Commentaries on the Epistle of Paul the apostle to the Romans

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분량: 608페이지


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23. For ali ave inned, and 23. Omne enim peceaVerunt, et

come hortis the glor o God destituuntur gloria Dei; 24. 0ing justifie Deely b his q. Justificati gratis ipsius gratia graee, through the redemption that per redemptionem quae est in Christo is in Christ Jesus; Iesu: 25. Whom God ath se sorti to 25. Quem proposuit Deus propi-be a propitiation through faith in his tiatorium per fidem in sanguine

bl od, o declaro his righteousnes ipsius, in demonstrationem justitiae for the remission of ins that are past, suae, propter remissionem delictOthrough the orbeara nee O God rum, 26. o declare, I say, at this time 26. Quae prius extiterunt in to- his righteousness that he might be erantia Dei ad demonstrationem just, and the justi se of him hicli justitiae suae, in hoc tempore ut sit belleveth in Jesus ipse justus et justificans eum qui esto fide IeSu.

Εἰς πανσας και ἔπι παντας. e malles a simila dissereno in his sexpressioris in verse 30 This righteOUSIaeSs as Ome SV, eam to the JeWS, s


certain there is O righteousnes Where there is in untii


mordy sor Christ comes to the aid of this misery, and communicatos himself to bellovers, so that tho sin in imalon ali hos things in hiel, the are anting. There is,perhapS, O passage in the holo Scripturo hiel, illustrates in amor strihin manne the efficae of his righteousnes ;sor it ho ius that God' mercycis the officient cause, that Christ illi his l0od is tho meritorious auso that the formal or instrumsentat causo is aith in the word, and that, more0vor the final cause is the lor of th divino justico

demption is, and what is iis laudi, whiel icto reconcito usi God foris calis Christis propitiation, or is, prefer an allusion to an ancient typo, a propitiatory ut What hemean is that, are nolitherwiso justathan through Christpropitiatin the ather D us. ut it is necessa uario


Stephanus de Brais o this Epistie, an Professor Stuari, have long re- martis. The both agre as to the mea ning of the or as found in the Septuagint an in Gree authors, ut the disagre agno iis importaero. I means uniformi in th Septuagint, the mercy-Seat, I , and a itis in tho formis an a petive, it has a leaSt Once, EX XXV. 17, 'μα, coner, adde to it But in the lassic it means a propitiator sacrifico, the ord/μα , a sacrifice, ein understood; ut it is sed by itsol asother ord of simila termination are. It is mund also in Iosephus and in Maccabee in his ense. It appears that Origen Theodoret, an other Fathers, an also Erasmus, Luther, and Loc ρ, tali the rs meaning meroy seat; and that Grotius, Elane , Turrettin, Bos, an Tholuch, talioth seeon mea ning α propitiauor sacrisce No a both mea ningsare legitimate, hiel, of them are eri talies Venem and Stuari alludet one thing hieli much favour the lalter ieW that is, the phraso σω αἶμοι- αὐσου and the alter Anys that it Ouidae incongruous o representChristaim sol a the mercy-seat, and O represent hi minis as prinkled

by his own loοὐ but that it is appropriate to a that a propitiato

with tho artiele in the Septuagint, hen fit self, e Lev. vi 2, 13-15; but hero it is illi ut the article, and ma be vieWedis an adjective dependent on , ,hom,' an rendere propitiator. ad the mercy-seat

been intended, it ould have been 6 ἱλαστηριον. Ed.


whieli has oxtinguishod th light f his imago. Whon ho

1 propitiation through αit in his lood, c. I profor

The Ord are, δια τὴν παρε . They seem connected 110t With therarsi clause, ut With the ne immediately precedin and δια may be renderedhere in se a note On h. i. 26 more propertae perhapS, O account For a proo of his Wn righteousness in passin by the ins,V α, Mao night orde to declare his ustificatio luith respect to the remissionis ins,' Stuari. What is God's righte usness V here has been vari usi explained. Some rogard it his righteousnses in fulsilin his promises, as Beza; thers, his righteousnes in Christrio bellevers, mentioned in ch. i. 17 as Augustines an Others, his righteousnes a the odis rectitudo and justice, as Chrysostom. Some, to , as rotius, Vie it a meaning goodnes Ormercy, regardin the ord as having Ometimes this ense. It is the contexi that an helmus to the right meaning God exhibited his Son asin propitiation to et forti this righte usness and this right- eousnescis connecte vitii in remissionis ruather, as the or means, in preterition fir connivance at sin committed unde the id dispensation and thos sins ere connive at through the sorbearance of God he


not executingulis punishment the deserve&; and thesi pose is stated obe, that God might be or appearbust, hile hecis the justifier of thos Whobeliove in Christ. VoW, What an his righteousnes beaut his administrative justide os thecia alloWe no remission, and God did remit sins, there appeared. t be a stat o divine justice. The exhibitionis Christa an atonemen is liat alone removescit. An there is a Wor in tho forme verse a Venem justi observes, hicli tendito confirm this vi eW, and that vor is redemption α πολυτμιπις, hicli is a deliverane obtained by a ranSOm, Ora a price, uel as justice requires.

Bothio rido an Scot regar the passage in this light and tholaiter gives the folloWin version Dit, Whom Godiathiolare appotnted tot a propitiation through aith in his lood, or a demonstratio of his ustice, on account of the passin by of ins that ad been committe in forme times, through the orbearanceis God sv sor a demonstrationis his justice, in his present time, in ordo that he might be usi, and the justister of him that bolleveth in Jesus. V Nothin cani clearer


26 Pori demonstration, cte. Ili repotitionis his clause

There is a disserent reposition sed here, styς, hilo εἰ is found in

the precedin Verge. The meaning seem toto tho amen or both preposition are sed to designat the design end o objec o any thing. This variety seems to have been usual With the Apostle simila instancesar Dund in ver. 22, as O D and si, an in ver. 30, a tora an δια. t both, says Wolfus, the final auso eausa natis is indica ted. VBez render them both by the sam preposition ad in Latin an Stuαrtregard the tW as equivalent. There is perhaps, more refinement thau truth in hat Pareus ars, that D intimates the proximat end-the


Dr, in imitatio of the Propheis, here Wo hings are mentione in

forme clause, the orde is reversed in the second. -Ed.

A parallel passage t this, includin the wo verses, 25 and 26, is Dund in Heb. ix. 5 here a reference, as here, is made to the effect os Christ' deathlas to the aint unde the old Testament. The fame truthis implied in ther paris of Scripture, ut notis expressi declared.


CΗΑΡ. III. 27. ΡISTLE T THE ROMANS. 4727. Whor is boastin thei It 27. Ubi ergo gloriatio Θ exclusa is exeluded B What laW of Wotas est. Per quam legem operum ΘΝ : ut by the lamos aith. Nequaquam; sed per legem fidei. 28. heresore e conclude that a 28. Constituimus ergo, fide justiman is justified by salti Without the cari hominem sine operibus Legis. doed of the laW.


confession O Want.