장음표시 사용
in opposition to human judgment, he rostra in us rom urown opinio S, and at the samo time specifies the duo mensure
q. Forias' have many member g. Quemadmodum enim in uno in ne Ody, and ali members have corpore membra multa habemus,not the fame ossice membra Vero omnia non eandem habent actionem; 5. O e, ein maΠy, are ne 5. Sic multi uniam Sumus corpus bod in Christ, an every one mem in Christo membra mutuo alterber One nanother alterius.
6. Havin thenains, dissering ae 6. Habentes autem dona secundum cordiri to the grae that salven to gratiam nobis datam differsentia; uS, Whether prophecy letus prophes SiVe prophetiam, Secundum analo ae ordinito th proportioni faith iam id0i; 7. O ministry, et tis ait onmur . Sive ministerium, in ministerio; ministering orine that teacheth, o sive qui docet, in doctrina:
458 COMMENTARIES O THE CHAΡ. XII. 4. 8 he that exhorteth, on ex 8. Sive qui Xhortatur, in exhor hortation he that iveth, et him do talioneu sive qui largitur, in simpli-it illi simpliciun e that uleth, itate; sive qui praeest, in studio; with diligoneo, he that 4hρWeth sive qui miseretur, in hilaritate.
he prove ho necessary it is orisaelicio consider has issultabis to his Own nature capaci ty, and vocation. Butthough this similitudo has various paris, it isset to b chi flythus applied to ur pressent subjeci,-that a the memberso th sani bod hau distinc offices, and ali of them aredistinet, or no member possesses ali 0WerS, nor oes it
The Apostle urgues this likenes of the human Ody much more atlarge in 1 Cor. ii 12 31. There a re tW bondsi union one, hieli is betaeeen the belleve an Christ by true suilli and the ther, hieli is belween the individua member of a chureliis a congregation and the reStof the membersa a professo faith. It is the niter that is andio bytho postle both here and in the Episti to the Corinthians. Ed.
The ollipsis to se suppli0d here is commoni done a in Ur Version, adopte Dor Bezα. The supplement proposed by Pare iis perhap more in unison illi the passage 'e repent after prophecy the ord in verse , changing the person, letis thinii Soberly,V or letrus e mota
It is omeWhat dimouit exacti to aseertain ha this prophecyVWas. The Ord prophet, II, means evidently tW things in the old Testament an also in the eN- foretelle an arieaeher, Oranther an interpreter of the wOrd. Prophec in the e Testament sonaetimes Sig-Dises predietion, it primar meaning, eis ii 27 Pet. i. P Rev. i. 3 ut mos commonly, ascit is generalty thought the interpretation os prophecy that is, O prophecies contained in the old Testament, an forthis or there ero ome in the primitive Church, ascit is Supposed, hoWere inspired, and thus peculiari quali sed It is probatile that this hindo prophec is Uliat is meant here Se 1 Cor. xii. I 0 xiii . 2 8 iv. 3. 6, 22 1 ThesS. V. 20. That it Was a distinet function from that os apostles, evangeli Sis, paStors,
recommen d found ediscation, ad cord in to this impori,
th forme clauses e have olearly Seen that he tenelles us
i Crities have Dunxit istieulino distinguisti et vest theseimces The
But hat are e to thinu of thos mentione in the followin clauses 3 Suar thiniis that the were o publie meers, ut privato individuals, and he has susta in sed his opinion by some ery cogent ea sons. The formo the sentene is here changeli and theraposito, hau in mentione thedea consilip cannotae supposed to have referre to the fame again. The word that seem to stand in the way of this te is halcis commoni ren
presido in dispensin tho public charities of tho Church;
lavour conferred by them. Or a noth in givos more Solaceto the sichis to any one therwis distressed than to Aeemen cheerfui an prompt in assistin them to observesadnes in the countonance of thos by Whom assistanc is
corrector O morast S. s. et loveae illi ut dissimula 9. Dilectio sit non simulatari sitistion. blior that hieli is evit, aversantes malum, adherentes bono; leave to that Whicli is good. 10. e Lindi affectione on to 10. Fraterna charitate ad vos mu- anothe withirotheri love in hou tu amandos propensi, alii alios ho-
Our preferring one another; ore praevenienteS;
II. Not fiothful in business fer 11. Studio non pigri spiritu se vent in spirit servin the Lord; Ventes, tempori SerVientes :12. Bloicin in hoperi patient in 12. Spe gaudientes, in tribulatione tribulation continuin instant in patientes in Oratione perSeverantes; praJer; 13. Distributin to the necessit 13. Necessitatibus Sanctorum com- of sainis; give to hospitaliu municantes,hospitalitatem Sectantes
SO Erasmus et τιμ αλληλους προηγουμενοι - honore alii aliis prs untes
datos himselfi est to tho timo, and avails himsol of the opportunit os acti vel reno in his oursu, is se ho derives hi j0 from tho ope of futuro is , an patiently bears
Thesbalance of evidelice, accordin t Griesbach is in savour os σωκαειρῶ, time,' though there is much, t , hieli munienances the therreading. Luther, Erasmus, and Hammon prefer the former, hilo Beza, Piscator, Pareus, an most of the moderns tho alter The ostscitable to the contextris the former. Ed