Cato maior De senectute

발행: 연대 미상

분량: 288페이지


분류: 미분류


Therapening quum a certaini uot used by Cicero, an pro Ny byn other Latin writer of the best period. . II, oot-note 4. tria wori rem hing that cum the conjunctio an cum the repositio though spei Mike arei origin quite distinct. The forme is derived from the pronominal stem Miridia, and is cognate Wit qui the lalter comes from the ootuam to follo an is cognat with Gh. σόν, Lat. se re, etc. See anteeli, tymologisches orierbuch, p. 96, 984.

- remm ... Sapientiam: A Wisdom in fialas ' the objective genitive. - excellentem in sense much stronger thantur 'excellent ; reminem perfectamque ordieminent an incleed fauillem . - quod . . . Senserim: his clause alie the Place of an object to admirari. The subjunctive is sed hecause the speaker reporis his oWn reasonfor the wonder, formerinfelt, scii accordin to the vie. of another person, and without assirmin his holding the fame viem at the time Dispeaking. advig, 357, a, ObS. I. A. 34I, E, Rem - cli Sa: this ord is notis strong hatessit', ut ather means mear,some annomni'. In lautus the frequent expression odiosus es means, in colloquia English, bo bore me f. 47 Missum et moles,m 65 Missa ossensio. - onus Aetna gravius a proverbia e

pression it an allusion to Enceladus, ho, after the deseat of the Gianis by Iuppiter, mas said o have been imprisoneffunder Mi Aetna. Cf. Eurip. Hercules urens, 37; also Longiello a poem, Encel dus. - haud sane climcilem suret far rom dissiculi' es. 83 haud sane Dei - quibus a datimus commodi, a se for hominere is no aid in themselves'. f. Lael. 79 quibus in ipsis. -hene heateque vivendum: a virtuous an happylila'; virtve an hampineas' so bene onerieque below,so. - qui . . . Petunt theSe areth αυτ . eris, men suffcient for themselves in se toti aereus a*ue meundi'. e have here a reminiscence of the Stoic doctrine bout the is man, hos happinescis quite independent of everythingiuisi de himself, an is cause solet by his own virtve. Cicero representa the fame Stoic theory in Lael. 7. Cf. Juv. at Io, 357-362 also Seneca, De Cons. Sap. VIII. De Prov. I. 5. - a se ipsi: themselves hom themselves, so in 78 se ipse moveat . . . se ipse relissurus sit 84 mei e consolabar. Expression like a se ipsis are quite uncommon in Cicero. f. n. o Lael. 5 te ipse cognosces also se belo a se ipsa; 78 se ipse. - naturae necessitas the inevit te condition es

nature'. f. 7 quid est tam secundum naturam quam senibus emori


a G. 633, 634 H F3, I. - quo in genere se rerum Wit this phras the defining genitive is commoni omitte by Cicero. Sobelow, 45 in eo onere. - ut ... cleptam notice the chiasmus.

eandem idem is sed in the fame Way, to mar an emphati contrast,in 24, 2 68 7 I. - adeptam thicis probabi the ni example in Cicero of the passive se of de us, hic occum in Sallust, viri Tacitus, etc. an in his passage the se anno M looke on a ceditain, since ne of the very best an severat of the inferior SS. read erit Cicero, however, se a good many deponent participies in passive sense es below, 5 dimensa: 74 meaeuarum ἰ se also a lis Roby, 34 , an some of them occur ver rarely. Thus periclidaeus, arbit tus, eraseus a passive are found ac in only one passage. - inconstantia: instabili inconsistency Constantia, unW vering firmnes an consisten , is the characteristic of the wis man; CL ACad 2, 23 Sapientia ... quae ex sese flabeas conritantiam ἰ also Lael. an M. P. 3. - aiunt se stulti. - putassent the subjunctive is due toth indirect discourse. Where e say should no have thought, the Latin say, in direct narration, non susuram. i. e. neve had thought ' so Off. I, 8 and osten in Cicero deuersin. Translate A more quickl than the had ever expected . Cf. Att. 6, I, 6 accisiam equi-Gm dolorem mihi tuum irasci sed multo maiorem non esse eum Mum issem futassem. See umpi, Gram. 5I8. - falsum Putare: in formo mistaken ju ment'. For falsum a nou equivalent toψευδοs cf. 6 gratissimum also n. o 3 celeris. - qui citium lit 'in hat way quicker' cf. Tusc. 5, 89 qui melius. M. IM, II. 2. - Roulescentia. . . Senectus ... Pueritia: oyhood was generali a Rome

suppose to ast ill the 7t year the time for assumin the ora virilis an forieginning militar service . iuventus is usuali the age fro I to 43, during hic me mere liable tot called on for active service ordinarily, in colloquia language, adulescentia is the earlier portion o iuventus, a the ear homo toto es 33 , ut Cicero

Seem here to mali adulescentia inextensive it iumentus From stolo is the ariau seniorum, the perio cluring hic citizens in early Rome might be callefout for the defence of the city, but notrior active Seoice Senectus Wa commoni rechonemas beginning atino; ut in in Cicero includes in senectus the arenis seriorum, an probabinim tende to include itinere. In Tusc. I, 34 Cic. rechon three age suo risia, adulescentia senectus achere beto. in 74 four perioda, o fium



quamvis in quantumvis. - emuxisset subjunctives cause

of the ood o posset, o hic it stand in subordinate relation. Cum here is purei temporal See o , 778 A. Ma G. 666 H.

a67 G. M H. 33, 2. - cognomine Cato bore the ille aia emeven in his lifetime Me Introd. Cornomen is used in goo Latin todenote both the mllymammand the acquiredi name in late Latinthi laver is denotestis aenomen. - in hoc apientea: ut a Ve 4

rerum austentiam, no in rebus. he genitive constructio is no found With Uiens sed a nou or adjective tit late Latin times. - naturam ducem etc. Cato' claim to the ille of s iens cloes no resto any dee knowledge of philosophy, ut On practica wisdomor Common ense an experience in flairs. f. Lael. 6 and 9. In this passage Cicero has put into Cato' mout phrases horrowe from the

Stoic philosophy, hic declared the lis o virtve to bestiis in accord-

cleacriptae: composed ' literalty written ut'. The readiniae scri ae Whic many edition give cloes notis .eli sui the passage. Discribere is to mamout plan, arrange put in order se 5 discri a and inseri Din the potnt here lies, however no in the due arrang ment of the different scenes of a play but in the areful Working ut es ac scene. Ab ea mustine supplied after aeracri a Dom a quaab-e. - Rctum the common comparisonis life With a drama isalso found in M, o. 85. - inerti the sense of ignorant', inaditistic' in ars , has been inven to this by som editor ses. Hor. Em


actor are human Mino. - ae tamen etc. but for at that twas inevit te that here hould e something Wit themature es anend. S is in quo est aliquid extremum 43 aliquid su Arum. arborum bacia the wor baca the pellin bare has litti or no authorin is applied toruli fruit growing on bushesi trees; es Tusc.

I, 3 arbores seret Hiiens agricola, quarum assiciet bacam isse numquam. - terraeque fructihuS here CerealS, Oore, vegetabies, and smali fruits. o har distinction a b dram tmeen 'vesanofructus se. g. in Div. I, II 6, MLVe fruges terrae bacasve arborum),inouo fructus a commonly used is the more generat Word of the two. - maturitate ... caducum ' a time os senilit' o to speis, and reaclines to drop that come of a se onable ripenes. . Viseus is

literalty twisted bent' being originalty the passive participi ofvieme The comparison of old age with the ripenes of fruit recurs in 7I f. Plin. Ep. 5, 4, 3 non tam aetatis maturi ate quam visae. ferundum the form in undus is archaic, an generali used by Cic. in quotin or imitatin passage of tam sacreo formulae, and the like. II. 23 - moniter here gently', Mith resignation ' though moLIuerferre osten has nother meaning vig. to bear ain or troubie in an unmanis fashion Cf. faciatam ira re below.- qui eat aliud

etc. The word perhaps impi the rationalistic explanationis mytha.hic the Greeli ha hem to each to the Romans during Cato'sitietime. Trans. What else ut resistance to natur is equivalent towarring against the godi', an not ,hat eis cloes arring it thegod mean ut to resis nature'. In comparisons of this for the

Latin generali put the things compare in a different orde fromthat required by Englis idiom. Thus in Div. 2, 78 quid est aliud

noue moneri a me nisi escere ut aut ne fleri fossis ussicium aut, si flat, videri S. Rosc. 34 quid est aliud iudicio ac lembus ac maiestate vestra abuti ad quaestum ac Ioidinem nisi hoc modo accusare; hil. I, 2a a, u 3, 5; IO, 5. Giginium modo: See n. Aetna rvinus. - clis for the form is Se n. o 25. s. atqui in the est Latin atqui cloes no introduce a statementcontradictis the precedin statement, ut ne thato flementi t.

Here it a be translate True, ut Cf. 66 8 I. - gratissimum equivalent to rem gratissimam. Wit the thought f. Rep I, 34 rarum feceris si explicaris: Lael. I permarum feceris si dissu


s --- Lael. 3 tu vero sero; pro Aoc enim refrondeo. A. 3I7, Η. 499, 2 n. - Aenea fieri is the infinitive had depende on sermmus alone an volumus ha no interveneri, Cicero ould probablyhave initte nosi uros esse senes. - multo a te: c. quam id a

tum erit: o Balta I re taenique mulso ante se quaminaceum est audita, and ver osten in Cicero. - didicerimus a this correspond with feceris, it ould have been formali correctrio rite here nos docueris. -- quibus . . . Possimus ' What considerations mill en leos mosteasit to suppor the gro in burde es age . - futurum est μέλλει ευαι this formis the future is used in preference to the simple erit hecauserit is destre t represent the eventis on the verm in offul ment, and there ore fure es fulfilment. Eris mould have implied much les certaint orans. I Wiu do so, is m actio is priveto gnodyo Ple ure'. f. 67 eaeus futurus sum also I, 85. Se Rob'I494. -- USi molestum eat a common expression es courtesy, likeas nisi alienum sinas, si placet es Hor Sat. 2 8, si gramenon era.

- tamquam longam viam Cicero here ut into Laelius mouthalinos the ver Word aderessedi Socrates to the age Cephalus in the introductio tollato' Republic 3a E. Observe the successiones similar ound in tamquam, aliquam, longam, viam. Viam confeceris: so pro Quint. 79 conscere DCC milia fassuum p conjiceretur is a common phrase For ood se A. 3Ia G. 6 Η. 5I3 IL- quam ... ingrecliundum sit this construction, the neuter of the gerundive Wit est foliomedis an accusative case, is exceeclinglyrare excepting in t o writers Lucretius an Varro Se the fuit isto example give by Roby, Gram. Pres to Ol. 2, P. LXXII. A. 29 c; H. 37I, I a, in n. The est texis o Cicero no vive ni oneexample os a constructio at ali resembling this via pro Scauro 3 Imiscendum vobis putatis matrum in tiberos, virorum in uxores scelera 'The suppositionis some scholars that in his passage Cic. used the constructio in imitatio of the archai stylei Cato, is not likel tobe true, feeing that in Cato' extant oris the constructionis a notonce occur For the form undum se n. o 5 ferundum. - iatuc: no adverb, but neuter pronoun, as inra. The hin os construction, istuc videre quale sit for videre quale istuc sit, is especiali common in


faciam ut potero: I Willis it a Mellis I an observeth future potero here Englis idiom ould require a present. 'o Rep. I, 38 AD Scipio, faciam quod voltis, ut socero. - saepe enim:



616, 3. I. H. 443 5. - C. Salinator probabisC. Livius Salinator, praetor in I9 B. C. Liv 35. 43, ho Was entruste Wit the equimment of the Roman fleeis during the war against Antiochus He Wasbom a ut 23o, and was thereiore a litue younge than Cato es fere aequaues helo. Salinator a Consul in M, an die in I7o. Forthe nam Salinator cf. n. o II. - SP. Albinua: Sp. Postumius Albinus .as consul in I86, and was Wit his collingue appotnte toinvestigate the great Bacchanalia conspirac of that year Liv 3 seq. . Albinus clied in M. He Was probabi a litile oungerthan Salinator. e can carcet have been est years of age at his

death. -- tum . . . tum ' no ... again ' Soci 45. - carerent:

ae n. na ferar. - Vitam nullam Putarent: the considered lilato Miso life at aliti or vicum nullam s. Lael. 86 sine amicitiarisam esse nuuam also the Gree phras βίον ἀβtismos and beto. 77

Di am quae est sola vita nominanda p also 82. A. 239 H. 373 I n. a. PMarent thought, a thensaid .-i quod esset accusandum: the subjunctive esse is sed ecause a classis things is referre io, nothin o a nature to deserve complaint' id quod erae, etc. ould have meant meret that ne thinx hic was alter for complaint A. 32o G. 34, Rem I H. M I. - usu venirent the phraseum venire differs ver litti in meaning rom accidere tam is commoni explaine as an ablative in practice , in experience ' , hut isquite M likel tote a dative of the sor generali calle predicatives to come a matteris experien e 'i Cf. Verg. Aen. I, 22 venire me di t lin. N. H. 28, I odio: Caes. B. G. I, 27 subsidio. quorum . . . multorum the firSt genitive is dependenti the seconvia that quorum- qui s. motice in separation es otiorum hom



minorum, and of miatorum rom senectutem. - Aine querella ab tribute os senectuum A. I7 Rem. H. 359 n. I, 43, and n. 3. his formis attributive phrase, consistingi a reposition With a noun is Common; es a ex arro Sabino rusticos Romanos ἰ o cum Mutibus clam

Roby, a I. The reason for the departure fromethe ordinary sequenceos particies lies in the woros non molesu. Nec . . .e is common; See 5I, 53. - libidinum vinculi etc. Cic. is here thinhing of thaconversation belween Socrates and Cephalus in Plato, Rep. 329 D forwhic se Introd. - moderati A self-conuolled' cf. n. Ο mode. rationem in riges, merish' inisumani Aunkindly' - Hunuas, perversity oriunt a seem tot used a the ubstantive correspondinci sense Wit the adjective di eius. Di visas, in thesens of Oeevis eas', probabi occursint inmur. I s. dixerit quiapiam: someone illisa presentis' a gentie Wayof introducing one' o. objection. The ood es dixerit is probablyindicative, o subjunctive se the thorough discussion in Roby,

an means' res has a Wide meaning than eo as mere materialwealth and includes ali murces of po er influence, an authorit aswel a wealth. Thus in Lael a the en es divitiae is sal to e enioment of opes, Morshi soses ut colare ornuas is socia position. - id remar the singula pronoun, hic indicates that the precessing clauseris no-taken a conveying one idea Trans. auchrio tune'. - contingere to sal to one' tot ris the phrase in EnglishWhic most closel represent continore. his ver is not ascis ostenassumed used meret of good fortunea it implies in iiseu nothing com cerning the character of eventa, hether the be good o bad, ut simply that the evenis tali place naturali and were to e vected. Se n. o Gel. 8, here the wor is distincti used in connectio Mihbaae fortune, ascit is, atrihingly in 7 below.- est... omnia: bour statemen indeed amounts to something, hutriti no means comprises ever consideration . The phras esse aliquid, a be Laome impo lance , is osten used by Cic. both of things and of persons es Tusc.

3, IO eos aliquid esse also n. o I nihil asserunt. So esse aliquis of persons, as in the well-known passage of Iuvenal, I, 72 aude aliquid brem si ris et carcere di num si vis esse aliquis. For the generalaena cf. Tusc. 3, 5 Me id quidem magnum, Sed non sun in Aoc omnia aDj0jtjrso by IOO Ie


so De Oroa, Is ib. 3, 2I Leg. 2, 24 in quo sunt omnia. - isto: the use of the neuter pronou in the oblique caseos substantive is notice te. - Themiatocles etc. Cicero bonows the stor from

ho gave a some hat different version Themistocles ad received great honor at Sparta hen Athenian ambassador here an enuio man declaring that he honor mere aid reallyrio Athens an notrio Themistocles the statesmamans ered-στ' is ἐγώ, ἐὼν Βελβιν xis i. e.

an inhabitant of the mali cland of Belbina lying to thera o Cape Sunium ἐτιμήθην μω α δ Σπαρτιπιέων, μ' a σύ, ε -τε ἐὼν 'Aθηναῖos. - Seriphio Seriphus is a mali istan belongin to the Cyclad Mou and lying almos clue N. fmelos, an due . of the Scyllaean promontor' Seriphus is osten talieni ancient,riter asa specimen os an insignificant community e. r. Aristoph. Acham 542; Cic. N. D. I, 883, bucit had the honoris Ming one of the three ista states hic refuse to ove arth and mater to the Persia enuoys, in othe two Ming the adjacent istand of Μelos an Siphnus Herodotus 8, 46 . - iurgio tarmum is a quareel .hich does no go

Myon mores rixa a quareel here the disputant come tollo α- si ego: ut further on tu si The contrast wouid certainin more perfectris ero si Were read as has Men proposed in place of siem. - quod eodem modo ... dici Cic. commovi sus quod ita dicendum and the like se n. o 35 quod ni ua fuisset. Cato means that jus a Themistocles successisas clueo tW things, his omncharacter an his good fortune, o tW things are necessar to mahe old age endurabie, via moderate fortune and wisdom. He then insinsist that of these m conditions isdom is far the more important.

- nec . . . Ieris ... nec . . . non gravis notice the chiasmus.

s. omnino here, παντάπασι indoubteclly', in aratrongi assirmative sense, as in 76; ut in here se n. it is concessive. eum diu multumque vixeris literalty henso have live longand much ', i. e. Whenso have no ovi ha a long life but have done great dea in the course of it. The phrases tu multumque muleum et diu are common in Cic. a beto. 38 Acad. I, 4 Div. a I; ff. I, II 8 Leg. Agr. 2 88 De r. I, 5a For ood se A. 33 a Η.sI8, a. - ecferunt referunt for emerunt e - - - rex so ἐκ - ἐξ- ἐκs was old4ashione in Cicero' time, but forms of the fori, asbelow, 3 ecfrenare, according to the evidence of the bestisS., occuri a good many passages See eue, Formentehre, Vol. 2, p. 766


Seq. ed. 2. - numquam deSeriint: the omission of the objectaster deseruns is no common. Wit the genera sense of this passage es Arch. I luserarum studia a Mescentiam Munc senectutem oblectant, secundas res orname, advertis seris tum ac solacium 'ao

bene delectans domi, non im Huni foris, pernoreant nobiscum, seremis

P. 5. - 1a Q. Maximum the famous Q. Fabius Maximus e rucosus vicula Cunctator, her of theraecondiunt War. - eum . . . recepit thi claus has osten been suspecte tot an inserti of the writers of ΜSS. But I the capture o Tarentum in o B. C. vas Fabius cro ning achievement, and captor o Tarentum Wasone adde to his nam as a titie of honor se De orat a 273; a Ma there ere severat ther persona o distinctio Maring thenam Q. Maximus a ut the fame time so that ome speciat markwas ante for the sine of clearness. Otice recesu recovered , Tarentum havin Men los by the Romam to Hannibal in I B. Q-aenem aduleacens: observe the emphasis ive is lacing

vitas that hero possesse dignit tempered by courtesy'. Expre

ston like καί λ tuo gramitas are Common in Cicero e rmur. 8ernu in Caesa summa eloquentia. The metaphor in contatua, A seasones , is also common; cf. Lael. 66 condimentum amicitu-- quamquam though incleed', introductu a necessar correctionis the las Wordsnec senectus mones musa rear For this corrective quamquam es. n. Ona. - Consul Primum B. C. 233. - grantem natu: althoughthe Phrases maior, maximus, famus, minor, minimus nam re os is

quent occurren , yet munus nam is no Latin grandis nam Mingat M used instead. he historians ometimes se magno nam raseo in Uno natu esse. - anno post the mord unus is no usuallyattache to annus excepi here there is a stron contrast belmeenone and a large number of yeam. Anno fost must notis translated during the year after'; ut either in ea after , anno Ming regardedas the ablative os me urei excess, literati A lateri a year', atthe en o a ear the ablative Ming one o limitation, an fuerat in equivalent to factus erat cia Men elected'. 'o ρομί anno lo. at the en of the fifth year', i. e. sive eam after . - Roulescentulus miles: See n. on a P quemquam senem. ranslate When quite a muth I marched with him o Capua as a private sol-dier G. 324, M. 363, 3, Miles here gre rius mi S. ---



quem magiatratum se quaesturam, to e undemtood Dom quaerior Cf. Mur. 8 quaesturam una fetiit et sum e factus se quaestor prior. - Tuditano et Cethego: hen the praenomina of the consula aregive the ames generali stan side by fide Without et .hen Myare omitte et is generali inserted. f. n. - 5 Censone naei an que, etc. - cum quidem theauitaem impi add a Might emphasis in eum at the ver time hen , μειδή γε. - auaa r suorare inis Was an person Who publici si e fore the senate or eopte in contio assembled spois in favor es a me ure, dissuasor any one hoapo againscit f. I suasissem. - Iegia Cinciae a lampamedi m B. C. hy M. Cincius Alimentus, a plebeia tribune Whereis advocates .ere forbidde to tine lae from thei clienis, and certain limbtacion were placed onain os properui private perso . - Cum ... eaael: Mouis e M' So elo II, 3o, etc. - grandia: erandis nam. - iuveniliter: Hannibal Was 29 years of age henhe entere Ital in I8. - exaultantem: Micli roaming hewor in iis litera senseris sed of a hors gallopin a iis Wn Willove a plain. The metaphorical use a common in Cicero es Acad.

2. II cum sit campus in quo exsu Ita re ossis oratio, cur eam sumas in anostias com uimus ' - patientias endurance persia, ences' it is no equivalent totur patience'. - praeclare se aeuit; cf. n. on 3. - familiaria se Introd. - unu homo est. theselines ere famous, and were not oni osten quoted wit the nam es Ennius attache fas in Off. I, 84 Liv γ, Φ, but also imitate oradapted without mentioni his name, a Minciso familia is needit; cf. Attiis I9, 2 Ovid, ast a 241 Vem Aen. 6 846 Suet Tib. 2I. - cunctando f. Polybius , clos, Fabius milita

ΜSS. forique plusque is the emendation es emays. Iusque meisque is a variation um the ordinar phrasea frui usque maria


11. Salinatori there canis no doub that Cicero is mili es ablunde here, an in De Or. 2, 273 Where the stor also occum Drasa , 34, 7 gives, Li ius acatus a the nam of the Roman com