장음표시 사용
3, 66 a Verg. Aen. , a cari et mi us iuriarimis tinus, and Homer Ιl. a 243 Is -ὲ ερι ros. For the gen norim emisatis cf. Tusc. 3 8 unum omnium maximum. The strengthenin forceos unus is also seen in the common phrases stupris unus, quilibet unus, unus aliquis, unus quisque See ennedy, Gram. 34, vi A , b ΜaffVig, 3IO, Obs a G. 3I7 Η. 44 3. - sed cle hoc alias se dicam ;in the est,riter Mias is always equivalent to alio se ore, neve toatio modo. a. cum saepe multa, tum etc. there is a change of construction anacoluthoni hic leaves in clause eum aere multa incomplete; something like eum dicere must e supplied As regard the ense use Wit memini, is the person Wh recalis an event Was a Witneas
escit, he may either a vividi picture to imself the event an ita attendant circumstances a that it hecomes reali presen to his mind'Meye for the moment, in hic caseine se the present infimitive, or b he ma simpi recal the fac that the event id ais place in past time, in hic cas the perfeci infinitive is used I hewas no a Witneas, he evidenti in conceive of the event ovi in thelalter of these two ways. As regatas a cf. Verg. Ecl. 9, 5 Ionos cantando uerum memini me condere soles With Georg. 4, a meminime Cor tum vidisse senem. See --, 37a A. 88, b G. 77 Rem. ;Η. 337, . - hemicyclio a large semicircular ench, no a partes the ousehol fumiture, ut place oulside in the Mounci, and used for conversations o lessons, he hape enabling the companyto se each ther' faces. 'o, at the uise of the discussion in the Academica I, Cic. says omnes in conspectu consedimus. admodum : qualisies muta, as in Tusc. 4, 6 uua fere sunt aut fauca admodum Latina .monumenea though Cic. nearly HWay say admodum pauci rather than pauci admodum cf. Tusc. 2 II; Top. 3; . D. 3, 69 Leg. 3, 32 Phil. 3, 36 and I4, 27. In 6, have grauum a mindum. In sense, ausmodum corresponds With our phrase to a degree'. Se n. o C. M. 46. - eum sermonem qui: - sermonem de ea re quae ..., like is timor timor eius rei common in Livn Soleto , 3 eam mentionem - eius rei mentionem. f. 88 illam admirationem, and n. Ο 38 ex hoc numero. - tum fere jus about that time ; ferenearly Hways modifiea the word whic immediatet precedes, an is
estencioined mit expression relatin to time, hen the time is notfixe Wit absolute exactne . So Cic. Rep. 2, 56 iacem fere aMnis; Pis. 3 uim fere ora Caes. B. G. 4, 3 I tertia fere in I a The Gree expression dis os σωσιν As ιπσι, s hic have a verba resemblance to the Latin phras ut i a dicam, but domo resemble it in meaning correspondiser closely to fere. - multis erat in ore:
Ci use both constructions esse in ore Iicui and esse in me alicuius.
- P. Sulpicio: Sulpicius as originalty on the fide of the ari tocra , ut ein plebeia tribune in in B. C. he hecam a too os Marius an proposed ome revolutionar lawa. His forme friendPompeius a consul an vigorouia opposed him. In a fight thesonii Pompeius a flain; afterWard Sulla entere the est With anum an Sulpicius as illed. -utehare multum bovisere much in the societ os ...'-trihimus: See A. 84 G. 324 H. 363, 3 a . - capitali odio: deadi hatred ' The fame phrase
cum in a fragm. o Cic. Baiter XIII. I, 2ὶ cf. HS Hor Sat. I, 7, IDira ea Mus. - quocum foras and 77, but in a quicum secum is commoni used When ome particular and specifie person is meant, as here an I S, quicum hen the statemen is generat and the person undefined a in a. The ΜSS. hoWever var so much M--- the two forins that it is osten dissiculto decide concerning them. - querella the spelling querella seems helter atteste than uerela. Mi Roby, 77, a.
a. eam . . . menti nem e Se n. Ο eum sermonem. The referen
is of course to the fac that Sulpicius hae turneo against his formeririend. his led Scaevola to the generat subjectis friendship. P. 2. - C. Fannio se Introd. C. is an abbreviation for GAIUM no CAIUs, the alter formis the nam havin Men absolutet uinknown to the Romans of the Republic and early Empire. It appears in an inscription Vol. III. o. II 78 of Μommsen's Corpus of thecim os aracalla. O the otheriand it is no uncommon to findrinmodern books the abbreviation writtent instead os C. e. r. in Ge lachla editioni Sallust throughout an occasionalty in . Euis CatulluS; So vhner, Gram. I, ecl. 2, p. in Q Meri Gaius' . ut the Roman always rotem no G. In very early times the Latinalphabet containe n lette G, and the letter C representeximo distinc Sounda the guttura tenuis and the guttura media Aster the introductionis G the Roman stili epi up the old fashionis initingC. for Gaius an Cn. for Gnaeus; so the wrotem for Caeso. See
cani se Introd. p. iv. - Sententias the opinion expresse in the discussion ' a. e. thei purpori, no the actual WordS. - exposui acturatu meo: have rendere a m own discretion'. iis very many the noun Whos Stems en in v arrieratus carcet apyears excepi in the ablative singular. The ther case of the Sing. re supplied by the correspondin cases of arbitrium, an even in the abi live arrieris is commone than arbitram. - quasi . . . loquentia: Ihave exhibite them a spe inii person, Ees may say so' Quasi moditas the too strong expression cf. 27, 35,6. O loquentis see A. 292, e G. 336 Η. 333, I. 4. A modern writer Would haroly have thought it necessar to indicate that the interlocutor cannot actuallyappea in person. -nes inquam' etc. this is directi an closelyimitate hom the introduction to lato' Theaetetus, P. I a a di logue Cic. imitates elseWhere, as in De Or. 3, 47 T c. I, 8. coram adver here, ascit is generali throughout the Republicanand Augusta Latin The repositionalisse occur in Wo passageses Cicero, is Ia mihi vero ipsi coram genero meo quae dicere ausus es, an Fam. 3, 6 A, I, an in one o tW of epos; ut Tacitus isthmont writer Who se the word freel as a preposition. . cum enim etc. the triple repetition o cum in his sentenceseem caretes an inelegant, but passage of the ori are notruncommon in Cic. - mecum ageres pleade&wit me ' so secum arereta 6 vere cum populo in 96. - acriherem aliquit so C. Μ. cum de senectute vestim Mi id scribere. - feci. . . ut prodessem : roundabout way o saying profui. The constr is a favorii one With Cic. cf. Vat. I immeus facio ut recorder es. . . a invidusfeci and n Cic. Ren gives as his reasoneso writing the destre to serve his countrymen So Acad. I, II; Div. a 3 Off. 2, 2. - Catone maiore Se Intr. to C. . p. ix. - qui est . . . senectute: hic I dedicated toyOu . . . Cf. C. Μ I; in I, 8 Div. 2, 3 Att. 8, Ia, Demetri Marnetis tabrum quem ad se misit de concordia. For the collocationis the Word cf. Tusc. 4, 6 eam rationem quae . . . maris also De r. 2 6Ilibri qui sunt fere inscripti de. - induxi ... persona both Worosare connecte Wit the stage . Inducere is literalty to bring ponthe board.' es. 39ὶ persona properi means a mask, hero type escharacter as e M. Se n. o C. M. 3 facimus admirantis alacies Lael. 03 Ioo, an for the generat sense of the passage Att. I, 9,Dj0jtjrso by IOO Ie
s haec eademica, ut scis, cum auulo Lumuo oriensio contuleram. Sane in personas non cadebant; ib. I 3, I 6, D ecce tuae iustae de Hammone. Memini visa est aptior Αντι eis ratio. - 1 queretur: Cic.
very frequently uses Ioqui but o dicere When the subjec is an
abstractinoun, as here persona practicalinia. o Fin a,4 consuetudo loquitur; ib. institutio hominis si loqueris r Acad. 2, Io comelusio loquitur. For the oo se n. on dissereret below.- floruisset a first sight this seem a reference to the physical and mentalpo em for hic Cato a famous in advince age. Cic. hoWever,does no usae orere in the sense of rimere; auch thereiore is pro
abi right in supposing the ordo refer to the generat oriolyprosperit os Cato, indicate in C. Μ. 8. O the subjunctive se A.
32 e G. 36 H. I7 - maxime memor ilem superlatives hom adjectives in bilis are rare. Ιn have amabilissimum pCato has stabilissimus, Columella miraritissimum, an mobilissimus is common these are at the instances hic appea untii post-Augu in times. Severa adjectives of thia class a Iaudabilis Hobabilis, Hius have comparatives, ut o superlatives, in pre-Classica orClassica Latin. - disputata it is no necessar to Suppi esse soaario ma 'his a case of the perfeci infinitive after meminisset. Disputare aliquid es n. on hoste means not to discus an opinion', but a put an opinion forwar in discussion ' andis to defend ormaintain it. -lisaereret: A. 32 f G. 633 M. F3 IL a. meminisset A. 3 a G. 63I M. 29, II. - genus hoc sermonum sermones huius generis; Cf. I suo de onere mortis;
93 quod onus amici. - positum L A a G. 669 m. 49 I. - hominum veterum me of the olde time'. - et eorum: introduce for ahe of emphasis. M. 293 Rem 2 Η. 43I, 2. nescio quo pacto: someho ' See A. 334, e G. 469, Rem 2;Η. 29, 3, 3 . - mea se scripta, as in Acad. I, 8 nihil magno
5. Senem senex at the time themato aior .a writte Atticus was 5 an Cic. a. ote the fondnes of Cic. a Mellis of ther Latins for bringing into juxtaphsition different cases of the fame
Word So De r. 2, 3Io rebus res an Lucr. I, 339 res rebus cf.
also elow, a iustitiam iustissimo. See A. 344, e G. 683 Η. 363.
referenc is made to ome particula Passage Roby II77, G. 385 Rem. H. 25, 2 n. I. Wit hoc libro here es tam 3 in eo libro. - scripsi de amicitia it is no osten that Cic. leaves ut theobjectoster scribere; bove in liquid is added. Sometimes aqualiwing adver tines the place of the objectoas Att. 9, 3, 5 quod
scribis me asperius quam mei pauiantur mores de Dion is scripsi αHere in phras ad amicum amicissimus ostens the construction. Cf. ho ever Fam. 9, a 4. - Senior . . . eπcellen : intice the order of the phrases, Uiens corresponding Wit prudentior, an senior it amicitiae Horia excelZens an instance of hiasmus. - tu Velim ... Vertas on velim se A. II b G. 25o Η. 48 I. n. I. When Cic. uses the subjunctive constructio after volo henearly tWay leaves ut ut a here. A. 33I, in Rem G. 46, Rem 3 H. 499, a The subjectis the dependent verb, ii expressed, alWays recedes the word velim, velum, malim and the like, as in
the present passage es viso Tusc. 5, o nos vellem fraemio elicere so emus, an Fam. 3, 3, 2. - Laelium . . . putes the omissiono a conjunction to connect two clauses is particulari common in Cic. When imo clauses are contrasteo as here an below, ab his sermo oritur, refrondet Laelius y cf. 49 69 13, 9, a M.
P. 3. - disputatio : here not discussioni but meret discourae';
For summar See Introd. P. X. s. sunt ista: What ou a is rue' sunt ista εροι ταυτα and sunt ista vera re almos equivalent expressions. The phrases euo granted' an verum eri are frequently interchanged a in Cic. Flacc. I, 72, 3. - existimare . . . existimant the repetition
- modo: a litum hil since' the expression is ome ha loose since Cato die in IV . . cf. the se of nuper in I, 24. Cf. n. nC. . 27. -- L. Acilium suppose to e the person mentioned Mi Leg. 2, 3 as a commentator o the XII tables, and probablya contemporar o Cato. B some heris thought to e the personnamedi Liv. 4 II, I a coniniander of the les .ing of the Romanam a the batile of Aebura in I 8 B. C. 'ome ea in ur passage L. Atilius, a nam a ut hic nothincis known. - uterque u. sapiens a euasus est o Aa is hoc ramen sapientis. - ali quodammodo 'in a someWhat different Way ' suppi in though Mque M. Cf. 5 aliud quoddam 7 and 7 MDiu iam modo. Quidam likequaui inra is esten se to indicate that the wor to hic it is ablached does no actuali represent the writer' meming. In thesa Sages quoted above quodam, quo am etc. indicate that His, aliud eiciare to stron for Cicero' meming. O the ther hand in a9, 3, 73, 3 the paris o quidam sedishow that Cicero cannotin te sStrong nough, and that the arma sed are ni make-shuis Theindefinite τὶ is sed in the fame two Ways in Greeh. - Prudens in iure Seyffert righil minis ut that Cic. oes notos prudens it a genitive. The phras iuris rudens for iuris seruus o commuin is no Latin though iuris prudentia occurs, a in De r. I, assi and though jurisconsulis are sised 'uaeenses Cic. has imprudens it gen in De Inv a 95 also 'ruiuens ad in pro Font. 43 and prudentia osten oth Wit gen and wit in an abl. Seemoliano,
Iurisprudence, age , it notes an references. - multarum rerum unum manifol experience'. Liv. 3 says of him nulta ars neque 'marae neque publicae rei gerendae ei defui . multa eius . . . ferehantur: many instances here both in the senate an in the forum he displayed eithe wis fores hi, o fim conduci. or Me Ges in reply, werein very longues'. he hie referencei responsa icto Cato' fame a clamyer Accordin to id Romancusto he sat at home in the early moming on pu os to resolveth legat difficulties of at who chos to consul him. his a technicali calle ius respondere. - quasi A almost'; f. n. On 3. iam: i. e. even efore his death. - sapientia: the Latin salo nomen iustitiae, vox fortitudinis appellatio rudentis etc. Where e se appositionis the nam justice', the wor courage', the ille hil- fui . . I 4, f; G. 359 H. 396, VI. Cf. 9 nomen amicitiae, and forthe sense C. M. 5 sapientiam ... eo nomine I mole that the fame terni
eoaenomen is applied to the in rite thir nam Caro an to the oquire nam sapiens. In late Latin agnomen a applied to thelarier o mar the distinction. F. te. . . esse sapientem this clause Was intende to dependisnexistimant below, butiwin to the great tengi of the sentence Cic.
made a pause a iudicarum, an repeate the gis of the sentencedo. to that oint in the wores anc ... sa emtiam, hic dependo existimant. he sentenc is an example sonacoluthon. non esum ... doctrina here natura denotes the intellectual endo ments Wit Whic a man is orn, an mores his natura character; cf. 7. Mutatam o devotion to the purauit os learning dependa on mores, doctrina or attainmen on his combined Wit natura Thelmo orda natura an mores together compris the natura enclo menta os a man whil uuaetam an doctrina indicate his acquirmmenta. f. Acad. I, o Arch. 5. Studio et doctrina by devotionan culture' notis case of hendia f. f. n. o C. Μ. I is emem et inrtibus: De r. I, 2; Arch. 3. - reliqua: his ore is proleptici anticipative, since iis senseris no suu see fili, comet Athenis hic completes the contrast So eurus is osten sed, and orarόs, ε os in Greeh. - septem the even', sapientes in understood, asci 59. So XII alone osten Manes for II tabulae Leg. 2, 59, ωὶ an Asinius Pollio has in Cic. Fam Io 32, a
XIV for XIV ordines. - vhtiliuas Wit more than sua accu- racy' Subtilis is osten the exactisquivalent of the Gree διωριβεs. - non hahent Cic. in off. 3, 6 dentes the ille sapiens ot onlyto the even, but o. Cato an to Laelius himself. - unum: phatic: in ovis', i. e. Socrates. Cic. early tWay leaves the Englis 'inly unexpressed, but occasionali he se modo, and oncesAcad. 2, 74 tantum. - et eum quidem these ord ad emphasis o sapientissimum cf. et eorum an n. - Apollinis ... iudicatum Socrates in Plato' Apology, p. 2 A meret say that the oracle declare that no one Was Wiser than himself μηδένα σοφώτερον εἶναιθ. The person ho ut the inquir to the oracle, Chaerephon, a pupilla Socrates, was dea when the tria too place, buthis rother ore evidence to the facts Xenophon in his Apolom, i si it be his mahes Socrates speis more definitet a ut theoracle - εινεῖλεν ὁ Απόλλων μηδένα εἶναι ἁνθρώπων μου μέντε λευθεριμερον μήτε δικαιότερον μήτε σωφρονέστερον. In another par es
ha been erioine on tam by the Delphia go καὶ ἐκ --σίων καὶ et ἐνυπνίων. The Scholiastis Aristophanes' Νubes II oves there
the actuat orcis of the a Wer o Chaerephon σοφὲ Σοφοκλῆs, σοφώτερο δ' Εὐρισίδηs, δρῶ ν ἀπάμων Σωκράτη σοφ ems. Thelarier of the two lines is also preserve by Diogenes Laertius , 5, 37 Cic. speata in four ther passage of the oracle, viz. Lael. Ioand 3 Cat. Μ. 78 Academ I, 6. - Omnia ... esse : the Stoicdoctrine is here inte at that virtueris the ont thinideseruing thenam o good, and that he happines of the trul Wis mancis arusolutet unaffecte by externa circumstances. eople were curiousto se .hether Laelius Would try to any ut his philosophy, andio appea caretes a ut the deat of his friend. f. n. on C. Μ. 4 qui ... ,-- virtute inferi res: of les importance than vi tue his se precedin n. is no stron enough to expres the Stoic doctrine. - credo P meret parenthetic, and without instinenc on the construction he ver to e supplied for his clause
cam to e sed in exacti the fame se eo quonam modo CL nescio quo pacto it 89 nescio quo modo. - eoque magis: M.
quaerunt The sentence rom uocon ard is explanator es eo, .hichris the ablative os exces dependentis maris. - proximia: the last'. Proximus is used both of the future and of the past. Ο casionali a Wor is inserte to define the meanin more early as Fam. I, 9, 2 froximis superioribus D s Tac. A. I, 7 proximo priore anno, an also hen roximus is se of space, as Cic. ratiat fraximum superiorem Mem p D. 2, 33 proximum inferiorem orbem. - Bruti D. Iunius Brutus, sumame Gallaecus hominis conques of the Gallaeci, consul in I 38 B. me appears .as auguroni in ur passage. - commentandi cauaa it a vie topractice', i. e. in the augura art. Commensuri is properi to con e a leSSOn', μελεταν For the custo es Cic. Div. I, o dis nant Mari qui conmerantur in fano commensandi causa aquae inserue Hoquendi, quod etiam idem vos quondam aere Nonis solebatis Aathe augur require for thei practice an Pen pace hence Mycould get an uninterrupte viemes the sis the usuali me in omegentieman s par Aorti oulside the ity cf. N. D. 2, II. - qui ... solitus esses though ou ad Men accustomed this
use of the subj wit qui, to expres an idea contrastin Wlth, or Pposed to that of the precedin claus o sentence, es Brut. 27 his, qui in commo sacer eum esset, iudicio fullico est condemnatus. f.
B. C. Laeli the additio of the fraenomen, no usual in familiarconversation, give formalit to the adorem: cf. m. animum adverti animum adversere an animadvertere es. 7 differ veryllule in se an notis ali in sense. Animum advertere is sal tobe necessar When the constructio ad Miquid sto turn the min toaomething folloWS. - cum . . . amicissimi the matural orderwould have been viri cum summi tum amicissimi. A Wor ho everwhich like viri here stanos in the fame relation to arta in other orcis o phrases, is osten place thus et een the wo. The oldgrammarians calle this sage coniunctio es. Cornificius Admeremnium 4, 38 coniunctio est cum inur Suione verbi et superiores omninonis paries comprehendum, et inferiores, hoc modo Formae dignisas aut morbo de rescit aut vetussau. G. Ma Η. 564 I. II. --- moderat :the Stoics, whom Laelius follo ed declare ali motion victous, and thereiore noto be enteriaine by the philosophe eitheroo a moderate oro an immoderate extent; See Tusc. Book , particularly nihil inserest uerum moderatas perturba tiones a robem an moae rasam iniustitiam, modera amoenariam, Merasam imum rantiam. - nec . . . tuae and that to e so id di not accord with our culture spirit'. Humanitas corresponda in sense almos exactly Wit ou culture , i. e. education hen accompanie by iis est fruits gentienes an refinement. P. 4. - quo etc. A. 333, a M. 23. Rem a M. 34o IV. collegio: i. e. o augurs. - valetudinem moto be translated
tion rom the context cf. a. - maestitiam: this is the right
spelling, o moestitiam ς So maestus O moratus, maereo not moereo.- recte. . . et Vere c. respondeas. - ossicio P corresponds to
es. Lael. 64 conaminem, sarium. Co saneta sesten o le .ith gramisas, flaias and the like forme an important par of the hadiacter of the idea Roman Cic. complains Flacci m nullam omstantiam in Graecis hominibus esse. - contingere here distinctly use of ad fortune, though the old traditiones distinctio Miseeneon rere o the ne han and accidere, menire o the other required the wor tote sed of good fortune oesy See n. o C. Μ. 8. s. tribui i. e. y peopte in generat. - agnosco se mihi tri-
facis amices a polite expressionis thanta like bene Dei in Acad. I, 25. - ut Videria for the persona constructio taking the placeo the impersona ut videtur, cf. Att. I8, a consiliis, ut in emur, bonis utimur. The sage is some tat uncommon. - nemo the Stoic attache suc superhuman excellencies to thei σ-ό Ο -- siens that oubis ere osten expressed, ther suc a person evereriste in the fiesh Cf. I an Tusc. , I in quo vero erit serfecta sapientia, quem huc nos quidem vidimus neminem. - si quisquam: like the parenthesis commoni used in Greeh, σι aevi τι a os in Latin ometimes si quisquam alius as in Brut. 26. - fui: cf. C. . I and 84. e a fraetor designarus hen e sed an had serve Wit distinctio against Perseus, unde L. Aemilius Paulus, hos daughter he had married C. Μ i5ὶ the formis the gen. See A. G. 29, Rem I Η. I, 5 - memineram Paulum, Heleram Gallum re morum sinorum ferre. Where memini icthus user it the accus es a person there is an ellipsis of an infinitive; Cf. De r. 3, 33 meminerant tui Sextum Aelium μ' vero Mani. Iium nos etiam vidimus. Paulus Macedonicus tost mo sons, ne immediatet hefore, the ther inunediatet after his great triumphin 6 B. C. f. Fam 4 6 I L. Raurus duos septem diebus se sinos amisiti C. . Misit n. C. Sulpicius Gallus serve a tribunus
militum unde Paulus, and was consul Is B. C. He a famous asan astronomer, and was the rs Roman who predicte an eclipses LiV 44, 37 . - sed hi se mortem suorum, or ather Mem casum iugerunt. - in pueris cliteralty in the case of Trans. but thei sons ere Mys, hile Cato's was, etc. . - Perfecis: this seems here meret to meam adult in opposition to pueris.1 RVe... ne ... quidem Cic. here reat cinis as a negatio
verb. e frequently follo sis negative ores Wit negative, Where in Englis .e hould use affirmative expressiona thus ne ...eiadem