Vindiciiœ Priestleianœ: an address to the students of Oxford and Cambridge; occasioned by a ...

발행: 1788년

분량: 730페이지


분류: 미분류


fixed creed. Iam

dati more anae more.


as an other of great moment.

srom the commoni received opinion con- , cerning


cerning the plenar inspiratio of the sacred riters ando consequence maintaining that inali things written by them, therare nodalthe infallible, the president of agdalen pares no to insinuate, that his may lea atlast to ny the resurrectionis Christ,

and O course renounc christianii and thethe bible. ay, b his way of mention- in an advocate of atheism, hom r. Priestie had confuted he drops a grave hin sor ova tali up ascisci might endthere himselfAnd this is, ithout reserve thrown ut against the man whomao ma no hesitate to calline of the most able defender of the be n o a God, and of the truth of the divine revelation contained in the hebre and christian scriptures that the worideve se . his, impartia posterit win confessi, howeve seme o gainsay, and


o retaoning to setile ou belles of the existence of ne fir cause of at things,

the sole omnipotent creator an parent of the universe, and ais mur deuout assections toward him, and ais to confirm.

you faith in Jesus Christ, and increast yourthanksuinest so that discover of the divine ineffable goodnest, an designs for ourevertasting happiness, whicli,e have by the sospes. Dr. Ρriestl ' Mior of Ihe corruptions os Christianis', ill give o the greate satisfaction, Myo will there se tracediui, withua labour an exquisite discernment, o this divine religio of the gospe Was atfirst through the rejudices of those horeceived it, navoidabi deprave by many polytheistic error an superstitions, although it Dunder, theatessita Jesus, aught the wormi of the ather lone in spiritan in truth, and that his favour Was O


othe way to e secured, buta a perseverance in or timet return to the patiis ofviriue, an a hol obedience. You illthere also with pleastre se the present tendenc of things in the christian worid, t ward a restoration os the true religionis

the os pel, an iis final establissiment non the firmest foundations. An his Leiter i a philosophica be-liaver, Par i ii a Mor singula in iis hind, and mos admirabie, ill quietoour mindswith respecto the objections hic have been aded against theaeingi a God, anda providence, and the divine mission os Μoses and of Jesus an prepare o tomeet the powerfui arguments, hic are frequently urged against them both, the lat-ter specialty in company as eli as in books whicli ou ill perceive to avethei urce and ali thei strength, no Domthe gospe itself, ut rom thearoundlest superstitious doctrines grastedipon it. An no i yo assi, o in schola and eminent divine, an vertoo this and muchmore, hici has been accomplimed by this celebrate writer, o the vindication and support


supportis divine revelation and the gospei, and trive to persuade Du that he has done

harm to the cause, an is even vergingtoward infidelit an atheism it is asylo perceive, that r. Horne' prejudices deprive imo ali true judgmen in thecase, by mahinchim place the religiono Christ in thos things and doctrines, iawhic it divine author id not place it, an indeed ne nothing of so that helioldscit tot a du a ali means to oppost Dr. Priesti , ho dentes many of thosethings, hic the other belleves tot themost sacre paris of the gospei, to e any partis it at ali and in particular maintains, that there is no God butine, the single persono the unive sal Fathe alone and that Jesus Christ is a creatur of that God like alithe rest of us, but most hight favoured and

distinguimed by him.


manne of exhibiting Dr. Priestie to Du, and of putting, in the most odious light, his Deedom in criticieting the scriptures; in Whichyo will find that other eminent anfesteemedwriters have ahen a great liberties ache. I stat tali notice of every thing of an moment allege by him, eginning it thesubjectis inspirationi the scriptures Butletrus sirct hea his charges.


judgments upon it, besere I conside the particular allegations, bicli yo are supposedio bring against Dr Priestley. The sacre writers of the New esta-ment, and what is sal of them is applica-ble, caeteris laribus to the writers of the old Testament, had ut the matterribe treatos, nor the words, dictaled in a supernatura manne to them, by hic the were toexpres themselves, in penning down their respective histories of the gospei os Christ butwere lese to codest facts Dom hei propersturces, an to teli them in theiriwn Way. Thus St. Luke, in the prefacerio his goia pel desires that his account of things maybe received by the friend to whomae ad-dresses it a Worthmos credit for his diligence in atheriniit Domahose ho had been Ve- ineris, and ministers of the word I he had belleve that inspiration had been necessar to ive credita his narrative hewould o have salie to have mentioned,


them, ascit dixto Luhe, to tali notice of this circumstance the would have toldis.

that the had been careful tolut doWn withfidelit an exactness, what he had stenand heard the elves, respecting their divine maste Jesus, as alse What the had learnedfromither competent Witnesses.

The Bur evangelist ther ore, after havingacquainte themselves in the est manner the could with the lise, miracles and dis urses of Christ compiled their severat os peis, in the serm emo have them; ith great jud ent confining themselves intirelyto the representationis facts, without mix- in theiriwn opinio , o descanting pon

. his has Men. and Dbeiieveris, the sta- timent of judicious christians, o thi nice subject whil other have pleadedior What the cali, a plenor inspirationis the sacredinriters i. e. that both in the hires