장음표시 사용
a. mirus Severa mend of Scipio are mentione in the dialogue Chies of theseras L. Furius Philus, consul os theyear 36, a man os reat noWledge an high character, an alaien an patronis Gree literati. e is thought worthy by Cicero to an beside Cato an Laelius, and is one os the interlocutor in the De Re Publica. 3. Rupilius P. Rupilius ' was consul in I 32, and exercised great severit against the Partisans of Ti. Gracchus. His consul-shimis sal to have been due to the es of Scipio. e commande in Sicil against the insurgent flaves an established a cocle of laws for the administrationis that province. 4. Manilius. Μ'. in Μ. the fraenomen is uncertain Μanilius, consul in I 49, commande in Africa sor ome time against the Carthaginians it Scipio as ne os his mcers. Η Was a very eminent laWyer, an a close friendis Laelius an Scipio, appearing in the De Re Publica long with them. 5. Mummius Spurius Μummius seem to have been a
very different an fro his rother, the destroyer os Corinth. He had both Mi and literarrability, hic recommended him toth very intimate frieneshimos Scipio, ii, hom heris Oined in
Cicero' De Re Publica. When, to secure Scipio's Mety the senate despalchediimi an embassyrio Asia, ummius Was his Companion. Mummius spent some time in Achaia as legatus to his brother, and thenc sent,iti episties in verserio his mendsat home. y As a politiciani mas apparently unpopular and un- successsul an devoting himself to studWh becam a strong
Stoic. e hear of him that he was particulari note sor hiadetestatio of the teacher of Rhetoric. B. Inferis,sora in the Dialogue. e conversatio is suppose in tali place at the hous os Laelius a se Mys after the deat o Africanus the younger, in
i. Laelius. The chies speaher is Gaius Laelius, the mendos the younger Africanus ' Laelius, distinguished a statesmai soldier, an man o letters, a bor a ut 86 B.C. He was plebei an tribune in Isi, performe heroic exploit a missiceros Scipio in the Thir Puni War, a praetor in I 43, an commande an arm against Viriathus With success. e presented
himself a candidate so the consulfhi in I I but though supporte is Scipio te falle Oi election the next year, hoWever, he succeeded. Η also hel the ossice of augur. During the greater partis his liferae asinistrong supporter of the arist crati par . In his later dayche sterni opposed the schemes
of Ti. Gracchus.' Laelius a nolint one os the reatest patrons o literature Rome ever sa , but Was himself a manii high culture and great is tyras a speahe and writer. e Wa widely rea in philosophy, particulari the Stoic His Latin style was so good that the plays of his frien Terence, admire so the purit of their
Latinity, were by many ascribed in hole or in parto him Some of his speeche were extant in Cicero' time, and were, o the whole admired by him.'Cicero very here spealis in the mos eulogistic term os Laelius character. At authorities ere unanimisus acto hisunsmervin rectitude. His self-contro an moderation ereremarisble.λ' ike Socrates, throughout lila he neve showed in
his face the effect produced on his mine by change os fortuno. M See 34. 3 Ad Atticum 7, 3, α
mis ather, C. Laelius, as 3 Cicero speata os ne speechthe friend of the lde Africanus ac reola oratiuncuta, ut es a See note o C. Μ. 77. other a vetustior et horridior See See note o Laelius m prae N. D. 3, 7, 43 Brut 2I, 83. tore me. ' Cic. Topica 78 Lael raraim. Laelius 77, 96 etc. δ' Arch. 7, 6. Lael. 7 Phil. 2 83. Miff. I, 26, 9o. Lael. 3 39-
During his lis and aster his deat Laelius bore theriise sapiensor the wise', a ille hic implies more os practica than fintellectuat wisdom, though it,ould no have been give to any one ho Was destitute os culture an literar excellence Allo-gether Laelius is Cicero' typical example of the best result oi cultivatio acting on a character hic exhibite in their fullest extent the idea Roman virtues. e is introduce as an inte locutor into tW other dialogues the Cato Maior illi Scipio, and the De Re Publica along with Scipio, Fannius, an Scaevola. The friendshi of Laelius an Scipio as ne of the ostsamous in antiquity. Laelius says Cicero, reverence Scipio asa god Scipio ookedis to Laelius, his senior, as a parent.
The vlew of friendship hic Laelius iuves in the dialogueare sal by him to e maint thos os Scipio. a. Scaevoti. Scaevola helonge to a famil of lawyers, and was himself exceedingi distinguishessor his knowledge of the law. e was bom about i57, and live lill 884. C. In III
he was praetor, and governor of Asia. On his retur a mali-ctous prosecution a se on ioo against imo a charge of malversation repetundarum), ut o this he was acquitted. Soon iter ard he was electe consul for the ear II7. Heseem to have ad ut ille politica ambition though o ingio his igh character an his reedom from partisanshi heexercised in the senate an in private a great political influence. Hi hous was dati thronged by the leading men o Rome.
λ,ur. 3I, 66 cf. Horace' miris hil tribune in 151 he had thesapientia Laeli, Sat a I, 72. good senserio ithdram it in ordera fi I, IM; De r. 2, 2. to prevent civit discord. In addition to the passages in me Re Publica, I, 8. the Laelius, es. K. a 4 Laelius si auor no pontifex se I
is qui sapiens usurpatur, alS Brut. and nn.
at 3 Tusc. 4, 3 Plutarch, litem ' De r. I, 9 iura rivitia in Ti. Gracchus, C. 8, has the uia nostra Scaevolarum familia Alikel stor that the ille sapiens versae sunLwas ivem i, Laelius, cause De r. I, 2oo Phil. 8, 3I. havin pronose an agraria lav
The M as ei A the learning of Scaevola a renowned, and he was note sor sweetnes an affabilit os demeanor.'Cicero, in Was in earlyclite, long Wit Atticus, place under his mardianship alWays speis of him With great affectio and admiration. Scaevola appears also sine of the interlocutors in the De Oraiore an in the De Re Publica. 3. Fannius Gaius Fannius serve with distinctio under Scipio in the Thir Punic M. He an Tiberius Gracchus were the rstrio mount the walis o Carthage hen it Wasstormed. e served again in Spain, but seem to have been unsuccesssu in politica lise. Η Was a manis considerable cultivation and literar activity, and wrote a history the sis ofwhichris very faintly praised by Cicero though iis accurac Washighi estimate by Sallust. His character feem to have been Some hat severe. Ite appears it Scipio an Laelius and Scaevola a ne of the interlocutor in the De Re Publica
The Laelius, like the Catomator, consist os three parta:
Prelimina , dedication to Atticus, I-s.
Heliminam dedication to Atticus 3 Ira. Cicero gives an aecount of his acquaintance Wit the Scaevolae I), and explain hoW ScaeVola, the augur, happening one Gyto speis of a quareel e een P. Sulpicius and Q. Pompeius, formerly friend. a), camerio repor a conversation belWeen Lae-
Att. 4, 6, 3. os a coolneas bel-en Fannius and De r. I, 234. Laelius. Briit. IOI,where Cicero spinis
INTRODUCTION. inlius himself, and Fannius o Friendship. his conversation Cicero has reel rendered o). e states Whyie has dedicated the wor to Atticus, his reasons for ahin Laelius the ostprominent character in the dialogue o, and the circumstances of the supposed conversation s).
Introductorν Conversation re. Fannius pens the conversation it an allusion to Scipio Africanus, and remarks that peopte are Wonderintho Laelius,
whom theycali Mise, bears the deat os his triendisi ). Scaevolas alis to the fame effect 8). Laelius, although allegi dil-healthas the cause of temporar retirement acknowledos that he has en deepi moved by the lossii Scipio MI Q. e find consolation, however in the reflectio that Scipio is belle of than he Io), ecause, alter harin enjoyed the ighest esteem and honora, Scipio has passe aWay by a ainles death, an nodoubtrioa happy immortality ii io While he olde in ears, is leniehind. ut stili in greates solaceris the remembrance of the close frieneshi belween himself and Scipio is). The subjectis Friendshi having thus Men ouchedipon, Fannius an Scaevola unite in askin Laelius to expressinis ieWs pon
Thia discourse of Laelius comprises five distinc portions. In two instances the transition are gracesuli made
but can existini among the good, - goodio in the Stoic, but in the ordinar sense I 8), - and is Som thing deeper an stronger than natura associationsi Φ. Friendshimis defined with the statement that viriue is iis essentia condition zo, I), an iis
peciali harmia tori is the strugglingruiter politicalprefermen and alter ealth 343, though irequently
Ι. Q. VCIVS augur multa narrare de C. Laelio socero suo memoriter et iucunde solebat nec dubitare illum in omni sermone appellare Sapientem. Ego autem a patre ita eram deductus ad Scaevolam sumpta virili toga, ut, quoad possem et liceret, a senis latere numquam discederem. Itaque multa ab eo prudenter disputata, multa etiam breviter et commode dicta memoriae mandabam, fierique studebam eius prudentia doctior. Quo mortuo me ad pontificem Scaevolam contuli, quem unum nostrae Civitatis et ingenio et iustitia praestantissimum audeo dicere. Sed de hoc alias,
nunc redeo ad augurem. Cum Saepe multa, tum me a
mini domi in hemicyclio sedentem, ut Solebat, Cum et ego essem una et pauci admodum familiares, in eum sermonem illum incidere, qui tum fere multis erat in ore. Meministi enim profeCto, Attice et eo magis, quod Ρ. Sulpicio utebare multum, cum is tribunus plebis Capitali odio a Q. Pompeio, qui tum erat consul dissideret,
quocum coniunctissime et amantissime vixerat, quanta esset hominum vel admiratio vel querella. taque tum a Scaevola, Cum in eam ipsam mentionem incidisset, ex
posuit nobis sermonem Laeli de amicitia habitum ab illo secum et Cum altero genero C. Fannio Marci filio, pavicis diebus post mortem Africani. Eius disputationis
sententias memoriae mandavi, quas hoc libro exposui arbitratu meo quasi enim ipsos induxi loquentis, ne inquam et inquit saepius interponeretur atque ut tamquam a praesentibus coram haberi sermo videretur. 4 Cum enim saepe mecum ageres, ut de amicitia scriberem aliquid digna mihi res cum omnium cognitione tum nostra familiaritate visa est itaque feci non invitus ut prodessem multis rogatu tuo. Sed ut in Catone maiore, qui est scriptus ad te de senectute, Catonem induxi senem disputantem, quia nulla videbatur aptior persona quae de illa aetate loqueretur, quam eius, qui et diutissime senex fuisset et in ipsa senectute praeter ceteros floruisset Sic, cum Ccepissemus a patribu maxime
memorabilem C. Laeli et P. Scipionis familiaritatem
fuisse, idonea mihi Laeli persona visa est quae de amicitia ea ipsa dissereret, quae disputata ab eo meminisset Scaevola. Genus autem hoc sermonum positum in hominum veterum auctoritate et eorum illustrium plus nescio quo pacto videtur habere gravitatis. Itaque ipse mea legens sic assicior interdum, ut Catonem, nonyme, loqui existimem. Sed ut tum ad senem senex de senectute, si hoc libro ad amicum amicissimus scripside amicitia. Tum est Cato locutus, quo erat nemo fere senior temporibus illis, nemo prudentior nunc Laelius et sapiens, sic enim est habitus, et amicitiae gloria excellens de amicitia loquetur. Tu velim a me animum parumper avertaS, Laelium loqui ipsum putes C. Fan nius et .mucius ad socerum veniunt post mortem Asricani: ab his sermo oritur, respondet Laelius, cuiuS