Commentaries on the Epistle of Paul the apostle to the Romans

발행: 1849년

분량: 608페이지


분류: 미분류


It has been suggeste as a question by ome, hether the ChristianSabbath is inelude heres The ver subject in han proves that it is not. The subject discussed is the observance of ewis duys as in Gal. iv. 10, and Col. i. 16, and uot What belongesto Christians in common. Ed.


self, and n man dieth to himself. vivit, et nemo sibi moritur. S. O Whether e live, e live . Sive enim vivimus, Domino uni the Lord; and Whether e die, vivimus; sive morimur, Domino O-we die uni the Lord Whether, rimur sive vivimus SiVe morimur, live there re οὐ die, e re the Domini Sumus.

9. ordo this end Christ both died, 9. In hoc enim et mortuus Stan rose, an revived, that he might Christus, et resurrexit, et revixit, ut be Lordioth of the dead and living. vivis dominetur et mortuiS.

The ordS, και ανεστη, are dismissed by Griesbach a spurious, andae substitutes ἔζησεν forsen σεν. The differene in meanin is nonen ni it comporis Mith the style of the Apostle to ad Nord of simila impori forthe ahe of greater emphasis, a the case Often is in the Propheis. Ed.


brothor Θ or hy dos thou se at tuum aut etiam tu, quid contem-nought thy brotheri sor e hali ni fratrem tuum Θ Omnes enim SiSal stand e re the judgment-seat temur ad tribunal Christi:

11. For it is ritien, A I live, IJ Scriptum est enim ViVO ego, salth the Lord, every knee hallio dicit Dominus, mihi fleetetur omneto me, and ver longue hali On genu, et omnis lingua confitebitur sescio God Deo. 2. O thenisve in Osis hali 12. Unusquisque igitur de se ratio-give account of himself t God nem reddet Deo. 13. Letis not therefore judge orae I3. Quare ne amplius judicemus


CΗΑP. XIV. l. EPISTLE O HE ROMANS. 50 Ianother an morae: ut judge his alius alium : sed hoc judicate potius,

rather, that O an ut a tum ne lapsus occasio detur fratri aut btingbloch, or an occasion O sali, in offendiculum. his brother'S V.

The ordo se hali ali stand,V α, a b rendered, Me mustali stand V c. I is indeed the futuro tense, ut his is aecordin toWhat is os te the eas in ebreW for in that angvage the future has frequently this meaning The 12th verse a b rendere in the fame manner, then every one onus must give account of himself to God. V



The two Ords π κομμα an σκανδαλον, mean early the fame thing,


50 COMMENTARIES ON THE ΗΑΡ. XIV. 4. 14. IanoW, and am persuaded by g. Novi et persuasus sum in the Lord Jesus, that there is nothin Domino Iesu, nihil commune per Seunclean o itself buto hi that esse nisi qui existimat aliquid esse estpemeth any thin t be unclean, commune ei commune eSt. to him it is unclean. 15. ut i thyirotherae grieve 15. Verum si propter cibum fra-With tis meat, no Walhest thoumo ter tuus contristatur, jam non Secharitably. Destro no him illi cundum charitatem ambulas; ne ciboth mea sor hom Christ med. tuo illum perdas, pro quo ChriStus

16. et O then our good e 16. Ne vestrum igitur bonum ho-evi spolienis minum maledicentis sit obnoxium :17. For the ingdomo God is 17. Non enim est regnum Dei not meat and drinh; ut righteous esca et potus sed justitia, et pax, et ness, and peace, and o in themoly gaudium in Spiritu sancto. GhoSt.1 S. For e that in thos thing 18. Qui enim servit per haec serveth Christ is aeceptablerio God Christo, acceptus est Deo, et proba- and approvexo men tus hominibus.


ment, that thos for lio Chris di edia peristi forisver. It is Deither Wis nor justo dra a conclusion filiis Lind sor it is ne that is negatived by many positive declarations of Scripture Man' inference When contrar to God's Word, cannotae right. Besides the Apostle' object in this passage is learly this, to exhibit the in of thoseolio disre arded the good of thei brother, an to ho What that in Was cale latest do, Withou saying that it actuali essected that evit. Some have ver un-Wisset attomplexio obviat the inserene a bove mentioned by Suggesting, that the destruetio meant a that os comfori an edification. ut nod ubi the Apostle meant the ruin f the out lieneo the urgene of his exhortation, Do no ac in Such a Way as tendit endange the salat ofa oui lar lio Christ has hed his blOod V or Destro not,' that is, assar a Myo ean o so Apostle an minister are ni to fave' men; somerare exhorted here notrio se destroγ' them. Nei ther of these essecisca folio K excepi in the rst instanee, O granis his biossing and in thesecondiis permission and his permission scio his eopte e vili nevergrant, as he has expressi tot dis Se JOhn X. 27-29. Ed.