Commentaries on the Epistle of Paul the apostle to the Romans

발행: 1849년

분량: 608페이지


분류: 미분류



1. et ver sociae subjeci unt 1. Omnis anima potestatibus su- the higher poWers. For there si pereminentibus subdita sit non poWer butis God the poWers that enim est potestas, nisi a Deo quaebe are ordaine O God. vero sunt poteStates a Deo sunt


2. hos evser heres re resisteth I. Itaque qui resistit potestati, the 0Wer, resisteth the ordinance of Dei ordinationi resistit; qui vero God and the that resist shali re restiterint judicium sibi accersent cetve to themselves damnation.


int this igh station, ut avo been placo thoro by tho

b subjecto magistratos is, beeauso the are constituted by God' ordination. For sincerit leases God thus to ο- veri tho orld, he who attem picto invert the orderit God, and thus t resis God himself, despises his power since to

Grotius qualifies this obediencea saying that it sh Udiso extendio Uliat is contrar to the illi God But it is remarkablo that osteni Scripture things are state broadi and Without an quali 0in terms, and et the have limiis, ascit is clear Domither portions This peculiarit is orthyis notiee. PONer is Dona Od the abuse of powerris DomWhat is evit in men. The Apostle throughout refers ni to power justly exerci sed Hesdoos not enter into the subjectis tyrann and oppression. And this is probabi tho reason Why he oes not se limit to the obediencerequired: e contemplatodio other than the proper an legitimate use


3. For reser are notis terror to 3. Prineipes enim non sunt ter-

good Wores, ut to the evil ili rori bonis operibus sed malis: vis thoi thsem moti te a raid of the ergo non timere potestatem Θ bene poser D that Whicli is good, and fac, et habebis laudem ab ea thou halt have rais of the same: 4. For hecis the minister o God 4. Dei enim minister est tibi in to the for good But i thou do bonum si vero quid mali feceris, that whichris evit, berusraid fora timen non enim frustra gladium

The Ords, fi Vindex in iram adversus eos qui male agunt,' can



harillyae translatex and the alter part is improperly put in the plurat.


5. Wherelare e must need bo . Itaque necesse est subjici, non subjeci, not Ont for rath, ut HS modo propter iram, sed etiam prop-

6. For, sor this cause pay ye tribute . Propterea enim tributa quoque also for the are God' ministers, solutis ministri enim Dei sunt, inattenditi continuallympo this ver hoc incumbentes thing. 7. Rendor heresere to at their 7. Redditae ergo omnibus quod dues tribute o hom tributo is debetur cui tributum, tributum;

ministri,' λειτουργοὶ administrators functionaries, the performers of public services, O public minister8, accordinito Machnight. Rulers Wore calle besore in verse 4 διακονοι ServantS deacons, ministers. The Same




481 OMMENTARIES O THE CHAP. XIII S. 8. Wemo an any thing, ut O S. Nemini quicquam debeatis, love One anothser for heriliat lovet nisi ut invicem diligatis; qui enitnanotho hath fulfissed the law. diligit alterum Logem implevit.

9. For this, hou haltio com 9. Illud enim, Non moechaberis, mi adultery, Thou haltiso kill Non oecides, o falsum testimo- Thou hali not steat, Thou shaltio nium dices, Non concupisces, et Sibea salse sitness, Thou haltiso quod est aliud praeceptum. in hoc Ser- covet; and f the rei an Other com mone comprehenditur, Diliges prori- mandinent, it libriest comprehend- mum Sicut teipsum.


commanded respectin obediene to magistrates, in hicli consist no mali portio of Ove.


Out os fleeri for no is our salva no expergiscamur nune enim propiortio neare than hen e belleved est salus nostra quam quum credi

oly the ortis of dari ness, and letrus opera tenebrarum, et induamus putis the armour of light. arma lucis. 13. et us Walli honestly as in I Sicut in die decenter ambu- the da ; nos in toti grandirunken lemus non comesSationibus neque ness, no in chambering and Manton ebrietatibus, neque cubilibus neque ness, no in tris and envyingu lasciviis, neque contentione neque aemulatione :14. ut pulset the Lord Jesus 14. Sed induamini Dominum Ie- Christ, an mali no provision Or sum Christum, et carnis curam ne tho flesti, to fulsi the lusis there agatis ad concupiscentiaS.