장음표시 사용
mander hel the cita lis Tarentum hilemamsibat .as in possession of the to n. Cicero probabi found the commander cle. scribe by the annalisis meret aam Livius iso in ira 4, o I 3;a6, 39, i , and then jum d to the conclusio that he was the famo Μ. Livius Salinator Thi man, the father of the Salinator mei, tione in , a consul in I an subdue the Illyrians, ut ascondemne for misappropriation es public moneys and went into exile. In Io he was induce to return by the destre of the senate. In o he hecam consul Wit C. Claudius ero, an delaated Hasdrubal in the grea batile of themetaurus. In octavius Wascensor Withmero as his colleague, and won his nam Salinas' by imposing a taxi salti The titie was estowed in ridicule, but lungto the family Salinator as a relative of Μ. Livius,acatus See Liv. 7, 34, 7. - ita dicenti et the necdote is oldi Livn 7, 25, 3 an Plutarch, Fab. 3. Both, o ever, refer the stor no tothe time at whic Tarentum M aken, but to the ea after When altercations a ut it too place in the senate. - toga here ut fori civi lila' the ora Min replace in time o wa by the sagum. Cf. in Pisonem 3 pacis est insime et oti toga, contra auum arma tumultus a que belli De r. 3, 67 oram'. pro pace arma'. aequia pro bello have the fame contrast et een arma anda a in Cicero' o n muchinericle verse, redunt arma tomae, concedat
latire laudi, whichris defende by tam iniis. 73 and ff. I, 77. consul iterum etc. a the econ consulfhi o Fabius Mas in a8B. C. While the amo Flaminius mas passe in 3 saccordincto Polybius , it is very dissiculi to undemian the statemen here made. It is possibi that Flaminius Was ne of the commissioner for executin his o n law, and that iis execution laste ove the time of Fabius secon consulfhip. The Flaminius here mentione is thesam .ho fel a consul in I at the batile of take Trasimenus Heheld large and statesman-like view o the poli is securing Ilain planting Romans an Latins in the territor then recenti talien homthe Gauis in theraeigh rhood of Ariminum This particula mea ure a carrie against the wil of the senate, and was the firs la. passed, since the lex Horiensis of 287, in defiance of iis .ishes It was also the fissi agraria la since the Licinio-Sextia law of 367. Polybius dates the decline of the Roman constitution hom the passing of the lex Flaminia. f. Rheinisches uSeum , 843, P. 373. -- Sp. Carvilio quiescente this Sp. Carvilius Mas consul in 34 when
he conquere in Corsicans an Sardinians. In in he was again consul, and clied as augur in I 2. Heris salo, but erroneo ly to have been the firs Roman who clivorce his Mis. In Iri jus after thebatile es Cannae, he made a mos remarisble proposal, to filiis thegaps hic that aule a made in the numbers of the senate hyselecting two member from eae of the Latin communities. It was almos the ni occasio in the o se of Roman histor hen an thin like modem representative ovemment was advocatecl. Case vilius a not prun from ne of the nobi families, hocior themost par monopolize the righer ossice of state it is thereiore notsurprising that he hoes have sympathiae Mi Flaminius. -- contra senatus auctoritatem: against the expresse Wis of the senate'. Senatus auctoritas is, stricti speaking, an opinion of the senate no formali embodie in a decree, senarus consultum Cicero, in Inveni. 2, 5 says Flaminius carrie his lamcontra voluntatem
ramni m stimatium. - - dividenti hen he trie to clivides'. heparticipieris here equivalent to cum With the imperfeci indicative rimi. aerias Soci 5 leniensem A. 29o, a G. 668 H. 549 I. P. εὐ- cum esset: Actum he was . What Fabius declared was reatly that the auspicia ere a politica instrument in the and of the aristocrais, ather than a parti religion. Fabius, accordingrio LiV. 3O 26, 7 Wa augur foris years eiore his eath, an ha nodoub had a large experience in the manipulatio of the aus ei forpolitica pur Ses. Compare Homer, Iliad Ia, 43 also Ci Phil. ii a Iu uer ipse sanxi ut omnia quae rei publicae Minaria essensuritima re istia Merentur Consultiommsen Hist es Rome BLIV. h. a.
12. admirahilius: more maging he Latin or has a muchstronge meaning than the Englis Wor clerive hom it. - quomodo tulit: - eum modum quo tulit so that the claus is no reatly dependent on cognovi, nor tulit irregulari put for tulerit. In Lael. Laelius exclaims, o Cato himself, quo mois, ut alia omissam, morum
i tulit. Andrio doub Ci meant here o mari Cato allude to is
6 I an existe in the time os lutarch. See lutarchys life of Fab.
24. - quem philosophum P many of the rancient philosophers rote popular realises in hic the principies of philosophy were applie to the alleviation o Sorro . The mos famous of these in Cicero' time a Crantor' περὶ ποθουs, hic Cicero use larget in writim his Tusculantissutations an also in his De Consolatione onme eat of his aughter. - in luce. . . civium 'in public and unde the gage of his fellow-countrymen . o not translate in oculis by the Englis phras ' in the yes of hic has nother sense. hemetaphor in lux is osten used by Cicero, a Qu. r. I, I, 7 in luce Asiae, in oculis provinciae. - notitia notitia is genera knowledge, osten meret the resultis superficia observation scientia is thoroughknowledge, the resultis elaboratio an generaligation. - multae litterae great iterar attainmenis In his sense magnae could not e sed to represent great'. mole the ellipsis of eranL- ut in homine Romano considering that he was a Roman , or dor Roman ' O the backwarones of the Roman in literar pursuits see eusset, Hist. of Rom. it. La cf. also Ritter Hist. of Ancient Philosophy, Vol MV. p. -I3 Eng ed. In parentheti clauses likethis, the introductor in a conve two ver different meaningsaccording to the context. hus in Acad. a. 98 homo acutus, ut Poenus is a keen ille man, ars mi fit be expecte V a Carthaginian sci. Colum. I, 3 8 acutissimam pentem Poenos While Nepos, Epam 5, exercitauum in dicendo ut Thebanum implies that orator was notu beexpecte os a Theban. - domestica . . . externa heila here thedomestica eua re hos Mars hic belon to the histor o Rome; the exserna bella thos Wars hic, long to the histor of other States; but usualty omestica bella are civit Wars externa foretgn wars in WhichRome i engaged e. r. Leg. gr. 2 omnibus domesticis externisque helias in Catil. 2. II omnia sunt externa unius virtute pacata Gm se cum Miatim manet, ineus insidiae sunt. The practice of readin military histor Was common among Roman commanderS; Seerio instance
Acad. 2, 3 of Lucullus the practice is ridicule bymarius in Sall.
ea aesagem iam in euasi verero Aranores erantemnuin, ita os μα- quasi honerae vixerint. - divinarem se references οὐ cons esto. - illo exstincto Fabius te in ara . . - fore unde discerem neminem es Acad. I, quae nemo Muc domina nee
'Munde studiosi scire possent. Gnaee o persona here a quo is common in both verse an prose is 3θ- and θει-ερ vid. Liddellan Scori in v.ὶ cf. Horace I, 2, 7 unde nil mauus oneram ipso ἰI, 8, 28 Cic. de r. I, 6 iue ipse unaee o norit ib. 2, 285. So uri- apud quem in Verr. 4, 29; quom ad quos below 83, and in Verr. 4, 38 cf. also n. on istinc in 7. For ood o discerem se A. Mo G.
13. quorsus igitur haec se dixi. - tam multa this ahea theplace of tot which like quot cannot e se a a substantive. Scipiones: me like Scipio ' a. e. the etcle Africanus sora5 M-Leii Curii Coruncanii. Cicero has here put his οὐ opinionis Scipio into the mout o Cato, Who cluring a large partis his life Was astaunc and even bitte opponent of Scipio, and thereior no likelyto couple him it Fabius. f. Introd. - ut . . . recordentur therepetitioni ut With ac claus for the aahe of effect man compared wit the repetitioni nihil in is, 7, 4i o non in a of incin w of ubi in V. - pedestris for 'restris the sage is very
χεῖν re osten contrasted se Liddeli an Scott . t is no recorded by historians that ither Scipio or Fabius too pari personesi in
navat wariare. - recordentur: his ver implies the habituat clwell- in of the memor upo the past. - quiete et pure atque eleganter the enumeratio consist o tW branches connecte by ecthe secon branchieing subdivide into t. member connecte bya que Had each of the adverta Men intende to standis exactly the fame ootin Cic. Would have writte et instea os atque, o elsewould have omitted the copula alimether se n. on 3 capitum tu m
hic a Was ver seldom Writtem - pure atque eleganter sinlessi an gently ' Pure implies mora stainleSsness, Hemineri lite' est in choice fashion', implies aintines combine Wit simplicit in regar to the extinna conditions os life The fame ideas are ui
num Masonem ... coemis in suis ruinis obmutis cerae aenaeceus DiogLaert. 3, a quotin Hermippus a Gree Writer on lograph .holived a ut the time of the Secon dies Wari, says that Plato died in the midole es a marriam east at hic he was a guesti Val. Μax. 8, 7, 3 oves a lightly different account. - Isocrati this formis thegenitive o Gree prope names in es a probahly used by Cicerorather than the form in is et Meiadvigin Fin I, I4 Neue, Formem Iehre, I 332. Isocrates, the great trieacheris rhetoricis his time, lived from 4364 338, Whente die by voluntar starvationis in tohisaries a the los of Greewiseedom through the batile es Chaeronea. Milion, Sonne X. That dishonest victor At Chaeronea lata to lil, erty Κiu'd Wit repor that id ma eloquent'. - eum ... inseri-hitur the periphrasis a common, and the ver μακGere is early HWays in the present tense in late proseis .el as in Cicero as in 39. his is ometimes the case even here the eigh ring ver
are in past tenses, as in Acad. I, 2 nec se senuit quin conem suum
doctorem HBrum etiam ederet qui Sosus inseribitur me presentseem to mea that the nam mentione is continuati ove to eachmpy of the book a produceo; here the continuing multiplicationis copies is nodilookerto, We have the perfeci, as Att. 8, 5, 2 rufascicurum ibundi os letters qui est inseri in 'des M'. Curis', velim cures ad eum perferendum. f. ala Deir a 6 dereptus indicibus librarum qui sun fere inscripti s to hic the authors - once for alb- have oven in tities' de istine, de isseisia, etc. so Div. tabro gusese inseri us arsensius. - dicit: the lanathenaicus', an enmmium es Athena militen or recitatio at Murea festiva of the
Panathenaea, is among the woris o Isocrates .hlch, stilli aras. In c. I Isocrates V τοῖ ἔτεσι ἐνεκεκοντα κοὐ τεττα τίν, ἄν ἐγὼ τυγχά- γε - . - vixitque and yetine lived' here has si hi adversative force, ascis osten the case Withiae. f. n. o 28,
43 73 - Gorgias the greates of the sophista, bom a Leontini in Sicil a ut 485 B. C. his deat too place accordin to the varΡ in accounis, in 3M, 378, or 377. In his vid age heclive in Thessaly,
where Isocrates studie With him se Or. 76 mn a I For the adjective Leontinus place fore the nam rather than after es. 43 Thessalo Cinea. - centum et septem annos, Mennedy, Gram., 34 Vii e SVS in commund number a veram the large number, Wit o Without et generali precedes the Amalter' es. Robri Vol. I, P. 443.-CeSSO cloes no correspon in meaning with our 'cease , i. e. do come o a standstili ' cesso am in a state es rest', Pamime . - quaereretur the past tense though the principia verb, inquit, is in the present, Minus the present is the iustica presentandis equivalento a past ense. i. o , ISII-I5 4; ennedy, 229, 2. A. 287, e G. II, Rem 1 H. 495, ΙΙ. Theraclio by whichthe imperfectistanos here Me hould expectis ense of completeo action, houldie noticed cf. Tusc. 2 6 quem cum romares res nae LΤhe explanationis the imperfeci in such casea is that it maris ut, more Clearly than the pluperfect would the fac that the actionis the principat ver and the actio of the dependent ver are practicallycontemporaneous. In ou passage is quaesisum esse had Men writtenit,ould have indicate meret that at some quite indefinite time after
the question was ut the ans e wasalven f. N. D. I, 6 auctore . . . obscurior. - Cur ... vita a Unt a sulcide, hic the ancients
is Stronger than vivere es Qu. r. I, 3, 5. -- nihil haheo quod accusem: I have no reason to reproach '. f. the common phrasequiae est quod . . . Quod adverbia acc. A. 24 a G. 33I R. 3 Η.378 a. io mood os accusem Seem. 5o3,Ι. n. 2, and reference on a discerem. - praeclarum responsum est is no required hecause
responsum is in apposition to the last par of the precedin sentence. Simila appositions occur in Laelius 67, 7 I, 79. - docto appliedespeciali to philosophers, ut ais to poets. The wor impliea custisation a weli a mere nomisae acleamed man , meret a suc
P. 7. -14. euius . . . feci: the formaid is in Mod Latin always expressedi a parenthesis lita his an noti a participi in agreement Wit the noun. The phrases anu dictus stisma Deus telongi silve Latino here the are common. f. 23 uos ante dixi. sic ut etc. the lines are from the Annals of Ennius for hic se n. o I. - ecuas Ennius clid not rite uu nor mos likely did Cicero; the forme mantave writte either reus, equos, o egus Theclas form hie prinis in his editionis Ennius. - spatio supremo at theend of the raceaeourse at the goes', or it man at the last tum round the course', the ac requiring the coum tote run round severa times es Homer' πύματον δρόμον in Ilia 23 768. Sora ae curso ratio; Verg. Aen. 5, 327 iam esere rario extremo fessique sub ipsam nem ausiemabanae. - vicit lumpia a direct imitatio of the Gree phras νικα 'Ολύμπια, o in a victor at an Olympi comtest. So Horace P. I, I, o has coronari Οὐ ia - στεφανουσθω πιλυμπια he editor print ijsia, ut the se of sto represent Greelii did not come in illi long after the time o Ennius. - aenis :differs from senectus in impl3 immo meret old age, but the weakness hic usuali accompanies it. - confectus for the disregar o the finalis in canning cf. n. o I l. 6. - equi victoria: for thealmos adjectiva use of the substantive istor cf. Verg. Aen. 7 656MMores equos Lib. I 2, 75 venas' canis Lib. Io, 89I II, , and Georg. a, 45 bellator equus, in Theocritu 15 5 πολεμισταὶ Imrοι. The lambesne nouna in tricare Deely used as adjectives both in verse an in prose A. 88, c; Η MI, 3. - quem quidem the fame formis transition is sed in asi 29 46, 33. The Whole of this passage to suasissem is an exhibition o antiquaria leamin quite unnatura andinappropriate in a dialogue. - probe meminisse potestis: cf. Deor I, 94 quem tu probe meministi Fin. 2 63 L. Thorius quem m
minisse tu non potes. Memini can tali a personat accusative only whenthe person ho remember Was a contemporar of the person remem-
ninus commoni sal tome the sonis the great Flamininus I l. l. Η Was altogether undistinguished, as also ere the Acilius and the Caepio here mentioned. his passage gives the imagine date of the dialogue a IF B. C. - Philippo this a Q. arcius hilippus, who was consul in r86 and too par in the suppression of the great Bacchanalia conspirac of that year Fordhe nexi I yearche was a
he was again consul and comma ed againat Perseus in the early partes the war. - cum . . . legem Voconiam ... auaaiaaem: after Ihad spois publici in favor of the lamo Voconius . For suasissemes. I suasor it n. The Lex Voconia de mutae moereri ei salmed at securing the continuancem propertfin families. fit prinvision no man who possesse properi valued in the censore iista at
Im, ora terces O more, could appotnt a Woman or omen as his Aere or heredes; further no person or persona, male o female, could
receive unde the will l acies amountincta es t a large sum hanthat received by the principalinei or heira. very Roman willinameda Aere o Aeredes, o Whom devolve es the privileges an duties of the deceased, With such duties a Were ecloine by the wul particulari the diit of paying the legacies len to those .ho weremo hereaeo See aine, Ancientia. Ch. 6 also Hunter, Introd. to Romania Ch. 5. - magna in Latin the wor magnus is the ni equivalentes loud'. - laterihus mungs'. Cic. and the est riters raret use pulmones for dungs' the lampassages in hic it occurseither referri victim sacrificed at the altari or are medicat o phys, ologica descriptions Good lungs is always bona aura never Imones. - duo. . . Senectutem Ennius is sal to have hept asinoo in his later clays, an is have live in a cottam it one
15. etenim this ordieneriat antroduces eiine an explanationor a proof os a preceding statement. Here the word are elliptic, and the ea connection it What recedes an nimbe made cleari a paraphrase. Ennius seeme to delight in old age. An no onder, since there are four causes hic mali me thin old age retched, an no ne of these Wil bear examination enim a generallybe translate incleed , o A in factJ. - cum complector animo: .hen Pyasp them in m thoughis objectis com resor is tobe supplied iso causas. - avocet sc senes. he subjunctives denote that these are the thought notis the speiser, but of the pedi sons hora thin old age a retche thing See n. on 3 feras huies. ennedy. Grammar, pref. p. O. - Riteram . . . tertiam es in enumerations os more than π thim unus an aure generali in the place of frimus an secundus in Cic. these alter raret occurunde auch circumstances. i. Att. 3, 5. I; Fin 3 9 Off. I, 32;
Minua, quaneus, osten, as here, by one mali Mord CL belo rasquaminuit imbecillus; - - arae irimicum. -- quihua: the rem-sition iis osten omitted cf. in Pis. 9 Arsinoen ... a actum faeteris a Aontibus esse ea as. Quibus Aoniam, Nemre eo, etc. Tusc. 3.37 sed era eis rami a me meas a volumus. Quas Even hen relative an antecedent are in the fame sentenc the reposition is no osten remaled e g. in s 68 Mem in genere quo tua. - an eis an alWays introduces a question hic is no independent, butfollo. um a prolous question ither expressed or implied. Here Mus implies omnibusne. f. diu in Caeci a quid enim iras Aniae quodae suas . .. .herm Mimpliea nihilnes also helo. 23, 29 anne. A. It, G. 439, H. 353, 2 n. 4. - luventute et virinua: commoni explesned a chendiadys, i. e. a putrior iuveneutis viribus: hut Cic. no more meant this than, mea A the strenn ol ouin .hen, ama es bouth and strength Real instances of hendiaclys
L. Paulua thia is L. Aemilius Paulus,acedonicus, consul in I8a B. C., and again in G, ni finished the thir Macedonia martyulterindeleating Perseus a Pydna For his connectio With Scipio
and Cato Me Introd. - pater tuus i. e. Scipio ; a in a avi tui, and in 75 Num tuum Without mention o mum Scipio' name, butino patris tui, Scipio a 77. - rici etc. for the plurias seen ono, C. Fabricius Luscinus, consul in AEa, 78, and 273 . , censor in 75, hel the command against Pyrrhus The Roman wribers, Cicero specialin re neve tire os eulogiain him as a patremo olddashione Roman virtve. anius Curius Dentatua, consul inam 275, and 274 practicalty is no formald, en d the thim Samnite War, an also commande against Pyrrhus see s. e Was famed for his sturd Roman simplicit an isugality. Tiberius Coruncanius a consul in AE crus d an Etrisca insurrection. In sales camethe fim plebeia pontifex maximus These three me are ery frequently mentione together by Cicero es beto , 43 Lael. 8. nihil agehant observe that AE ambae is ut at thes ginning of the fimi sentence, nihil aobans at the end of the second chiasmus.1S A. Claudi Appius Claudius, the head o the mos stronglyaristocrati famil in Rome, a censor in II B. C. When' Comstructe the vis A ia, and consul in F and 96. He had to e carrie into the aenateinouae in orde to oppos the mace Wit 'P
rhus. - accedebat ut accedis is far ostene followed by a clause it quod an indicative than is a claus Wit in an subjunctive. When the in AElaus follows, it contain a fac looked a merelyas a fac an nothing more; ut the, clause views the fac a consoquentipon, o dependenti somemther iaci. Here the lin eas is regarde a Ming the consequence of old age; though GV 9, 9, 11 and other author attribute it to the ange of the god cause ascensor Appius hae tinen the administratio of the worshi o Hesecules Way from the ancient famil of the Potitii, and had placedri in the hand of public laves. The menta vigor of Appius in his vidue is mentioned by Cic. in TuSC. , II a. P. 8. - cum Pyrrho note the position es the orta et-en faucem and foedus, Wit both of .hichahe go This usu is called
by the grammarians coniunctio es. n. on Lael. 8 cum summi viri eum amicissimi also bove, quae im Musae geruntur et viribus; belo I quae sint gerenda praescribo et quo modo. - foedus thia Seem oppose to pacem as a formal engagemen is to a mere abstemtion from hostilities. - non duhitavit dicere: hen ubisare mea Aa hesitate ' about a course of actioni, and the sentenc is ne eme, or an interrogative sentenc assumin a negative answer, the infinitive Constructio generali fosso s, as here; ut the infinitive is rare in positis sentence. When dubitare means to in cloubi fas towhether certain statements are true o notὶ the regula conStructionis either quin it subj or some formi indirect interrogative clause. Cf. elow, 25. - quo visis, hom the Annaias In menus ae mentis e have o moron an intentiona contradictio in terms asini sensim sine Sensu 39 munus ... aufert the case of vobis, See o , II 54 A. 235, a II 384 4 n. 2. - antehac alWay adissyllabi in verse, and probabi So pronounce in Prose. - viai: the old genitive. A. 36, a G. 27 Rem. I; H. 49, 2. The readin is no quite certain is via be rea it is no altogether certain Whetheri depend on quo oris sese flexere. In the forme construction e have a partitive gen Wit an adv. A. 216 a 4 G. 37I, Rem 4 H.
397, 4; in the lalter, a distinc Graecism like desine querellarum Hor. Od a, 9, 17 and the like A. 243 Rem. G. 373 Rem 6 H. IO, V. 4.- et tamen the senseris incompletet expressed in fuit it is cinclyet there is no nee for meo refero Appius speechissatve by Ennius, since the speech itfelicis in existences . Exacti simila ellipaea re found wit et amen in in I, II an Is a,4 45, I, 6 and