장음표시 사용
Clan. - I. - aetate here ethe vagoro seriod es life es bona aetas in V. - cursu honorum ossiciat career . -huiua tueand his are notistendound in the fame sentence referring to the fame person Eius Would have been more regula here. - media es mon 33 constantis aetatis.
P. 26. - apex: the πο- the highest glory'. The more meant originalty ines , heing connecteri Wit Uinus a sci a re and thermord containing the idea os indin fastis grasping. It was properi applied to the olive4Mibound round with Mool. hic mas stuckin the in Wominime mines an satini. It is ometimes empi edio translate δι-μα a mor originali es simila meaning the royalinaigne, a inmorace, des 3, 2I, o rexum apices, With Whic es. Odes, I, 34, 4. The or is carcet found elsewhere in a meta Dorica sense. ur passage is imitate by Ammianus,arcellinussa great imitator es Cicero a7, 7 a Unus velut a rem Aonora aesenectutis praesendens.
in Metella se n. n o. - A. Atilio Calatino consul in 258 B. . and again i 254 dictator in G, censor in 247. Cicero classe him it olo heroes like Curius an Fabricius Planc mox His tomb, in the vii pia oulside themoria Capena, clos to the well-known tomb of the Scipios se Tusc. I, 3 . - in quem . . . elogium in Whose honor there is the inscription'. it in quem
- esu cf. the occasiones occurrence of κατα τινο in the ense of περ τινοs. - elogium : Gree ἐλεγεῖον so Curtius : for the re' resentationis et o es oliva with ἔλαια, and Plautus' lopadas for λεπωδ- 'ut es Robri 20, d. - hunc etc. the inscription Whic is quote by Cicero also in in et II 6 is striiungi like that o thetombis Scipio Barbarus hic has actuali come doWn to S, and thus begins Ritschrs recension):hon Ano 'Dirime resentione Romasaeuonoro optumofuis viro virorol. e. hunc unum Iurimi consentiunt Romae bonorum optimum fuisse
virum virorum. Ritschl thus completes the loris of Atilus bycomparison Mith other stili preserveo dictator sending the secondline , Consul censor, aedius hic fuit apud vos. ut Cicero, orosinorum ... sepulcro seem to impi a longe inscriptio than ne of three lines the analog of the Scipionic inscription potnis the fame Way he olde monumenta inscriptions o Rome ere Wxitte in
the Saturnia metre, hic depende partiron accent me normalline ran thua: but there ere many deviatio . -- unum intensi a Mimaris Mahe very MM ' es the common se of uri s missi a superlative adjeotive, for hic se n. o Lael. I unum etc. - es et consentiena: cf. n. onis agens aliquiae. - nuper liue modo se n. o 27 nupericlo ely used, and has it meming defined by the context. f. n. onLael. I 3. In Plin. Ep. I, 2 a the orator Calvus, Jounger contemporaryos Cicero, is sald to have existed miser. - Lepidum sontifex max, mus homἰω B. C., consul in I87 and in I75 censor in I79 heri faid tohave been chosen princes senarus by si seis es censors in succession. Η die in Isa. - Paulo se a L. Aemilius With n. - Μ-imo Se I et seq. - sententia: . . a et speec in the aenate. Cf. De r. I, 38, non accumula orationis copia, sed nutu assi e verbo libertinos in urbanas tribus mannulu. - honorata Se n. - αεδ in omni oratione ' every here throughout m speech '. mota oratione Would have meant is speech vie edis a Whole . - de fenderet the ense is accommodate to that os dixi, accordis to Latin custom se n. on a inceret. -- cani se ea in the ameellipsis is found in Ovid. f. Maea u. aqua , Azurea se corona , agmus se dies , Latinae ac feriae , etc. HS cereo in M. - fructu . . . extrem receives the re ard of influence at the last
anaeum si iuvenis vetulo non assurrexerac here See Vor' note.
deduci reduci Athe scori rom home and the attendanc hom .ard . The difference et een these Wo Worda, hic has osten e misunderStoo Israho ni Val. Μax a I, 9 iuvenes senatus die utique aliquem ex patribus conscriptis ad curiam deducebant, a L e viaris exspera an donec reducendi etiam scio fungerentur. - consuli probabi refers o private leges consultations a mellas to the deliberations of the senate. - ut quaeque optime Cic. estem es ut quisque With superlatives, is follo ing se n. o LMI
mos. - modo in B. - memoriae proditum eat in Verri 3, 36 Cic. usea ad memoriam instea of the dative. he est riters have
memoriae 'Mere Mae prori, for Me recoliarason sposteri memoria prodi, aes mandeo do ni tradition ' butio memoria 'Mere. ludis se Panathemticis, abi es time. The Panathenaea a thegreates of the Athenia festivias and was celebrate in honor es Athene, patrona des of the ity once in four ears. The storytha follo. is tot in imos in fame mord by Val. - 4 5,
is resume in the ex sentence, rixisse Ming dependentin proditum est. - legati cum essent: ing amba adors'. - illi 'in his honor . - easum recepisse: Val. Μ- use the fame phrase; cf. Fam. IO, 32, 2 seMum deducere N. D. 3 7 Sessum ire. ε . plausu multiplex es Verg. Aen. I, 747 nominans plausu. Cic. generali say Ν-sus momimus. - facere nolim es the well-known sayingit Demosthenes, Olynth. 3, 3 3 πέπεισι ιι - τὰ πλείωτων πραγμάτων μα ἐκπεφευγένα βοι βούλεσθα τὰ δεοντα ποισιν hτε in συνιέναι. - collegio the college ori ardii augur to .hichCato belonged. In his time there meremine members later the num-ber Was increMed. - antecedit sc alios. - sententiae principatum 'precedence in debate . eisine quote Verr. 4, 42 ut quisque aemu et Aonore an eradu sta primus solet sua sponte dicere uaque
ranclae n. O F. - fabulam aetatis es. 5, o 85 he comparison es life to a play an mankin to the players, is common inal literaturea e g. Au the mori 's a stam, etc. . When Augustus wasin his deathbedine asked his frienes ecquid eis deretur mimum vitae commotae manserisse Suet Aug. 99ὶ cf. GV' epitaph, isse s aciest, etc. .-- corruisse: s. e. Mough fatigue es is elotionem
M. t See n. On 2I. - morum es. 7 in moribus est μή , non inariau. - ea vitia: i. e. ea Ha vidia. - hahent et . cf. hucyd. 3,
enc is stili extant. - diritas harshnes of temper '; ut Sueti Tib. I has diruas morum, an Varro scena quem senem Latina vidit dirissimum Boi dirus an diruas Me rare in Cicero the former.or does no once occur in the hole ange of the speeches, thelalter scarcet exceptingiere an in Vat. 9 in Tusc. 3, 29 Cic. uses itin translatinifrom Euripides. P. 28. --. ollicitam habere toaee in tro te . Soluta usis, literalty, ,hon in motion ' from ouus, hic has the fame ootmit 3λos, an citus es the rare ord solu es, soluserreus. The perfeci participi Wit hario emphasiae the continuance of the effect produced. aumpi, 634 A. 292, c; G. 23o H. 388, I n. --Stram aetatem: f. n. O 26 senectus. - esse longe more usuallyabesse. - miserum O, Wretched is that id man Ciceroestener Oins O Wit the accusative than wit the nominative herarely, is ever, aes the interjectio mith the vocative in direct adoressio perso . - extinguit animum the doctrine of the annihilationes the foui alter deat was hel by many o Cicero' contemporaries, professedi by the Epicuream se. g. Lucretius, De Rerum M. 3. 4I7 et seq. cf. also Caesar' argument at the tria of the Catilinia comvirators, ML Beli. Catil. c. I Cic. in Catil. 3, c. 4ὶ practicali by the Stoics, Who taught that there is a future existence of limited thoughindefinite tength. - deducit: cf. n. On 63. - atqui See n. Οὐα- tertium ... potest nothing an beriound as a third altemative 'iso in Tusc. I, 8a quoniam nihil urtium est. εT. quid timeam etc. so Tusc. I, 5 quo modo igituri, cur momum marum tibi videri dicit quae aut beatos nos sciet, animis manem tibus aut non miseros, sensu carentis; ib. I, II ut aut in ariernam domum remi remus aut omni sensu careamus. io mood See A. 68; G. 25I; Η. 486, ΙΙ. - aut non miser. . . aut beatus a dilemma,
but unsound andio conclusive for non miser is sed .it referencet annihilation, and the foui ma exist after death in a State Dunha'
an n. 3. -Cui: See n. o 38 visenti. - ad vesperum esse
victurum that he willi alive hen evening comes , no that hewil live illi the evenini'. ith the preposition ad sub in the forminsperris generali used notis sera. 'it this passage f. in I, 9a
an id exploratum cuiquam ' est erae quo modo sese AMMurum sit corpus, non die ad annum, sed ad vesperum Also es the ille os ne of Varro'smenippean Satires, nescis quid νυμ serus Mar, probabi a proverb--Reta inst. . . adulescentes: some suppos that this sentence mas borro ed Dom Hippocrates. - tristiua sedistioribus remediis'. anutius. So ff. I, 83 emiser erro antis leniser eumne, gravioribus auum 'his periculosas curationes et anci se adhibere monturi The advecturis ius, hic has in prose a superlative but no
ω in filio ... in fratrihus es. Lael. 9 Acto Cato' son es. 5,
8 - tu sc sensisti. -eXSPectati in a rare construction,perhaps Mithout parallel exspectaris is an adjective and ais the constructioni aptus, idoneus etc. of Whom opes er enteriainedas regarda honor . - fratrihum the fons o Paulus acedonicus; tw of them die&within seven daD Fam 4 6, in onerius heiore andone just after Paulus great triumph in I 6 B. C. - idem se n. n
eandem. - insipienter adversatiV Myndeton. - incerta ...
veris chiasmus avoided. 'it the thought cf. ff. I, 8. - at . . . at the objectio and iis ans er are both introduceclinat, sinere,in 35. - at ... dulescens these Worda lookbach to the precessim sentence, i Whic the are an anSwer. -ine ... hic here ieram notes the person horas more important, iue the person who is tessimportant for the matte in hand the forme may thereiore eo
gardeo asmeare to the smaher, the lauer a more remote. A. Ioa, a G. 292, Rem I H. 45O 2 n. m. quamquam See n. on 2 eui. - quid est . . . diu es Tusc. I, 94 quae vero ariailouta est, aut quid omnino homini Ionium I ... iatium nihil habemus, hoc longum dicimus. For est se n. On 72.
tum oesy so much . - consecutus aias yo mav have Ninined'. The subjunctive is here used in the indefinite secondiersonto ove a hypothetica character to the statement of the verb. hesim dicative might have been expected the expressio almost secunsumus, consecurus aliquis eat. Roby, 346 G. 5a, Rem 3 Η. 486, III. -- virtute et recte factis: the fame opinion is Morce in Tusc. I, IAE. - quid aequatur: the future ' es. Lucr. I, 45 tran actum pia sit in aevo, Tum quae res innet, Mi sorro Minae sequasur. - . d. . . O mentum this passage Wit the whole conteri rese-bles Lucretius 3 93I 77 cf. speciali ae cur non in funus uae comisma recedis mci Muriae flenus discedere rerum. Cf. alsomor
Ita ut placeat rin orde to secure approvia'. - peragenda: Cf. n. O so eo arandae. - plaudite: the Latin plays early ab .ays ende Wit this Word, aderesse by the actor to the audience; cf. Hor. A. P. 53 si sta soris eos aulaea manentis es usque essuri nec eantor vos aruaeue dicat. -hreve tempus etc. one of the
poeta has said that in amati me ures lives may perfectie'. f. also Tusc. I, Io nemo mum dis rixit quirin eis perfectae perfecto functus est munere Seneca Ep. 77 quo modo fabula, si visa non quam dis, sed quam bene acta si refert. - proceaserit probabi the subjectis sapiens, in hic case Esau must also M supplied hom arriasis; the subject may hoveverae arias. - ostendit oves promis es' es. Fam. eui munus gladiatorial ho arctare quammis quis ostenderit, ne purus quidem solet nisi contativus With the whole
passage es pro Cael. 76. γλ. ut ...dixi in 6 62. - Secundum naturam: - κατὰ φύσιν, a Stoic phrase cf. n. - naturam optimam ducem. - senibus: dative es referenoe emori standa a subjecto an implied ere. contingit se n. on 8. - exstinguitur there is the fame contrast tmeen o rimere an exstimuere in Lael. 78. - quasi . . . evelluntur icis rare to find in i or the other prose riter of the beat period a ver in the indicative mood immediately dependenti quasi, in the sense of sicuti quem ad moaeum. When in things are Compared by quasi ...isa the indicative ver is nearly alWays ut in thesecon clause, an may be supplied in the clause mit quasi very raret are there two different verba for the wo clauses. f. ho everPlautus, Stich. 539 fui olim, quasi nunc em sum senex Lucr. 3, 49a
more sues n. . . nn. - accedam : See A. 342 G. 666 H. 529, ΙΙ.- in portum speahingi death, Cic. says in usta I, II romtum fotius saratum nobis et femurium 'temus quo utinam velis passis rem viai liceat Sin remantibus venris reiciemur tamen eodem 'aulo tardius
referamur necesse est; es also ib. I, I .
mosior . . . fortior Horace, des , Io, a rebus angustis animosus
sition notis in modern Italian. - certis sensibus Acad. 2, 9 insegris incorruptisque sensibus. - ipsa. . . quae Se n. on 26 M.
569 I. a. - coagmentavit Cic. is fond of suc metaphora es. Orat. 77 verba verbis quasi coarmentari Phil. 7, 2 docebo ne coagmem sari quidem pacem osse s that o patinesu peace an e made 'i. - conglutinavit a stili more favorite metaphor than coagmensare. Cic. has con utinare rem Or. I, 88ὶ amicitias Lael. 3 an Attis, 8, Ii voluntaus Fam. II, 27, 2ὶ conco iam Att. I, II, Io in Phil. 3, a Cic. says of Anton that he is solus ex itiis con utinaeus. iam further' soleto . - conglutinatio the nou occum onlyhere an orat. 78 c. verborum. - reliquum iso infrequently Mhere, used substantivel Miman adjective modifier. - aine causa: .ithout sussicient reason .
Ta vetat Pythagoras etc. the passage is hom Plato, Phaedo 6IA a C. Plato malim Socrates there profescio quote Philolaus.
the Pythagorean Cic. thereiore refers the doctrine to Pythagoras Cf. Tusc. I, 74 Rep. 6, 5. The Stoic hel the fame vie about sulcide, hic the authoriae in extrem cases, but muchraesciseelythan is commovi supposed cf. Sen. p. III, a nihil mihi misturturpius quam optare mortem. Se Zeller Stoica Epicureans, and Scepti , h. a C aὶ cf. also Lechy, Hist. o Euromaniorais I. P. 28 et seq. Am. d.)- imperatoris ... praesidio: here Cic. seem to undemian Plato' φρουρῆ as referring o Wariare in usta an Rep. he understanta iiii a prison. - sapientia Solon mas oneo the Seven Sages of Greece . - elogium the distic is preserved by Plutarch, and runs thus μηδε μοι λαιστο θάνατο μόλοι, ἀλλὰ φίλοι τι Καλλείποιμι θανὰν ελγεα κιὰ ποναχώ. Cic. thus tran latescit in Tusc. I, II Mors mea ne careas lacrimis, tanquamus amicis Maerorem, ut celebrens funera cum gemim. The epitaph o Ennius isalso quoted there and is declared to e Miter tha that o Solon es. TuSc. I, 343. --it se esse carum he wishes to mine ut thathecis bel ed ' volt esse carus Mould have hae quite a different sense. Cf. in. 5, 3 Strato susicum se volt, it Madvigla n. - haud Scio an se n. - 56. - faxit the subjec is quisquam understood hom remo. For the form See A. 42, 28 e 3 G I9I, 5; Η as 4. The end of the epitaph is omitte here M in Tusc. I, III but i giveni Tusc. I, 34 cur volito mos per ora virum. Otice the alliberation.
γε isque cf. n. o I rixitque. - aut optandus aut nullus: cf. 66 aut ne eonda . . . aut ossanda; niatas almos non as i 67, butoni in the Letters cloes Cic. imitatin Plautus and the ther dram tisis attach nullus in his sense to the nam es a particular person; e. r. Att. II, 24 4 Philotimus nultas venit. - sed ... esse but emus con this tesso homour out up . For the passive sense of meditarum f. n. O 4 de am. In Tusc. I, 74 Cic. imitatin Plato, says tria hilosophorum visa commentatio mortis est So Seneca, to arisu discendum est mori. - sine qua ... nemo potest theSe Orci
bring the positionis Cicero it regare o deat wonderiun nearthat of Lucretius : the lalter argues that forseace of mindisne must
2, 49 Q. r. a 3, a neque mense neque uno neque ore conriaxere. The word is literest' a standium', a get a firm4oothoid . P. I. IS. L. Brutum fel in single combat Wit Aruns, sono the exile Tarquin se Liv. 2 6. The accusatives murum etc. aremo the objecta es recorder but the subjecta es infinitives tot supplied hom profectas. - duos Decios: See n. ii 43. - curaum equorum the word equos Would have been sussicient; ut his incles pleonasm is common in Latin se n. o Gel. 3 causae ditamenaei. - Atilius a. e. Regulus, hos stor is to wel known to need recounting. here are many contradictions and improbabilities a ut it - Scipionea se n. on In Paradoxa I, a Cic. says of them Carthaginiensium adventum corporibus suis intercludendum sinaverunt. - Poenia o the dat. See A. 235, α Η. 384 4 n. a. Paulum: . o a L. Aemilius. - collegae M. Terentius Varro. There is no reason to suppos that he was a Worse genera than many other Roman who et Hannibal and were beaten the early historians Mingruit aristocrata, Med the disgrace of Cannae o the demo. crati consul. Varro' contemporaries ere more justo him. Farfrom reproachinchim, the Senate commende his spirit, an severat times after. ει entruste him it important businem. - Marcellum the captori Syracuse in Ia . . me fel into an ambushin m and was hilled Hannibal buried him it militar honora. cuiua interitum obstraci for concrete suem, post inseritum. crudeliasimus hostia this the traditionat Roman viemes Hannibal, is the reverse of the truth, o far as extant testimony goes. SeoΜ-msen Hiat es Rome Bh. III. h. 4 Ihne Hist o Rome Bh.
IV. - sed . . . arbitrarentur these orda re almos exacti re, perie in Tusc. I, 89 an IOI. - ruatici es Arch a norari illi fortes viri sed rustici ac milius ς also bove, 24. γε omnino Se n. on . - num igitur etc. cf. 33 nisi foruet seq. - Constans: Cf. n. On 33. - ne ... quidem Me n. O 27. --tietas vitam es. 85 senectus auum et seq. an satietas, vendi in pro Marc. 7 also TuSc. I, Io vita acta se sciat in satis suemue rixisse rideamur.
canus in Spata and after. da served Wit honor in Africa. Me Wasan intimate friendis Cato. See Liv. 26 4 et seq. - tuque et O in Lael. - Fanni et tu, Q. Muci; ut a ve, Candis implfMisio
et Laeli. - quae est avia vita cf. n. o gulam uuam in . nam clum sumus etc. the whole of this doctrine is Platonic es. Lael. 3. - munere necessitatis et . . . opere ' function and ta allotted us is fates'. P. 32. - immortalia Cicero raret mentions the oda it ut this epithet. - aparaiaae Horace calis the foul Grinae farsiem Ia m aurae. - tuerentur rute, or mare, o care for editora rongi tali merentur tot for ingueremur, Mao look upon , and gar ii as an intentiones archaism. ut es Rep. 6, 3 Where noarchaism cante intendeo : omines suns hae leo oner ei, em tueremstur iuum globum quae terra vocatur; also uentur belo in a. --- contemplantea imitarentur perhaps more Stoic than Platonic the Stoica lal great tres o the ethicia value es a contemplatio a imitationis the orcle of the universe. Cf. N. D. 2, 37 μ Aomo onus es ad mundum eonum andum es migandum praen Dial. 8, 5. I meu a nos ad uerumque genuis e conum attoni rerum et actionii. -- modo here modias seem to the Platoni τὲ μ ων, or perhaps reminiscence of the Aristotelia doctrine of the mea in on o . Translatem moderatio an consistenc es Isse' an α ff. I, 93
rerum modus A moderation in ali hings . For connantia se mim - ita cf. n. ones et tamen sic.
Is Pythagoran se n. to 23. No ancient philosopher held more fi ly than 'thagoras to belle in the immortalit of the oul itformed a partis his doctrine i etempsychosis Η was also noted for his numerical speculations in Astronom and Μusic. Withhim is sal to have originate the doctrine of the harmon of the spheres '. - qui essent inasmuch a the were Cicero ostentries to mahe ut a connectionielmeen Pythagoras and the early ω mans; cf. usc. 4, 2 also iv. I, 8. - ex universa mente the orto ovi. Diog. Laert. 8 oves a Pythagorean the doctrine Ἀθηνευαι ἁπό -- - του αἰθέρο καὶ ωάνατον. Simila doctrines occur in Plato and the Stoics; es Div. I, IIo sua s. e. a natura deorum ut doctissimis sapientissimisque placui Maurios animos et ligaras habemus; Tusc. 5, 3 humanus animus decerptus ex mense setana Sen Dial. Ia, 6, 7. - haheremus imperfeci here the Englis, requires the Presenti A. 87, ae Η. 495 V. - Socraten in Plato a Phaedo.