장음표시 사용
he has augii us to analyze, O Xamine, to improve a substancesso litile norun, that eve the recis effectis respiration was an enigma, untilae explained it. Me fir made nown to us the prope Aod is vegetabies, an in ha the difference belween these and animal substances
his own istoveries; ho latet lest this country on private concern of his semily. Tomytelf, and to the frientio stience and truth in generat, on his fide the water, heis aurea lose, ut his native land willae thelainer aehristian rom dee inquir an conviction; a 4 πα- stippe of the ne es true odi an parent of the
Europe. It is certain th since the year 1773, the V andregard of at the learn- ed odies in Europe, have been directed to this country by his means. In very philosophical treatis his nam is to es found and in imo every age. They al own that most of their discoveries are due eithe to the repetitio of his dise coveries, o to the hinis statioresthmusti his Orkβ It has indeed somelimes happened that profound mathematicians and philosophers, through a confine attention to that hindo evidence, whlal, is stricti demonstrative, have hecome incompetent udges of thos probabie arguments amesing bolos certainu is hich a divino revelation
is pravia, and iis doctis es ascertainees; and have either intiret rejected oraeasoned very imperfecti concerning it But Dr. Priest-ley's genius is qua to ali subjecis andremarhable for electing only the strongestandisio suitable arguments pon Ver one
his singula probity, and his discernment, wili neve te him underlahe a subject whichhe does no belleve himself capable os supportio byciust argument, it has seldomsailed but that in most os his controversies, hessi s generallyaad the voice of si intelligent
Important truth no ro e concealeae moremrongA uatimat Dr Prieme, spublicistisn the progressis his inquisies. Impartialis-quirers have no ed creed Service of . Priesti 's .risivs D ih cause of Urgos 'el. Reasons Vir. Horne nos seris his. Tu famous Burriet of the Charter-house, aster havinidelivere his oWn sentiments, with great sorce of argument, rom reasonand scripture, and in a most affectinistrain, again the eternium future punimenis, closes the whole it this caution; illi
whic he say seme of the ancient isthers, who ere of the iam sentiment, alwaysaςcompante me declarario offit:
readers yo may thus se cause to thinh concerning hell, and the future punish- ments of the wiched in om own reast an in our closet; o must e careful to se in commoni received languam concerning them in public and besere the
Ο De inserno, elisituris impiorum suppliciis, haec dixisse sussiciat, modo subjicias illud monitum, quod a
praefatis patribus ubi hoc trarunt argumentum, saepius adhiberi solet. Nimirum, quicquid apud te statuas, antisset in pei re, de his poenis, ternis vel non a recepta doctrina verbisque utendum est cum popula, et cum peroratur ad vulgus; praeceps nempe in vitium, et ista sormidine poenae a malis absterrendum. Praeterea, inter bonos etiam sunt indinies et adulti l te, vel cibo sidiore pro cuiusque viribus, alemsi. Horum o minus habenda est ratio ι nec temere mutanda est parvulorum aut infirmorum diaeta, ne intemperies oriatur, et in morbos incidant. Progressum providen- in miindo sensim ad perfiationem promouendo, et illuntinanda gente humana, semper ante culos, semper in consiliis habere oportet atque pari passu procedendum in studiis et conatibus nostris, donec eo perventum fuerit, ut quod in aurem aiadisimus insolariis praericare liceat' Burnet de Stat mort et resurgent. p. 3II. 312.
ten to thei case, and feedishem .ish mira. r. r. iii. a. ors v meas, a massuit. an no rashlyalter the die of wea chris. tians, te the be uri by the cringe. And herein me re in imitate the methodso divine providence in enlightening man-kind, and ringinciis scheme to perinsection an to anage the fruits of our studies an restarches in the fame antii things come to that state, in the which, what me hamedearimith the ear me mo
I. Ouare o no account O declare or
r omine contrary, he murare texto treat pon the abjeet, o mouid vithmildnes and good temper, is it eoour persuaston, hew, that the angvage of the scriptures is misenderstood, when men would infer se nn it the endles durationis the suffering of wictae men and ais that suci a doctrine is hos incompatibie illi theideas .e cannotaut enteriai of the infinite goodnes of God and there yo are to lea,veit, ithou fear of any harm to the mores of christians resultinifrom it, and without mydoubi but that the most lashing punishments certainly denounced against the evilland im- penitent, though the beriar fromisternat, cannot but have effectipon ali that are cap hie of ein deterre from thei victous
practices.s With respectrio the methodsi divine
Providen , he areis res eo us in uehthings. ur timeris mori and our businessis to maia known important truth in othera,
ascit is dis vero toras it has Men. -ingio a prudenoe of this hiis no alisara tolecommended that there is mi so invehdarhnes an superstitio amon christia , and the scripture so litti understood.
appear Dominis ritings and incidental ac- Counts of himself. Upon that exaenination, hicli it hecomes ever christian to mae, of what was instilled intomim in his outh, fio the sacresstvritings, concerning the ein that madehim, and his expectations rom him hessa the strongest reason to belleve in bible it-self to contain an authentic histor o divine
extraordinar communication to mankind but has found cause, Dom time to time, to alter his opinion concerning many thingstha ha been aught him ut oscit, and particulari concerning one thinihel themost sacre o est thers, the doctrine os the rinity, and the divinit o Christ. He would no have acte the partis arationataeing, i he had ahen hings orllac importanc sororue, as ther deli- vered them to him, ithout examining the striptures, 'hether the were so or not.
And he would no have done his dui as an honest man i on receiving further tot, he had continue to old fori and professitis forme opinions, hic he was persuade his no foundation in the wor of
and minutet give his reason to the public for an important change of religious sentiment, and thereb enabled ther toj ge, hether it has been made o goodand lassicient ground an has invite allto hew, i in an respect he hath mis- represented facts o reasone Wrong ponthem, o mistahen the meaning of scrip
Dr. Price, where e is mentioning thelitile fondnest he had for the opinion hehad received Domiis education, an howmuch he had recede Dom them, e con
every person o good sense, an calm reflexion, and that is under no Wronibias: For that vortii prelate, in his funerat sermon o Dr. Whichcot havin mentione it a customary illi earne men, at a certain age, male heir undersan ius, as he expresse it, an to cand stille their judgments on important