παράδεισον thi Wil account for the mi sionis et fore diu mire consitum. - diligenter refulis .
proceritates the plura probabiniudicates the eight of eae hinaeos tree. - quincuncem thus: Τhis a theorderis batile in the Roman arm during a great partis ita histor' The causerior ibis applicationis the term is rather dissicultrio Me itoriginali meant fium,elfths es an uncia possibi it ma thus 'plied becauseandra nclines helmeen the oinis the leue V inve
might e produced. in regaros iis application to trees, se Verg. Georg. 2, 277 84.-Puram so the farmem talk of cleanini theland. - dimensa notice the passive se of this participle, origi, nati deponent; cf. n. adessam. - discripta: arranged' sodiscriptio a litile farther n. f. n. descriptae. - ornatum: costume , sed by Latin writers of any dres a litile Mamiliar. 'o in Plaut. iles II77 hornatus nauclericuS. M. impedit sc nox; it this constructio the pronoun is esWays omitted. - Valerium When'Ioung man, in 349 B. C., he engagedi combat With a Gaul in sight of the Roman and Gallic armies, and came in victo by the id fis aven, corvus henc the nam Codivinus Liv. 7, 263. His firs consulfhip was in V, his las in am; Cic. has miscalculated. Valerius was also tWice dictator an is aid