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laled, and the language in hicli the conveyed them, the were unde an minediato divine influence an direction. In the preface to his harmon of the four evangelists, r. riestie has hewn, that this igh notion of the inspirationis thescriptures, of the gospe in particular, thesu est hecis area ting pon, is contrar tofaet the narratives of the different evangelist heing no written illi that perfectionsistency and agmement with each other, whichiuch a supposition necessari irrequires.
And mor ver ascit stem to have been the planis divine providence, neve to furnissa miracles, here natural causes ere sufficient to procure the desire effect , V sucha prodigious divine apparatus os a particular inspiratio of each sacred writer a whollyun necessar in the present case, as ali thegreatend of the gospei anxiis credibili , .are satisfactorii secured by the testimon ofmen of the most unquestionabie integrity,
omers who conversed illi them; holare. u different relations of the same facts con
nute particular a miratae expected rommen ho rote ithout communicationwith ach other, an suci, a serves tomo roborate and confirm thei generes and agree-ing testimon to very thingis importanCe.
An he remarks in the fame way that since providenc has thought propera intrust his valvabie depositis the scriptures in human hands, to the fidelit os uniu- spire transcriber and printer formear 18o years, it cannotae thought inconsistendi ththe iam plan, o have it conveyed torus in simila manne Domaheleginning the apostles ein naturali a capable o relating and writing an account of What theyhear an se , as ther person Would bepo con the account ille them In Sectio xi os observations prefixed tohis marmon of the evangelists, Dr. Ρriestie has suggested a probabie account, how thes sacred writer might be possessedo an exa knowlege of the things relatia by them, though thei narrative of themma dra n u severat years after the evenis themselves and e qualifie to compost thei histories, such as have them.
tures, and What will aveso much troublein perusing ther authors pon the subject; but a containing much useful matter, need ful for the right understanding of the gosepel-history, ome of it noto be et with in an other boota. Nor is the account here given, too deprecialing, o such as reduces the writings of the evangelist to the leve os common
histories. For they ma stillae terme in semela rea inspire Writings, a the Contain a aithis delat of the doctrine of Christ, hic he received immediatelydrom
example, inform me christians of Corinth, that a par of the human species V Would beexempted rom me common strohe of deam, whic ait ther mere destine to relinamely, hos his true an virtuous fia-lowers ho mouid e ound alive at thesecon comingis Christ When by the operationis the divine power, the would echanged, and rendered incorruptibi and -- mortes, at the fame moment, it the innumerable dead should beatased toclife whohad Men, a longe or morte time, asseemininei graves.
ceived rom Christ, ou ill findo ap- prove itfel to)ou the more yo reflecti nil, and tot most agreeablerio fael, and therea state of the sacre writings. W are thus also test more at liber , and more capable os desending our hol religion,
Whe we are noto werable so the just-nes of every word, and the propriet andapines of very quotation in the ein Testamen made from the old, o the ac- Cura of the writer' arguments in ali respects. e may the conside the aposities, what the reali appea to have been,
a me of good sense and the most upright dispositions, ho ould noto gain thewhole orid advance any thing the di notbelleve to e ruea ut ho also ere li- abierio rejudices, an fallible, lihe thermen, and theresere might easil mistaheni thei reasoning on incidental subjects, and in the interpretatio an applicationis thei antient divine law. Ap any mallmistahe of this hin would not ariet thecompetenc an suffcienc of theis evi- Once to the most important sacts o whichthe gospei stands; via. the miracles hy
o Tisi Unisesties. 93whie ou Lord proved his divine missiona the discover made byhim of the will of the heavent Father of ali alid the wayrio secure
his favour the assurance of a resurrectio to
future immortal life after deat given byhim, and confirmed by his own resurrection. Nay high divine powers communicated orabsolute infallibilit in thei reasonings, would ad nothin to the postles testimon concerning plain facts which dependson quite disserent circumstances. Dr. Horne, in neplace gives a specimen ahis own methodis considering the inspiratio of the postles, in hic he maris yo parties as usual but rom the litilethat has no been suggestexto ou Papprehend)ou illae far Dom approving the
among the any instances of God' good ' nesso his hurch, that he has caused it to e writte an hande do no us For
His notion is bulli upo the supposition, that the law of Moses ac divinei contrived, and appotnted, o prefigure, and denote in things concern in Christ, and thegospei; ut in an obscure manner, and covered with a veil, hic he imagines St. Paul here to remove, by a supernaturalknowlege communicated olim. But as,e domo find that oses, o the propheis, eachir intimate any thingis thehiud, it is no credibie, that thei divinela mould have suci, an important signification, and e holi conceale Dom
And stili farther, St. aut himself never
. T. Universities. 93Ηow then, o Wil inquire, are e tojudge of the intentis at these reserences tolli mosai lam in this' episti to the M- brews, and wha degree of inspiration are Met attributerio it twith respectrio the lalter inquiry, it istote observed that in ali these occasionaIwritings of the apostles, no ne revelationis tot expected in them, unlest hen X--
impressed it the importance of it, ould HWay be able, ithout an immediate divine assistance, to state, an explain and a'pl it, to an particula purpost Case oremergency that calle formi, ither inpreachingor riting. An thei doctrine, thus delivered, could o be calle memhuman eaching, o the wordi man, ut
that whic Iesus Christ received by inspiration, an communicaledri his followers, the wordos God. The specia occasio of his inditin this epistis, and the person 'o hom it Was
sent, and theirituation, ill unsold the rea- se of that continua reference to the mo-stic instituti kwhich, meet wit in this epistie, b on an other of his writings. Addressing himself then, ascis generallyacknowleged, o hebre christians, resid-ing in Judea, in angerous times, just sor e the reahing ut of thei fatal aragainst the romans, hen the were under man temptation to desert the gospes, his chie design is to confirm them in thei adherence to t. An the argument ostlihelyrio turn them ac to judaism, eingiliis, ahat the gospe tended to abolim their divine religion, heir Hesthood an sacrifices, without irin uae an equivalenti lie oscit, his eminent eacher ahesothis bufines to me the superiorit os Christ, in character anfossice, to Moses and even to angels by hos instrumentalit theysuppost thei Iaw' have been gruen and Raches a large by comparis , that Christwas a belle high prie than an underthei law, and his deam, o sacrifice, more essicacious and acceptable to God than theis
T. Universities. No that Christ was properi a priest, othis deam properi a sacrifice buttur apos ite acie Writinxto jews, spino, to themin their own way, in term os allusion tothei old religio an iis ceremontes; and intende to signis this ni by it, stat whateve advantagies thensupposed that theyhad rem thei high priest andi sacrifices, christians derived far more and greater DomChrist. That this a the apostle' intent, in ap
ritual to his present purpose, I persuade m self yo will finxon the matures examination to b the truth and that in his wayos interpretinihi lette to his Countrymen, yo have semessure ut and plana whichto proceed; ut in the method hicli Dr. Horne' prejudices lead him to embrace, yo at whollycleis to ingenious conjecture, and imagination.
And though there ill bonae an opportunit os farther inquir in to the supposed priesti character o Christ, his intercession,