Commentaries on the Epistle of Paul the apostle to the Romans

발행: 1849년

분량: 608페이지


분류: 미분류


as in a parenthesis.

o ali iis blessings. Indoed in no other ense can What is said herem nightandia be appropriate Themight of heathen ignorance ait Christians had Hready passed, and the da of ospei light Was no approaching, but



arm0ur of igh represent good, and temperato, and holy

χρονος but καιρος, hicli means a st Occasioni a seasonable time. Formeare is now our Salvation, yc. his passag is in Various Ways perverte by interpreters. Man refer the


him. On his account e says also in another place that

we ut on Christ in baptism Gal. iii 27.

Μan have explaine the puttingin aere in a manner holi inconsistent With the passage, a though the pultin Oni Christ' right- eousnes Was intended. Gluin Leep t What aecord With the contexi, the pulting on o Christis to his hol image. Sanctification, and notjustification is the subjectis the passage. O ut on Christ then, is topu on his viriues an graces, o ut on ori endue With his spirit, toimitate his conduci and to op his example This is in addition to tho



but notato indulgo iis lusis. It is in his a that w0 hallus this orld With0ut abusing t.

1. Hi stat is ea in the faith I. Eum vero qui fide est imbecilla,

receive e but noto doubreui dis suscipite, non ad disceptationes quaes- putationS. tionum.

2. Formne belloveth that he ma I. Qui credit, vescatur quibusvisu eat at things: another, hyis,eali, qui autem infirmus est, olera edit. eateth herbs. 3. Letio hi that eateth despis 3. Qui edit, non contemnat eum him thaliateth not and letio hi qui abstinet; et qui abstinet, eum Whichiateth not udge him habeat non condemnet qui edit Dominus oth for God hath received him. enim illum suscepit. q. horari thou that judgest an g. Tu quis es qui judicas alienum other man's servant totis Ummas servum y proprio Domino stat vel ter e standothis falleth ea, he cadit. Stabit vero potens est enim shali 0 hoiden up for God is able Deus efficere ut Stet. t malae him stanti.



tence, a the ord hiuli is necessar to complete the senseis anting. It apponi S lio ever, evident, that he meant

Non ad disceptationes quoestionum, μ εις ιακρίσεις διαλογιωριων non

ad altercationes diseeptationum nos for the altercations of disputings V ordebatings, Bezας not o debates ab ut alter in doubi, modisi e : mo in orde to the trises of disputations,' Mach, ght. Both Word arei the plura number theresereri give the irs the 0nse of judging,Vasio e does, annotae right for in that caserit, uid have been in thosingula number. The ord may be rendered, tot for tho solutions ofd ubis.' ne of the meaning of therarsi ord aecordinito Hesychius, is σιάλυσις-Untying, Oosening dissolvini; and for the alter, se Luke xxiv. 38, and 1 Tim. i. 8. Accordin to the frequent importis the preposition li, the sentence a be thus paraphrased. Mim horis eat in theriaith receive, ut o that e ma solve his doubis,' or, debat his reasonings,' or, contend in disputations.' Ed.


thstanding,Vae says, the authorit veste by Christ in his Apostles, sin thoi infallibilit in deliverin his doctrine to an init disserendes of

opinion prevalle even amon rea Christians o di St. Paul, by an expres decision and Ommand attempto put a final termination tothsem. propositio indeed may be certa in and important truth set aman anno profitabi receive it Without due preparation o min and heari; so that a compelle assent to an doctrine, o conformit to any outward observanees, Without conviction, Ouid in generat be hypocrisy, and entirpi unavailing. So essentiat are the right an existendem pri vate judgment, in ali possibi cases, to the Xereis O true religion and s useles an encumbranee ould an infallibi judge se, o decidin controversies, and produeing unanimit amon Christians V Thicis true, ut the passage here seem noto require Such a construetion Both Sentences are declarative, announcin a fac respectingtW parties the ne belleVed he might eat verything the other did satoni herbs. The relative λ, heia repeated osten means ine,' as in ver. 5, and in 1 Cor. i. 21 and the article o stand here for that repetition;

an example of Whieli Naphelius adduces froni the Gree classies. Somo hin that this abstinenco rom meat was no peculiar to the Jews; ut that s me Gentile als lia seruples on the subjeet. It is triae that heathens, ho held the transmigrationi solvis, id notisat flesti butit is no lihel stat abstinence, arising Dom sucti an absurd notion, ould


The last claus is by Hal ne confine to the strong, andae objecis to this extensionis it an certaini the followin verse is in favour of his


5. One an steemeth ne da 5. Hi quidem diem prae dieabove another another esteemeth aestimat ille autem perseque aestimat


496 COMMENTARIES O ΤΗΕ CHA P. XIV. 5. Overy da althe.' Lot every manae Omnem diem. Unusquisque sen- fuit persuaded in his own ind. tentiae Hae certus sit. 6. me that regardeth the day, 6. Qui curat diem, Domino curat; rogardeth i unt the Lory an he qui non curat diem, Domino non that rogardeth no the day, to the curat Qui vescitur, Domino ves-Lord ho doth no regar it He citur, gratias enim agit De et qui that eateth pateth to the Lord, for abstinet, Domino abstinet, et gratias h givoth God thantis andae that agit Deo. eateth not to the Lor he eatethnoi, and giveth God thantis.

Unusquisque sententiae suae certus sit; ' Δαστος , ιδίω νοὶ πληροφορεία unusquisque in animo Suo plene certus Sto let very one