Commentaries on the Epistle of Paul the apostle to the Romans

발행: 1849년

분량: 608페이지


분류: 미분류


the frequently gather ne vigour That, may no thenbo daried the best remed is diligone in prayen 13 Communicatingeto the necessities, yc. He return to

We hunc seo that the more neglecte any one Ommonlyisa men the more attentive e ought to berio his anis.

There is here an instance of the depravationis the texti soni of thelathers, sueti as Ambrose, Hilam, Pelvius, Optatus, in Wh SubSti

tute μνείας, monuments for χρεδεους, necessities, O Wanis: ut though

there are a fescopies hich have his reading, et it has been discarded by most it is no found in the Vulgate, nor approve by Erasmiis OrGrotius. The or vas introduce evidently a Whit, intimates, toco tenance the superstitio of the early Church respecting the monu



14. Bles them hieli perseeut 14. Benedicite iis qui vos perse-Jou bleSs, an curse not. quuntur L isnedicite et ne malum imprecemini. 15. ieemith them that doue J5. Gaudete cum gaudentibus, joice, and Weep With them that weep. et cum fisentibus; 16 Be of the fame in one 16. utuo alii in alios sensu toWar another. in no high affecti, non arroganter de vobisthings, ut condescen to me of sentientes, sed humilibus vos accom-lo estate. Be Dot Wise in O tW modantes ne sitis apud vos ipsos

conceiis prudentes




tunos is inhumanity. et thereae Auch a sympath amongus a may at the fame time adaptis to allaind of Dolings.

employs Word in Groeli more significant, an more sui tablo

others, norit assume a tost appearance, but On the contra to exercise humilit an me eliness sor by thes Wo excel

mentioned than he we elevate urseives, an aspire tofomethinga igher, o that, may riserio a higher siluation. I talis tho tori humbi in the neuter gender, o completeth antithesis. Here theti is condemno ali ambition and that lationis mitin hieli insinuatos iis ut unde the nam os magnanimit for tho hie virtus os theriaith fulcis moderation or

Therargi clauso is omitted. The tox o Caluin is, mutuo alii in

io persons. associate V is perhaps the est rendering of συναπα γομενοι,


aside, hearithers, and regarii thoi counseis. Erasmus has Tendere φρονίμους, arrogantes-arrogant; ut the ronde

17. Recompense to no an evit 17. Nemini malum pro malo re- for evit. Provide things honest in pendentes, providentes bona oram the sight of ad men omnibus hominibus. IS. I it e possibie, as uel as 18. Si fieri potest, quantum est inliet in Fou live eaeeabb illi ali vobis, cum omnibus sominibus a men cem habentes; I9. Dearly beloved, venge no I9. Non OSmetipsos ulciScentes, yourSelves, but ather givo placerant dilecti; sed date locum irim scrip-wrathci forcit is ritisen, Vongeance tum est enim, ilii vindietam, et is mine I Will repay saith the Lord ego rependam, dicit Dominus.


many have been the advocates of this exposition Chrysostom, Theophylaci, Luther Bezα, Hammond Muchnight Stuari, e But there igno instance of the expression to give place,' havin this meaning. In the tW places here it occurs, it means to give Way, to ieid. Se Luhexiv. Eph. v. 27. Then to ive place to rath, is to iel to and patienti to endure the wrath f the an ho oes the rong. Someliave maintaine that the meantia is that the injure mancis to give placet his own rath, that is, allo it time to eool: ut his te comporis not illi the passage. The subject is that a Christian is notrio retaliate, O t retur Wrath for rath, butato endiare the wrathis his enemy, and to leave the matto in the and of God. Vith his sense the quotationaceord a much as illi that give by Caluin Νο a se havo alienthis teW, Basil, Ambrose Drusius, Mede, Dod i e Scott, c. -Ed.


20. There re is hine enem 20. Itaque si esurit inimicus tuus,hunger feedaim ci he thirst, ive pasce illum si sitit, potum da illi:

him Mink sor in so doin thou shal hoc enim faciens carbones ignis On-hea coal os fremn his head geres in caput ipsius. 21. Be notisvereome Devit, ut 21. Ne vinearis a malo, sed vinovercome evit With OOd. eas bono malum.


always mean udgments o punishment. The or indeed in certain connections as in Ps. viii. 13 exl. II, has this meaning but in Prov. XXV. 22, it cannot be alien in his sense, as ille precedin verse mos clearly proves There is no canoni interpretation more erroneous than to malle vord o phrases to bear the fame meaning in every place. -Ed.